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London Moon (The Kloe & Gavin Adventures Book 2)

Page 11

by Sondra Hicks

  “Be patient and wait for Liam and Ahiga. Why don’t you go talk to Jessica and Jonathan? They look just as upset as you are. Family should be together in times like this. Especially before a battle when who knows what can happen.” Kali told him.

  “Your right, thank you Kali!” Gavin told her, getting up and moving over to Jessica and Jonathan. Jessica wrapped her arms around him and hugged him.

  “This must be so hard for you Gavin. I know no matter what happens you will be there fighting for our daughter and our grandchild. I know you two have a special love. For myself it hurts. Knowing they are treating her like a caged animal.” Jessica sobbed.

  “Jessica why don’t we get you sitting down. I will get you something to eat in the kitchen. Would you like the whole bag or just a glass my dear?” Jonathan asked.

  “How can I eat right now. Knowing my daughter is alone and afraid. About to deliver her child. I want to march over there and kill them myself with my own hands” Jessica cried.

  Jonathan looked at Gavin. He went to the kitchen. Gavin sat down and put his arm around her shoulders. Jessica turned and fell into his shoulder sobbing.

  “I know you are upset but we will think of a way to free her. We shall make sure our child is safe. No one will let anything happen Jessica. I would risk my life to save her. If it comes to that and something happens to me you need to be strong for me. Also, for your daughter because she will need you,” Gavin told her.

  Jessica stopped sobbing and looked at him, through her tear-filled eyes and her drenched cheeks. She hugged him and kissed his forehead.

  “Gavin it won't come to that. If anything does happen I will keep your memory alive forever. You will never be forgotten. You are the best man I could have asked to fall in love with my daughter. Maybe one day you two will get married and I will call you son.” Jessica smiled.

  “I would like that very much. I hope one day that Kloe will be my wife should we get through this,” Gavin said, with a smile.

  Jonathan reappeared holding a glass of blood for Jessica. She took it from him, thanking him with a smile. Jonathan looked at Gavin confused. Gavin shrugged and got up. He went to go find Ahiga and Liam to see what they were planning. He felt if a plan was being made to save his future wife, then he needed to be in on it, rather than find out later. He walked up the stairs and searched through the rooms. Finally, he opened one with a library of books and a large oak desk. Ahiga and Liam were crowded around it talking. They both looked up rather surprised to see him.

  “We will be down shortly to discuss our plan,” Liam told him starting towards him. Gavin moved forward towards the desk and Ahiga which caused Liam to step back.

  “If there is a plan being made I feel I should be here with you. I am not a foot soldier. This is my girlfriend and my baby we are going in after, so catch me up and let's talk about what your idea is to save her,” Gavin told them.

  “Well check out the brass on this one. You have come some ways since I met you in the tavern,” Ahiga chuckled.

  Liam gave Ahiga a look and turned to Gavin.

  “We are thinking of taking all our man power since we are fighting elders. We saw two to three of them but there might be more. They are a fair match for us so we may lose some men. You and the others will dust the regular vampires. The older more experienced wolves will take on the elders. They need to be beheaded and burned and no ordinary stake will take them out. It will slow them down for a moment.” Liam told him.

  “I am assuming their interest is in my child. We don’t know if it is vampire or werewolf but the pregnancy has accelerated. We are tight on time so we need to act quickly,” Gavin told them.

  “Agreed. Also, there was an alter in that room. Big enough for an adult. I am guessing that is where she will give birth, if we don’t get to her first. Also, we don’t know if this birth will kill her, or if they plan on killing her. There are several unknowns we have to work with. We do know that elders are susceptible to daylight. If we break those windows in the ceiling, during daytime we can control the room. Those other vampires, however, we have no idea if they are day walkers like your girlfriend and her parents. When we get in there, you will take charge of several wolves and break the glass.” Ahiga told Gavin.

  “I think I can manage that. I can stake a few vampires and break some glass. Who will be freeing Kloe, if she is imprisoned, or helping her off the alter?” Gavin asked.

  “I think we will see about asking her father to do that. While her mother, if the child has been born, tracks the child down and motions the others if an elder has it. If a regular vampire has it, she can dust it. Then rescue the child.” Liam explained.

  “Sounds a bit like guess work but that’s what we are working with. It’s time we told the others. Let's take back my baby and my future wife. If I make it through this I expect you at my wedding. Whenever it happens in the future. If she says yes!” Gavin said slapping, Liam on the back.

  “If we pull this off then you bet I will be there. Make it a closed bar or Ahiga will never leave,” Liam laughed.

  Gavin smiled and the three of them walked out of the room. Down the stairs to the others and explained their plan.

  “You want me to motion others if I find my grandbaby? Why can't I just take out the elder and take back my grandbaby?” Jessica asked.

  “To be honest you are no match for an elder Jessica. Compared to them you are young and an elder is stronger and has been around for a long time. It is pure vampire, no human inside them. They could snap you like a twig. Why don’t you help Gavin break the windows? You can look for the child if he or she has been born. We need to back these elders in a corner. You leave it to us wolves who are experienced. Now I will be honest. We expect causalities. Please understand not everyone will be coming back. However, you will die with honor in battle, doing what is right. If you want out, now is the time. I won’t hold it against you nor will anyone else. Everyone else suit up and get your weapons. Let’s load up and get going because time is not on our side,” Liam told them.


  Kloe sat on her mattress and fought against the growing pains she was feeling. She was scared she was going into labor. That would mean they would take her baby. She had no idea what they would do to her. Would they make her join them? Would they worship her? Would they kill her? Would she ever see her baby again? She got up and began to pace back and forth across her cell. She began to feel like the cell was rather small. She noticed that several vampires were watching her. One began to approach her cell and a sly smile came across this vampire’s face.

  “You are in labor. I can see you are in pain every few minutes. It won’t be long now and our holy child will be here. I must tell the elders. They will be pleased. Your job is near done, Holy Mother.” The vampire smilied wickedily her, walking away quickly

  “Shit,” Kloe muttered. She had hoped to hide it for as long as she could. These vampires were more observant then she had hoped. What was this stuff about Holy Mother and holy child though? It only concerned her more about the future of her baby and herself. She would die before she let them hurt her child. She sat on a chair that now sat in the corner and tried to relax. She was so wrapped in her thoughts she hadn’t noticed the group of vampires approach her cell. She heard the click of the key and turned her head as they entered. Swarming around her grabbing her, bringing her to her feet. They took her clothing off and a couple of them began rubbing sponges over her skin that smelled like lavender. It smelled nice and was soothing. She didn’t fight. She didn’t have the energy. They washed her body from her face, down across her breasts to her vagina and down her legs to her feet. They sat her down naked and poured water over her hair. Then rubbed shampoo into it that smelled like flowers. They poured water to wash it out. They toweled it dry and helped her to her feet. She was helped her into a white gown that flowed beautifully down her body. They slipped white shear slippers onto her feet. They placed a wreath of flowers on her head and stepped back admiring th
eir work. Another vampire stepped forward extending her hand. Kloe sighed taking it. She led her out of the cell into the centre of the room before the elder vampires. There had to 6 of them. They all looked at her and smiled.

  “You will bear the holy child who will eventually lead us all into the light. We shall take back the world that the wolves and humans have stolen from us. We will honor you the Holy Mother and your sacrifice. You are a beautiful sight, even though your blood is not pure. Your name will be honored. Please tell us your name so we can honor you,” one of the elders told her.

  “My name is Kloe Rice. I may have impure blood but I have found a way to live in peace with the humans and wolves. They are not our enemies. It seems you have been down here too long. My child you speak of is here because of the love between a vampire and a wolf. If you honor me, you have to honor the father. Gavin a werewolf.” Kloe told them trying to reason with them.

  “You are honored and you are bold. We will speak fondly of the father but there will be no peace when those you speak of drive up underground. You are young and know not of the Great War. How many we lost. Nor the crimes against our kind. You would not have such a loose tongue when it came to this if you understood.” The elder told her.

  “That was the past. Those that hurt you have died. These are different wolves and people. Why do they have to be held accountable for crimes they did not commit? You are fighting a war with a dead enemy. It’s time to move on. You should let my baby and I go. This is not the way to do things anymore.” Kloe pleaded with them, grabbing her gut, feeling a sharp pain. She would be having this baby any minute.

  “Kloe Rice, you will understand someday, we assure you. Please put her on the altar. It is time for her to give birth. Time for talk is over.” The elder ended the conversation with her. He motioned for the other vampires to come forward.

  Kloe tried to struggle but was easily subdued. They took her to the altar. They strapped her arms down with black leather straps and put her legs in the stirrups. They pulled her gown up. Kloe struggled against the straps. Tears beginning to fall down her face. There was no talking to these elders. Now they were going to take her baby and she was powerless.

  “It's time to push Kloe,” a voice her.

  Kloe knew she had to. She pushed with everything she had.

  “Come on just a few more,” the voice told her.

  Kloe pushed again sweat starting to fall from her forehead.

  “One more should do it,” the voice told her.

  Kloe thought for a moment but then decided to push. She gave it everything she had. She stopped when she heard her baby cry.

  “Congratulations, it’s a girl!” the voice told her.

  “Can I see her?” Kloe asked.

  No one answered her. She saw someone rushing off with her baby. No! They couldn’t take her baby. Not like this. Kloe pulled on her restraints and kept pulling till she heard a crack. She pulled harder till it gave way and her arm was free. She unstrapped her other wrist and removed the broken strap. Several vampires came to stop her. She fought them punching them in the face. She heard the crack of one vampire’s jaw but that didn’t stop her. She pushed several into each other and tried to follow where her baby went. It seemed everywhere she went there was more vampires. She was so busy fighting she didn’t see the elder come up behind her. When he grabbed her shoulder she spun around. He grabbed her wrists with one hand, lifting her off the ground.

  “That will be enough. The holy child has been taken to the doctor. It appears you are a quick healer. You have just had a child. Already you are inflicting damage to my soldiers. However, you have done your part. You have a choice Holy Mother. You can join my ranks or you can sit in the cell until I decide what to do with you. What will it be? Either way you will not see your daughter, unless I decide to let you.” The elder told her.

  “Your ranks? Be your solider and slave. I have already been your slave and I would rather die. I love my daughter. I pray you suffer for what you have done. You won't keep us apart. I promise you that. Wait I shall spit on your dead body.” Kloe yelled at him with deep anger him.

  “That is your choice. Take her back to her cell!” The elder ordered a few vampires. They grabbed her as she fought them. They dragged her to the cell locking her inside.

  They parked on the outside of the fence. A distance away from the house. The wolves, Gavin and Kloe’s parents all gathered together.

  “Now, you all know the plan. This is a do or die plan. If something goes wrong, Kloe and the baby are our priority. Get them out. Even if you have to leave me or a brother. There is an innocent child in there. Every life is precious. There is no way I am going to let an elder snuff out that life. Leave the elder killing to the experienced wolves. In other words, don’t do anything stupid, if necessary.” Liam ordered them. Ahiga stepped forward. “Men. Women! You are strong and brave for being here. This won’t be easy but together we will do what is right. Now remember when staking vamps don’t stake Jessica or Jonathan. Especially not Kloe. Let’s get in there and make it home in time for dinner!”

  They began making their journey over the fence. Creeping up to the house. The door they had gone in had been re-boarded up. They quickly and quietly pulled it off while others circled the house finding other entrances. They went inside, finding vampires and staking them before they could alert others. They regrouped in the room with the steel door. They began stalking down the open doorway in single file. When they got towards the entrance they slowed. Liam waited until there were enough of them to start the fight. They charged. Attacking the vampires. Staking them. Watching as they turned to dust.

  The vampires were shocked but quickly turned into attack mode. They began fighting back. Gavin helped with staking but soon found a perfect opportunity to start breaking the glass. He saw several long wooden boards and began throwing them at the windows breaking them. Sunlight filtered in. The younger vampires began to scream as their skin was hit with the light. It began to smoke. They ran for the dark shadows. Gavin kept throwing things at the windows. He was stopped when someone grabbed his collar. Dragging him.

  “Gavin don’t struggle, “he heard Liam tell him.

  The vampire turned him to face him. Gavin was now face to face with an elder vampire.

  “You come here and stake my family and break my windows. Why should I not kill you?” the elder asked.

  “I am here because you took my girlfriend and my child,” Gavin growled staring at him not backing down

  “Ahh you are Gavin well the Holy Mother speaks high of you. However, you have committed crimes against my family and that can’t be dismissed. What will I do with you?” the elder told him.

  “I just want my girlfriend back and my child,” Gavin told him.

  “The Holy Child is ours. As it has been prophesied and no one will stop us from fulfilling that prophesy. It is our job to protect her and help her fulfill her destiny.” The elder hissed at him, increasing his hold on Gavin.

  “She? I have a daughter. I would die before I let you keep her from Me, Kloe and her family. Your prophecy is wrong and what you are doing…. We will stop you” Gavin said, gasping for air. The elder gripped him tighter, pushing his arms into his ribcage.

  “Then it is decided. You will die Gavin but I will allow you to see the Holy Mother one last time. After all, I am not a monster.” The elder told him dragging him to the cell where Kloe was kept. The elder opened the cage and shoved him in. Gavin gasped for air and fell to his knees as the door closed behind him and locked.

  “Gavin!” he heard Kloe’s voice cry out. He felt her arms wrap around him and her lips met his. He returned the kiss. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

  “Kloe my love. I am glad you are still alive. Where is out daughter? Are you okay?” Gavin asked.

  “The vampires took her after I gave birth. I didn’t even get to look upon her face but I am guessing she is in one of the back rooms. I am okay. I bounced back rather well it se
ems. Once I gave birth I healed rather quickly. I tried to fight them but they overpowered me. They shoved me back in here until they decide what to do with me. Since I won’t join their ranks.” Kloe told him frantically him.

  “It’s okay. Everyone is here fighting. Soon those elders and vampires will be dead. We brought more than enough of an army to defeat them. I was captured breaking the windows above. Trying to drive the vampires from the centre of the room. It meant we could establish a foot hold but I was only halfway done before that elder grabbed me. I hope your mother was able to finish the job.” Gavin smiled at her.

  “My parents are here? I hope they don’t get hurt or killed. I would never forgive myself,” Kloe looked surprised and worriedly at him.

  “I am sure they are fine and fighting with the rest. The elder more experienced wolves will be taking out the elder vampires. The others can take out the other vampires. I am sure it will not be long before we have control and win.” Gavin told her.

  They both looked out at the struggle in the centre of the room. Vampires were smoking and some burning from the daylight. The elders were in the shadows trying to make their way to the doors. The doors were now blocked by the elder wolves that stood ready with weapons. They heard a loud hissing from the elder vampires. Growling from elder wolves. It was like it was happening in slow motion. They charged each other and there was blood. They couldn’t tell from which side. One of the wolves swung an axe, meeting one of the elder vampires in the neck, which caused him to step back in surprise. The wolf grabbed his axe and swung again, meeting his neck. He grabbed his next axe. Ripping it from his body, throwing it to the centre of the room. It did not turn to ash. It just dried up and the body did the same, falling to the floor. They killed four more elders and ninety percent of the other vampires until the others asked for mercy.


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