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Tides of Vengeance (The Montclair Brothers Book 4)

Page 13

by Terri Marie

  Whining?! One goal?! Oh my God! Now she felt her insides begin to tighten.

  “The day you disappeared on me, Carrie, really upset me. Plus, you lied. I was angry with you at first, but then I felt terrified. I didn’t know what had happened to you. You took a minor across state lines, and set me up to be disbarred. But I know why you did what you did. After I realized the sacrifices you were making, and that you were risking a prison sentence, I became quite grateful. Brian was kept safe and returned to us, all because of you.” Vincent looked up at her, but the serious expression on his face remained.

  “I really should take the kid to go pick out a dog. Not from a pet store, though. A private breeder is the way to go. Tyler would have gotten me a dog when I was a boy, if our lives hadn’t become so crazy. Over the last several days, you’re the one who brought that craziness to my life.”

  I’m not going to sit here and listen to this! I have no money, and no transportation, but I’ll go back to his house and pack my things. I’ll be long gone before he comes home…

  “I guess you not being at my house made me feel off kilter in a way. Plus, you’re a pretty fine cook!”

  Cook?! All I was, was just a cook?!

  “With everything that’s happened, Carrie, I have to tell you, that I can’t have you as a girlfriend. I’m the world’s worst boyfriend, and I’m pretty lousy on the dating scene. The night I took you out dancing, was fabulous though. You in that red dress…Whew!” Carrie watched his eyes roam over her body. She’d never felt like she needed a shower this badly before.

  Carrie reached into her purse and pulled out her key ring. She quickly removed Vincent’s house key, stood up, and slammed it down on the corner of his desk. “Here you go, Vinnie! You can keep everything I have, because I’m never going back there again!!! You’ll never see me again to listen to me bitch and whine, or to assume that I want you for a boyfriend. Thank you for making me feel like a piece of trash!” The tears were streaming down her face, and she didn’t even bother to wipe them off her cheeks. She flung open his door and began to run as fast as she could down the corridor.

  “Carrie! Stop!” he yelled, but she wasn’t going to listen to any more of this conversation. She slammed her hand onto the elevator button, over and over again. “Carrie, don’t run!”

  She turned away from the elevator and opened the heavy door to the staircase. She’d run down all twelve flights if she needed to, just to stop him from stabbing her in the heart again. She heard the door open up behind her.

  “Carrie! I don’t want you to run!” He was matching her step for step, and she was moving her feet faster than she’d ever sprinted.

  “Damn it, Carrie! You’re killing me here!”

  She’d had to dodge several people as she ran down the flights. Her breathing was heavy as it mixed with sobs. She could barely make out the steps in front of her through the tears. Carrie picked up her speed when she heard Vincent calling the guards, demanding that they stop her.

  Carrie burst through the door on the first floor, and ran through the lobby. The guards reached for her, but she turned sideways and dodged their large hands. Vincent loudly berated them as he ran right behind her. Carrie’s lungs felt like someone had lit a match in them. She couldn’t stop and allow him to devastate her further, especially around this many people. She tried her best to get lost in the crowds outside Montclair Pharmaceuticals, but Vincent was right on her heels. When she reached the crosswalk on the corner, the light had changed, and traffic was too thick for her to run across the street. She turned, but an older couple was blocking her way. By the time she weaved around them, Vincent had a tight grip on her arm. She struggled to free herself, but she was no match against him.

  “I’m shitty at this!! Don’t fault me for never having done this before!” He lifted her off the pavement and pinned her against his body with his strong arms.

  “Berate a woman?! You’ve never berated a woman or used one before? Never made a girl feel like shit?! Really?!” Carrie began to kick her legs, and when she did, Vincent lowered her to the ground and laid on top of her. Strangers encircled them, and people were threatening to call the cops.

  “I love you!! I can’t have you as my girlfriend, Carrie, because I want you to be my wife!” he yelled.

  “What?” she asked, as his words sunk in, carrying the weight of the world with them.

  “I said those things because I was trying to relay to you that no other woman fits with me, could ever fit with me. Even if you say no, please don’t leave. I need to know you’ll be there. You’re the only one who has ever made that house feel like a home to me. I love you more than any man has ever loved a woman. If you say no, I’ll get up. If you say yes, just be ready to get the deepest kiss your lips have ever seen.”

  “Yes!” She felt Vincent’s body relax on hers as his hands held her face. He slowly parted her lips with his tongue, while the crowd of people clapped.

  “About damn time,” came a familiar voice. She opened her eyes to see Tyler standing there, completely out of breath. “This was supposed to go more smoothly, Vinnie. I know you love this woman, and will be the perfect husband for her. But in my eyes, chasing a female and tackling her to the ground, proves you’re still the caveman we all know and adore.”

  “I know, right?” laughed Vincent as he helped Carrie to her feet. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet box. Lowering himself down to one knee, he lifted her hand and slid a beautiful diamond ring on her finger.

  Tyler kissed her on the cheek and gave Vincent a hug, before shouting loudly for a taxi.


  TYLER WAS EXCITED to get a good night’s sleep. It’d been a long time since he’d had one of those, but with his family safe and sound, he couldn’t imagine anything ruining his tranquility.

  Then his phone rang at three in the morning.

  Out of habit, especially with the recent events, he jumped out of bed and scooped it off the dresser.

  “Tyler Montclair speaking.”

  “Mr. Montclair, this is Southeast Michigan Hospital calling.” Tyler’s heart began to race.

  “May I help you?” The male voice on the other end of the phone was speaking calmly, which was only making the situation worse.

  “Yours is the only number that was given to us by the prison. My name is Doctor Meads, and I need to speak with Brian Waters.”

  “I don’t understand. Why do you need to speak with my son?” Tyler took the phone into the bathroom.

  “Hank Waters hung himself at the prison just after midnight tonight. The staff revived him, but he suffered a severe lack of oxygen. Hank Waters isn’t showing any signs of brain activity. Brian is the only known surviving relative, and we need to know his wishes. Is he at least eighteen?”

  Tyler lowered himself onto the side of the tub. “No, he’s not. I can promise you that Brian wants nothing to do with the man. Did you need me to bring him in?” Tyler prayed he wouldn’t have to put the kid through this.

  “I’m afraid so. He’s gone into cardiac arrest twice since his arrival. I’d at least like to know what direction Brian would like for me to go.”

  “I understand. I’ll have Brian there shortly. If Hank Waters happens to go back into cardiac arrest before we get there, then just let the bastard die. Keep this in the back of your head the next time you pump on his chest. He and his wife are the monsters who kept their child chained to a bathroom floor, in the dark, and starved him for years. They got their jollies by beating the crap out of the kid and filming it. That boy’s a teenager now and his name is Brian. That’s why the coward hung himself. We’ll be on our way in five.”

  Tyler went to the sink and threw cold water on his face. He’d leave a note for Renee in case she awakened, then sneak out of the house with Brian. He didn’t know how much more the poor guy could take, so he’d get the kid out of that hospital as quickly as possible. He slowly opened his bedroom door to grab a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, which he put
on in the hallway, then he quietly walked to Brian’s room. He was sleeping so soundly. Not one sign of stress or bad dreams was visible on his perfect face. He walked to the bed and gently rubbed his arm.

  “Brian, I need you to wake up, Son.”

  He opened his eyes and tried to focus. “What time is it?”

  “A little after three. There’s been an accident involving your father. I need to take you up to the hospital. Get your clothes on and I’ll explain in the car. Try not to wake up Renee. She needs her sleep.”

  “Yeah, okay.” As Brian was getting dressed, Tyler went downstairs and wrote the note out for Renee. Brian came downstairs with rumpled hair and a sleepy face, making him look even younger than he was. Tyler wanted to hug him.

  He led Brian out to the car, backed out of the garage, and rounded the corner before turning on his lights. “Hank hung himself at the prison around midnight. He was revived, but now it sounds like he’s brain dead. The doctor called and he needs to speak to you about what to do next.”

  “Okay…” Brian looked over at Tyler and shrugged.

  “Brian, you just lost Shirley, and now Hank is dying. I know this is affecting you, regardless of the tough exterior you’re showing me. If you want some alone time with the man, I’ll give you that space, and will totally understand. Remember what I told you before? Go through life trying not to have any regrets.” Tyler reached over and patted Brian’s leg.

  “I understand what you’re saying. Do you know if he’s cuffed to the bed?” Brian’s voice was filled with concern.

  “He can’t hurt you anymore, Brian. He’s not even conscious. Besides, I won’t let him lay a finger on you. I love you, okay?” Tyler pulled into the emergency parking lot.

  “I know you do. I love you too.”

  Once Brian was out of the car, Tyler wrapped his arm around his shoulders and walked him into the lobby. He told the receptionist that they were there to see Doctor Meads.

  “Have a seat and he’ll come out to speak with you.”

  “Thank you.” Tyler walked over to a couple of chairs that weren’t surrounded by too many people.

  “Mr. Montclair?” A young man approached Tyler. “I’m Doctor Meads. Is this Brian?”

  “Yes,” said Tyler as they rose to their feet. After exchanging handshakes, Doctor Meads led them back to the cardiac intensive care unit.

  “Brian, I want to tell you what to expect before we go inside. Your father—”

  “His name is Hank,” interrupted Brian. “He’s my biological father, but he’s not my dad.” Brian walked inside the room and stood at the foot of Hank Waters’ bed. After about a minute, Brian walked back out into the hall. “Unplug him.”

  “Brian, do you need to take more time?” Tyler put his hand on his shoulder.

  “I looked at his face, Tyler, and I felt nothing. The only way I’m ever going to be safe, or at peace, is when he’s dead too. I don’t feel anger, I don’t feel remorse, or sadness. There’s just nothing there.” Brian turned to the physician. “So Doc, if you’re going to do all of these heroic measures to save the man, make sure you’re doing it for someone other than me. I have a life now. I have new parents who love me, and a really big family.”

  “I really don’t think he’ll last through the night, Brian. Thank you for coming in at such a late hour. I’ll call you when he passes. Mr. Montclair, we’re going to need to have some papers filled out when he does.”

  “I’ll come in and fill them out. I’m the one who’ll be handling all of the arrangements.” After thanking Doctor Meads, Tyler and Brian walked back to the car in silence. The drive home went the same way.

  When they pulled up in the driveway, Brian turned to him and broke the silence. “I want them both cremated and put inside the same urn. Then I want to go back the house in Mosby.”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea, Brian?” Tyler thought that maybe he was just venting.

  “I’m not trying to be disrespectful, Dad, but I hope you’ll take me, so I don’t have to go alone.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Tyler’s alarm went off at six. He felt like he’d been hit by a truck. He quickly showered, got dressed, kissed Renee on the cheek and was out the door by seven. On the way to the office, he received the call he’d been expecting. Hank Waters was pronounced dead at 6:45 am. Tyler placed a call to Vincent and let him know what had happened, then he made the arrangements for the cremations. When he stopped by the hospital to sign the papers, the staff had asked if he wanted to say goodbye to Hank Waters. Tyler jumped on the offer, but he stopped himself in the doorway. He’s not worth my breath. Not even to cuss out.

  He called the morgue in Ohio to have Shirley’s body brought to Michigan, then he went to work and waited for another hour before calling to tell Brian. When he broke the news to him, there wasn’t any reaction from the kid, but then again, Tyler didn’t expect one.

  “There’s something you need to think about, Brian. The house, and everything they had, is going to be yours now. What, if anything, did you want to do with all of it? Take your time with this question, Son. I’ll honor whatever it is that you decide.”

  “I’d like to get everything turned over to me as soon as possible. Then I promise to let you know my answer. I need to do some thinking.” There was a long pause before he spoke again. “Thank you for being there for me, for loving me, and for having my back, always.” Tyler’s eyes began to water as he listened to Brian hang up the phone.

  “Always,” whispered Tyler as he put his phone back in his pocket. “Always.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  On a rainy Tuesday morning, Tyler went to Vincent’s house and retrieved the ashes of Hank and Shirley Waters. He’d agreed to store them in his garage so Brian wouldn’t have to look at them.

  “Thanks, Vinnie. You know what to do.” Tyler watched Vincent solemnly nod at him, before he placed the box of ashes inside the trunk of his car and closed it. The crematorium wouldn’t combine the ashes, so Vincent had taken care of getting them into one larger box. Tyler didn’t trust himself not to burn them all over again. Brian didn’t seem angry, just determined. He’d given Tyler his decision, and this morning everything was lined up so Brian could finally close this chapter of his life and move on.

  Tyler pulled into the garage and waited fifteen minutes, then he went inside the house to get Brian. It was time to make the long journey to Mosby, back into the pits of hell from which Brian had escaped.

  When Brian stepped outside, he walked around to the passenger door of the car with a very serious expression. Tyler stopped him.

  “This way, Son.” Tyler pointed towards the street.

  “What?!” Brian’s mouth fell open as the van door opened and out stepped Sean, Vincent, and Jacob.

  “Come on, Brian!” yelled Sean. “We have to make a trip to Mosby, Ohio!”

  “Oh my God! Thank you!!” Brian ran down the driveway and hugged each of his uncles. He looked back at Tyler with his face lit up.

  “We’ll always have your back, Brian.” Tyler hugged him and held the door open. When Brian was inside, Tyler returned to the car and retrieved the box of ashes from the trunk, then placed them in the very back of the van. Brian rode up front while Vincent drove.

  The rain didn’t stop until they crossed the border into Ohio. The brothers had been successful in keeping Brian engaged in conversation and even had him laughing a few times, but once they were in Ohio, Brian fell completely silent. His peaceful eyes became dark, and there wasn’t any more laughter.

  The moment they turned on to the Waters’ street, Tyler spotted the demolition crew setting up. He’d paid them well to wait until he gave them the signal to begin. When Vincent stopped in front of the neighbor’s house, Brian got out and stood on the grass, obviously waiting for the brothers to join him. Tyler pulled the box from the back of the van and tucked it underneath his arm. As requested, he’d given the key to Brian before they left home. Brian stared at the ground as they appro
ached the house where he’d been tortured. Tyler put his hand underneath Brian’s chin and lifted it.

  “Put your shoulders back, Son, and you hold your head up high when you walk through this door.”

  The brothers followed Brian inside, walking closely behind him. They all patted his back and reinforced him with every ounce of their strength. He stammered a little when he approached the door leading to the basement.

  Sean and Vincent each grabbed an arm, while Jacob held him steady from behind. Tyler fought hard to contain his emotions for the kid.

  Brian slowly walked down the steps and went directly to the bathroom. Tyler handed him the box, and watched silently, with his brothers, as Brian scattered the ashes on the bathroom floor by tipping the box. He stood there for a minute before backing out and closing the door.

  “I’m done here,” said Brian as walked slowly back to the stairs. “Now they can be on the bathroom floor in the dark for eternity. It’s their turn.”

  The brothers stopped to hug him and tell Brian how much they loved him. Tyler took one of Brian’s hands and Sean took hold of the other. Together, they all left the house of horrors. Once outside, Tyler walked Brian across the street. The brothers surrounded the kid as Tyler gave a nod to the man sitting up in the bulldozer.

  Tyler had told the crew why it was being destroyed, so they’d make sure to follow his instructions to the tee. Everything was to be destroyed, then the lot contents were to be hauled to the dump.

  The first impact busted through the living room window and siding, causing the front peak of the roof to twist. Then came the second blow, which took down the front door. Brian, Jacob, Sean, Tyler, and Vincent, stood in silence until the house was leveled. It’d been lightly raining for about an hour, but the men didn’t care. They would have gladly stood through a flood for Brian.

  “We can go now, guys. They’re gone, the house is gone, and now nothing can ever haunt or hunt me again. I’m alllll yours…”


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