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Undescribable Page 6

by Tessier, Shantel

  I grab my bag and stand up from behind the desk. That’s not true…I do feel for her, I feel terrible about what happened. I allowed it, and it could have all been prevented if I had just told her what I saw.

  I want her. I want her like nothing I have ever known. I want to see her lips move underneath me as she sighs my name. I want to know what she sounds like when she’s screaming my name as I bury my dick in her. I’ve imagined her looking a hundred different ways, but when it comes down to it, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I want her.

  I pull myself out of my daydreaming and close up the office. What the fuck is wrong with me? I used to hear friends in college talk about fucking a girl to get her out of his system. I was never that way. I just moved on to the next willing girl. I’m starting to see what they were talking about, though.

  Guess I just need to fuck her and get her out of my system.

  It’s been almost two weeks since we left the hospital. The headaches have stopped, and my stitches are no longer there. I can still feel where they were, though, and every time my fingers move over them, I hate Jax even more.

  Holly wouldn’t schedule me to work the first week. When Doctor Mathers had come back to release me, he gave me the, just need to relax, take things slow, speech, and it just added fuel to the fire of Holly’s mother hen attitude.

  I actually worked two days this week, but I worked the day shift both times. I didn’t really want to be around people much, but the day shifts are always slow and the people I work with keep to themselves.

  I found a house to rent, so Holly has been helping me move in. She thinks the house is too big for me, but as soon as I saw it I fell in love. I could have stayed in the house that Jax and I were renting, but I wanted nothing to do with it. It had cost me money to get out of it, but that was a small price to pay. I told the landlord to keep our stuff. He could charge more by renting it out furnished. He seemed awfully happy about my unfortunate relationship.

  Jax left town the day I moved out my stuff. He quit his job and moved with Bridgette to her hometown somewhere in Georgia. It’s crazy how I moved here for him, then he ups and moves for someone else.

  “Hey, girl. That’s the last of your things,” Holly says, laying down a box on my bed.

  I smile. I don’t know what I would do without her and Micah. They have helped me so much.

  “Hey, you want to go out tonight?” She smiles, trying to cheer me up.

  “I don’t know. I need to put my stuff away.” I lay down, looking up at the ceiling.

  “All you have to put away is a few boxes. The movers delivered everything this morning.” She bounces on the bed, making me laugh.

  “True.” I sit up. “I guess I could use a drink after everything that has happened. Sure, why not?”

  Holly hasn’t let me touch wine since the accident; said it wasn’t very smart. She was probably right, but I am completely fine now.

  Micah has been working twenty four-seven on a case with his dad and Slade, so he hasn’t been home much. It has actually made it feel like we are two single girls sharing a house together. It’s been nice to have so much girl time just lying around in sweats and laughing. I’m glad to be moving into my own place, though. I hate feeling like I’m imposing.

  “Here,” she says, standing up while grabbing the box. “I will help you put these shoes away.” She walks into the closet. “This closet is so big!”

  “I know, right?” I agree, walking in behind her. That’s one of the reasons that I wanted this house. You can never have a big enough closet.

  I hang up a few skirts and turn to walk out back to the bedroom where all the clothes are lying. I pick up a few boxes and look over at Holly who is sitting there, staring at me.

  “What?” I ask with a smile on my face.

  “Are you going to be okay? You know you can stay with us a little longer, right?”

  “Holly, I promise, I’m going to be okay.” I nod my head to reassure her as I turn and walk back into the closet.

  “Here” She hands me another box while she turns back to the bedroom to answer her ringing phone.

  “Hello?...Yes, I’m helping her unpack her stuff right now...Yes, she’s said she would go out tonight.” There’s a long pause. “Is that a good idea?” She laughs. “True...Okay, sounds good. Love you.”

  “I’m going to get out of here. Do you need me to help you with anything first?” Holly asks me.

  “No. Thanks for your help today. Where are we going tonight?”


  I nod my head. “What time are you guys going?” I hang up my last dress and walk out of the closet.

  “Around nine. Do you want me to come get you?”

  “No, I’ll drive myself tonight. I don’t plan on having more than one drink and I’m not staying too late.” I give her a hug, and thank her as she leaves. I lay down on my bed. A little nap won’t hurt before I go out tonight.

  Five hours later I’m staring at myself in the bathroom mirror at Larry’s. When I woke up from my nap, I didn’t feel like going out, but now I’m feeling pretty good.

  Or that could be the three glasses of wine I drank while getting ready.

  I take another look at myself in the mirror to reapply my lipstick. I’m wearing my long dark hair in big curls that reach the lower part of my back, and my long layered bangs are swept to the right side of my face. My makeup is on the light side, with no eye shadow, just black eyeliner, and my lips are coated in a shiny pink lip stick.

  Holly had texted me, telling me what to wear; my white dress that looks like it is painted on my body and is extremely short. The straps are thick, and the top comes down to a low V, showing off my cleavage which I have a lot of. I’m wearing my favorite pair of Jimmy Choo heels; baby pink and look like they’ve been dipped in glitter.

  Why am I hiding out in the bathroom?

  This is my first night out since Jax and I broke up. As soon as I walked in the bar, people were apologizing for what had happened. I just smiled. I don’t know why they are trying to be nice and apologize. I understand most of them knew what was going on, but only a couple of people know how bad it really ended. It doesn’t bother me that everyone knows he cheated. What bothers me is that everyone seemed to know about it, yet no one told me.


  I have to quit thinking about him. I’ve had myself held up in this bathroom for almost fifteen minutes now. I might as well use the restroom while I’m in here. I cram all my things back into my little pink clutch and head to a stall.

  As I stand up and flush the toilet, I hear the door to the women’s bathroom open. It’s probably Holly, wanting to know why the hell I’ve been in here so long. I’m surprised she hadn’t been in here already to drag me out.

  “You want to fuck in here?” a male’s voice booms in the bathroom, followed by a girly giggle.

  Nope. Not Holly.

  “Oh, God,” the girl cries out, no longer giggling.

  Crap, he was serious. I don’t want to have to wait in this stall and listen to them have sex!

  “That tickles!” Now she’s back to laughing.

  That’s my cue to get the hell out of here before she goes back to calling him God. I flush the toilet, again. I’m sure they were too busy to of heard the first one, so I thought I’d give them a warning before I walk out on them half dressed.

  I look down, straightening my dress, and open the stall door. I stand there and stare at the gorgeous man like an idiot for a few seconds before I can get my legs to work properly.

  I peel my eyes away from him to look at the curly red headed woman who looks to be in her mid-twenties. She is pushed up against the far wall. Her eyes meet mine, and she blushes as red as her hair. I look down as she pushes the man away from her a little bit.

  I continue to walk to the sinks, looking her up and down now that there is some space between them. Her pants are undone, but still pulled up, sitting low on her hips. Her bright blue shirt is lifted
so that I can see her exposed pale skin around her belly button. I look away when I reach the sink and begin to wash my hands.

  I look up at the man that had me staring for a few seconds. He is tall, over six feet, with dark brown spiky hair that is rather long on top and shorter on the sides. It’s standing every which way, giving it that just fucked look. I wonder if that’s how he fixes it, or if it looks like that because she’s been running her hands through it? Either way, it’s hot on him!

  He has a beautiful tan, and the most sparkling blue eyes I’ve ever seen. They remind me of the ocean on a bright and sunny day. He has high cheek bones with a square jaw and even from here I can see he has long dark eyelashes. The kind any girl would kill for.

  He is wearing a long sleeve, white button down shirt with the top three buttons undone. I can see his smooth sculptured chest, and what looks to be a tip of a tattoo on the right side of his peck. I instantly have an urge to run my hands over it. He is built; you can tell by the way his arms bulge through his sleeves, and how his white shirt pulls against his back...the man looks to be covered with muscles. He has the kind of arms that could toss my body around in bed like a rag doll.

  NO! Don’t think like that.

  My eyes land on his as I continue to wash my hands. His beautiful eyes are looking into mine in the mirror, so I give him a warm smile. I know that my eek factor should be off the charts right now, since he was about to have sex with a woman in a public restroom, but somehow his hotness overrides that thought.

  I watch as he gives me a slow sexy smile that reaches his eyes. It makes my knees weak, and my panties wet. His eyes stray away from mine in the mirror, and I watch as they travel all the way down my backside until they reach my high heels. It’s so intense that I have to tighten every muscle in my body to keep from squirming.

  As I rinse the soap off my hands, I look over at the redhead. Before I get a good look at her, my eyes are pulled back to him. His eyes are on my ass, and he has a smirk on his face like he’s thinking something naughty, and it makes my body heat rise. My eyes shoot to the redhead again, and she is giving me a go to hell look.


  I have been staring at the guy she was about to take in the bathroom.

  I pull myself out of the daze and turn off the water, grab some paper towels, and pick up my purse from the counter. They remain quiet as I walk out, but I can feel their eyes on me as my heels produce the only sound in the bathroom.

  After the door shuts behind me, I stop. What if someone else walks in on them while they’re doing it? I turn back around and open the door. Only the top half of my body is in the bathroom. They both turn around to look at me.

  “Did you want to watch?” the redhead snarls at me. She is obviously pissed at me for taking up some of their time. Bitch. I’m just trying to lock the door for them, to keep this from happening again.

  “Ginger be nice,” he scolds her.

  Ginger? I cough to hide my laugh.

  “How about you join us?” tall dark and sexy asks as he lifts an eyebrow.

  Is he serious? I shake my head no, reach my left hand around, and lock the door. I can’t help but give sex on a stick a huge ass smile as my eyes travel up and down the back of his dark blue jeans, checking out his hot ass.


  His voice is so deep and sexy. It covers my body like a warm blanket that I just want to wrap myself up in. It goes perfect with his sexy body. Geez, I need to leave. Now! I smile once again and close the door. I know nothing about that man except for one thing. Trouble. He is nothing but trouble, and I need to stay clear of him.

  I have never felt so turned on just by looking at someone. I’ve also never had sex anywhere besides a bed, and right now I’m feeling pretty jealous of that redhead. I’m wishing I was the girl he had pushed up against that wall, about to be ravished by the gorgeous, full of trouble, mystery man.

  I need to have a drink then find Holly.

  In that order.

  As I start to walk away from the door, I hear my phone going off. Looking down at it, I see its Courtney, my best friend from back home. I walk further down the hall, away from the music and towards the men’s bathroom, then hit answer.

  Fuck, she has a gorgeous smile, and a sexy little body to go with it.

  I can’t help the huge grin that is on my face. I turn my head back around to face Ginger, and my smile vanishes when I see the bitch look she’s giving me.

  “You wanted her to join us?” she asks as she pushes me away from her and starts to button her jeans.

  I really don’t know what to say because I wouldn’t have told the angel no.

  Angel. That’s what I’m calling her because that’s what she reminded me of once my eyes landed on her. I have never given a girl a nickname before. Well, besides bitch or whore, but there was no other word to describe her. She looks beautiful and fucking sexy in that tight white dress.

  I turn to the sink to wash my hands off since they were just down Ginger’s pants, and fingering her, minutes ago.

  “You are such an ass, Slade!” she yells at me as she straightens her top.

  I laugh. That’s original.

  “What is so funny, you prick?”

  “Why did that bother you? Not twenty minutes ago you were bragging to Josh about you and some girl having a threesome with her boyfriend.”

  “So?” she snaps. “Didn’t mean I wanted to share you.”

  I give her a warm smile as I take a few steps towards her. “Ginger,” I coo, and she smiles. “I’m not yours.”

  The smile drops off her face. “What the hell was I thinking? You are such a dick.” She walks over to the door. Then turns to face me. “How did I let you talk me into fucking in this bathroom?”

  “If I remember correctly, you asked me to fuck you.” I smile. “I just didn’t want to leave.” I spread my arms out to gesture the bathroom. “Problem solved.” I wasn’t ready to leave the bar. I had just arrived. And it’s not like we made it that far; we were interrupted by the angel.

  She throws her hands up in the air and screams in frustration. She turns and slams the bathroom door shut like a little bitch.

  I dry off my hands and leave the bathroom to search for Angel. Why would I care about what the fuck Ginger thinks after I’ve laid my eyes on Angel?

  I hear someone talking behind me, and turn to see Angel hanging up her phone and placing it in her purse. Well, that was easy enough. I rub my hands together as I walk over to her. She has her back against the wall and is looking down at her purse. Her long dark hair is lying over one shoulder.

  I place my right hand against the wall, above her left shoulder, and lean in to her. She instantly looks up at me with those beautiful green eyes.

  What do I say to her?


  Great, Slade. That was real creative.


  She gives me a breathtaking smile. One that makes me want to go to my knees. I take a step closer to her.

  “Sorry about that. Back in the bathroom.” I make sure to say it loud enough so she can hear me over the music. I don’t know why I felt the need to apologize for the scene she had witnessed, but I sure as hell wish to repeat it with her.

  I can’t help but smile at her. She is so fucking beautiful, and being this close to her lets me get a smell of her perfume. She smells amazing, like something sweet; I want to run my hands through her silky long dark hair. Her lips look so soft and plump; I want to spend hours getting to know them. She has a real petite face, the kind that reminds you of a Barbie doll, and beautiful bright green eyes that I want to lose myself in.

  And that smile...God, that smile. It makes me want to drop to my knees while begging to see again it. She has a beautiful round ass, and her boobs are on the larger size, considering how petite she is.

  “It’s okay.”

  I barely hear her over the music. But her voice sounds familiar. “Do I know you?” I lean a little closer to her so that the
fronts of our bodies are touching.

  “Pardon?” She’s looking at me like she’s mesmerized, and she’s breathing heavy. She pulls her bottom lip into her mouth to bite on it, and I can’t help but smirk. She must be just as turned on as I am. I am rock hard right now, and it has nothing to do with the redhead I was about to fuck in the bathroom.

  I lean down, placing my face in front of hers. “What are you thinking about?” She hitches in a breath as her eyes drop to my lips. I smile. “I’m pretty sure I was just thinking the same thing.” I place my other hand against the wall, blocking her in. “About how I want lose myself between your legs, as I taste you, until you come on my tongue while you scream my name.” She licks her lips, still not saying a word. I take in a deep breath, letting her smell intoxicate me. “I bet you taste as sweet as you smell,” I whisper.

  The music starts to quiet down, and I hear footsteps stumble towards us while she looks at me with hooded eyes. Then someone slaps me on the back.

  “Good luck with that, Slade.” I watch her eyes get big, then narrow on me.


  “I’ve got to go.” She tries to duck under my arm, but I bring it down on the wall, blocking her in.

  “What’s wrong?” I try to get close to her body again, but she bends down and shoots the other direction away from me standing in the hallway.

  Well, shit!

  I center myself in the middle of the hallway. She will have to pass by me to head back to the bar. She crosses her arms over her chest, pushing her tits up a bit more. I take a quick look at them, then back up to her face, hoping she didn’t notice.

  “What do you want?’’ Her eyes bore in to mine, every ounce of lust completely gone. Her face is expressionless, but I can feel the tension rolling off of her.

  How could I have pissed this woman off? We were just about to leave this place together. Ok, so maybe that is a little presumptuous of me, but still, it’s not like she was pushing me away.


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