
Home > Other > Undescribable > Page 7
Undescribable Page 7

by Tessier, Shantel

  “I’m sorry.”

  Wait…did I just apologize?

  That’s the second time I’ve apologized to her in a matter of minutes. I never apologize. I take a few steps back from her. Fuck, this woman has me confused.

  “For what?” She cocks an eyebrow like she’s daring me to say something, but I have no idea what.

  I shrug. “I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “For what you witnessed in the bathroom?’’ I ask, because I’m fishing. “Although, it didn’t seem to bother you earlier. If I recall, you thought it was funny.” She just shrugs her shoulders, so I continue to fish. “Uh, for getting too close to you? I didn’t mean any disrespect.” She shakes her head.

  Okay. I’m getting impatient.

  “Then what’s wrong? What did I do?” I ask, mimicking her crossing her arms over my chest as I spread my legs a bit further apart.

  “What did you do?” she snaps.

  Wow! I take another step back from her.

  “You...” She points her hand over to where we were up against the wall. “You...’’ She frowns, shaking her head. “It doesn’t matter.” She turns around and starts to walk away out that back exit.

  I refuse to apologize for what I said to her. She was into it. I guarantee her panties are fucking wet, and she would have left with me. But fuck, I can’t let her leave. This woman has got me all tied up in knots. I know I know her from somewhere, but I have never fucked her. I would never be able to forget her, no matter how drunk I was. I don’t know if I should get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness, or push her up against the wall right here and kiss her until she forgets why she’s mad at me.

  “Tell me what I did wrong,” I demand, but she keeps walking. “Please.”

  What the fuck! Now I’m begging? This is ridiculous. I make myself stand up a little straighter, even though I feel a little lightheaded.

  She stops walking and turns around to look at me, releasing a big sigh. “Slade,” she says slow and sexy.

  My body freezes and my cock jerks. Fuck! That is all it took. The way she says my name told me everything. My stomach tightens, and I start to shake my head.

  “No,” is all I can say as I look at the floor and run my hands through my hair.


  “Samantha.” This can’t be possible.

  She tilts her head to the side. “Yes,” she answers, although I didn’t say her name as a question.

  I run a hand through my hair again as I frantically look around the hall for some kind of answer. “It can’t be you. You can’t be her,” I say more to myself than her. How can this beautiful angel be Jax’s ex that he cheated on?

  “What are you mumbling about?’’ She takes a step towards me. “Why can’t I be Samantha?’’

  I look up at her. “You’re Jax’s girl.” I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I see her eyes grow wider.

  “I am not Jax’s girl. If you recall, he cheated on me. In your house! You didn’t even have the balls to tell me when you found them in bed together! Or maybe you just didn’t want me to know? Don’t worry, I get it, bros before hoes and all that stuff.” She flicks her hand up in the air.

  I take a deep breath, and place my hand in my pockets while rocking back on my heels. Nervous habit. “It wasn’t like I was trying to keep it from you. I didn’t know either of you. At the time, when you called, I didn’t know how he even ended up back at my house. I thought maybe you two were broke up. Or maybe he broke up with you and you didn’t want to let go…”

  That snapped her head back up to me. And if looks could kill…

  Oh shit!

  “That’s what you thought?” she asks calmly while taking steps towards me, tilting her head. “When I called you, you thought I was some crazy ex looking for her ex-boyfriend?”

  I continue to piss her off. I need a filter tonight. I just keep saying things that aren’t coming out right. “That’s not what I meant.’’ I pull my hands out of my pocket and throw them both up in the air. “I didn’t mean you were, you know…desperate?” I shrug. “I don’t know why he would cheat on you. You’re hot and—”

  Wrong thing to say…again.

  She interrupts me. “Hot?” She laughs, but not you’re funny laugh; more like I’m losing it laugh. Maybe I am. “Just forget it. I don’t have time to play this game.” She starts to turn around.

  “What game?” My eyes land on that gorgeous ass of hers before she turns back around to face me. Fuck, everything about her seems to be perfect.

  “This game.” She waves her hands in the air before they land on her hips. I can’t help the smirk that appears on my face. She looks fucking adorable pissed off. She narrows those bright green eyes at me. “Not everything is about getting your dick wet, Slade.”

  What the hell does that mean? What does getting my dick wet have to do with her being hot? Of course I wanted to fuck her before I knew who she was.



  Now I want her so badly I can taste it.

  Josh comes out of the bathroom, and puts his arm over my shoulder. “Hey, Sam. You look gorgeous tonight, as always. Slade, from the yelling I could hear in the bathroom, you’re doing about as well as I thought you would.” He laughs to himself as he walks away, shaking his head.

  We stand there and stare at each other. No woman has ever gotten my attention like she has. This is the first girl to make me want her just by hearing her voice. The first girl to make me apologize without knowing what for. And the first girl to make me beg, wanting to know what I did wrong.

  I find her bitchy attitude sexy, and her attempt to avoid her attraction to me, even more arousing.

  I let my eyes roam her body unabashed. No reason to hide my arousal towards her. I already told her what I was wanting to do to her. Naked images of her moaning keep flashing through my mind. She is gorgeous and fucking sexy as sin in that tight white mini dress and sky high fuck-me heels. I instantly have an image of that dress on my floor, and those tan legs wrapped around my hips, heels on, shaking uncontrollably as she screams my name.

  She might look like an angel, but my thoughts of her have been nothing short of sinful.

  The bitch look she’s giving me says fucking is the last thing she wants to do with me and I can’t help but smirk. She doesn’t have a clue that she’s my angel, and whether that means she will save me or destroy me...doesn’t matter. Either way, I am going to go willingly with a smile on my face.

  She walks past me to the dance floor without saying another word. She is going to make me work for it. I smile to myself.

  Challenge accepted.

  I walk over the rather small dance floor, find a place to sit down at the bar, and order three shots of tequila. I’m going to need it after my encounter with Slade. I wanted him to kiss me when he was standing in front of me in the hallway. Hell, all I could do was stare into those baby blue eyes while he was talking to me and think of his lips being on mine.

  What was I thinking? I didn’t even know who he was. And now that I do, it makes it worse. I’ve never been one to want someone by just looking at them. I’ve always tried to stray away from physical contact when it comes to the opposite sex, but with him, it’s like my body wants to draw him in.

  What happened to him and Ginger? Where did she end up going? Was he really going to screw her in the bathroom, then sleep with me? Where the hell did he think we were going to go? Did he really think I was going to sleep with him?

  I feel so dirty. Once he told me what he was thinking, I couldn’t stop imagining it. The way his body would feel above mine. My arms wrapped around those broad shoulders. Then I felt appalled and violated once I found out who he was. I couldn’t hide the shock, if I’d tried. The only defense I had was to put up a wall on my arousal and become a bitch.

  What happened between Jax and me wasn’t his fault, but it was the best reason I could come up with. I couldn’t let him see how much his sexiness and use of words, was getting to me. A
nd what was that line about getting his dick wet? The look on his face said he didn’t understand it either. Good!

  I don’t know what is wrong with me. I have never been the kind of girl to swoon over the way a guy looks.

  It’s disturbing.

  I have heard stories about Slade from girls talking at Larry’s. How he treats women like they are just on earth to serve him sexually. But from the way he was talking, I think he wants to serve me, and I can’t help but imagine it.

  The guy is hot. Like drop dead gorgeous, hot! I don’t know a man who wouldn’t use that to his advantage when it comes to getting girls in bed. What was he thinking when he realized who I was? And sorry? He had told me he was sorry before he even knew who I was. What is he sorry about?

  I don’t want to keep thinking about any of it. I already had to live that nightmare with Jax and Bridgette once. Isn’t that enough? I need a distraction from thinking about sex on a stick and Jax. One is trouble, and the other is history.

  My mind wanders off to when I first saw Slade in the bathroom, and all those crazy thoughts about what those big arms could do to me in the bedroom. Jax and I had a dry sex life. He always wanted it missionary with him on top. He didn’t like to give or receive oral sex. He said it never did anything for him. Blah blah blah. So when it comes to sex, I guess you can say I’m very inexperienced. I’m sure Slade could change that.

  I take a deep breath. Thinking about sex is not a distraction. It is torture. What is with all the sex on my brain? Geez, maybe it is due to the glasses of wine from earlier. Or it could be that Slade is the hottest guy I have ever seen in my life.

  I look up as the bartender, Joey, approaches me with my shots and places them in front of me. I pick up one and down it. Shit! It burns!

  When I set the first empty shot glass down. I feel someone place very strong, very large, hands on my hips. I stiffen, even though my body starts to hum with want, knowing who they belong to.

  “Go away.” I say as I down the second shot. Dang, that one burned just as much! How many before they go down smooth?

  “Tequila, huh? Who pissed you off tonight?” He removes his hands and sits down next to me with that smirk back on his face. I bet if I kissed him, that look of shock would reappear on his gorgeous face.

  Pissed me off? More like has me turned on.

  “Go look in the mirror.’’ Must stay bitchy. He’s still smirking, but his eyebrows shoot up. “What do you want this time?” I can’t even look at him he’s so hot.

  I down my third shot glass. Getting better. I’m praying he doesn’t start saying more things he wants to do to me. I don’t know if my body will be able to take it.

  When he doesn’t answer, my curiosity gets the best of me. I look over to see he’s staring at me like he wants to say something, but thinks better of it.

  He looks over at the bartender. “Six shots of tequila, please.” He looks back to me. “I’ll have three with you.”

  “Trying to get me drunk, Slade?” Well, jokes on him. I’m already there.

  “I have a feeling you already are, Angel.” He lifts his hand, and slides a stray piece of hair behind my ear as he looks in my eyes. The touch is so intimate that for a moment we are the only two people in this bar. I hold my breath as I look into those baby blues. I can’t take my eyes away from his. My body is instantly on fire as if lit by a match.

  “Angel?” I choke out.

  He doesn’t say anything. Just drops his hand, and looks up to Joey as he calls Slade’s name and places all the shot glasses down in front of us. I want to take his hand in mine. I want him to touch me again.

  “Life after you.” He lifts up a shot glass, wanting me to follow.

  I lift an eyebrow, giving him a questioning look. “What kind of toast is that? Life after you?” I pick my glass up and clink it against his.

  Once we swallow he goes to answer, but gets interrupted by a blonde who comes to stand between our bar stools.

  “Hey, Slade. Guess what?” she giggles.

  I roll my eyes.

  “My best friend is in town for work. She said she would love to join us later. You’re going to love her. She used to be a gymnast, if you know what I mean.” She leans over and pulls his mouth up to hers, kissing him. It doesn’t last long. He pulls back, and looks at me wide eyed. Guess I’m not the only girl who can surprise him.

  The blonde follows his eyes to me. “Oh hey,” she says like she just realizes I’m there. “I’m Megan. Who are you?” She extends her hand out to me.

  “Sam.” I shake her hand, turn around and down my second shot, trying not to let anyone see how pissed off I am. The shots are getting much easier to drink.

  What just happened here? And why am I so mad? Am I mad at him? Am I mad at her for interrupting our bubble we had going on? Is it because my body is begging for him to touch me again? Or is it because this is the second woman trying to get in his pants in a matter of minutes?

  “So what do you think? She’s only in town tonight and tomorrow.” She sounds very whiny, but I’m sure he thinks she sounds seductive.

  “Uh...” He clears his throat. “Yeah, sure. Tonight will be good.” He sounds unsure, though.

  I refuse to look up at him as I hear the blonde squeal. “Yay! Ok, I’ll go call her and have her meet us up here later.” She walks off before he can say anything else.

  I pick up my final shot and drink it. For some reason, that one burned. I thought they were getting easier? But this is why I came out tonight. I’ve never been much of a drinker except for wine. Well, I take that back, I pretty much stayed drunk off liquor my entire senior year after my dad died. But wine? I can drink a glass of wine every night.

  I didn’t even want to come out tonight. Holly’s the one that said I needed to get out, have fun, and get drunk. Well, so much for the fun part.

  “I’m…” He pauses. “Sorry about that interruption.”

  I hear Slade’s voice talking to me, but I refuse to acknowledge him. Is that a good idea, though? He might take that as jealousy. Am I jealous?


  I’m going to have to fake it. I put a big smile on my face and look over at him. “No problem.”

  He’s giving me a look I can’t explain and don’t feel like analyzing. It looks to be sympathy. Why would he be feeling that towards me?

  “Isn’t that what you do anyway?” Continue to stay bitchy. God, it’s so hard. Since he touched me, I just want to lean into him. I want him to kiss me. I look up at his eyes and he looks hurt by my question. His brows are drawn together, and his beautiful lips are frowning.

  I have to look away, I hate to be hateful and hurt someone’s feelings, but I’m not going to apologize for stating the obvious. I see he has two of his shots left. I lean over and take one. Hmm, that one went down much easier.

  “How are you getting home tonight?” Guess he is going to ignore my question about sleeping with every woman who wants him.

  I laugh lightly. Like he cares how I get home. I shrug my shoulders. “Does it matter?” I ask carelessly.

  “Of course,” he says like it’s obvious.

  I look back to him, and he looks at me wide eyed, like I’ve lost my mind. I look away.

  “Did you drive here?’’ Oh, he’s good.

  “Yes. Why, are you going to take my keys from me?” I look back to him and it is a mistake. All I can think about is kissing those lovely lips and running my hands all over his chest. I can’t help but stare at it. He still has those three buttons undone on his shirt, giving me a peak of his smooth sculptured tan chest. I can’t look away. He is so damn sexy, and the alcohol is starting to mess with my judgment.

  “I’ll take you home.”

  It isn’t a question, but I start shaking my head no. He slides his hand up the back of my neck and brings his face down to mine. I freeze, holding myself as still as possible, afraid I may lean in and kiss him. “I’m going to take you home, Angel,” he whispers against my lips, making a shiver run t
hrough my body.


  He is so close to me, and my heart is pounding in my chest. His eyes fall to my lips and I lick them.

  I have got to get in control here.

  I take in a deep breath. “I don’t need a ride from you.” I pull back and stand up from my chair, causing the room to sway.

  “Whoa. Are you going to get sick? Maybe I should take you to the bathroom.” He stands up, trying to hold on to my arm.

  Hell no!

  He is not taking me back to the bathroom. I can’t be in a small room alone with him right now. “I’m not going to get sick.” I hope. “And you are not taking me to the bathroom,” I snap and pull my arm away from him.

  I see him raise one arm up in the air and wave someone over. As I take a step and stumble, I decide to sit back down on the stool. How am I going to get out of here? What was I thinking? Not all the shots have hit me yet. I will for sure be sick before the night is over.

  “Hey, Sam. What’s up?” I hear Holly’s voice, but really don’t feel like turning around to face her.

  “Holly, how long until you guys leave? Angel needs to get home before she gets sick, but there is no way I’m letting her drive.”

  Did he call me Angel again? And why did it sound so good coming from his lips? I’m trying to see, but it’s getting difficult, so I start to laugh. Everything is funny all of a sudden.

  “What’s so funny?” I hear Micah ask from behind me.

  I can’t stop laughing. “Your brother doesn’t think I can get myself home,”

  I say to the empty shot glasses in front of me as I twirl my index finger in the air.

  “I know you can’t,” Slade says matter of fact.

  Whatever. It’s his fault I’m drunk. It is? Yes, I decide I’m going to blame him.

  “Why don’t you drive her in her car and we’ll follow you. Then I’ll bring you back here?’’ I hear Micah talking, but I don’t know who he’s talking to.

  “Good idea,’’ someone says. Everything is fuzzy and disoriented.


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