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The Seven: Four tales of passion, danger and love

Page 23

by Ciana Stone

  Gabriel felt tension in the muscles beneath his hand and knew he'd managed to weave his way through the fog that clouded Nathanial's mind.

  "We have to help her." His voice was a soft whisper. "We have to stop them. I need you to understand."

  When he was blasted with memories of Nevaeh and another woman being there, he struggled to take in the facts and dismiss the distortions caused by the spell on Nathanial's mind.

  They will come again, Nathanial. And when they do you have to convince her that she's not safe, that she can't trust them. I know you don't know me and so you don't know if you can trust me. But there must be someone among our people you can trust. Whoever that is, you have to ask for them, get word to them.

  Abruptly the link was severed. Gabriel felt Nathanial's body go slack. He didn't have to look to know the man was unconscious. He turned to leave, casting a look back as he reached the door.

  Whoever had taken Nevaeh had known to bring her here, to her father. That meant they were going to play on Nevaeh's love for her father. But what did they want? And would Nevaeh end up being the one to get hurt?

  That was the question that concerned him the most.


  Nevaeh walked outside and took a deep breath of the humid air. This was one of those few times she wished she had a landline. With her purse, phone, laptop, and even her Kindle still at Asha's estate, she couldn't place a call, send an email or even buy a cup of coffee.

  She was screwed. She's had to break a window in her duplex to get in yesterday after Elysia dropped her off and the only thing she had to cover the window was her shower curtain and thumbtacks.

  So, what to do? She'd dug around and found enough change to use a pay phone but she had no clue where to find one. Where was the last place she'd even seen a pay phone?

  Just then, her neighbor, Debbie Grant stepped outside.

  "Debbie! Thank god. Can I ask a favor?"

  "Hey Nev. I'm late. Can we talk later?"

  "I just need to borrow your phone for one minute. I lost my phone and car keys and I have to call my boss or I'm going to get fired."

  "Fine." Debbie dug out her phone and handed it to Nevaeh.

  Nevaeh accessed the keyboard and hesitated. She didn't remember her boss's number or any of the people she worked with. Those were all programmed into her phone. She stared at the keyboard for a few seconds then blew out her breath and

  "I thought –"

  "Can't remember the number."

  "Tell me about it. My fucking life's in my phone. I lose it and I'm fucked."

  "Yeah, don't I know."

  "Okay, I gotta go. See ya."

  "Yeah, see ya."

  Nevaeh watched Debbie get into her car, then turned, and went back inside the duplex. She had to figure out a way to get in touch with Layla and see about getting her belongings sent to her.

  The question was how to contact someone without a phone.

  It came to her in a flash. The connection with Augustus.

  Hello? Augustus? Are you there?


  She tried to concentrate, imagining his face. Augustus?

  Still nothing.

  Damn, this Vampire connection thing wasn't very dependable.

  Okay, scratch that. She'd have to find another way. She snapped her fingers and smiled as she remembered scribbling Layla's number on her notebook at the theater, the one she used to keep a list of supplies needed for the theater.

  All she had to do was get downtown and she could get the number and use the phone at the theater. She tried to ignore the voice inside her head. All you have to do? You are at least 20 miles from downtown and have about 74 cents in your pocket. How're you gonna get there? Sprout wings and fly?

  She was surprised by the sound of a knock at the door. She opened it and her surprise was magnified. That feeling was immediately followed by elation to see him. Sadly, the elation was squashed by sudden suspicion.

  "Gabriel? What are you doing here?"

  "I was concerned."


  "Can I come in?"

  Nevaeh wasn't sure what to do. On the one hand, she was attracted to him and he'd been nice to her. No that wasn't true. She had a major thing for him and he'd been more than just nice. On the other hand, Elysia had told her not to trust Gabriel. He wasn't what he appeared to be.

  She didn't know who to believe, but Elysia had brought her dad back to her – at least for a few minutes and if she could do it permanently, then Neveah was not about to risk alienating her.

  She stepped outside. "The place is a mess."

  "Are you okay Heaven spelled backwards?"

  "I'm fine. Why?"

  "To begin with you left without a word. Layla and Augustus had made arrangements for your flight and you just vanished."

  "I was in a hurry to get home."

  "Without your belongings?"

  Nevaeh mentally kicked herself. "I was – I – something came up and I had to leave quickly so I didn't have time to pack."

  "Not even your purse?"

  "How do you know I didn't take my purse?"


  "Well what was she doing, going through my things?"

  "Trying to figure out where you were and if you were okay."

  "Oh. Well, as you can see I am."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes! Look, I – I have a lot to do, so—"

  "I just want to help."

  "Well, if you want to help, get me my stuff from the estate. That's all the help I need."

  Gabriel reached for her and she shied away. "I need to get back inside – clean up and get ready for work tonight."

  "Okay. So, you want your things delivered here?"

  "Yes, that'd be great. Thanks."

  "I'll see to it personally."

  "Thanks again. I – I guess I better go."

  She turned and bolted inside, closed and locked the door behind her, leaning back against it and fighting tears. She didn't want Gabriel to be the enemy. She liked him, really liked him and she thought he liked her.

  Nevaeh felt bad about her behavior. He'd seemed hurt and she didn't want to hurt him. But she couldn't let herself be fooled.

  And what if he isn't the bad guy? Remember what Dad said?

  Nevaeh had not considered it until that moment but now she could hear his voice in her mind. Nevie, oh honey, what did you do?

  There hadn't been joy in his first words to her, but concern. Why hadn't she recognized that and what did it mean?

  She slid down the door and sat on the floor, covering her face with her hands and sobbing into them. What was she supposed to do? If there was even the tiniest of chances that her dad could be cured, she had to take it.

  But what if in doing so she made an enemy of Gabriel and Augustus and Layla. What if they weren't bad people? She'd seen Elysia at that party, and she'd appeared to be listening to what the fake security guard was saying into his hidden microphone. So did that mean she was involved in the bloodbath? And if she was, what kind of person did that make her and why was Elysia so interested in her?

  There was too much swirling around in her head. She needed to talk to someone she could trust, someone who could help her make sense of it. Ellie. She needed to speak with Ellie.

  But how?

  Nevaeh thought about it for a few minutes, and then headed out the back door. The bar where she worked nights was only three miles from her place. Despite the heat, she could make the walk in under an hour. With luck, the owner, Mickey, would be there. She'd convince him to give her an advance or a loan. As soon as she got her belongings and the check Layla promised, she could pay him back.

  Her mind was so occupied with trying to decide what she should do that the walk seemed a lot faster than it was. Luck was with her. Mickey was behind the bar, stocking the cooler with beer.

  "Hey Nev. You're not scheduled 'till seven."

  "I know."

  "So how was the trip?"


  "No shit, we watched it on the tube. Crazy stuff."

  "To say the least. And in the – uh, hubbub, I kind of left empty-handed. All my stuff's still there. I was wondering if there was any way you could advance me on my next check?"

  Mickey paused in the act of shoving bottles of beer into the cooler. "Nev, babe you know I love you and you're a hell of a hard worker but I made it clear up front that I don't do advances."

  "I know and I swear I wouldn't ask if it wasn't an emergency. Until Layla ships me my stuff, I don't even have car keys Mickey. Or a phone. And definitely no cash. Look, she's paying me mad money for that fiasco and I promise you that the minute I get the check I'll pay you. I swear it."

  He frowned, leaned his forearms on the counter that separated them and studied her face. "How much cash are we talking about?"

  "A hundred?"

  "That's it?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  He grinned. "Cause normally when I get hit up for cash it's a whole lot more. Tell you what. I'll front you the money, and you pay me back tonight if your tips cover it. If they don't then you pay the rest from your next shift."

  "I promise. Thank you. Thank you so much, Mickey. You're the best."

  "Yeah, that's what all the girls say." He straightened and went to the register. When he returned, he handed her the money. "So I'll see you at seven?"

  "Yes sir. And thank you."

  He nodded and Nevaeh hurried out of the bar. Her cell phone provider had a store not far from the bar. She made her way there and waited in line for an associate to help her. When a young man called her name, she waved to him.

  "Hi, I'm Daniel. How can I help you today?"

  "My phone was lost."

  "Oh that sucks. Did you have insurance on the phone?"


  "Great. Just step over here to the counter and let's call up your account."

  An hour later, Nevaeh emerged from the store with a new phone, updated with all of her information. She felt bad about the lie she'd told to get it and promised herself that when she got her original phone back, she'd return the replacement.

  She found a shady spot and called Ellie.


  "Ellie? Hey, it's Nev."

  "Nev! Oh my god, girl people have been looking everywhere for you!"

  "Huh? Oh! Oh, well I'm fine."

  "Where are you?"

  "Home. Well, not exactly. I'm near the bar where I work."

  "And you're not harmed? What happened to you Nev? Layla's been sick with worry."

  "It's kind of a long story and the reason I called. I really need to talk to you Ellie. In person. The problem is, all my stuff is still at that estate, and so I can't drive my car. But I borrowed some money from my boss and I'm going to see if I can borrow a friend's car in the morning. If I can, would it be okay if I came to your house?"

  "You know it's okay."

  "Great. Thanks. I'm closing tonight at the bar so it'll be three or so before I call it a day. If I leave around nine I could be there around ten to ten-thirty. Would that work for you?"

  "Perfect. That's morning nap time for Carson."

  "Which reminds me, how is the little fella?"

  "Feisty and cute as a button."

  "I can't wait to see him. Okay, I better go. I'll call you when I'm on my way in the morning."

  "Okay, hon. Talk to you then."

  Nevaeh ended the call and stuck the phone in her pocket. She'd feel better once she talked with Ellie. She started the walk home, letting her mind wander back over the events of the last few days.

  By the time she reached her duplex, she was more troubled than ever. Elysia claimed that Layla, Augustus, and Gabriel were not her friends, that they were using her for some nefarious reason. Nothing in any of Nevaeh's interactions with them led her to that conclusion. Nothing.

  And Elysia was the woman she'd seen at the event. Neveah was sure of that. Elysia was the one Augustus was convinced was conspiring with Asha to coordinate the attack. Not to mention that Elysia had jabbed her in the neck with a needle and drugged her.

  But she can cure Dad. Hot tears flooded her eyes and spilled down her face. God help me. If she is evil and did help with that attack that got so many people killed then how can I even be in the same room with her? How can I turn my back on people I believe are good?

  But if I don't… what if she really can heal my Dad? How can I turn my back on that? He's my Dad. I can't let him fade away from this damn disease and die. I can't.

  So where does that leave me?

  Nevaeh raked her hand over her face then swiped them on her shorts. She was relying on Ellie knowing if Elysia was telling the truth, if Elysia really could heal her dad.

  A sudden thought had her mood lifting. If Elysia was really Fae and could do what she did, maybe Ellie could too. Or her brother, Eldric. Maybe she didn't have to get in bed with a monster to cure her dad. Maybe there was another way.

  Chapter Nine

  I remember reading a quote once by Martin Luther King. "It's always the right time to do the right thing." Right now I wish I knew what the right thing is.

  It's hard for me to think about Gabriel and believe that he's evil. The same goes for Layla. And even Augustus. I remember what it felt like when he was in my head. There wasn't anything evil, just a lot of concern for the people he cares about.

  But I also remember being told by my dad when I was a child that often evil appears as what you want the most. Not scary or horrifying, but beautiful and alluring. That's how it traps you and sucks you in – by offering you what you think you want.

  I don't disbelieve what he said – I just don't see it as being much help. I'm stuck between two things I want. On one side is my dad. Elysia says she can get him back for me. I want that so much it hurts. And on the other side is Gabriel. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want him. I do. More than I ever wanted another person. He's my dream.

  But how can I choose between the two? And which choice is the choice that brings evil into my life? God, I hope Ellie has some answers when I see her. If I can find a way to do that. I really need to figure this out.

  Nevaeh had just stepped into the sidewalk in front of the bar when a car pulled up and stopped. She immediately started walking backwards, intent on turning and running back to the bar if anyone got out of the car.

  The passenger window rolled down. "Nevaeh?"

  Nevaeh recognized the voice. Elysia. The last person she wanted to speak with.


  "Hey." Nevaeh walked over to the car and leaned down to look inside.

  "Where're you headed?"




  "Get in, I'll give you a ride."

  Nevaeh's first instinct was to say no, but she suppressed the inclination. She still had not decided what to do about Elysia and if she was involved with the people who orchestrated the attack at Asha's estate, Nevaeh didn't want to make an enemy of her.

  "Okay, thanks."

  She got in the car and Elysia rolled up the window. "Do you always walk to work?"


  "Then why are you walking?"

  "Maybe because you drugged and kidnapped me and all my stuff, including my keys and my purse are at the estate, so I don't really have a choice."

  "Oh. Oops!" Elysia actually giggled. Nevaeh wanted to punch her but instead looked away.

  "I'm sorry, Nevaeh but as I told you, I feared for your safety."

  "Well, I'm safe now, so you don't have to worry."

  "But you're not. Surely, you don't think every Preterhuman is in New York? There are plenty in Florida and believe me, if Augustus wants to hurt you all he has to do is pick up a phone."

  "But he hasn't."


  "What does that mean?"

  "Let's just say that I have it on good authority that sides are being chosen and if you're not on the right one, you could end up collateral damage. If you let Augustus
talk you into doing something—"

  "He hasn't tried to talk me into anything."

  "Oh? And I guess he has no link with you even though you shared blood. Neveah, don't be naïve. Augustus can be in your head and you'd never know it."

  If only. Nevaeh wished that were true because then Augustus would know if this Elysia was trying to pull a fast one on her. Or would he? What do I really know about him? What if he is trying to pull me into something bad?

  Nevaeh wanted to scream. She just wanted to talk with Ellie. She needed someone impartial to advise her.

  "So what do you think I should do?"

  Elysia smiled at her. "I think you should test him."

  "Test him? How?"

  For a brief moment, Elysia's smile turned sinister and Nevaeh inwardly blanched. What the hell was she getting herself into?

  Having reached Nevaeh's duplex, Elysia stopped the car and turned in her seat toward Nevaeh.

  "That will be simple. You will contact Augustus and tell him it's imperative that he and Eldric come to Florida, to Eldric's sisters. You say that when you were abducted you overheard your captors talking about going there and capturing the doorway. They believe that if they take Ellie, her powers, combined with theirs will be enough to open the door."

  "Oh yeah, that will fly like a lead balloon."


  "Well think about it. I got abducted and overheard all that and got away … how?"

  Elysia laughed. "Why you froze time, of course. That's how you escaped. How you got back here – pretty much the same. Invent something. You stopped time when you got to the airport, stole someone's ticket, and got on a plane."

  Nevaeh hated to admit it but it might work. It would be believable to Augustus, anyway. "And just what do I get for all this help? You promised you'd heal my dad."

  "And I will."

  Nevaeh nodded and looked away. She needed to speak with Ellie before she did anything, which meant she needed to stall Elysia.

  "Look, it's late and I'm tired and I don't want to make a decision until I'm rested and have had a chance to think about it. Why don't I call you tomorrow?"


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