How Music Got Free: The End of an Industry, the Turn of the Century, and the Patient Zero of Piracy
Page 31
formation of, 79–85, 101–3, 107–9
Morris’ retirement from, 260
Napster and, 118
payola scandal and, 196–98
Project Hubcap lawsuit and, 158–61, 225–26
rap music acquired by, 148–51, 153–55
revenue declines at, 154, 189–92, 199–203
Universal Studios, 76, 82
“unsecured wireless” defense in music piracy trials, 256–58
upload ratio requirements, 170–74, 210–14
USA Today, 89, 93
Valenti, Jack, 119–20
Van Buren, Steve, 103–5, 135–36, 149–51, 175
Vega, Suzanne, 16–18, 59
Vevo video syndication service, 232–38, 261
video compression, evolution of, 99
Virgin Records America, Inc. v. Thomas-Rasset, 285n
Vivendi Universal, 122–23, 154–55, 158–59, 189–92, 221, 228
Vu, Peter, 162–63, 203, 223–24, 240, 247–52, 254–58 website, 239–40
Warez groups, 71–73, 88–89, 99, 105–6. See also “The Scene”
Warner Music Group, 37, 39–42, 50–51, 77, 154, 189, 260
payola scandal and, 196
Project Hubcap lawsuit and, 159
Waterworld (film), 76, 81
West, Kanye, 153, 177, 220–22, 261–62 website, 239–40
Williams, Bryan (Birdman), 81, 200
Williams, Ronald (Slim), 81, 200
Winamp, 95, 128, 132–33
“Wind of Change” (song), 19, 59
Windows Media Player, 87, 129–30
WinPlay3, 60–63, 88–89, 95
Wired magazine, 227–30
Yahoo! search engine, 70, 130
Yates, Terry, 255–58
YouTube, advertising revenues on, 229–38
Zephyr mp3 conversion boxes, 54–56, 87
zero-day leaks, piracy quest for, 105–9
Zwicker, Eberhard, 7–10, 18–19, 91–92
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