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Alien Colony

Page 19

by Anna Lewis

  There was a jolt as the Necromancer was sent back into the spirit plane—this time, for good. Nessa took a deep breath. Her heart was pounding relentlessly. There was no time for pausing. Charlie and Ra needed her. She ran, Phoenix Blade blazing in her hand, toward the two dragons. The walls had caved, and yet the two fought on, large claws scrabbling at each other’s golden scales, causing sparks to flare up. Blood from both of them was splattered everywhere, steaming where it landed. Nessa paused. She didn’t know what to do.

  “Ra!” She yelled. “Stand back!” Ra heard her. He leapt back from the other dragon. She recalled Charlie’s words from back on the spirit plane. He had thought that his brother would be the one to kill him. And yet—it would be her. She felt sick to do this. The dragon faced her down. As it did so, the black orbs changed—for a second, she was staring at Charlie. He nodded at her.

  The demon’s black orbs returned. The chest thrummed as the dragon prepared to let forth a large bout of flames at her. She could feel the intense heat as it rose within him. She held up the blade, hurtling toward Charlie at a run. She watched as the blade plunged into Charlie’s golden chest. Hot blood sprayed at her, burning her skin. She pulled the blade out of his chest, its flames extinguished. The demon in Charlie roared in pain and dismay as the enormous golden body fell to the floor. The castle shook with the weight.

  Ra was running past her, back in his human form. He was naked as he knelt down beside his brother, who was changing back into his human form. Nessa ran to Charlie’s other side. He was breathing heavily, in pain as he looked up at the both of them. His eyes were their normal deep, sparkling blue. He smiled up at them.

  “You did it,” he said weakly. “You won, Nessa.” Nessa began to sob.

  “You can’t die,” she said. “Not now.”

  “It’ll be okay,” Charlie promised her. “You’re the Necromancer, baby. Just bring me back.” He closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath. She looked at Ra.

  “Heal him,” she said.

  “What?” He exclaimed. Tears were running down his face. But when he looked at her, his eyes were filled with sudden hope.

  “I’ll go and get him. We have to work quickly,” she said. Ra nodded, beginning the incantation to heal the sword wound in Charlie’s chest. Meanwhile, Nessa let herself shift over, between planes. She let herself leave her body. She found herself in the dark mist, standing over Charlie’s body. Ra was completing the incantation, watching as the skin knit back together. She looked beside her, to find Charlie, walking away from her as he began his journey over to the spirit plane.

  “Charlie!” She called out. “Wait!” He turned to look at her. He smiled in recognition.

  “It’s time, Nessa,” he said. He turned to look. “Look at it. It’s beautiful.” Nessa glanced over in the direction that he was looking. There was a brilliant light that shone brightly. It felt warm. She could hear voices, speaking, calling out to Charlie. She grabbed his hand tightly, feeling her powers anchoring his spirit.

  “Not yet, Charlie,” she said. “Come back.” She closed her eyes, feeling herself fall back into her own body. She was grasping Charlie’s hand, whispering, “Come back, Charlie, come back.” She opened her eyes. Charlie was looking up at her, grinning.

  “You did it, Nessa,” he said. “I knew you could.” Ra was grinning at them both.

  “Our first Court Necromancer,” he said.

  “Agh, that sounds like Court Jester,” Nessa groaned. “No titles for me, thank you very much.”

  “As you wish,” he replied, shrugging. She got the feeling that it was going to stick. She could see the princely determination in his eyes.

  “You two can fight about this later,” Charlie said, closing his eyes. “I need to sleep some.” As Charlie drifted off, Nessa and Ra sat back on the marble floor and glanced around at the wreckage, some of which was still steaming. Nessa looked to her side, picking up the Phoenix Blade. The flames had stopped, but it shone with a dark light. She looked over at Ra, who was looking at it jealously.

  “No,” she said. “This one’s mine. You go find your own.” They both laughed.

  “Fine,” he shrugged. He raised his finger, pointing at her. “You have to come with me to recover it, though.” She raised her eyebrow.


  “Yes. I’ve read about it quite extensively, Professor,” he said. “It is supposedly kept in the crypt of a certain Dragon King, out in a certain jungle.” Nessa groaned.

  “That crypt is cursed,” she said angrily. “I’m not going near it.”

  “Oh, but you will, my dear,” he said, taking her hands in his. He looked deep into her eyes, then down at himself. “I mean, look this body. You want it, don’t you?” He smiled at her crookedly as he arched an eyebrow suggestively.

  “Are you trying to bribe me with sex?” She asked, outraged. He looked away, then looked back at her again.

  “Maybe,” he said. “Maybe not.” He got up off the floor, picking her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He leaned in, whispering in her ear. “Shall we, while my brother the prince sleeps?”

  “Who is going to take care of him?” she asked. He smiled.

  “We will, of course.” Ra set her down on her feet. He picked up his brother easily, carrying him off. Servants began to appear as they walked Charlie to his tower. They bowed before Ra in deference, all calling, “Long Live the King.” It had gotten around that the queen was gone.

  Ra set Charlie down on his bed in the tower. Charlie’s breathing was soft and even. Nessa sat down on the edge of his bed. She pulled the comforter over him. She took his hand. She could feel his power. It was softened.

  “He’s exhausted,” she commented.

  “Yes,” Ra replied. “Being possessed tends to take quite a bit out of you.” She nodded. “Let’s let him sleep, dear.” She stood up, climbing into his arms.

  “As you wish, my King,” she said. He carried her down the tower steps. He nudged open a door that was close by. Inside, the room was covered in red wallpaper—the bed had red silk sheets.

  “In my mind,” Nessa said, frowning, “In my mind, this was where we were.”

  “Oh?” Ra asked.

  “Yes,” she replied. “Charlie saw it.”

  “Sometimes, he can add things to things,” Ra said sagely. Nessa leaned in, covering his lips with her own. It was like in the waltz—Ra lead. He placed her on the bed. As he lifted her shirt, he trailed kisses along her skin. It wasn’t like with Charlie, where the electricity of his power caused her skin to flush red, but it was different—his kisses caused her to go warm. She panted as his tongue circled her nipple. He pulled off her pants, her panties. He knelt down in between her legs, his tongue sliding into the slit of her vagina, teasing her clit, causing her to cry out. He looked up at her, grinning.

  “Come here,” she purred, pulling him close to her. He picked her up by the hips. She wrapped her legs around his waist, finding the tip of his penis at her opening.

  “You’re dripping wet,” he said, his nose against hers, his mouth just touching hers. She could taste her own juices on his lips as they kissed. She moaned as he slowly lowered her onto his penis. He moved her up and down, leaning her against the wall. He moved her faster and faster as they both began to cry out.

  Spent from first fighting, and then fucking, they lay on his silk sheets. Ra wrapped his arms around her, drifting off to sleep. She extricated herself from his grasp. The King, she thought with pride. He would be a good king. He was strong and fair and confident. She wasn’t sure how the public would handle the king and his brother sharing a woman. A woman who was a Necromancer, no less. She kissed Ra on the cheek. In his sleep, he smiled.

  She wrapped herself in a blanket and left his room, making her way back up the tower steps to check on Charlie. He was awake, sitting up in his bed. He smiled when he saw her.

  “You’re not wearing your gloves,” she said lightly. He smiled.

  “No,” he replied. “
I think it’s lessened.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, frowning in concern.

  “Ever since you brought me back, when I died,” he said. “It’s less than it was.” They sat in silence for a moment.

  “You know the first time that we kissed?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “You asked me to put my hands on you,” he said, looking at her, pain in his eyes. “I never wanted to do something more.”

  “Do it, Charlie,” she said. She stood up, unwrapping the blanket from her body. His eyes travelled hungrily over her skin. “Touch me.”

  He placed his hands on her abdomen. The electricity was gone, or held in check. As he ran the flat of his palms over her skin, it raised goosebumps over her flesh. He leaned forward, kissing her on the sternum, trailing kisses in between her breasts. He pulled her closer to him. He looked up at her, smiling.

  “I love you, Nessa.”

  “I love you, Charlie.” He pulled her onto the bed with him, and he leaned over her.

  “What do you want me to do?” He asked.

  “Make love to me,” she said. He did—it was slow, therapeutic. They kissed deeply, passionately. When they both came, it was heady, causing her to writhe in pleasure beneath him. He let himself down beside her, wrapping his arm around her abdomen, placing his chin on her shoulder. She tilted her head to the side to look at him.

  “What’s next?” She asked.

  “Ra becomes King,” he said.

  “Already happened,” she said. “You slept through it.”

  “Ah, well,” he shrugged. “I suppose we begin to study Necromancy. We need to see what your powers can do.”

  “And then what?” Nessa asked.

  “We live happily ever after,” he whispered.

  “Sounds good,” she said, covering his lips with hers. She could feel him letting his power loosen a bit, a vision emanating from him. She smiled.


  Nessa and Charlie stood to the side of the throne. Ra sat upon it, the large golden crown being set upon his head by the court herald. He held in one hand, a sword—not the one from the cursed tomb, a ceremonial one. In his other hand, he held a massive, jeweled scepter. He was dressed all in gold, except for the deep crimson cape line in ermine. As the court herald stepped away from him, he bowed. He then turned to the large gathering of the court.

  “All Hail King Imrahil,” he pronounced.

  “All Hail the King,” the court intoned. Nessa and Charlie looked over at Ra. He looked stern as he glanced out over all who were gathered. He glanced over at them and grinned widely. They smiled back at him. Charlie reached out and grabbed Nessa by the hand.

  “Are you wearing your gloves again?” She asked.

  “Never know if someone is going to try to shake me by the hand,” he said wryly.

  “Well, he’s going to be insufferable,” Nessa mumbled.

  “He was always insufferable,” Charlie replied.

  “What will we do with him?” Nessa asked.

  “Go get him his cursed sword,” Charlie said, and they both laughed. Ra stood, walking down from his throne. He was surrounded by well-wishers. Charlie offered Nessa his arm, and they walked among the crowd.

  “You look beautiful,” he said. She looked down at her golden gown, which had a tight bodice and sleeves covered in seed pearls. The skirts were voluminous, as requested, since there was to be dancing again.

  “Thank you,” she said. “You don’t look so bad, yourself.” He smiled. He was wearing a simple black suit. Charlie hated ostentation. Ra was the one who loved it. They were passing a group of female courtiers, all dressed in silks and brocades, their faces painted heavily with makeup.

  “There she is,” one of the women stage-whispered. “Evidently, she’s sleeping with both of them.” The women all gasped. Nessa froze. Gossips. The thing that she had dreaded.

  “Nessa,” Charlie said, drawing her out of her horror and embarrassment. She looked over at him. He raised his hand to her cheek and kissed her passionately, in front of the whole court. The women gasped scandalously. Nessa smiled as she kissed Charlie back. She pulled away, then whispered in his ear, “Thank you.” He nodded.

  “Nessa! Charlie!” Ra bellowed, coming toward them. He had heard, as well. He grabbed Nessa by the shoulders, kissing her on the lips. He whispered in her ear, “That will keep them talking for ages. But wait, watch this.” She looked at him, eyes wide as he grabbed his brother by the shoulders, and kissed him on the lips as well.

  “Disgusting,” Charlie said, and both brothers began to laugh hysterically. Nessa shook her head. The ladies were all talking. Nessa glanced over at them. They all stopped, eyes wide. She smiled and waved at them. They commenced gossiping.

  “One thing that will, unfortunately, never change, Nessa,” Ra said. “They will always talk.”

  “Something I’ll have to get used to,” she replied. He placed her hand on his arm. She took Charlie’s arm with her other.

  “So, have you thought anymore about the queenship?” Ra asked hopefully. Nessa shot him a look.

  “You choose: cursed sword or queen,” she responded. “I’ll only do one.”


  = Bonus Book 3 of 12 =

  Tempted by a Single Dad

  What the hell am I going to do now? I thought morosely to myself as I slumped on the floor of my apartment. I felt like I was deflating, that the last few days of drama were finally catching up with me, and now I had no idea what to do with myself.

  I couldn’t believe all that I’d been through, it was like a total nightmare. It was too much for just one person to deal with, never mind all in one go. How had I even managed to survive it? I guess the one thing that could come out of this was that I was much stronger than I thought I was.

  The first kick in the teeth was losing my job, completely unexpectedly. Okay, so it wasn’t Jenny’s fault that she had to fire me, she was losing more than I was what with her nursery closing down, but some warning that the place was running out of funding wouldn’t have gone amiss. Just some time to prepare. The fact that there wasn’t even any notice, that it was just a final pay check and a quick shift end made it even more shocking.

  I walked all the way back to the apartment that I shared with Max, safe in the knowledge that at least I could have a bubble bath and some time alone to get myself together before getting some much needed comfort from my boyfriend of two and a half years. At least he would be there to make me feel better, and he’d probably help me get another job too. One of the best things about Max was his ability to be proactive even when things seemed utterly terrible.

  Except, when I walked into the apartment, he wasn’t at work. He was still at home, with a screaming, naked girl underneath him. I was so shocked by the sight of the love of my life cheating on me that it actually took me a while to realize that the girl being fucked was my best friend and confidant ever since high school. The one person I thought that I could trust.

  “Taylor!” I yelled out as sobs racked through my body. “How could you do this to me?”

  She wasn’t even bothered, she didn’t even care that she’d totally rocked the foundation that my world was built on, she simply gave me an awful look, shrugged, and told me, “It isn’t my fault that you’re boring and that your relationship has gone stale, Ali. You should’ve spotted it ages ago. This has been going on for months.”

  Okay, so now looking back, maybe she was right. Me and Max were much more like friends that lovers these days, things had fallen apart, but that didn’t give her any right to take him. She should never have done that to me. No one should ever do that to another person, especially not one that they’d been friends with for years. It just wasn’t right. I would never have done that to her.

  And now, I was here at the scene of their crime alone, and they were shacked up at her home, probably very happy. I was hurt, betrayed, angry, a whole rush of emotions that I didn’t even understand. What I neede
d was to get away, to run from this nightmare, but unfortunately what I needed even more was a job. I would have to start paying for this place by myself now, I needed at least some kind of income. I wasn’t in the mood to start the dreaded job hunt, but I didn’t have any choice in the matter.

  I sighed deeply before grabbing hold of the newspaper, trying to force myself to be productive. Without Max here to push me, and with the sense that my entire life was in tatters, it was difficult, but I had to start somewhere. I needed to start living eventually.

  Waitress… no, I didn’t have people skills with adults. My career had always centered around children and I wasn’t sure that I was ready for that to end. I didn’t think I could force happiness right now. Waitresses had a hard enough time with rude and suggestive customers as it was, I just didn’t think that I could handle it right now.

  Exotic dancer… I glanced down at my body, imagining shaking it on a pole for a buck load of money, the sort of cash that I needed to pay for this home by myself, but there wasn’t any chance in hell. I just wasn’t the sexy type. Cute, maybe, with my cropped dark hair surrounding my heart shaped face, and my big blue eyes, but I wasn’t sure I could ever be classed as sexy. No, I didn’t have it in me to be a dancer, even if I really wanted to which I didn’t.

  Nanny… ooh okay, now this could be right up my alley. I delved right into the job description, liking where it was going. Two kids, single father, needs help while he runs the business… oh, but it was only for a month. A month in Hawaii nonetheless, but I needed something more permanent.

  Then my eyes fell on the payment and everything within me shifted. This was a decent amount of money, the sort that could keep me afloat for about four months. I could use that cash to help tide me over until I found something else, plus it would be a month in Hawaii. If I’d ever needed a time on the beach with no problems distracting me, it was now. God, it would feel good to get the hell away from this town, from them. The fear of bumping into them killed me every single minute of every single day. At this rate, I was going to become a hermit. At least if I was in Hawaii, there wouldn’t be anything to worry about.


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