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London Moon (The Kloe & Gavin Adventures Book 2)

Page 9

by Sondra Hicks

  “Hey baby, I wanted to give you this. It’s not much but I hope you like it.” Gavin said taking out the bracelet and putting it on her wrist.

  “Aww! Thank you, Gavin. It’s beautiful and that was thoughtful. I love it,” Kloe told him looking at the bracelet.

  “Okay let’s load it up everyone” Liam said going for the door.


  The SUV was cramped but Kloe and Kali made do with what they had. They drove down a few streets with twists and turns. They pulled into an alley. Two wolves jumped out and posted beside a door. They sped off and came around to the front of the shop. They piled out. The remaining wolves posted outside the shop and one inside the shop. Kali and Kloe began shopping for shirts.

  “May I help you?” A nervous clerk asked, eyeing the security, then Kloe.

  “I am looking for maternity tops that will fit me,” Kloe said, showing her belly to her.

  “Right this way!” The clerk motioned, leading her to another few racks.

  “Do you know if it’s a boy or girl yet?” The clerk asked.

  “No I never thought to ask,” Kloe told her.

  “Well these are on sale and these are normally priced much higher. If you need anything just let me know.” The clerk told her walking off.

  Kali walked over and grinned.

  “What?” Kloe asked.

  “You never thought to check if it was a boy or girl?” Kali asked.

  “With all the excitement, I completely forgot, honestly.” Kloe told her.

  Kloe grabbed her belly and looked shocked.

  “What? What is it?” Kali asked.

  “I think I just felt the baby kick,” Kloe smiled. “Here let me see your hand,” Kloe said, taking Kali’s hand and putting it on her belly. The baby gave another sharp kick. Kali pulled her hand back in shock.

  “Is that normal?” Kali asked.

  “Yes according to Gavin’s book,” Kloe told her.

  “Let’s pick out some shirts so we can get you back to the house,” Kali told her.

  “I’m going to try these on,” Kloe told her.

  Kloe went in the dressing room and tried on a shirt and came out and modeled it. Kali smiled so Kloe went back in and tried on another not noticing the mist at her feet. Before she could scream there was a hand over her mouth.

  “Shh I won’t hurt you. It’s time to come with us!” The elder whispered.

  “Kloe hurry up already!” Kali told her.

  Kloe tried to break free of his grip but he held firm. Her eyes grew hazy and she had the feeling of flying. Then it went black.

  “Kloe come on already!” Kali said going to the curtain. Opening it she found it empty. She ran to Liam and Gavin waiting outside the shop and told them immediately.

  “What do you mean she is gone?” Liam demanded.

  “She was there talking and then nothing,” Kali told him.

  “How did they get her? We had it covered?” Liam thought out loud.

  “I've got a tracker on her. George put it in the bracelet she is wearing.” Gavin told Liam.

  “Well pull it up. What does it say?” Liam asked.

  Gavin pulled it up and looked confused.

  “It says she is right here but that can’t be.” Gavin told him.

  “The bracelet or the program has a glitch. Shit!” Liam cursed. “Let’s get back to the house and regroup. There is nothing we can do here. Man right under our noses.”

  The ride back to the house was tense. Everyone was upset that the elders had managed to take Kloe right from under their noses. Gavin was hurting. Wondering what would happen to his child and his girlfriend. He was scared they would both be lost to him.

  Liam parked the SUV, got out and came in last after he had a round of punching a tree. He was more than upset. He felt like he had failed in his mission and he had grown to like Kloe. Now her future was uncertain and he was deeply scared she wouldn’t have one.

  Gavin went inside and sat by the fire, letting it warm him. He felt a tear slide down his face and he brushed it off. He knew he had to make the call. He didn’t want to but he had promised Jonathan. He had a right to know about his daughter. They were keeping so much from him already. He felt a deep guilt about it. It had been Kloe’s wish though and now he had no choice.

  Gavin pulled out his phone and dialed Jonathan’s number.

  “Hello?” Jonathan answered.

  “Hi Jonathan. Before you get mad, hear me out okay.” Gavin told him.

  “Okay,” Jonathan replied.

  “Kloe has been taken by the elder vampires. She is pregnant and they want the baby. My baby. We don’t know where they took her yet. She isn’t far from giving birth and I can explain it better when you get here. I think we need you.” Gavin told him.

  “Gavin thank you for calling me. We will be on the jet out as soon as we can. We will see you tomorrow and you can explain this better.” Jonathan told him.

  They said goodbye and hung up.

  “Who was that?” Liam asked.

  “Kloe’s parents,” Gavin told him.

  “Are you sure you want to bring them into this?” Liam asked.

  “Little late now and besides he has resources we don’t have. He won’t stop until he has his daughter and his grandchild back. Trust me!” Gavin told him.

  “Is her mother coming?” Liam asked.

  “Yes but she has gifts. She can read minds and has visions which might prove useful,” Gavin told him.

  “I wonder if she could go to the shop and have a vision of where they went?” Liam wondered out loud.

  “It’s possible and worth a try.” Gavin told him.

  “I hate to say it but there is nothing we can do today except hope for the best. We'll wait for them to arrive tomorrow.” Liam told him.

  Kloe woke up on a mattress, with a blanket over her. She felt dazed but sat up and looked around. There were rock walls and to her other side bars, with a door that was locked. She stood up. Letting the blanket fall to the mattress. She walked over to the bars and peered out. There were vampires walking around paying no attention to her.

  “Hey I want out of here! You have no right to hold me!” Kloe shouted. She pulled on the bars and they shook but held fast. Whoever had designed this knew what they were doing.

  “Yelling won’t do anything. You will stay in there until it is time,” a vampire told her.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” Kloe asked.

  “Because you are the chosen one. Holding the holy child. We are only playing our part in the prophecy.” The vampire told her.

  “Have you bumped your head? This sounds crazy,” Kloe told him.

  “Here is your blood,” the vampire said, slipping the bag between the bars.

  “I eat human food,” Kloe told him.

  “You will drink blood to build up your strength for the birth. You will not get human food down here.” The vampire told her. The vampire walked off after that.

  Kloe wanted to cry. She was alone with a bunch of vampires. They believed in some prophecy and she was imprisoned. What would they do to her or her baby after the birth? She walked over and picked up the blood bag. She tried drinking it but half way through, vomited it back up. This seemed to draw attention from the vampire who had spoken to her. He returned.

  “Hmm. seems you may need fresh blood. We will hunt for it and return.” He told her leaving.

  Kloe sat down and cried. In that moment she couldn’t have wanted her mother more. She was scared and alone. She prayed she would be found.


  Gavin and Liam stood at the airport, waiting on Jonathan and Jessica. They stood there a good 15 minutes before they arrived. Jessica gave Gavin a hug and Jonathan gave him a handshake. They looked at Liam and he stretched out his hand. Jonathan shook it.

  “My name is Liam. I am with the wolf pack, locally here.” Liam told them.

  “Let’s get back to the house. You two can explain this situation to us.” Jonatha
n said, eyeing Gavin, who was looking down at his shoes.

  They walked out of the airport, loaded into the SUV and headed to the house. When they arrived they went to the living room, Jessica sat down and Jonathan stood by the fireplace.

  “Gavin, you want to explain?” Jonathan asked.

  “Well it started in Paris. Kloe drank tainted blood. In order to save her life at the time, we had her bathe in a holy spring. We didn’t know it would change her and make her half human. We didn’t know she would be able to have a child either.” Gavin told him.

  “You didn’t think to report this to us?” Jonathan asked.

  “Let him finish Jon,” Jessica told him.

  “When Kloe was abducted the first time here they discovered she was pregnant. We took her to a supernatural doctor who said her pregnancy was moving too fast for her to fly home, so we stayed here but there was movement by the elder vampires. They wanted Kloe and her baby. We have been doing everything possible to keep her safe. Yesterday we took her clothes shopping. With guards at all exits but the elders were still able to take her. We don’t know how either.” Gavin told him.

  “We should have been you’re first call Gavin,” Jonathan told him.

  “Kloe asked me to keep it a secret. I did until now.”

  “We were hoping Jessica that you could go to the shop. Maybe you could have a vision in the changing room she was taken from?” Liam asked her.

  “Well, I can try but they don’t always come at will,” Jessica told him.

  “I have a tracking device on her but it’s not working,” Gavin told them.

  “What do you mean it’s not working?” Jonathan queried.

  “Well it said she should have been right in front of me but she was nowhere to be seen,” Gavin told him.

  “Yes that could be a problem,” Jonathan muttered.

  “Take me to this shop and let’s see what I can do. If anything. It’s worth trying at least.” Jessica told Liam.

  Liam led the way to the SUV. He and Jessica headed to the maternity shop.

  “Wake up chosen one. We have brought you fresh blood,” a vampire told Kloe. Opening the cage, throwing in a young girl and locking it again.

  Kloe just sat there unmoving. She didn’t want to drink her blood. The vampire stood at the cage watching her, frowning.

  “Drink up. You will if you get hungry enough,” the vampire said, as it wandered off.

  “What’s your name?” Kloe asked.

  “Cindy. Are you going to kill me?” Cindy asked.

  “No. I’m sorry you got dragged into this,” Kloe replied

  “I just want to go home,” Cindy cried.

  “You and me both,” Kloe sighed.

  Cindy stayed in the corner with her knees tucked to her chin. Kloe sat on her mattress. She didn’t know what to do. She was getting hungry but she wasn’t going to give into her hunger. She could smell dried blood on Cindy. It wasn’t making things any easier. She had sworn off feeding on humans. This girl was still a child. She must have a family to go home to that missed her. She couldn’t feed and take the light out of her. She knew the girl was dead though. The vampires would never let her leave alive. A thought occurred to her. What if she made her a vampire? No that was a stupid idea. She would probably go and kill her family if let loose. Kloe’s choices were limited and her baby needed food.

  The SUV pulled up to the store. Liam parked it and walked around waiting for Jessica. They walked into the store. They were greeted by the same sales clerk as yesterday.

  “Hello how can I help you?” she asked.

  “Oh my daughter was here yesterday and left something behind in the changing room. I just wanted to see if it was still there,” Jessica told her.

  “Go right ahead,” the clerk told her.

  Liam pointed to the one she disappeared from. Jessica opened the door and walked in. She touched the mirror and got nothing. She touched each wall and got the same reaction. There was a blouse on the floor. She picked it up. She saw her daughter standing in the changing room with a vampire. He was holding a hand over her mouth. She looked almost full term and she was struggling to no avail. He whispered something to her and then they disappeared into a mist together. The mist was going under the back wall, through a gap between the floor and wall. The vision ended and Jessica dropped the blouse. She knew her daughter was scared. She had to find her. She came out of the dressing room and went to Liam who was waiting.

  “Did you find what you were looking for?” the clerk asked

  “No but thank you,” Jessica told her sweetly, as she dragged Liam out of the store towards the car.

  “I saw how he got in and out. There is a gap between the floor and the wall. My daughter looked near full term. We don’t have much time if we want to save them.” Jessica said getting in the SUV.

  “I think it’s time your leader joined us,” Jessica told him.

  “How did you know I wasn’t the leader?” Liam asked.

  “Trust me you know a leader when you meet one,” Jessica told him.

  Liam made a call and Ahiga met them at the house.

  “Liam! What is going on? I leave you with a simple task and you can’t even do that?” Ahiga roared at him.

  “We are dealing with Vampire Elders that turn into mist. They are a little hard to fight. You left me to run everything. While you are down at the pub when we needed a leader.” Liam spat.

  “Boy you’re walking a thin line of rope,” Ahiga told him.

  “Could you stop arguing and focus on the problem at hand. We need to gather as much information as we can on the elders, as quickly as we can. We don’t even know where they are!” Jessica shouted at them.

  “Who might you be?” Ahiga asked.

  “I am Jessica Rice, Kloe’s mother. That vampire is my husband and her father Jonathan Rice,” Jessica told him, standing her ground.

  “Well, Welcome. I wish it was on better circumstances. It seems your daughter is popular here in London. Sadly, I don’t think she is in any shape to fight off elders. Where ever she is, she is stuck. We will find her and her baby.” Ahiga told her.

  “Kali is there any underground chatter?” Gavin asked, remembering the bot she put in place.

  “Let me read up and I will let you know,” Kali told him.

  “I have something you will like,” George told them.

  “What’s that?” Ahiga asked.

  “A silver stake with spikes that dig into their victim,” George smiled.

  “Might be useful against an elder, good lad,” Ahiga muttered.

  George smiled, setting it on the table.

  “Well for now, I guess we should at least offer a room to Jessica and Jonathan. Kali can you show them to a room please?” Ahiga asked.

  “Thank you,” Jessica told him, picking up her bag and following Kali. Jonathan grabbed his bag and followed not far behind.

  “Liam, I need all your informants on this one. We need to find out where they are holding her before that baby is born. The clock is ticking on this.” Ahiga told him.

  Liam nodded and headed out the door.

  “George your tracker is acting glitchy. When I tried to track Kloe it said she was right in front of us but she wasn’t.” Gavin told him.

  “That’s strange let me see your phone. I will check the coding and get back to you” George told him.

  Gavin went and sat on the couch. Waiting for someone to say they had something. Time poured on. He gave up and went up to bed. He lay there staring at her pillow, wishing she had her head resting on it next to him.


  Jessica looked out the window as Jonathan got dressed the next morning. She wondered if her daughter would ever come home. Her vision had scared her. That elder had been so powerful. She doubted even if she could fight him. She was still too young and she wondered if they should tell the council or if they would even help them. What would the council do if they found out Kloe was pregnant? She shook her head to clear her
thoughts. She didn’t need to think of that now.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Jonathan asked.

  “You don’t want my thoughts” Jessica told him. Laying her head on his shoulder.

  “I know. We will find her, don’t worry.” Jonathan told her.

  There was a knock at the door. Jonathan answered it. Gavin stood there with bags under his eyes.

  “My god Gavin, didn’t you sleep?” Jessica asked, knowing the answer as she asked the question.

  “I lay there all night wondering what Kloe was thinking. I want her back so badly. Being without her is torture.” Gavin told them.

  Jonathan put an arm around his shoulders.

  “I know it’s hard but take two of these. If anything new comes up, we will wake you okay?” Jonathan told him, handing him two yellow capsules. Gavin accepted them and left the room.

  “Jon, the poor boy is going through hell. His girlfriend and his only child are missing. We need to find them before the elders have their way.” Jessica told him.

  “I know we shall figure it out,” Jonathan told her.

  “I just hope it’s soon,” Jessica sighed.

  “Let’s go see if they came up with anything,” Jonathan said, kissing her forehead.

  They walked out of their room and down the stairs to the living room. They found Kali pouring over chat room logs. They weren’t sure if she had even been to bed. She had a cup of coffee beside her. George sat there his head in hands.

  “I don’t understand it. It works fine. Something had to have interfered with it. I don’t get it,” George whispered to himself.

  Jessica motioned for Jonathan to follow her. They walked to the kitchen where they found Liam flipping eggs. He turned with a smile and it faded.

  “Good Morning. Sorry I keep thinking I will find Kloe waiting for her breakfast.” Liam said sadly.

  “You all cared for her a great deal,” Jessica told him.

  “Her kindness grew on you and you couldn’t help but like her,” Liam told her.


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