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Taming Romeo

Page 12

by Rachelle Ayala

  By late afternoon, we’ve recorded multiple scenes with the live bike and fan blowing, but each time, Dick had something to criticize. After a water break and makeup touch-up, I straddle Romeo’s legs for what I hope is the final take.

  “This is it, sweetie. You gonna make it real?” He tongues his lip ring.

  “You know, if all you wanted was a kiss, you didn’t have to go through all this to get one.” My attitude toward him has softened.

  “Cut, cut!” Dick swings his fists as he stomps to us. “Anger first. You are freaking furious. Candy, come here.”

  The woman who holds Dick’s coffee sets it down and wiggles her ass toward him. She smiles sweetly, then rolls her eyes at Romeo.

  “Warm him up.” Dick gives her a pat on the behind.

  Before I can do anything, she shoves her tongue down Romeo’s throat. And, wait a second! Hold it right there. Romeo looks like he’s enjoying it. His eyes are closed and he’s moaning. And what the hell? He’s got a tiny smile on his lips.

  The whore. I pinch her shoulder and shove her. “I’m the freaking co-star, not you.”

  “Oh yeah? I’ve been warming him up since the show started eight months ago, and I’ll still be doing him next month after you’re forgotten.” She snarls and gives me the finger.

  Romeo chuckles so I slap him. Wow. I’m not a physical person. In fact, I’ve never hit anyone before. But let’s just say, I’m damn tired and sick of all this shit. Romeo’s no better than any other man whore actor. He’s not the kid I used to know. He, he, he sells his body for a living!

  I barely notice the cameras rolling. The motor between my legs vibrates and jolts with an electric whirr. They added the simulated road bumps and leans. I’m hanging onto Romeo, but hating him. The fan blows my hair around my face, and I’m sure we’re going to crash.

  Romeo, er, Zeke’s a lying son-of-a-bitch, a womanizer, and I hate him. I try to twist my wrists from his grip, but the motherfucker’s too strong. I glare at his overconfident, arrogant smirk and try to head butt him. He dodges with a flip of his head and I smack him upside his face.

  “You know you want me.” He makes kissing motions, and my eyes are pinpointed on those hot, wet lips. I’m thirsty, hungry, hot and as riled up as a hornet’s nest. Sweating under the spotlights, with this motor purring between my legs, I’m unable to mount an effective fight. I tighten my thighs and allow myself to be drawn further into his lap until I’m riding on his erection.

  Shit. If I can feel his erection, his other co-stars must have experienced it also. I push away. “I don’t need you.”

  “Oh, but you’re waiting for me to pleasure you. Do you remember how it worked the last time I went down on you?” He waggles the tip of his tongue at me.

  “In your dreams, asshole.” I swallow hard because my eyes are almost crossing with the sensation between my legs. The ride is getting bumpier and I’m bouncing effortlessly on top of him.

  “So, what do you say?” He wiggles his eyebrows and purses his lips. “Come on, you know you can’t stay away.”

  I’m so not into this cheesy dialogue. Didn’t he say they were dubbing it in? “Eff you, let me off now.”

  “Not until you get off, honey, and cream all over me.” He smirks lasciviously. Keeping one hand on the handlebar, because obviously, this has to look real, he loops me in with the other and smashes my lips against his.

  My body ignites like a thermite reaction where metals burn at extremely high temperatures. Molten lava flows from my lips, sparking through my breasts and arcs through my crotch where the motorcycle’s jolting is rubbing me against his erection.

  “This can’t… can’t be happening.”

  “Let it come, baby,” he mutters in my mouth. “Let go.”

  “They’re filming, but… I’m… I’m going to come. Stop moving.”

  “It’s not me, it’s the bike.”

  The simulator jiggles as if it’s on a rocky road and leans to one side before popping back to the other.

  “Ah…” I’m screaming, fear driving the horniness to the background while I hang on for dear life.

  But the bike rights itself with a series of bumps and the exhilarating feeling is back at an even higher intensity.

  “I don’t know if I can hold out much longer.” My breaths are hard and fast.

  “Come for me, Evie.” Romeo’s voice is gruff. “You’re so close, just let go. I’ll hold onto you.”

  I wrap my legs tight around his torso and throw my head back with a loud yowl. Romeo jerks his hips and the bike tips up into a wheelie, jamming me over him as I explode, convulsing and shattering.

  “Romeo, oh, Romeo. I don’t want this to ever end.”

  “Me either sweet Evie, ride off with me and be mine forever.” He kisses me and brings me down to earth while the simulator slows and shuts off.

  “That was great!” Dick’s shrill voice cuts through my mental fog. “Wow, this is epic. I hope we don’t have to do a retake.”

  I’m shuddering and burst into tears. “I don’t think I can do that again.”

  Romeo holds me, rubbing my back. “I won’t let them. Let’s call it a day. They can do the voice-overs later.”

  The assistant lifts me off Romeo’s lap. He’s stiff as he unmounts the simulator and has a wet spot on the front of his pants. I hurriedly wipe my tears and hide my face on Romeo’s chest. This is all so mortifying, another one of these drop-me-into-a-hole moments.

  Romeo and I hobble toward the exit after he tells Dick we’re finished.

  On the way out, Candy hands me a water bottle. “Not bad for a newb. That was one bitch of a tank slapper.”

  Chapter 24

  “I say I earned my five thousand today.” I raise my champagne glass and toast Romeo’s.

  “And I should get best supporting actor for that scene.” He grins. “You don’t know how numb my legs were.”

  Romeo and I are at a fancy restaurant near Disneyland. After we showered and changed, he rented a car and took me shopping where I bought an appropriate dinner dress and sexy shoes. I then called Choco and told her we were delayed with filming, and Romeo booked us a room on the top floor of a high rise hotel overlooking the theme park.

  Choco was naturally suspicious, but the truth is, Dick and his crew are still reviewing the shots and trying to determine if they need a retake. We also have a few regular scenes to shoot on the motorcycle in front of the green screen, which I learned is used for film editors to digitally insert scenery in the background using a chroma-key compositing technique.

  I rub Romeo’s knee under the table. “You’ll get your reward tonight.”

  He stretches and smiles so wide he looks like a cat who swallowed a cockatoo. “I’m not so sure. I did promise your father I’d look after you.”

  “Oh, please.” I roll my eyes. “And he trusts you?”

  “I am looking, aren’t I?” He leans forward and lowers his voice. “How about we get room service?”

  “Nope, I’m not that kind of girl.” I twirl the champagne flute and down the bubbly liquid. “All good boys need to be patient.”

  “And all good girls need to answer questions when asked.”

  “Excuse me?” I pinch an orchid that comes with the place setting and throw it at him.

  The waitress wisely chooses that moment to check up on us. I flash her a grateful wink. We can always tell when a girl needs a break.

  “Ready for an refill?” She tips the champagne bottle from the ice bucket and fills our stems. “So, what are you folks celebrating?”

  “Our future together.” Romeo raises his eyebrows and points at me with his chin. He’s so full of himself.

  “Oh.” The waitress darts a glance my direction. “Then I shouldn’t have interrupted. Have you decided on ordering?”

  “That depends on if she’s still vegan,” he replies.

  I kick Romeo under the table. Everything on the menu is gourmet Californian cuisine: quail, roast pheasant, range-fed beef
, and sustainable seafood.

  “We have a few salads and soups that might fit the bill, bruschetta or insalata caprese. I can also take the pheasant out of the couscous,” the waitress suggests, pointing to the salad section of the menu.

  “Oh, what the heck. I’ll take the Falkland Island Chilean sea bass marinated in miso with Chinese broccoli.” I hand her the menu.

  “I’ll have what she’s having,” Romeo says.

  “How unoriginal, try the range-fed tapas or the pheasant stuffed grape leaves, oh, how about the braised Sonoma bunny rabbit.” I don’t know why I’m so grouchy with him. Maybe I’m PMS’ing. I hope.

  The waitress gives him the uh-oh-you’re-in-the-doghouse face. Romeo shrugs it off and orders the seared halibut with Manila clams and a bottle of sake.

  After the waitress leaves, he taps me on the knee. “What was that all about?”

  “Nothing.” I shrug. “Think I’ll go freshen up.”

  “See? You never answer my questions.”

  I take my clutch and slide to the end of the booth. “I’m not in a good mood.”


  “I don’t know. I feel as if you’re setting me up for something. Why do I have to explain?”

  He traps my hands. “I’m not setting you up for anything other than a good time. Don’t be so nervous.”

  Well, thanks a lot for reminding me that I’m ruining a good time. Deflated, I slide back toward him. “I’ve been on pins and needles since that day I saw you at the restaurant. I keep thinking you’re being too nice to me, paying me all this attention, and then, bam. You’ll disappear after you…” get me to fall in love with you.

  “After I what? I hope you don’t think I’m just after sex.”

  “No, I don’t think that. You’re creating these memories, vivid wonderful memories, but I’m going to fall hard and wish none of this had ever happened.”

  The problem with me. I don’t spill, but once I do, I can’t control my mouth. Maybe I’ve given up already. I’m doomed already. So what do I have to lose?

  He tugs me close and puts his arm around me. “I am not going to hurt you. Relax and enjoy yourself. You’re not my temporary co-star, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  Well, that and the fact he’s an actor. He’ll say and do anything to twist things his way. He can even get a hard-on on demand. What do I really know about him these last five years? The places he’s been to, the things he’s done. But he’s right. Enjoy the here and now, and don’t worry about the future.

  “Let’s have a good time, then.” I give him a soft kiss. “Sorry for being bitchy.”

  “Sounds good, but you’re still going to answer my questions later. I want to know your long term plans.”

  “And ruin the mood?” I tip the champagne flute toward him. “Let’s celebrate tonight, my handsome co-star.”


  # # #

  “Come on, we have to hurry.” Romeo powerwalks down the corridor, key card in hand. We’re on the eleventh floor and the elevator had stopped at almost each floor, adding to his impatience.

  “What?” I totter after him, not easy when I shared more of the sake than he. This is so unromantic. I thought we’d take a leisurely walk around the hotel to admire the interior décor and paintings along the wall, maybe even dance down in the lounge before romantically strolling our way back to the room.

  “Not telling you.” He opens the door and drags me in.

  I twist from his grip. “I have to use the bathroom. Can you handle that?”

  I take my makeup kit to the bathroom along with the overnight bag I bought this evening. I’m steaming and not sure I should tuck in the vaginal contraceptive film now or later. The package insert says not less than fifteen minutes and not more than three hours. Something tells me he’s not going to wait long, not with all the hurrying to the room like his pants are on fire.

  The deed done, I wash my hands, clean off my makeup, reapply a light touch of lip gloss, and thinly line my eyes without putting on mascara. My natural lashes are thick enough and tonight, I don’t want to look like a co-star.

  “Evie, are you done in there?” Romeo rattles the door.

  Geez, what is wrong with him? Even though I owe him ‘this,’ I’m not that fast, and I need some romance to go with it. Asshole.

  “I have a headache,” I call out. “Can you give me another minute?”

  “Fine, but it’s going to be over soon.”

  Over? Is he freakin’ jerking off? Gross. I stomp to the bathroom door, preparing to give him a shove while I rush to the hallway and flag down help.

  Ooph! I bounce off his chest. Guess that didn’t work very well.

  “Come on.” He tugs me to the floor-to-ceiling window overlooking Disneyland Park.

  Fireworks light the sky, and the entire park shimmers from the Matterhorn to Sleeping Beauty’s Castle. The colors sparkle and shine brighter than a laser show. Romeo tucks me in front of him and wraps his arms around me, holding my hands.

  “What do you think?” His voice is low and husky.

  Once again, my pent up anger fizzles and I feel guilty. “I love it. That’s why you rented this room?”

  He turns my face and kisses me. From the corner of my eye, I can see the plumes of smoke rising toward the multi-colored starbursts. The tension eases from my spine and I relax into his embrace. He’s the same Romeo I’ve known forever, always trying to make me laugh. He gave me my first flower, my first box of chocolates, my first promise bracelet, my first dance, my first kiss.

  His tongue traces the outline of my lips and when I open my mouth to let him in, he lingers around the edges, his lips massaging mine. A hand snakes around my back while the other one rolls around my breasts.

  I sweep my tongue into his mouth and tug at him, sucking and grasping. There’s got to be another first left for Romeo. Something I haven’t given to someone else. But even as I deepen the kiss, drawing him in, pressing myself against him, I despair and weep inside, knowing there’s nothing left to give.

  He lowers the zipper of my dress and slides the slinky material off my breasts while kissing a trail from my neck to my shoulders. I twist and squirm, every nerve crying for his attention, on fire, unquenchable.

  Tears roll down my face, fighting with the arousal down below. I can’t give everything I want to Romeo because part of me is still in limbo. I clutch onto his shoulders as he lifts me and gently lays me on the bed.

  His eyebrows crease with concern. “Did I hurt you? We don’t have to do this.”

  “No, I want to. I want you, Romeo. Just let me calm down a moment.”

  He kisses my cheeks, his fingers stroking me gently. “You’re so emotional. Are you still afraid of me? That I’m going to hurt you?”

  “No, I’m happy and sad because I want… I want…” My voice chokes and I cover my eyes.

  “Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you.” He drags his fingers through my hair. “You know I would give my entire life for you.”

  “No, no, don’t. I can’t take that from you. I want to give myself to you, but there’s not much left of me. Nothing left. I don’t know if I’m coming or going, where I’m going to end up, what I’m going to do, who I am.”

  “I’ll take whatever you offer.”

  “That’s not good enough. You deserve someone who’ll stick to you, who loves you and appreciates you, who trusts you.”

  “You think it’s not you?” He props himself over me, on his hands and knees.

  “No, I’m too damaged to be that trusting. I’ll always look over my shoulder and wonder when the other shoe will drop, when the life I thought I had would be overturned, when the ground I thought was solid turns into quicksand.”

  “That’s exactly how I feel, Evie.” His eyes turn watery. “When you left me at the prom. All these years, I wondered how you could have done it. Turned your back without an explanation, a word of comfort, even a friendly wave. Am I stupid enough to think you won’t d
o it again? What are you trying to tell me?”

  His words dampen my lust and I scramble to get under the sheets. I can’t take seeing the anguish on his face, all the hurt and pain of the past, knowing I did it to him. And here I’m whining because Eric did it to me, and I’m afraid to trust again. Shit. I hate myself right now.

  Pulling the covers over my head, I wait for him to leave. Why would he take another chance with me, unless it’s to get revenge? To sweep me into his world, to open my heart to his love, to get inside of me until I’m utterly dependent on him, and then, slam me into the icy lake of rejection. Make me feel what he felt all these years.

  “Don’t hide from me.” His voice rumbles in a low growl. “You brought it up, now we finish it.”

  He yanks the covers back and climbs in, still clothed to my half-naked body. He’s right. I did bring it up, because he doesn’t deserve how I treated him, yet he deserves an explanation, no matter how stupid and demeaning it is.

  “You’re mad, aren’t you?”

  His eyes are dark and beady, narrowed, but he shakes his head. “No, I’m trying to figure you out. Why did you leave? The truth.”

  I’m plastered to the sheets, unable to move, my emotions drained, my heart hollow. The truth. It’s ugly, juvenile, unforgivable. But if I want a shred of a chance with him, I have to give it to him. Ninety-nine percent probability he’ll turn his back and walk away.

  Tentatively, I reach for his hand. He grasps it lightly and stares at me, unblinking.

  I lick my lips and swallow, willing my voice to be strong. “I was too young to settle down, and I met someone I liked better. I was too scared to tell you because I didn’t want to hurt you. No, that’s a lie. I ran because I didn’t want to lose you. I wanted to think you were always there in the background. Someone I could turn to when I needed a friend. As long as I didn’t give you closure, I could have someone to hold onto.”

  “And now he’s doing this to you. Ignoring your messages, not giving you closure. He hasn’t let go, and you are still waiting for him.” Romeo’s voice is hard and edgy. “Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?”


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