Chavchavadze, Ilya, 32, 33, 36, 38, 43, 44
Chechnya, Chechens, 304, 688
Cheka, 237, 262, 264, 273, 291, 374–75, 384, 433
in assassination of Grand Duke Mikhail, 280
corruption in, 294
formation of, 241
in Georgia, 399, 541–42
Kronstadt rebellion and, 393
Latvian assault on, 277–78
Left SRs arrested by, 278
local branches of, 293–94
Lubyanka headquarters and prison of, 437–38
in Mirbach assassination plot, 275–76
in murder of Tsar Nicholas and family, 281
National Center plot uncovered by, 333
in Petrograd, 382
property seized by, 241–42
proposed curbs on, 439
replaced by GPU, 439, 448
sadistic reputation of, 438
Stalin’s control of, 438
summary executions by, 294
in Tsaritsyn, see Tsaritsyn Cheka
widespread hatred of, 241
Chekhov, Anton, 10
Cheremisov, V. A., 217
Chernov, Victor, 135, 164, 185, 198, 202, 228, 234, 279
Cherry Orchard, The (Chekhov), 10
chervonets, 452
Chervyakov, Alexander I., 302, 303, 304
Chiang Kai-shek, 185, 627, 631, 632, 644, 655, 717
Communists distrusted by, 628
massacre of Shanghai Communists ordered by, 629–30
Stalin’s support of, 630–31
Chiatura, 86, 301
Stalin in, 76–77, 81
Chicago, Ill., Haymarket riots in, 49–50
Chicherin, Georgy, 262, 275, 283, 359, 366, 386, 392, 404, 443, 444, 446, 511, 525, 560, 562, 589, 616, 617–18, 622, 631, 635–36, 651, 692, 693
Brockdorff-Rantzau and, 559–60
Litvinov’s relationship with, 458
as Stalin appointee, 457
Stalin’s correspondence with, 407–8
work habits of, 457–58
China, 63, 67, 364
Comintern and, 626, 627–28, 629–30, 640
Communists in, see Communist Party, Chinese
famine in, 63, 64
Nationalists in, see Guomindang
Qing dynasty in, 4, 64, 66, 401
revolution of 1911 in, 131–32, 625–26
Soviet advisers in, 626–28, 629
Soviet Russia and, 404–5
Soviet Union and, 617, 623, 625–33, 651, 655
Stalin and, 625, 627–33, 640, 655
Trotsky and, 627, 628–29, 630, 631, 632
Zinoviev and, 629, 630–31
Chizikov, Pyotr, 121
Chkheidze, Nikoloz “Karlo,” 51, 191, 647
Choqai-Beg, Mustafa, 253
Chubar, Vlas, 390
Churchill, Winston, 398
civil war, Russian, 231, 269, 282–83, 298, 325–29, 350, 356–60, 369, 380, 436, 642
aftermath of, 405–6
barter economy of, 450
Bolshevik advantages in, 332–33
Bolshevik regime strengthened by, 290, 336–37
casualties in, 332
as economic war, 406
grain shortages and, 405
inflation in, 450
Lenin in, 334
mass exodus of professional class during, 405
nationalism and, 345–46
1919 offensive in, 335, 370–71
propaganda campaigns in, 335–36
Stalin’s role in, 295, 297, 302–4, 305–7, 308–10, 314, 320, 327, 328, 332, 334–35, 339, 379
Trotsky’s role in, 284, 285–86, 289, 297, 298, 302–4, 306–10, 313–14, 319–21, 325–31, 334–35, 339–40
Ungern-Sternberg in, 400–401
Whites’ definitive defeat in, 379
Civil War, U.S., 18–19
Civil War in France (Marx), 232
class warfare:
as central tenet of Lenin’s thought, 291, 443, 444, 737
as foundation of Soviet state, 291–92
as justification for mass executions, 293–94
Marx on, 291–92, 737
peasant rebellions and, 381
Soviet foreign policy and, 443–44
Stalin’s fervent belief in, 306–7, 308–9, 345, 444, 681, 688, 698, 710–11, 732, 734
Clemenceau, Georges, 315, 317
collectivization, 103, 420–21, 449, 570, 584, 660, 674–75, 682–83, 695, 722–23, 725, 733, 739
Bukharin on, 708
capitalist farming as superior to, 725
Communist ideology of, 724–27
dekulakization and, 421
famine and, 724
global economy and, 726
industrialization and, 725
low yields in, 725
peasant resistance to, 724
politburo and, 675–76
Rykov and, 731
as Stalin’s great gamble, 734–35
Stalin’s speeches on, 671–73, 676, 679, 706–7, 713, 718
Trotsky on, 675
colonialism, 62, 65, 66, 343, 364, 653
Bolsheviks as enemies of, 368–69
capitalism and, 625
Comintern and, 367–68
famine and, 63–64
Great War and, 151–52
statism and, 96
Treaty of Versailles and, 316
expanding role of, 339
in Red Army, 339, 351
communes, 41–42, 65–66, 95, 96–97, 189–90, 299, 430, 449, 567
Communism, 40, 190, 336, 597
see also Leninism; Marxism, Marxists
Communist, 259
Communist Academy, 706, 718
Communist International (Comintern), 392, 412, 510
First Congress of, 317, 347, 369
Second Congress of, 41, 318, 363–64
Third Congress of, 403, 442
Fourth Congress of, 418, 427
Fifth Congress of, 550–51
Sixth Congress of, 718–20
Baku Congress and, 367
Bukharin as head of, 719
China policy of, 626, 627–28, 629–30, 640
colonialism and, 367–68
and German Communist coup attempt, 511, 525, 526, 559
GPU agents in, 442–43
inefficiency and corruption in, 442–43
Kuusinen as head of, 442
Mongolian-Tibetan department of, 401–2
Soviet foreign relations and, 558, 559
Stalin’s control of, 506, 609
Trotsky expelled from, 644
Zinoviev as head of, 609, 615
Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels), 39–40, 43, 45, 99, 107, 151
Communist Party, 259, 265, 271–72, 297, 339
9th conference of, 376–77
13th conference of, 533, 534
14th conference of, 569, 571
15th conference of, 614–15
6th Congress of, 555
8th Congress of, 318–22, 329, 369, 370, 396
10th Congress of, 344, 384–91, 405–6, 410, 423, 455, 459
11th Congress of, 411, 431, 465, 481, 482
12th Congress of, 415–16, 425, 433, 436, 488, 494–95, 502
13th Congress of, 546–49, 552, 573, 607, 609
14th Congress of, 579–84, 586
15th Congress of, 597, 640, 641, 643–44, 652–56, 659, 660, 664–65, 673, 730
Central Committee of, see Central Committee
collective leadership proposed for, 422–23
growth of, 344
hierarchical structure of, 289, 432, 469
local organizations in, 432–33
Muslims in, 502–3, 527, 716
nationalism and, 345
NEP and, 420
Stalin appointed general secretary of, 411–12, 424, 481, 486, 530
Stalin’s nationalities report to, 496
Stalin’s organizational report to, 495
Stalin’s triumph over Trotsky at, 501
Trotsky and Zinoviev expelled from, 651, 656
Trotsky at, 495–96
Trotskyites culled from, 495
Zinoviev and, 495
Communist Party, Chinese, 640
in alliance with Guomindang, 626–27
Chiang’s distrust of, 628
Guomindang betrayal of, 637–38, 640, 655
Shanghai massacre of, 629–30
Sixth Congress of, 717
Soviet aid to, 627, 640
Stalin on tactics of, 627–28
Stalin’s betrayal of, 631
Communist Party, French, 519–20, 645
Communist Party, Georgian:
Central Committee of, 475, 477, 480, 493
Dzierzynski’s investigation of, 480–81, 487
insubordination of, 479, 487, 489–90, 493, 494
Second Congress of, 493
Communist Party, German, 318, 323, 378, 704
Communist Party, German, coup attempt of, 392, 473, 550
Bukharin and, 509–10
Comintern and, 511, 525, 526, 559
lack of worker support for, 525, 526
politburo aid to, 511, 515
Stalin and, 510–11, 515, 522, 525–26, 557
Trotsky and, 511
Zinoviev and, 509–10, 511, 514–15
Communist Party, Hungarian, 324–25
Communist Party, Italian, 550, 551, 609, 720
Communist Party, Polish, 349, 515, 519–20, 600
Communist Party, Ukrainian, Central Committee of, 476
Communist Youth International, 644
Communist Youth League, 548, 574, 585, 707
Congress, U.S., Russia famine relief and, 448–49
Congress of Soviets, 350, 354
First, 196
Second, 215, 217, 219, 220, 225, 233, 247, 258, 396
Third, 247, 251
Fourth, 264–65
Congress of Soviets (cont.)
Fifth, 273–75, 276, 278, 279–80
Sixth, 311
Tenth (First USSR), 485–86
Eleventh (Second USSR), 534, 535, 539–40
Congress of the Peoples of the East, 367, 372, 395
conservatism, 39
Constituent Assembly, 242–47, 251, 279
Constitutional Democrats (Cadets), Russian, 90, 93–94, 98, 105, 109, 130, 132, 136, 137, 157, 175, 178, 180, 184, 195, 196, 199, 202, 205, 239, 242–43, 244, 343, 464
constitutionalism, 56, 60, 78, 79, 82, 84, 85, 90, 92, 93–94, 98, 99, 100, 103, 109, 122, 127, 128, 131–32, 137, 157, 171, 173, 175–76, 178–80, 207, 223
Cossacks, 13, 254, 268, 270, 296, 304, 305, 310, 326, 356, 401
Council of Five, 211–12
Council of Labor and Defense, 416–17, 476
Council of Ministers, Russian, 60, 86, 179
Council of People’s Commissars, 227–29, 233, 234, 236, 241, 242, 263, 266, 270, 278, 280, 350, 412, 416–17, 425, 428, 476, 492, 686
duplicate functions of Central Committee apparatus and, 428–29
Left SRs and, 237, 265, 273
Lenin’s control of, 229, 236
Council of People’s Commissars, USSR, 540
counterrevolution, 183, 186
Bolshevik obsession with, 233–34, 241, 244, 287–88, 290–91, 392–93
and Kornilov’s attempted coup, 207–11, 212, 219
Moscow State Conference and, 207
Soviet laws against, 634
Stalin on, 207, 209, 213, 214
Stalin’s use of label as political strategy, 305–7
Credo (Stalin), 77
Crimea, 332, 357–59, 362, 365, 374, 379, 447
Crimean War, 59, 66, 67, 91
Curzon, Lord, 358, 359, 360, 397–98
Czechoslovakia, 316, 325, 511, 561–62, 589
Czechoslovak Legion, 269, 280, 282–83, 296, 331
revolt of, 269–70, 277
Dadaism, 230, 232
“Dada Manifesto” (Tzara), 227
Dagestan, 12
Dalai Lama, 401
Dan, Fyodor, 137, 396, 469
Danielson, Nikolai F., 42, 65–66
Danzan, 346, 402, 404
Danzig, 315, 363, 364, 621
Dashnaks (Revolutionary Armenian Federation), 115, 137, 351, 395, 400
Davis, Jerome, 610–11, 660
Davitashvili, Mikheil “Mikho,” 37, 38, 47, 48
Davrishevi, Damian, 20
Davrishevi, Iosif “Soso,” 25
Days of the Turbins (Bulgakov), 620
Declaration of the 46, 519, 522–23, 524
decreeism, 435
de Gaulle, Charles, 352
dekulakization, 421, 685, 707, 724, 727
Denikin, Anton, 297, 300, 329–30, 335, 336, 352, 353, 355, 356, 357, 358, 366, 386
Cossack support for, 296
failed Moscow assault of, 331
Kiev seized by, 330
in 1919 offensive, 326, 328
in retreat to Crimea, 332
as Volunteer Army head, 295, 325–26
Denmark, Prussia’s war with, 5, 6
Desart, Lord, 146, 147
Devdariani, Seid, 35, 38, 104
Dgebuadze, Alexander, 399
dialectical materialism, 107
Didi Lilo, 15, 25, 48
Dirksen, Herbert von, 587
Dmitrievsky, Pyotr Alexandrovich, 276, 278
Dogadov, Alexander, 657
Donetsk Coal Trust, 690, 691, 703
Don River, 268, 296, 300, 310, 330
Don Soviet Republic, 238
Dorpat (Yurev) University, 38
Dukhonin, Nikolai, 248
Duma, 82–83, 84, 85, 90–91, 93, 99, 109, 113, 119, 136, 144, 145, 157, 163, 168, 179, 181, 223
Lena goldfields investigation in, 126
Nicholas II and, 74, 82–83, 90–91, 93–94, 101, 127, 128, 158, 163, 166, 169
Provisional Committee of, 170–71, 172, 173
Provisional Government and, 179–80
right wing and, 101, 102
Stalin on, 105
Stolypin and, 94, 97, 101
Duranty, Walter, 543
Durnovó, Pyotr, 85–86, 87, 90, 92, 102, 125, 129, 130, 146, 149, 157, 167, 173, 187, 408, 409, 558
democracy as viewed by, 136
Nicholas II and, 134
political insight and prescience of, 135–37
on probable outcome of war with Germany, 131, 135
resignation of, 91
in State Council, 134
Dzierzynski, Felix, 104, 121, 235, 241, 250, 257, 260, 275–76, 278, 284, 300, 314, 333, 352, 358, 360, 365, 375, 393, 396, 438, 459, 452, 468, 482, 579, 588, 596, 602, 688, 738
background of, 459
as Cheka-GPU head, 459
death of, 605
on expanded bureaucracy, 601
and famine of 1921–22, 447–48
Georgian insubordination investigated by, 480–81, 487, 489
as head of OGPU, 577–78
imprisonment and internal exiles of, 459
Left SR capture of, 276
Lenin’s death and, 492–93, 534–35, 536
; and Lenin’s mummification, 542–43
as Lenin’s possible successor, 493
Mezynski and, 460
NEP and, 578
new Polish attack feared by, 604–5
and succession power struggle, 577–78
Supreme Council of the Economy chaired by, 578, 579, 601
and Trotsky’s Sukhum stay, 541
Eastern Orthodox Christianity, 10, 12, 13
Eastman, Max, 506, 572–73, 647–48
Lenin’s Testament published by, 614
economy, global, 64–65
dichotomy in, 64–65
Soviet collectivization and, 726
Stalin on, 569
economy, Soviet, 408
in civil war, 450
currency in, 450, 452
foreign debt and, 720–21, 733
inflation in, 450, 583, 663
monetary emissions in, 569, 585, 664
monetary reforms in, 376, 451–52, 566, 568, 569, 583, 585
1924 harvest and, 566
Trotsky’s quest for dictatorship of, 481, 484, 485, 486–87, 488, 501, 518
unemployment in, 695
see also finance commissariat; New Economic Policy
Egnatashvili, Mrs., 17
Egnatashvili, Yakov “Koba,” 16, 20, 23, 24, 25, 46, 106
Egnatashvili family, 17, 28
Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, The (Marx), 107
Eihe, Roberts, 683
Eisenstein, Sergei, 651
Eisner, Kurt, 323–24
Elisabedashvili, Grigory, 7
Elizabeth, tsarina, 88
embassies, Soviet:
Comintern offices in, 443
GPU in, 443
Engels, Friedrich, 8, 39, 151, 232
Enlightenment, Stalin’s article in, 133
En Route, 327
Entente (Allies), 140, 147, 221, 247, 256, 258, 273, 364, 561
and Bolshevik takeover of Georgia, 397
continued eastern front operations desired by, 265
and Lenin’s cease-fire offer to Central Powers, 247–48
military aid to Whites by, 296
in partitioning of Ottoman empire, 367
and Polish-Soviet War, 353, 355, 359
Romania and, 378–79
total German defeat as goal of, 258
Trotsky’s secret negotiations and, 265
White army supplied by, 326, 352
Erdman, Nikolai, 620
Eristavi, Rapiel, 34
Estonia, 283, 295, 330, 331, 604
aborted Communist coup in, 554–55, 556–57
as independent nation, 238, 342–43
Ethiopia, 64
Eurasia, 1, 138, 243, 343, 344, 349
civil wars in, 294, 345
diversity of, 56
Muslims in, 349, 366, 367–72
nationalism in, 406
proletariat as minority in, 349
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