Taming Romeo

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Taming Romeo Page 17

by Rachelle Ayala

Chapter 31

  Boston in the summer is sticky and muggy and August is the worst. I stretch my arms and legs and lengthen my stride. The Charles River is calm and the morning rowers move through it with great speed. It’s relaxing to jog along the river every morning, inhale the fragrance of lush, damp vegetation and enjoy the cheerful birdsongs along the way.

  Angie, my collie-chow mix, picks up the scent of another dog and strains at the leash.

  “Heel, girl.” I give her a firm tug, but she only rolls her eyes at me, her tongue lolling, slows for a nanosecond before lunging again. She’s got all the markings of a collie, white pointy nose and reddish fur with the white chest, but is stout like a chow-chow.

  The disturbance approaches: a sleek dog running alongside a man wearing wraparound sunglasses and a tennis cap. It’s too late to turn around and there are no other paths to take.

  Why is he always running at the same time I’m exercising? This has been happening too often to be coincidental.

  I fortify myself and keep my pace without breaking stride. It’ll be a quick pass, no need to speak.

  Eric’s muscles glistens as he comes to a stop. “Lina, nice dog.”

  He says the same thing every time we pass each other.

  I pull hard to restrain Angie who sniffs Desiree like her fur is coated with lechón grease.

  “Did you pass anatomy?” Eric asks.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. I took the final last week and Professor Chu gave me honors.”

  “Cool.” He removes his wraparounds and shoots a charming smile my way. “We should go out and celebrate.”

  “Yeah, whenever.” I’m proud of my body for not reacting, for my hormones to stay on an even keel, for my heart rate to remain steady. “Let me know when you’re free.”

  I give Angie’s harness a tug and she reluctantly parts from Eric’s dog, her tail wagging like a minesweeper’s metal detector.

  “Sure, see you around.” Eric waves and takes off at a respectable pace.

  “That went well.” I pat Angie. “I pass the Evil Ex test too. Let’s go back to the apartment and take a nap.”

  Angie yawns and trots after me. In another week, I’ll be flying to California to drive with the family to UC Berkeley where Genie is starting her freshman year, then return back for my second year of medical school. It feels nice to not have work hanging over my head, but the pain of my persistent loneliness hits harder at times like this.

  Romeo, true to his word, did not cut me off. He emails me occasionally to keep me up to date. His soap opera was cancelled and he’s looking for a job stateside. No luck so far. He’s always encouraging me with my studies and when I told him I passed anatomy with honors, we had a Skype chat. But he refuses to talk about a relationship and I know better than to press him. I blew it and deserve to be left alone.

  Angie leaps and bounds up the stairs of the apartment complex, and I race her to the door. She growls and barks, her nose to the sill of the door.

  “What’s the matter? Is there a mouse in there?” I slide my key into the lock and open the door. “Go get it.”

  She rushes in barking and yelps when the room erupts with poppers spewing confetti.

  “Surprise!” My family jumps up and down, waving their hands.

  Romeo grabs me around the waist and plants a kiss squarely on my lips. Adrenaline spikes, followed by a wash of lust, adoration, and pure elation. I latch onto him, my hands twisting around his neck, my tongue around his, as fireworks pop in my eyes and my heart bursts with joy.

  “You came for me,” I mumble into his lips. “You know I love you.”

  He smooshes my mouth, hugging me tightly. “I’ve always loved you, Evie.”

  A flurry of emotions twist around me and I float in his arms, as if a giant burden had been lifted. Bubbles and flowers and sunshine and lace. My heart celebrates and I touch his face, kissing every precious bit of him, hardly able to believe he’s real.

  “Okay, enough, enough.” My father claps after Romeo and I have been going at it far too long.

  I break from Romeo’s arms and rush my mom. “You guys, what are you doing here?”

  My sisters and brother pile on for a group hug.

  “We want to be the first to celebrate your engagement to Kuya Romeo,” Genie squeals.

  “Oh, you blew it,” Choco says. “Let him ask her first.”

  Brian fist bumps Romeo. “You have my approval to marry my sister.”

  “Wait, everyone,” Romeo says. “Can Evie and I have a few minutes alone? Please go to the kitchen and check on the food or something.”

  My family sidesteps to the kitchen a few seconds later. I’m so flooded with happiness, I can barely contain my laughter. When Angie jumps Romeo and he falls onto the couch, I let loose gales of belly laughs until my eyes are teary.

  He pets her and lets her slobber all over him.

  “Do you two know each other?” I ask, skeptical as to why my normally protective dog would be so friendly to an intruder.

  “Yes, sweet girl.” He ruffles her fur. “She’s always whining to be let out. You don’t pay her enough attention.”

  “What? You were stalking me?” My face is hot, no doubt from the jogging. “How long?”

  “I was here job hunting about a month. Remember Mr. Dee’s son?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “He introduced me to a playwright who owns an acting school here in Boston.”

  “And?” Excitement leaps from my heart.

  “You’re looking at the new acting instructor for the Beantown Players. I live down the street from you.”

  My jaw falls to the floor and I claw at his chest. “You were here all this time and you let me suffer thinking you no longer wanted me? How could you?”

  “I needed time. You did too. But I never stopped loving you.” His eyes are, moist, large and sincere. He holds up his hand.

  “You’re wearing my ring.”

  “I never took it off. There was never going to be anyone but you. And now, it’s my turn to put my heart out for you.” He drops to his knees.

  Angie takes this as her signal to attack. She lands her front paws on his shoulders and licks him.

  “She says ‘yes.’” I drag my dog from him. “Congratulations, Romeo and Angelina. May you have a happy life together.”

  Mama peeks from the kitchen door. The sounds of frying and the scent of Filipino food wafts toward us.

  “Is it done?” she asks. “Time to congratulate you two?”

  “I’m still getting off the runway.” Romeo runs his hand through his hair. “One more minute.”

  “Lumpia’s almost done. Hurry.” She closes the door.

  Angie’s tail thumps against the sofa to the beat of my excited heart. Romeo pats his pocket, then pats the other one. “Oh, shit.”

  Standing up, he flips both pockets out and dances around, frantically scanning the floor. “Oh no! I lost it.”

  “When did you last have it?” I pick the pillows off the floor.

  “I don’t know,” he wails.

  The doorbell chimes. Angie rushes to the door and barks.

  I fling it open. “Tita Elena!”

  “Nanay,” Romeo cries. “I lost the ring.”

  Triumphantly, she holds up a shining, blue diamond surrounded by a halo of white diamonds on a lacy, filigree band filled with pavé diamonds. “Looking for your Verragio?”

  Romeo skids to her side and kisses her. “Nanay, you’re a lifesaver.”

  My entire family emerges from the kitchen.

  “Did she say yes?”

  “Wow, it’s so pretty.”

  “Evie, can I see? Can I see?”

  “Time out.” Romeo puts his hands in the shape of a T. “I haven’t proposed yet.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for?” Tita Elena shoves him to his knees and hands him the ring. “You waited forever for her.”

  I join him on my knees. “I’m waiting to the end of time for you.”

>   “It’s about time,” Papa says. “You two have my blessing.”

  “Will you?” Romeo whispers, “marry me?”

  “Yes, I will be with you until forever ends.”


  I love to hear your thoughts about Taming Romeo. Please consider leaving a review on your blog or at the site of an online retailer. Also, reach out to me at http://rachelleayala.me/author-bio/contact/

  Or join my mailing list for news of upcoming books and giveaways. http://eepurl.com/lR5kv

  Be sure to watch for Choco’s story next, followed by Genie’s.


  Family and Relationship Terms

  Anak – child, term of endearment, from Malaysian

  Ate – eldest sister, from Chinese, can refer to a friend, usually by tagging their name, or any elder sister

  Barkada – friendship group, clique

  Kuya – eldest brother, from Chinese, can refer to a friend, usually by tagging their name, or any elder brother

  Mano-po – greeting performed as a sign of respect for elders. The elder’s hand is pressed, knuckles first, to the forehead of the younger and a blessing is given.

  Nanay – mother, from Nahuatl

  Tatay – father, from Nahuatl

  Tita – Auntie, includes friends of parents, from Spanish

  Tito – Uncle, includes friends of parents, from Spanish

  Food Terms

  Bagoong – a Philippine condiment made of partially or completely fermented fish or shrimp and salt

  Bangus – milkfish, national fish of the Philippines

  Binagoongan – a pork dish flavored with bagoong (shrimp paste)

  Buko – young, green coconut. The meat is still soft and translucent and the juice is clear and sweet. Buko pandan is a dessert. [see Buko Pandan Salad Recipe]

  Calamansi – a citrus fruit, Philippine lime

  Flan - a custard dessert with a layer of soft caramel on top

  Halo-halo - dessert that is a mixture of shaved ice and evaporated milk to which are added various gelatins, boiled sweet beans, fruits, and sometimes topped with ube ice cream

  Kangkong – water spinach

  Kare-kare – a meat stew, sometimes based on oxtails and tripe, with a peanut base

  Katsu – transliteration of the Japanese word for cutlet

  Lechón – pork dish derived from suckling pig, spit roasted over charcoal. Lechón kawali is a crispy, pan-fried version. Lechón baboy is the whole pig.

  Longanisa – garlic and vinegar rich pork sausage

  Longsilog – breakfast consisting of longanisa, garlic rice, and eggs

  Lumpia – crispy fried roll consisting of meat and vegetable filling. Each family has their own special version. Derived from Chinese spring rolls.

  Matcha - finely milled or powdered green tea.

  Miso - paste made from fermented soybeans and barley or rice malt, used in Japanese cooking.

  Pancit – saucy noodles introduced to the Philippines by Chinese. Pancit bihon is made with transparent thin rice noodles. [see Eggplant and Ham Pancit Recipe]

  Sake - alcoholic beverage of Japanese origin that is made from fermented rice

  Sisig – a snack, usually marinated in a sour liquid, for example, pork sisig is made from parts of pig’s head and liver, usually seasoned with calamansi and chili peppers. [see Pork Sisig Recipe]

  Tapa – dried cured meat rubbed with spices, usually beef or mutton

  Tapsilog – breakfast consisting of tapa, garlic rice, and eggs [see Tapsilog, a Filipino Breakfast]

  Tempeh – an Indonesian soy product consisting of fermented soybeans pressed into cake form

  Tokwa’t baboy – appetizer consisting of pork ears, pork belly and deep-fried tofu dipped in a sour-spicy marinad

  Turon - sweet, deep-fried spring roll made from saba bananas and may be eaten as a snack or dessert.

  Ube – purple yam [see Ube, the Purple Yam: Why Filipinos Love Purple Sweet Treats]


  Barong – a lightweight embroidered shirt, usually worn untucked.

  Baro’t Saya - unofficial national dress of the Philippines. [see ‘Baro at saya’ more than just a garment]


  Many thanks to my critique partners and beta readers: Jessica Cassidy (wifetoalineman), Geraldine Solon, annamaría bazzi, Chantel Rhondeau, Melisa Hamling, Racquel Reck, Sharon Coady, Michele Shriver

  Thanks also to Mina V. Esguerra who offered the Steamy Reads online class that led to Taming Romeo. Mina is a champion for writing instruction and a wonderful motivator, challenging her class to write a romance in a month. She is a real cheerleader and encourages everyone, no matter who they are, to write their stories.

  As always, my gratitude goes to readers. You are the answer to the question, “If a book is written and no one is around to read it, does it exist?”

  Thank You and Happy Reading!

  About the Author

  Rachelle Ayala is the author of dramatic fiction crossing genres and boundaries featuring strong but flawed characters. She loves romance and mystery with happy endings.

  Visit her at: Website: http://rachelleayala.me

  Blog: http://www.rachelleayala.com or follow @AyalaRachelle on Twitter.

  Subscribe to mailing list for upcoming books and giveaways. http://eepurl.com/lR5kv

  Other Books by Rachelle

  Meet Jen and Dave in Broken Build (Silicon Valley Romantic Suspense)

  Chance for Love Series #1

  Copyright © 2012 Rachelle Ayala

  All Rights Reserved

  Jennifer Cruz Jones thinks she can lay her past to rest. She’s landed her dream job at Silicon Valley’s hottest startup. Instead, she’s caught in a web of blackmail, murder, and broken code.

  Startup founder David Jewell refuses to dwell on his past. When a man last seen with Jennifer is found dead, he takes a closer look at her. With investors losing confidence and his company in jeopardy, he is forced to protect Jennifer when she is attacked.

  Together, David and Jennifer must thwart a killer while rescuing a victim from their past. Love blossoms, but a damaging revelation points straight at Jennifer and threatens to tear them apart forever.

  Get to know Maryanne and Lucas in Hidden Under Her Heart, Chance for Love Series #2—a heartfelt love story mixed with controversy over difficult decisions.

  Chance for Love Series #2

  Copyright © 2013 Rachelle Ayala

  All Rights Reserved

  Maryanne Torres is a compassionate nurse who fails at relationships. After a string of losers, she swears off sex to land a marrying man. But a party she attends turns into a drinking binge, and she is raped.

  Lucas Knight is a biracial athlete intent on winning the Ironman Triathlon. He finds Maryanne the next morning bloody and unconscious. Since Maryanne cannot identify her attacker, he becomes the prime suspect.

  When Maryanne finds herself pregnant, she plans to abort, but the identity of her rapist is hidden in the baby’s DNA.

  A trap is set. Lucas races to clear his name, but the secret Maryanne hides threatens to drown their chance for true love.

  Every woman needs a Zach in her life, and Vera Custodio is one lucky girl, if only she can solve the mystery of their families’ past. Help her find her heart in Knowing Vera, Chance for Love Series #3

  Chance for Love Series #3

  Copyright © 2013 Rachelle Ayala

  All Rights Reserved

  Vera’s dating Zach, casually, not committed, when she discovers her long-departed father is the killer of Zach’s mother many years ago.

  Meanwhile, Zach reevaluates his life after losing his leg in a tragic accident and realizes he's falling in love with Vera.

  Can their timing be so wrong? Vera knows the relationship is doomed, but she cannot resist the tugging of her heart and Zach’s panty-melting grin.

  Caught in a web of family secrets and hidden agendas, Vera and Zach must depend on each other for surviv
al. A dangerous killer is on the loose, and Vera must find the truth, wherever it leads, even if it destroys her chance for love forever.

  Michal’s Window (A Novel: King David’s First Wife), a powerful and emotional journey as lived through the eyes of Princess Michal, King David’s first wife.

  Copyright © 2012 Rachelle Ayala

  All Rights Reserved

  It’s not easy being a woman, least of all princess of Israel. Married as a prize, abandoned as a wife, Michal fights to claim her rightful spot next to King David, the man she loves with all her heart.

  Separated by war, concubines, and kingdom politics, Michal embarks on a journey of adventure and heartache where she is befriended by a goddess-worshiping priestess and tempted by a Philistine prince.

  From reading scrolls high atop the palace walls to seduction with a henna-painted body, Michal is not your ordinary Bible heroine. Join her in Michal’s Window and let her delight you with her courage, devotion, and outrageous passion in her relentless drive to win back her husband, the fiery King David.

  Too strong for her time, Michal’s story resonates with women today.

  “So, once I let the modern feminist inside of me relax, I realized how timely her story is, because, sadly, many of the things she has to deal with are things that women still face today.”


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