Tides of Vengeance (The Montclair Brothers Book 4)

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Tides of Vengeance (The Montclair Brothers Book 4) Page 16

by Terri Marie

  “Honey, he’ll never find us.” Tyler picked up her hand and held it as the plane took off down the runway.

  “I know. I had a feeling that he’d escape from that jail, but no one believed me. Now look at us. We’re running for our lives again.” She didn’t want to cry in front of Brian, but she couldn’t help it. He was a very brave kid, and if he saw Robert coming after her, she knew that he’d lay down his life for her. Just like he’d done before, but she wasn’t about to let that happen. Not even close. She looked at the other passengers who were busy getting out books and magazines or chatting, but not the Montclair group. They were all staring straight ahead, lost in their own thoughts.

  What could she say to them, though? I’m sorry, Robert’s after me again so you all have to run for the hills.

  Vincent had chosen a destination several states away, but even if they were in another world, Robert would hunt them down like a dog. The others didn’t understand that there wasn’t a place where he couldn’t find them. But Renee did. There are times when you take your safety and freedom for granted. She used to be like that, until she saw the pure evil, which lived inside the monster. Robert was indestructible, and it was high time that everyone realized it. They wouldn’t be safe until he was lying in a cold, dark grave.

  She wasn’t stupid enough to think that Robert wouldn’t know they’d fled. He’d stay hidden until the cops start to back off and the Montclairs come back home, then he’ll pounce. He’d kill her family members first, just to make sure she suffered. Then, Robert would torture her and prolong her death until she begged him to kill her.

  Renee looked over at Sean, Elissa, and her two sweet little boys. Though Robert might not know of their existence, Sean was right in making them come along. They couldn’t risk it. If the monster found out they’d stayed behind, he’d harm them just to make Sean come running. Then Tyler would show up and Robert would kill them slowly until he flushed her out into the open.

  She had all she’d ever wanted, a man who loved her and a family she could take care of. If he thought he was going to take it all away, then he’s a fool.

  Let the hunt begin. I’m coming for you, Robert…

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Sean watched Elissa as she tried to keep Miles and Noah entertained. When he’d called her, she didn’t pick up her phone. So he flew out the door and sped to her house. He pounded on her door and rang the bell until he heard someone running down the steps. “It’s me, Elissa! Open the door. There’s been an emergency.” She opened the door, but she wasn’t quite awake.

  “Sean, it’s not even time to get up for work yet. What’s the matter?” She rubbed the sleep from her sweet eyes and Sean’s heart melted.

  “Get your purse and keys. I’ll help you gather up the boys. We have to get to the airport right now.” She tried to stop him with her body, but he lifted her gently out of his way. “Come on we have to get them ready. I’ll explain as we go.”

  Once he’d told her the shortened version of what had happened, she put it into high gear. The boys started to cry until they saw Sean. Then they became much more interested in playing. He’d picked up a toy plane and asked if they wanted to go fly on a real one. Of course that got their undivided attention.

  Now he felt horrible inside. Everyone had been plucked out of their worlds again, all because of Robert. He felt the most sadness for Renee. Sean knew she was blaming herself, but she’d have to get over that. We’re a family, and we take care of those we love.

  He also knew that Vincent hadn’t had time to book motel rooms yet. Sean just wanted everyone to at least be able to stay together in the same building. Being separated with Robert on the loose wasn’t a good move. The only way they’d survived last time was because they stayed together and outsmarted him, and because Carrie had a gun. Now she didn’t.

  Time seemed to drag on during their flight. Sean couldn’t wait to get off this plane and get some fresh air before they were holed up again. Elissa and the boys would probably feel better if they had their own room, but he’d veto that in a heartbeat. He’d be staying glued to their sides. If anything happened to them---well he wasn’t about to let that happen. Ever.

  Tyler looked like he could bend steal with his hands. He’d always taken everyone’s safety and well-being as the top priority in his life. It tore at Sean’s heartstrings, because the guy never seemed to catch a break. If he had to spend six months in his brother’s shoes, hell, he’d explode.

  That’s what happens when you love someone, you protect them. Tyler always set amazing examples for their family. When they struggled in life, his older brother would fix everything, while at the same time teach them how to fix it themselves in the future. There weren’t any days without lessons in humanity, humility, and family. He’d made sure that the glue that held the Montclairs together, would stick forever.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Tyler looked down the row at Vincent. He was sweating profusely. Even when his brother was little, he’d break out in a sweat when he was faced with the unknown. And that’s exactly what this was. Everything in their lives was a big uncertainty. He knew they weren’t done with Robert, but after this morning, the creep was supposed to be sent far away. Now he was out. Tyler knew exactly why Robert had escaped; killing Renee was his motive. Killing the rest of them would just be the icing on the cake. If he harmed her, that meant he’d also harm their baby. He doubted that the murderer would be able to find out they’d fled to Florida, but who knows? All it would take is a little detective work and they’d be found. But did the man still have connections with the Southfield Police?

  He was glad Vincent had been so quick-thinking in how to get them all out of the area. Tyler wondered how Emma was feeling about going back to the place he’d rescued her from. He’d have to make sure to keep her away from Miami.

  The pilot announced that they were getting ready to land so everyone needed to buckle their seatbelts. He decided to look for a motel close to the airport. If they had to get out of dodge again, they’d be close by.

  When the plane landed he stood up and waited until everyone was together, before they got off the plane. The airport was busy, but that was a good thing.

  “Vinnie, the Marx is right there. I’m going to call them and see if they have enough rooms for all of us. Sound good?” Tyler looked up the number on his phone.

  “Yeah. That’s a good idea, then we can be near the airport. Let’s go pick up our bags, and then we’ll take the shuttle over to the hotel.” Vincent led the way out of the airport, while Tyler talked to the receptionist at the Marx. “Guys, does four suites sound good?”

  Everyone agreed, so Tyler booked the rooms. They had to wait fifteen minutes for the next shuttle, but they all managed to squeeze onboard for the ride across the four lanes of traffic. The driver was insane, Tyler was sure of it.

  The suites were nice, cool, and very roomy. Everyone could easily fit into one suite during the day; they would only have to be separated during the night. He didn’t think Robert would show up in Florida, but nothing that monster did would surprise him. Every time Tyler had thought they were safe in the past, they weren’t. He wondered how long the bastard had been planning his escape.

  It was Brian who turned on the news in the room. The reporter stated that there were no sightings of Robert, but a large manhunt was underway. Yeah right. You aren’t going to capture him, no matter how good you think you are.

  “They aren’t going to find him,” said Brian. Tyler looked at him, but he couldn’t bring himself to fill the kid with false hope. If he did, Brian might let his guard down. No one could afford that luxury.

  “We should have killed the bastard when we had the chance.” Emma looked as if she was ready to eat nails. Tyler knew not to underestimate what she was capable of, either. Hell, all the women in the room could do some serious damage to anyone, but Robert had a gun. You can’t beat a bullet.

  “Let the cops worry about finding Robert, and we’ll focus on
keeping ourselves out of his path,” said Vincent as he shut off the television. Tyler was glad he spoke up, but if he thought for one minute that they wouldn’t be glued to the news, why he had another thing coming.

  “I’m going to order some food,” announced Tyler. “Who wants what? Here’s the menu.” Everyone just stared at him. “Guys, we have to eat. Don’t even think about skipping meals, especially you, Renee.”

  Sean set the menu down on the table. “Let’s just get a bunch of pizzas. Sound good?” They all said okay but shrugged their shoulders like they could care less. “Keep it nice and simple, Bro,” Sean whispered.

  Tyler placed the order and immediately received a call from the hotel management, asking him if he was having a party. After assuring him that they were all together, he backed off but not without a warning.

  “Any noise complaints and you’ll have to leave.”

  “You’ll have no ruckus from us, Sir. Don’t you worry.” Tyler wanted to ask the guy if gunfire would be okay.

  When the pizzas arrived, it took two people to carry them all in. Food was very important to the Montclairs and they took their meals very seriously. But once the pizza was on their plates they just picked at their food.

  “Guys, get your minds off Robert. He’s not going to come here.” Tyler took a large bite of his pizza to help encourage the others to eat. His throat felt like it was the diameter of a pencil.

  “You don’t know that,” replied Renee.

  Tyler had no reply.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Robert laughed at the Janky Boob Box. The cops were morons. Did they really think they could outsmart Robert the King? I think not! He rolled over onto his side and looked at the empty candy bar wrapper. How he wished he had some cheese corn. But noooo! Big Bozzy only had a small amount of change and the Stupid Machines didn’t even have it as an option!

  He was outraged. His stomach was growling and he’d have to find a way to keep up with his appetite. On the desk was a Shitty Phone, so he dialed the front desk.

  “This is room seventeen,” he said politely.

  “Yeah I know. Your room number lights up on my phone.” Robert could hear the Stupid Clerk snapping her gum. He wanted to stuff her into Goon’s trunk.

  “Is there a restaurant around here that delivers?” He hoped like hell there was.

  “Chinese and a pizza place. That’s all we got. There’s a couple of menus in the desk drawer.” And you got a rotten set of chompers, he thought. But he knew he’d have to save that until he checked out.

  After Robert pulled the menus from the drawer, he called the pizzeria while he dug out Bozzy’s credit card.

  “Bombino’s, can I help you?” The kid sounded like he was ten.

  “I’ll take a BLT sub, and it better be real bacon. I’d also like a large pizza with everything, some deep-fried mushrooms with ranch, and none of that low fat shit. Do you have any cheese corn?”

  “No to the cheese corn. Anything else?” Get off your ass and stock your Stupid Pizzeria you Damn Twerp!

  “Yes. Gimme three, two liters of orange pop. Oh and a six pack of beer.”

  “We don’t have any beer.” We don’t have any beer, he mimicked.

  “I guess that’s it then. I’ll be paying by credit card.” Robert was tempted to climb inside Bozzy Goon’s Mustang and search for a grocery store. He’d buy ten bags of the Delicious Cheesy Kernels. The small bags those Stupid Party Stores sold just wouldn’t cut it. Family Size all the way, Baby, thought Robert as he envisioned cramming fistfuls of the orange Heavenly Nibblets into his mouth.

  He was ready to slam his fist into the Shitty Boob Tube while waiting for Pock Face to bring him his food. Robert was so starving, he felt like he could eat the Crappy Carpet. The color of it reminded him of the last time he’d ordered take-out with his poker buddies. His Card-Night-Ruining-Ex had probably poisoned his food before she brought it home. His gut was spewing out brown and yellow shit…Looked just like this Crappy Carpet. He shook his head and cursed at Pock Face. Where the hell are you?! Robert’s stomach growled loudly.

  Robert was busy thinking about killing Bitch Renee. He wouldn’t shoot her. That’d be too fast; he wanted her to suffer. He’d bash her in the face a few times first, just so he could see the terror in her eyes. Then he’d stick his Big Fat Peachalini inside her one last time before caving her skull in. Hopefully she’d twitch like a Live Wire. His appetite began to grow. Finally, Robert heard the knock he’d been waiting for. He flung open the door.

  “Here’s your order, Mr. Boswell.” Pock Face looked like he was still in high school, which made Robert start laughing loudly.

  “Just set it down over there on the table.” He wanted to trip the kid. Pocky walked like he had a board up his ass.

  “I’ll be right back. I have to go get your sodas.” Robert impatiently stood there with the door opened. He wanted to tear into his food. But noooo! The kid had to take his Sweet Ass time. Moron.

  When the orange sodas were placed on the Shitty Table, Robert shut the door without so much as a thank you. He certainly wasn’t going to tip someone who took forty-five minutes to bring him his food. Ungrateful Piece of Crap.

  Robert quickly opened the pizza box and tore off two slices, making a thick sandwich. He took a huge bite then slowly chewed it. Savoring something that he’d been dreaming of for so long, was important. He took the cap off the cold orange soda and took a long drink. Robert felt his mind begin to clear. He sat down on the bed and placed the pizza box on his lap. Flipping through the Shitty Channels reminded him of being home, sitting in his recliner. Cartoons. Now we’re talkin’!

  He retrieved the BLT sub and sat back down on the Shitty Brown Bedspread. He slowly opened the foil, and thought for sure he’d jump inside of The Fat Goon’s Mustang and drive to the pizzeria and kick Pocky’s Puny Ass. “Bacon bits!” Robert hissed out loud. “Who the hell doesn’t use real bacon on a BLT?! Stupid Bombino’s, that’s who!” Tomorrow he’d place another order, but this time he’d pull Useless Pock Face into his room and shoot him in the bathtub. Robert wanted to kill the Mangy Bastard. He took a large bite of the twelve-inch sub, then followed it with a deep fried mushroom. The Jerk forgot the ranch? Now he was really fuming. He went to the phone and called Good Ole’ Bombinos back.

  “Bombinos. Can I help you?” Pock Face was about to pay for his Bullshit.

  “You forgot my ranch, and you made this Shitty BLT with bacon bits!” Robert wanted to pull The Creep through the phone lines.

  “Sir, your ranch is in a little cup on the bottom of the bag, and the bacon bits are real bacon. We just cut the strips up so we can use it on the pizzas.”

  Robert tore open the paper bag and pulled out the Shitty Napkins. There on the bottom was the Crappy Little Cup of dressing. “Well you didn’t send me very much!”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. If you’d like, I can bring you some more.” Pocky sounded like a Moron.

  “Bring me more! I better not have to wait another forty-five minutes!” Robert slammed the Scummy Phone down. Within ten minutes he heard a soft knock on his door. “The kid knocks like a Pansy!” He yelled before opening the door. The Idiot handed him one cup of ranch.

  Robert lost it. He grabbed The Punk by the front of his shirt and pulled him inside. Drawing back his fist, he could tell The Piss Ant wanted to beg for his life, but Robert didn’t care one bit. He punched The Twerp in the face so hard, his knuckles began to sting.

  Luckily Pocky’s Rusty car was outside running. Nice and simple, thought Robert. It was time to get rid of The Goon’s Mustang anyway. He dragged The Little Jerk out the door, popped the trunk and stuffed his Lanky Body inside. Robert punched him one more time for good measure. He went back into the room, grabbed his food, then placed it all in the front passenger seat. After making sure The Goon’s Wallet was with him, he locked the door and climbed behind the wheel of the Rusty Trap. There are more holes in this Stupid Muffler than there is in a slice of Swiss cheese! Robert
shook his head in disgust, as he loudly drove away.

  But he didn’t mind the sound. After reaching inside the glove box, Robert pulled out a stack of cash. I bet The Bastard has more in his pocket! He pulled the Shitty Car over on the side of the road. After making sure no one was around, he popped the trunk, then opened it. Puke Face was starting to moan. Robert picked up the tire iron and hit him in the head three times. He hurried and searched the kid before the blood spread too much. He knew he couldn’t have bloody hands while eating.


  RENEE CLIMBED OUT of bed completely clothed, as she didn’t have any pajamas. There’d been very little time for any of them to pack. She’d have to be incredibly quiet, in order not to stir Tyler and Brian; if she awakened them, they’d surely stop her. She slowly slipped her shoes on and looked for the keys to her Cadillac. They were in the pocket of Tyler’s jeans, which lay across a chair near their bed. Very slowly she removed them and walked out the door. Earlier, Renee had taken her phone into the bathroom and booked a flight back home. If there wasn’t a cab or shuttle outside, she’d have to run across the four lanes of traffic to get to the counter at Northwest and pick up her ticket.

  She wasn’t naïve enough to think Tyler wouldn’t figure it out. But she’d be in her car at Metro before he’d have a chance to intervene. Once on the road, she’d remove the battery from her phone, and do what she knew had to be done. Her flight left in thirty minutes, but time wouldn’t be a problem if she ran. Without having any luggage to check, she’d whip through security and be free to go straight to the boarding gates after picking up her ticket. It was three in the morning, so hopefully Tyler would sleep for another few hours, at least.

  There wasn’t much traffic, so Renee didn’t have any hesitation in running across the road. It was still going to be a decent distance to the terminal, but that’s what she’d done all of her marriage…run. Her adrenaline kicked in as she ran around the tall fence and up to the doors for Northwest. She earned a lot of stares from people as she sprinted through the airport to the ticket counter.


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