Book Read Free

Destination Unknown

Page 23

by Amy Clipston

  The three of us sat down, and I studied the table settings while Chelsea and Todd talked to each other. A slow song rang out over the speakers. Todd took Chelsea’s hand and led her to the dance floor.

  I slumped back in my chair and contemplated my conversation with Taylor. I was so thankful he had called me, and I was anxious to see him. I hoped he wanted to work things out, but I feared he’d tell me he only wanted to be friends. I longed to be his girlfriend, but living without his friendship at all would be torture. At least being his friend would allow me to have a place in his life, which was better than having no contact with him at all.

  I glanced across the ballroom to where Zander was high-fiving his friends as Emily began walking toward me. I hoped they would join me and not dance, even though I knew that was selfish.

  They approached the table, and Emily sat next to me.

  “Did you see Chelsea?” Emily asked, speaking loudly over the music.

  “Yes.” I pointed to where Chelsea and Todd were swaying together. “They took off for the dance floor when this song came on.”

  “Oh.” Emily watched them dance. “She looks awesome.”

  “I know.” I nodded.

  Zander leaned over to me. “Chad tried to talk me into sitting at their table, but I couldn’t do that to you. Emily told me how awful Brett’s been to you. I’m going to give him a piece of my mind when I have a moment.”

  “Thanks, Zander.” I tapped his arm. “I appreciate your offer, but it won’t help. Nothing will change his attitude.”

  “I’ll give it a try. I remember when he was a freshman and was struggling quite a bit on the football field. He wasn’t so high and mighty then.”

  The slow song ended, and Chelsea and Todd weaved through the sea of tables to where we were sitting. Emily jumped up and hugged Chelsea while Zander and Todd shook hands.

  Emily handed her phone to Zander. “Would you take a photo of Chels, Whitney, and me?”

  “Of course.” Zander held up the phone, and we posed for a few photos.

  I dug into my little purse and handed him my phone, and he took a few more photos. We then sat at the table and made small talk while watching more of our classmates arrive. I couldn’t stop myself from glancing at the doors, hoping to see Taylor appear in a tuxedo carrying a beautiful corsage for me.

  Something drew my eyes to the other side of the room, and I found Kristin looking at me. I held her gaze for a moment and then looked down at my phone and examined the photos Zander had taken so I could avert my eyes from her probing stare. After studying all of the photos I’d taken since I bought my phone, I moved on to email, perusing all of the emails I’d received in the past week.

  Several minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

  “Hi.” Kristin gave me a tentative expression. “Can we talk?”

  “Sure.” I left my purse and phone on the table and walked with Kristin toward the far end of the ballroom.

  “You look really nice,” she said as we walked.

  “You do too.” I pointed at her red, strapless dress, which fit her like a glove. A red-and-silver rhinestone necklace sparkled from around her neck. “Red is your color.”

  “Thanks.” She touched her dress. “My mom wasn’t happy I picked strapless, but I won.”

  We stopped in the far corner, and she faced me. “I want to apologize. I was a real jerk to you, and I’m sorry. I had no right to push you to get back together with Brett. It’s none of my business who you decide to date.”

  “Thanks.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “You’ve been my best friend since first grade.” She sniffed. “The truth is, I miss you, Whitney.”

  I hugged her. “I miss you too, Kristin.”

  Kristin gave a little laugh and wiped her eyes. “I told Coach Lori how awful we all were to you. She was really disappointed.”

  I snapped my fingers. “You were the one who told her the truth. I was wondering how she found out.”

  “Yeah.” Kristin sniffed. “I couldn’t live with the guilt anymore. She encouraged me to come and talk to you, but I was so angry with myself that I didn’t know what to say. I realized the best way to handle it was to be honest and admit I was wrong.”

  “Thank you.” I touched her hand.

  “So, we’re friends again?” She looked hopeful.


  Kristin pointed toward my table. “Where’s Taylor?”

  “That’s a long story. Basically I did something stupid, and he broke up with me.”

  “No!” Kristin cupped her hand to her mouth. “What happened?”

  I told Kristin the abbreviated version of what transpired, and she shook her head with empathy.

  I smiled at her authenticity. “He called me earlier and said he wanted to talk. He should be here soon. I’m just hoping he wants to work things out. It’s been torture to not talk to him. I miss him so much.”

  She touched my shoulder. “If he really likes you, which I’m certain he does, he’ll give you another chance. I think Brett’s been acting like such a jerk to you because he’s jealous of you and Taylor. He can see how good you and Taylor are together.”

  “You’re probably right, but nothing excuses Brett’s behavior.”

  “Very true.” She looped her arm around my shoulders. “I’m so glad we’re friends again. I couldn’t imagine graduating without having you as my best friend. Let’s not fight again, okay?”

  “Okay.” I spotted the waitstaff bringing out the salads. “Hey, it looks like it’s time to eat. We better get back to our tables.”

  She started toward her table. “I’ll go tell Doug we’re coming to sit with you.”

  “Wait!” I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “I don’t want Brett and Misty to come over.”

  “Don’t worry. They’re not invited.” She hurried off toward her table.

  I sat down next to Emily, and she moved close to me.

  “It looks like you and Kristin worked things out,” she said.

  “Yes. She apologized and asked to be friends again. I’m so relieved. I missed her.”

  “That’s wonderful news.” Emily clapped her hands.

  Kristin and Doug joined our table, with Kristin sitting beside me. Soon the waitstaff brought our salads, and we were all eating and talking over the loud music. I couldn’t stop thinking about Taylor and wondering when he would arrive. The anticipation was eating me up inside.

  I was listening while Zander shared a story about his automotive technical school when I spotted a flash out of the corner of my eye. I looked down at the table, and my iPhone was lit up, telling me I had a text message. I held up the phone, and when I found a message from Taylor, my heart skipped a beat.

  I unlocked the phone and read the entire message, which said: I’m looking for a good Spanish tutor. Do you know anyone who can translate this: Te extraño?

  He missed me! Tears filled my eyes as I typed back: I might be able to help you. I think it means I miss you too.

  He quickly responded: Is that so? How about this: Te vez linda en ese vestido rosado.

  My mouth gaped as I translated “You look pretty in that pink dress.” I glanced around the room looking for Taylor but didn’t spot him. Where is he hiding?

  Emily touched my hand. “Is Taylor texting you?”

  “Yes.” I kept my eyes glued to the phone screen and typed: U can see me, but I can’t see u. That’s not fair!

  My pulse quickened as I awaited a response. Where was he? Why wasn’t he responding? A hand touched my shoulder, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I looked up and found Taylor smiling down at me.

  “Taylor!” I leaped from my chair and into his arms. “Oh, Taylor. I’m so glad you’re finally here.”

  “You’re the most beautiful girl in the room.” His breath was warm against my neck as he whispered in my ear. “I’ve been going crazy without you. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you too.” I took a step
back and studied him. I couldn’t help but smile when I realized he was still taller than I was, even though I was wearing heels. Maybe we were meant to be together!

  Not only was he tall, but he was handsome in his tuxedo. “You look amazing.”

  He held out a clear plastic box containing a wrist corsage with pink tea roses and baby’s breath. “I was hoping I got the right shade of pink.”

  “Oh, I love it!” He put it on my wrist, and I held it next to my dress. “It’s perfect.”

  “I have something else for you too.” Taylor handed me a small pink gift bag. “It’s a peace offering.”

  I fished past the pink tissue paper and found homemade chocolate-chip cookies. I laughed as I pulled one out. “Did you make these?”

  He shook his head. “No, I can’t take credit for that. My mom made them for me. I couldn’t get off work early, so I knew I wouldn’t have time to make them before I came tonight.”

  “Thank you so much.” I hugged him again. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  He rested his chin on my head and rubbed my back. “I am too. I can barely hear myself think over the music. Can we go talk somewhere?”

  “Yes.” I placed the bag on the table and glanced at Kristin and Emily, who both gave me a thumbs-up. I then took Taylor’s hand, and he led me out into the hallway.

  chapter twenty-two

  Taylor and I walked together toward the lobby.

  “You look stunning, Whitney.” He glanced down at my dress. “You actually took my breath away when I saw you. I mean that.”

  I blushed as I looked up at him. “Thank you. You’re the hottest guy at the prom by the way. No one can wear a tux like you.”

  He laughed. “Thanks.”

  He led me toward a leather sofa on the far end of the lobby, and we sat together.

  “I’m sorry for what I said to you at school.” He held my hand while facing me. “I shouldn’t have accused you of using me. I said all of that because I was hurt.”

  “I deserved it.” My eyes filled with tears. “You were right when you said I should’ve stood up to my mom.”

  “No, I know it was more complicated than that.”

  “But it shouldn’t be.” I held his hand in both of mine. “I know now I have to stand up for what I believe in, despite what my mother thinks or what anyone else thinks. I need to be comfortable in my own skin and not worry about stereotypes. I am who I am, despite what everyone else thinks. You mean more to me than anyone else, and I’m ready to stand up for you.”

  “Thank you.” He paused. “I guess what hurt me the most was when I heard you admit you had used me to rebel against your mother. I had thought your friendship was genuine from the start. I just felt foolish for believing you could like me.”

  “I always liked you.” I emphasized the words. “I just wound up liking you a lot more than I ever imagined. I thought we’d be friends, but after I got to know you, I couldn’t wait for you to ask me out. You’ve become my best friend. I’ve been able to share things with you that I’ve never told anyone. You bring out the best in me. You challenge me to think beyond myself, and I’ve learned so much from you. I’ve learned more than just enough calculus to get a B-plus. I’ve learned how to be a better person.”

  I squeezed his hand as I continued. “In the beginning I thought being your friend would be a great way to rebel against my mother, but I found I liked you more and more as we spent more time together. And I love your family. Your sister is a sweetheart, and your mom is easy to talk to. I truly fell for you and your family. I’m just sorry you had to hear my conversation with my mother. My mother couldn’t understand how I could become close to you, but she’s never taken the time to get to know you and your family. She’s missing out on wonderful people who are genuine and work hard for a living.”

  “Wow,” he said. “You’ve really figured things out.”

  “I have. There have been people like Emily and Jenna who’ve helped me along the way. I’ve also been talking to God a lot, and I feel like I have a deeper relationship with him. I realize now who I am as a person. I don’t care what others think of me. I have to be true to myself. I can stand up to my mother for what I think is right, and I’m going to start doing that.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” He stared into my eyes. “I’m really sorry I broke up with you. I was wrong to not respond to your text messages or your calls, but I was trying to sort through all of my feelings. I was hurt, but I also missed you terribly. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”

  “I haven’t either. I felt like my heart was ripped out when you wouldn’t talk to me.”

  Taylor ran his finger down my cheekbone and then rested his hand on my cheek. “I know part of my problem was I never felt like I was good enough for you. As much as I accused you of being a snob, I was just as guilty of not thinking we belonged together. When I realized I was falling for you, I got scared. I was afraid you didn’t feel the same way about me that I felt about you. I was actually afraid to ask you out because I thought you would reject me. I thought you’d laugh at me and say that you only wanted to be friends.”

  “I would never laugh at you, Taylor. I thought it was obvious I was dying for you to ask me out.”

  “I think my low self-esteem got in the way. I was so convinced you would never consider me good enough to be your boyfriend that I sabotaged myself.” He caressed my cheek with his hand. “I was so wrong about everything. I’m sorry for letting my pride get in the way. I never believed in myself. I never believed in us.”

  “You can believe in us now, Taylor.” I turned my face and kissed his hand. “We do belong together.”

  “I know that now. And I plan to never let you go again.”

  “That sounds good to me.”

  He dipped his chin and kissed me. I lost myself in the warmth of his kiss, and I wanted the moment to last forever.

  He looked down at me and touched my face. “I think we’d better get back into the ballroom before our friends eat our dinner.”

  “You’re probably right. Zander looked pretty hungry.”

  Taylor stood and took my hand in his. He pulled me to my feet, and we started back toward the ballroom.

  As we approached the door, I looked up at him. “What made you change your mind about me?”

  He stopped and held my hand up to his chest. “You mean other than the fact that I couldn’t stop thinking about you?”

  I nodded. “Did you talk to someone who changed your mind?”

  Taylor grinned. “Let’s just say a neighbor spoke to me.”

  “A neighbor?” My eyes widened. “Emily?”

  “Your cousin has a very good perspective on things, and she made me realize how much you and I care about each other. She and I had a long talk last night, and I was up most of the night thinking about what she said. She’s very wise, and she also thinks a lot of you.”

  “It’s mutual.” I looked through the door and spotted Emily and Zander sitting close together talking to each other. I was so thankful for my cousin and our very special friendship.

  The music transitioned from a loud, heavy rock beat to a slow song, and Taylor tugged on my arm, causing me to stumble forward.

  “What are you doing?” I asked as I trailed him.

  “You’re going to dance with me, Whitney Richards.” He grinned at me. “It’s our senior prom, and we need some fun memories of making fools of ourselves on the dance floor.”

  “Speak for yourself! I took two years of tap and three of ballet.”

  “Along with the gymnastics?” He pulled me onto the dance floor.

  “Yes. My mother was into running me around to different activities when I was younger.” I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “You’re something else, Whitney Richards.” He looped his arms around my waist.

  “That’s why you like me.” I grinned at him.

  “No, I don’t like you, Whitney.” He shook his h
ead and then leaned down. “Te amo.” The words were like music to me.

  “I love you too, Taylor.” I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest as happiness bubbled inside me.

  The rest of the evening moved at lightning speed as we danced, ate, talked, and laughed with our friends. All too soon, the time passed midnight, and students were slowly starting to leave.

  Emily yawned and placed her head on Zander’s chest while we stood by our table. “I think I’m spent. I don’t mean to be a killjoy, but I need to get home.”

  Zander glanced at me. “I assume you have a ride home, Whitney?”

  “Well, that depends.” I turned to Taylor. “Did you bring your motorcycle?”

  “Nope.” He placed his arm on my shoulder. “I brought my uncle’s car.”

  “Really?” Emily’s eyebrows shot up. “I think I want to ride home with you.”

  “Hey!” Zander feigned insult. “The Beamer isn’t good enough for you?”

  “You haven’t seen Taylor’s uncle’s car.” Emily bumped Zander with her elbow. “If you did, you’d leave the Beamer in the parking garage and ride home with Taylor too.”

  “What’s the big secret?” I looked between Emily and Taylor while they smiled at each other. “What kind of car is it?”

  Zander folded his arms over his chest. “I’m listening. If Emily is that impressed, then it has to be good.”

  “My uncle Rico restored a 1966 Mustang,” Taylor said. “It’s out of this world.”

  “And he let you borrow it tonight?” Zander asked.

  “Yeah.” Taylor puffed out his chest like a proud bird. “He trusts me.”

  “He obviously does.” Zander pointed toward the door. “Let’s go see this car. Maybe I’ll let you take the Beamer, and I’ll try out the Mustang.”

  Taylor shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

  The four of us walked out to the lobby, and when we reached the entrance, the boys handed the valets their keys. While we waited for the cars, Zander and Taylor fell into a conversation about cars and motorcycles.

  I moved closer to Emily. “You were right, Emily. Everything worked out perfectly. This evening has been magical.”


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