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Alien Colony

Page 7

by Anna Lewis

  She pulled back consciously when the kiss was deepened. “Kristan!” she said playfully. “I don’t want their respect of you to be affected because of this…this…whatever we have.”

  “I don’t think their respect will be lessened. They’re going to be very happy for me, I think. And everybody loves you, anyway!”

  She smiled haughtily. “Well, I’m certainly lovable, am I not?” she said with confidence, flipping her hair in effect.

  He laughed. “Now that’s the real Lindy who washed up on shore and graced us with her presence.”

  She suddenly grew serious at the mention of that fateful day. “It’s destiny, maybe,” she whispered, thinking about the purpose behind it all. “Among all of us, why was I the one singled out? Why was I brought here? Perhaps it’s to discover the new Lindy, the real Lindy…”

  Kristan nodded in agreement. “The old Lindy was a pain in the ass and was so full of herself. The real Lindy… is just plain beautiful inside and out.”

  “Thank you, Kristan.” She was moved by his words. This time, she really felt he was genuinely beginning to care for her. And he was opening up more and more too.

  He took her hand and led her toward the far end of the beach that was partially covered by dunes.

  “Where are we going? I seriously need to get to work now,” Lindy insisted. “My boss is going to kill me.”

  Kristan laughed. “The boss of your boss of your boss is me. And I say you’re spending the rest of the day with me!”

  Lindy laughed too, her heart melting. She had to admit she loved the sound of that idea.

  They were walking hand in hand on the shore when she spotted a small white yacht docked a little distance from where they were standing on the beach. She stared at it in surprise as she slowed down to a stop. “What’s that?” she asked.

  He smiled at her. “That’s my surprise for you,” he said. “That boat can take you home, Lindy.”

  She couldn’t believe her ears. Knowing she could finally go back to her old life filled her with a mixture of confusing emotions.

  He pulled her gently in the direction of the boat until they were standing almost in front of it. Then he faced her and held both of her hands. “I had to contact several other connections and threatened to contact the US President himself if they didn’t get me that boat in time for your birthday!”

  She was beginning to tear up, her heart constricting with a fusion of anxiety and excitement. Yes, she was very eager to see her best friend Belinda and to inform her other friends and colleagues that she was still alive. But somehow, the tinge of sadness that crept in her heart was fast spreading across her entire body, dampening her spirit.

  This was the news she’d been waiting for all this time, and now that it was here, it wasn’t such great news to her after all.

  “Is this why you want us to spend the day together?” she whispered, her face suddenly draining of color at the thought of having to leave him now that things were going so well between them.

  He nodded. “I care about you, Lindy. I want you to be happy.”


  He placed a finger on her lips. “I know you’re afraid you’ll never see me again. All those racing thoughts in your head are making me dizzy!” he joked.

  She made a face at him and gave him a playful slap on the chest. He caught her hand and held it tightly in his. “I don’t know yet how, but I’ll find a way to visit you, Lindy.”

  She was doubtful about that. “But the war is so near already.”

  “Then it’s even more important for you to go now,” he said with concern. “I don’t want you to be involved in a war, Lindy. It’s not your battle to fight. You have another life that you deserve to live and I want you to have that.”

  She nodded, trying to hold back her tears. She wanted to stay longer or at least have the assurance that they would see each other again. But there was nothing else she could do.

  “This boat cannot wait long, Lindy,” he told her. “It’s leaving tomorrow morning. You have to be on it.”

  A tear finally rolled down her cheek. I want to be with you, Kristan. I love you.

  She knew he could read her mind, but at that moment, these were the words that were going through her head. She didn’t care anymore.

  He opened his mouth to say something, but then changed his mind and looked away. Then after a few seconds, he faced her once more with a wide smile. “How about, just for the next few hours, let’s just try to have fun together?”

  More tears fell from her eyes, but she still nodded and forced a weak smile.

  He reached over to wipe her tears away and then leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.

  That day, they played like little kids on the sand, went swimming, and attempted to do some fishing for their lunch. But since they ended up catching nothing, the prince had to call on a cook to fix a picnic feast for them.

  After lunch, they rested for a while before challenging each other to go into the woods on a hunt for fruits. Each of them held a basket that they had to fill up with as many fruits as they could find.

  “So, what prize do I get if I win?” asked Lindy with an excited glint in her eye.

  Kristan grinned at her. “It’s a surprise.”

  “But that’s unfair!”

  “Well, I’m the prince so I get to decide on the rules,” he said haughtily, to which she laughed heartily as she remembered the first few weeks before she’d gotten to know him.

  “And I’m the visitor here, so I have the right to know what prize I’ll get,” Lindy pressed, her eyes narrowing at him.

  “Fine,” he said, pulling her closer and gazing into her eyes. “If you win, you can ask me anything and I’ll tell you what’s really on my mind.”

  She paused, thinking. “That’s it?” she said in a kidding tone. “I thought it was going to be a piece of your hidden treasures or something!”

  He chuckled. “Well, I know you’re already filthy rich where you came from.”

  “Hmmm… You have a point!”

  They both had a good laugh, then agreed to meet up after thirty minutes to see who the winner was.

  Chapter 12:

  Lindy was happily heading back to their meeting place with her basket of fruit, when she heard some voices. She halted and tried to determine where the sound was coming from.

  “I only did it for you!” a familiar man’s voice drifted toward her.

  She followed the sound of the voice and hid behind a cluster of trees, peeking out to see the familiar figure of Calone with her friend Kayraz.

  “I’m tired of your lies,” Kay responded angrily. “Just leave me alone. I am going to tell Prince Kristan and you won’t be able to stop me!”

  She turned around to walk away, but Calone grabbed her hand forcefully, his eyes flashing with anger. “Don’t you dare!”

  Kay shrugged him off with all her might, surprising him and making him step aside. “Calone, please. Just don’t go through with your plans, okay? Don’t ruin this for the entire community, for the entire planet.”

  “I wanted the money so the two of us could go somewhere else and be together,” he answered. “You know I never felt like I belonged to this community. I was never a Vorton at heart.”

  They continued to argue while Lindy listened. It took all her resolve not to go out there and confront the big man. She figured Kay had caught him talking to their alien enemies and probably accepting money and other treasures in exchange for information.

  She wondered how he’d been able to dodge the mind-reading ability of the prince. Maybe the other aliens had supplied him with a blocking device or something.

  Lindy felt badly for her friend. She knew that Kay still had some love for him but had been trying hard to get over him. She should have told her about his rendezvous with the other cleaners.

  They eventually moved away, and Lindy went back to the meeting place with her head swimming with possibilities and suspicions and plans.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Kristan said when he saw her.

  She immediately told him what she’d seen, their basket challenge all forgotten. He contacted some people, but was determined not to ruin their day together.

  They went to the main house and decided to make a fruit salad out of the fruits they had gathered. As they worked together, Lindy shook off the uneasy feeling about what she’d heard—just for the time being.

  The prince opened up about his past for the first time, telling her about his family and how life had been for him growing up with the pressure of royalty and of leading an entire planet. He told her about his painful experiences and how he’d been struggling to overcome them and be the best prince and leader he could be.

  Meanwhile, Lindy also told him stories about her childhood and teenage years, how she’d had to move heaven and earth to become a big star in the entertainment industry.

  It was a great bonding moment for them and she felt as if their relationship had moved up several notches. Now she could feel that they were much closer and they understood each other better too.

  They spent the afternoon with their friends, enjoying not just the salad they had prepared but other snacks too that the others had brought.

  Finally, night fell. Everybody else went home, leaving Lindy and Kristan alone in the back garden of the main house.

  “Thank you, Kristan,” Lindy said. “Thank you for everything.” And he knew that she was not only referring to that day, but to the whole time she’d been there on the island.

  He was trying not to feel sad about her pending departure. He needed to be brave for her and for his people too. He couldn’t let something like this get in the way of his game plan. There would be time for a real relationship after he won the war.

  She stepped forward and kissed him on the lips. He eagerly returned the kiss, their desire building up and spreading across their bodies. He led her to a more private portion of the garden where they would not be seen. Quickly their kisses grew with passion and hunger. Clothes were strewn to the ground.

  Kristan’s lips devoured her luscious breasts as she straddled him on the ground. Moaning, she wrapped her arms tightly around him and eased herself down to slide onto his waiting stiffness. He embraced her closely as she moved up and down on top of him.

  Soon they were lying on the ground and he rolled her over so that he was now on top. Their bodies swayed in unison, perfectly synchronized.

  Lindy could feel herself climbing to an incredibly blissful indulgence. He was going faster too, breathing heavily, and pushing himself further inside her. They reached the climax, the sexual explosion filling them both with amazing delight.

  Lindy wanted more, but she knew she had to go and start packing her things. He offered to go with her and help, but she knew that he still had other things to attend to. Besides she could feel herself weakening as each moment passed by with him. If she let him go with her, she may decide to stay for good.

  “Please, I’ll just see you early in the morning,” Lindy said. “It’s best we don’t spend the night together. Besides, you should follow up on what they found out about Calone, right? You also need to rest.”

  “Okay,” he agreed reluctantly.

  It was very difficult to part, but Lindy forced herself to leave. With a heavy heart, she climbed onto the special carriage he’d arranged for her and softly cried the whole way back to her sleeping quarters.

  Chapter 13:

  It’s time, Lindy thought upon waking up. Her eyes were a bit puffy from crying, but she knew she couldn’t stay on the island any longer. Besides, this was her only chance to go home.

  After taking a quick shower and dressing, she took her duffel bag from the floor, the one she’d packed the night before. That was when she noticed that Kay’s slippers weren’t in their usual place. She glanced at the bed beside hers. It was empty.

  I wonder where Kay went to so early today… she thought. She had wanted to say goodbye to Kay who had become her closest Vorton friend, while keeping her departure a secret from everybody else. It would be better that way—no fuss, no sad goodbyes.

  On her way to the beach, she recalled Kay’s conversation with Calone. A feeling of dread suddenly came over her. She had a hunch that she just couldn’t shake off. So, even though she knew the boat might leave her if she didn’t make it there on time, she could not very well go without checking if her friend was okay.

  She found herself hiking toward the cave. Just a strong hunch.

  Quietly she approached the cave, her heart beating fast with rising fear and apprehension. At the entrance, she tried to listen for any sound that might be coming from inside. There was nothing.

  She went in, anyway, to be sure. Carefully she groped her way in the dark. When she got to the drop, she went down on her knees and called, “Kay? Are you here?”

  No answer.

  “Is anyone here?” she asked, her voice echoing against the walls of the cave.

  Still no answer.

  She stood up then and was about to turn around when the stone she was standing on suddenly gave way, causing her to lose her balance. One leg fell over the side. She screamed.

  Strong hands caught her before she tumbled over. She looked up and found herself staring into a face she knew well. It was Elixir, looking alarmed and worried. He pulled her up so quickly that she found herself falling forward and crashing onto his bulky chest. His arms immediately wrapped around her.

  “Are you okay, Lindy? What are you doing here?” he asked. His face seemed genuinely concerned, but his eyes seemed to be amiss.

  “I might ask you that same question,” she said at once.

  His eyes flashed with annoyance. But he remained calm. “I…” he looked down, appearing uncomfortable. “I just… I saw you leaving your room a while ago, carrying a huge bag…” He motioned to the duffel bag on the floor beside her. “I followed you, Lindy. I was afraid you were going to leave.”

  She surprised by what he was saying. Was he telling the truth? He did look sincere and terribly affected.

  “Why do you have so many things with you? Where are you going, Lindy?”

  “I’m going back to my home,” Lindy said truthfully. “There’s a boat waiting for me now. I need to go, Elixir.”

  She tried to slide past him, but he suddenly enfolded her in his arms and hugged her tightly. “I’m going to miss you,” he declared, his voice breaking.

  She hugged him back. “I’m going to miss you too, Eli. And everyone else here. You guys are my family.” She let go then and was about to step out of the cave when the entrance was blocked by a huge figure—Calone!

  “Hey, what’s she doing here?!” Calone demanded, his eyes shifting to Eli who was standing right behind Lindy.

  “Don’t worry,” Eli said. “There’s a boat waiting to take her home to her own people. I’ll walk her there myself. She won’t be able to tell anyone.”

  “Are you fuckin’ crazy?” Calone said. “There’s probably a human soldier there who’s in contact with the prince! Nobody’s leaving!”

  To drive home his point, he stepped forward intimidatingly toward Lindy. She was seriously afraid of him now.

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked, looking from Calone to Eli, her heart pounding very hard.

  Calone just glared at her. “If she doesn’t show up at the boat, the prince will definitely start looking. We need to get the hell out of here!”

  “Where is Kay, Calone?” Lindy then demanded. “What did you do to her?”

  “That woman is a curse! I don’t know where she is! Probably went off to tell on me!” Calone replied with rage.

  Deep inside, Lindy felt relieved. At least she knew her friend was safe and sound.

  “Well, we gotta get on that boat now and just get rid of whoever’s operating it,” Eli declared. He grabbed Lindy’s arm, twisting it with the force. She yelped in pain, which made him throw her a look of apology. But he remained quiet.

  She wante
d to scream for help once they were back in the woods. “Don’t you dare do something stupid,” Eli hissed as he dragged her. “Or else we’re going to send a message to our contact to attack this community right now.”

  That definitely shut her up.

  When they got to the boat, Calone calmly told the waiting soldier that they had been tasked to ensure Lindy’s safety. “We were asked to go with her, Sir,” he said.

  The soldier wasn’t convinced. He asked a lot of questions.

  Suddenly, Calone lunged at him, knocking off his gun in one swift motion and then strangling him on the floor. They fought for a long time before Calone gave him a series of punches that knocked him out.

  The two men threw the soldier over the side into the ocean and hurried to start the boat’s engine. Lindy stood frozen on the spot, contemplating whether or not to jump onto the water and swim to the shore.

  She had just decided to jump when Eli grabbed her by the waist.

  “Let me go!” she screamed.

  From a distance, she could hear the roaring engine of what she hoped to be a motorboat heading toward their direction. Help was on the way!

  Eli yanked her hard into the enclosed cabin. When they were all alone, she cried, “Why are you doing this, Eli? I never thought you were this desperate! And I thought we could truly be friends, you know.”

  To her surprise, his eyes were full of sadness. “All my life…” he began quietly. “… I never got what I wanted. I was never looked up to. I didn’t get to be a soldier. I didn’t get to be the person my parents expected me to be, that’s why they sent me to this island. And I didn’t get you.”

  “I’m so sorry…” was all Lindy could whisper, not realizing how badly he was broken inside.

  “It’s alright,” he spit out. “Those so-called evil aliens were the ones who were kind enough to give me the opportunity—to prove that I’m worthy too. The prince doesn’t know a thing about leading an army!”

  She bit her lip to keep from retorting. She could feel the boat moving now, which deeply worried her. I need to get out of here, she thought in panic, her mind working double-time to improvise a way out. Her eyes darted around discreetly, looking for something to use as a weapon. She spotted a flashlight on the bedside table.


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