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By Royal Demand

Page 6

by Robyn Donald

  Besides who'd believe that Gabe was holding her prisoner? Biting her lip, she scrabbled in the bag.

  So who could help? Nobody a pragmatic part of her brain told her. But there had to be someone. . .

  Hoping fervently that there was telephone coverage over Illyria she groped for her tiny mobile phone. It eluded her as it so often did.

  Demanding angrily ‘oh why do they make them so small'?' she dumped the contents of her bag onto the bed .

  Five increasingly frantic minutes later she stood staring down at the mess she'd made.

  There was no phone-and no diary with its invaluable list of addresses and phone numbers. And someone had removed her credit card and the few notes of local money she'd got at the airport.

  Her laptop had gone.

  And so had her passport.


  REAL fear kicked in Sara's stomach its cold force paralyzing her thoughts.

  She took an unsteady step towards the door then veered across to the charming little desk in front of one of the windows. Perhaps an over-zealous maid had transferred her laptop and the missing items from her bag to the desk drawers? A hurried examination revealed nothing but a stack of paper and envelopes emblazoned with the rampant wolf crest. Ignoring the growing hollowness beneath her ribs she searched the room until she found herself tipping the contents of the drawer in the bedside table onto the bed for the second time.

  She dragged in a sharp painful breath and forced herself to stop her frenzied hunting and sit on the side of the bed. Her hands shook' she clenched them together in her lap while Gabe's final words echoed with mocking clarity in her brain.

  If you need anything pull the bell-rope. . ..

  There was a remote chance-no less than a chance just a faint possibility-that the maid who'd unpacked might have accidentally carried off the mobile phone.

  And the credit cards and money and her passport? her mind jeered. And the laptop? To put in a safe perhaps?

  Her heart clenched and she felt sick. This was far too close to what had happened a year ago.

  Nevertheless she set her jaw and pulled on the bell-rope.

  A couple of minutes later she heard a sharp snick and looked up eyes widening when the door swung open and she met Gabe's ironic gaze. She flinched but got to her feet to face him trying to ignore the erratic rhythm of her heart.

  ‘I rang for the maid ' she said coldly. He'd changed into a black shirt and trousers the shirt open slightly at the neck to reveal a bronze throat.

  Insolent amusement curled his sensuous mouth. 'The maids are all asleep ' he told her. And they don't speak English anyway.'

  He'd been expecting this she realized. Intimidating and powerful he blocked the door. Why did he have to be so big? White-hot with rage, she demanded 'Where is my passport'?'

  ‘lt's safe along with your money and mobile phone.' He scrutinized her rigid face before adding with calculated dispassion And so is your laptop. You won't be needing them. Think of this as a holiday free from the cares of earning a living.'

  'You patronizing bastard ' she hissed between clenched teeth.

  'You conniving bitch.'

  The open insult shocked her into a gasp.

  One black brow lifted in irony. 'can't take it'?' he drawled.

  'But so that we don't have to repeat this scene I should tell you that apart from Webster the manservant no one here speaks English. Even if they could they wouldn't help you escape-it's the feudal thing again. Neither will Webster. He owes me his life and his loyalty is unshakeable.'

  Sara bit her lip. That last barb had been aimed at her and it stung even though it was totally unfair.

  He waited with mock courtesy for her to speak. When she remained stubbornly silent he finished laconically 'You're on your own Sara ' Another intimidating pause set Sara's blood thundering through her body. She felt cold and hot at once her emotions so turbulent she clamped her lips shut in case she didn't make sense.

  Gabe's handsome features hardened. With a dispassionate lack of emotion he said And your door will be locked. If you care to look out of the window you'll see that it's too high for knotted sheets to reach the ground. And I did tell you, didn't I that the first thing I did for the castle was install the latest state-of-the-art security system'?' He knew he'd told her.

  Yet she'd been stupid enough to hope that his willingness to contemplate the idea that she might not be guilty meant some sort of change in his attitude. Why did she set herself up for more pain? Sara lifted her head and stared at him willing her voice to remain steady and cool. ‘so much for that calm reasonable idea of searching for the truth.'

  He looked amused. ‘I never said I trusted you Sara. And I'm surprised that you thought I could.' Something altered in the arrogant face and his smile became speculative.

  ‘were you hoping for something to help you sleep'?' He came into the room each noiseless stride proclaiming his intention. Everything about him-the hooded dangerous look the charged possessiveness the uncompromising masculine awareness-warned her that he still wanted her. Pride anchored her in place while she battled to control an astonishing mixture of emotions-fury pain fear, and a flaring shameless anticipation.

  Because she wanted him too.

  Registering each primitive sensation with horror she wondered what kind of sexual hold was so strong that it survived bitter betrayal and total lack of trust. Whatever it was it had nothing to do with love.

  If she gave in to this fierce mindless hunger she'd be forever diminished in her own eyes-and his.

  He was only a step away when she managed to say hoarsely ‘No.'

  He stopped a smile curving his mouth his narrowed eyes both mocking and reckless.

  And in spite of everything she couldn't control a sudden surge of wild excitement.

  'sure'?' The word was a blatant invitation reminding her of maddened ecstatic moments spent in his arms.

  She had to clear her throat but she managed to mutter ‘Absolutely sure. Not now not ever.'


  He traced the outline of her mouth with a lean knowing forefinger so lightly it feathered across her skin setting off an inferno inside her. Every cell in her body clamoured for him. Unable to breathe she stood like a stone her lashes hiding her eyes her will bent on one thing only-resistance.

  Almost immediately he stopped the small exquisite torture and turned away as though she sickened him.

  ‘1'11 see you in the morning ' he said harshly when he reached the door.

  It closed behind him and this time she heard the key turn.

  Shaking, Sara collapsed onto the huge bed. Think she commanded herself. You need to think. . . .

  But a yawn cracked her face. The reckless rush of adrenalin ebbed from her body leaving her limp her bones aching as though she'd been beaten.

  Oh why did she cave in whenever he touched her? His kisses were insulting each one a cruel statement of power and lust yet she responded with helpless passion.

  Had he brought her here out of some need to exorcise her? Surely he didn't feel he could make love to her until he was sated with her and then just toss her away like a used washcloth? No. He wanted the Queen's Blood and he was certain she had it and so he was going to use every weapon at his command to find it-and his sexual hold over her was just one of those weapons.

  A glance at her watch revealed that she'd been awake for almost twenty hours.

  Tomorrow, she promised her mind clouded by exhaustion she'd work out what to do. Right now she'dbetter get some sleep.

  In the bathroom she washed her face with her own soap and cosmetics refusing even to touch the ones Gabe had provided.

  Damn this overwhelming hungers It shamed her utterly.

  With swift strokes she applied moisturizer to her face then stared at herself in the mirror slitting her eyes as she said softly, 6He thinks you're a lying, thieving slut with no morals. Remember that if he tries to kiss you again.'

  She'd be mistress to no man. That ta
unting part of her brain wondered why she was so adamant now when she'd surrendered to his overwhelming masculine charisma almost without resistance not much more than a year ago.

  'Love is the difference ' she said slowly swift aching tears clogging her voice. She'd loved him so much. . . .

  A knock on her door woke her after a night racked by hideous dreams. Dazed she buried her face in the pillow until the sound of Gabe's voice brought her bolt upright.

  'Good morning Sara ' he said from the doorway his voice textured by amusement. 'You've slept long enough .'

  Her mouth dried and her heart jumped. Dressed in riding trousers that clung to his heavily muscled thighs and narrow hips and a shirt that revealed the breadth and formidable power of his shoulders he looked like some Mediterranean deity out of myth-magnificent dominant and inscrutable.

  'What do you want'?' she croaked totally at a disadvantage. Pushing her tangled hair back from her face she snapped, 'Get the hell out of herel' His kindling gaze swept across the camisole that didn't hide enough of her shoulders and breasts.

  Involuntarily she dragged up the sheet to shield herself but inside she melted caught up in a fire that had never entirely died.

  She'd fallen so completely so intensely in love with Gabe surrendering so completely to his intense masculinity that his lack of trust had been the utmost betrayal.

  Now she knew why he'd trusted the maid above her but it didn't make her desolation easier to bear.

  'Don't worry ' he said contemptuously 61 don't make the same mistake twice. I thought you might like to come riding with me.'

  When she and Gabe had met she'd told him everything about her childhood in the tropics. He knew she'd ridden bareback along the beaches of Fala'isi that she'd only been able to get off the island because her mother had drowned in a ferocious cyclone. Yet he'd told her nothing, she thought derisively. Last night she'd learned more about him than she had in all those dappling, dangerous months in his arms in his bed thinking with incredulous delight that she'd found her soul-mate.

  Her heart lifted then steadied. ‘No ' she said evenly. ‘1 came here to do a job and 1'11 do it. That's what my employer's paying me for and heaven knows this room needs redecoration.'

  She glanced disparagingly around at the hideous mock-baroque furniture and fake tapestries.

  'But he doesn't pay you Sara.' His voice was cool almost amused.

  ‘of course he pays met' She stared at him indignantly. Did he think she was living off the proceeds of the

  Queen's Blood?

  AS well as organizing your job I pay your salary ' he said calmly eyes intent and calculating in his hard formidable face.

  Stupidly, she hadn't even thought of that. But why should she be surprised? AS it happens ' Gabe continued she's quite pleased with your work. He seems to think you have talent.'

  ‘1'11 pay you back-every penny. . . .'She couldn't go on.

  A black brow etched a query in his handsome face. ‘Why?' Groping for words she finally managed to say dully 'Because I won't be indebted to man who thinks I stole a priceless family heirloom two weeks after we got engagedl'

  ‘lf it's so important to you there are other much more pleasant ways to repay a debt ' he told her with assurance, wide shoulders shrugging off her pride and disillusionment.

  It took a moment or two before his meaning penetrated her dazed mind. She'd let the sheet fall and the flimsy camisole hid nothing-and Gabe was enjoying the view. His mouth curled cynically as she automatically followed his gaze down to the two peaked breasts that signalled the heat of her emotions.

  Only this was fury not arousal.

  'Get outl' she snarled hot with shame at the insult as she hauled up the sheet again.

  Dark colour highlighted the sculpted cheekbones Gabe had inherited from some marauding ancestor who'd ridden out of the East sword in hand loot on his mind with genes so potent they'd marked generations of Considines .

  'You don't want me to leave. Your body doesn't lie Sara.' An ironic humourless smile didn't soften his mouth.

  'Nor does mine.' He gestured at himself.

  Sara's eyes widened. Colour blazed in her cheeks as she realized that he was aroused and deep within her a reckless surge of passionate hunger answered He went on coolly 61 still find you very attractive. And as we no longer have to go through the meaningless rituals of courtship we can perhaps forge a more honest equal relationship.'

  She stabbed a shaking forefinger at him. 'While you believe that I stole the Queen's Blood'?' elf you can prove to me-' Sara wanted nothing more than to sink back against the pillows and weep for hours but stubborn pride held her upright kept her voice unwavering her eyes more sombre grey than glinting green.

  ‘lt's up to you to prove I did Gabe. How can I prove I didn't? You made your choice' now you have to live with it. I'm not coming riding with you. I'm going to work up a scheme for the three bedrooms you got your friend's wife to ask for starting with this one. That's what I'm here for and that's what 1'11 do.'

  ‘l'd have thought that you'd want to explore-search for ways to get away.'

  Of course she did! 'Don't try to manipulate me.' She flared then caught herself up. It took a huge effort of will to impose some control over her shaking voice but she managed it.

  ‘l'm not stupid. No doubt you've made it impossible for me to escape, and I don't go in for banging my head against a brick wall. I only hope you weren't lying when you promised to let me go at the end of a week.'

  A negligent shrug was the only answer to her lie-and its challenge. 'Get up and put on clothes suitable for riding.'

  Their eyes met, clashed and duelled.

  Gabe finished softly, for 1'11 do it for you.'

  He meant it. And she knew where that could -would end! Treacherous pulses racing she capitulated hoping she could trust him.

  Trust? Hah. She trusted him about as much as he trusted her-not a bit.

  But she did need to find out as much as she could about this place.

  Gabe held all the cards in his strong tanned fingers: she was his prisoner her boss was in his pay and her few friends wouldn't worry if they didn't hear from her for weeks.

  And he was completely convinced she'd stolen his heirloom jewels the treasure of his house. No he wouldn't let her go. The sophisticated tycoon who'd swept her off her feet was only a mask' beneath it lurked a ruthless throwback to his tough medieval ancestors the wolves of Illyria.

  So she had to get herself out of here.

  As he'd just pointed out knowledge was power. The more she knew about the valley about the castle the better it would be when she made a break for freedom.

  Heart still drumming in her ears she eyed him with what she hoped would pass for a neutral gaze. This effortless physical response was an illusion a nasty trick played by her hormones' it had nothing to do with love.

  ‘AII right ' she said steadily. ‘1'11 ride with you.'

  ‘1'11 meet you here in half an hour ' he said although they both knew he could come and go as he pleased in her bedroom.

  Without waiting for an answer he swung on his heel and headed for the door with long silent strides.

  Sara clenched a fist over her heart willing it to slow down. Once the door had closed behind him she leapt out of bed and hurried into the bathroom.

  Half an hour later Gabe knocked on her bedroom door not surprised when she called out immediately score in ' Sara had never kept him waiting-not for appointments not for sex he thought cynically. But then when she'd studied him with a view to stealing the Queen's Blood she'd have discovered that he disliked wasting time.

  He unlocked the door and pushed it open. She was standing by the desk staring at a sheet of paper. Every muscle in his body contracted in sudden reckless craving but she didn't move not even to look at him.

  Although she'd chosen workaday clothes the overall effect had been carefully judged. Navy jeans made the most of her long elegant legs and her boots drew more attention to her neat ankles and fe
et. A fine charcoal jersey outlined the lush curves of breasts and waist. She carried a jacket over her arm and had pulled her hair back in a ponytail that emphasized her patrician features lit by the morning light from the window.

  With a grim acceptance of his weakness he noted that her glowing skin showed no sign of foundation or powder. Instead of lipstick she relied on a sexy sheen of gloss to call attention to the soft false promise of her mouth.

  He'd been certain he was fully armoured against her but the heady rush of hunger fuddled his brain enough to make him oddly grateful when she turned her head.

  Her face closed against him she said in a flat practical voice ‘1 don't have a helmet.'

  Gabe gestured to the door. 'There are several in the tack room.' And as they walked towards the elevator he said 'Did you wear helmets when you rode along the beaches of your tropical island'?' 'We always started out with them.'


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