in England
fortitude and
in Punch
sailors and
souring and
Aqua Vitae House
Arnold, Edward
Arrack. See also Batavia arrack
importation of
Philippine palm arrack
Arrack Punches
in America
Bombay Presidency Punch
class and
Cozzens’s Arrack Punch
importation of
Meriton Latroon’s Bantam Punch
ODoherty’s Arrack Punch
popularity of
price of
United Service Punch
Ashley, James
Augusta (Georgia) Chronicle
Austin, Henry
Australia, rum from
Avery, Captain
Axton, W. F.
Bacchinalia Coelestia: A Poem in Praise of Punch (Radcliffe)
BAR. See Beverage Alcohol Resource
Bartender’s Gin Compendium (Regan)
Bar-Tenders Guide (Thomas)
Bartender’s Manual (Johnson, H.)
Batavia arrack
Batavia arrack van Oosten
Batters, Christopher
souring of
Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Unger)
Behn, Aphra
Bel-Man of London, The (Dekker)
Benét, Stephen Vincent
Bennett, James Gordon Jr.
Berkeley, George
Bernier, François
Beverage Alcohol Resource (BAR)
Bimbo Punch
Bird, Thomas
Black, William
Book of Snobs (Thackeray)
Bordeaux Wine and Liquor Dealers’ Guide: A Treatise on the Manufacture and Adulteration of Liquors
Boswell, James
Bowls and Punches for the Use of the German Army in the Field and on Maneuvers
Bowman, James
Brandy and Rum Punches
Billy Dawson’s Punch
Charles Dickens’s Punch
Brandy Punches
Dr. Salmon’s Punch
Major Bird’s Brandy Punch
Mary Rockett’s Milk Punch
Brother Jonathan (Neal)
Brown, Thomas (Tom)
Burnell, Arthur
Burr, Aaron
Burt, Edmund
Butler, Isaac
Byrd, William
Byron, Lord
Campbell, Thomas
Canterbury Tales (Chaucer)
Cartwright, Ralph
Chamberlain, Tom
Chambers, Robert
Champagne Punches
Boston Club Punch
Chatham Artillery Punch-Original
Daniel Webster’s Punch
Light Guard Punch
Punch à la Romaine (Roman Punch)
Yale College Punch
Character of a Coffee House, A
Charles II of England
Charles I of England
Charnock, Job
Chaucer, G.
Citrus. See also Orange Punches; Punch recipes
Seville oranges
Claret Cup
Clarke, John
Arrack Punches and
gin and
Gin Punch and
Punch and
Clinton, George
Garrick Club
Punch vs.
clubs from
Cognacs. See also Brandy
Cold Punches
Champagne Punch
Cold Holland Gin Punch
Cold Scotch or Irish Whiskey Punch
Glasgow Punch
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Colley, Thomas
Collins, John
Convivial Dickens (Hewett and Axton)
Cook, Ebenezer
Cook, Richard
Cooke, George Frederick
Cooley, Arnold James
Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Terrington)
Covel, John
Cozzens, F. S.
Crawfurd, John
Cromwell, Oliver
Crouch, Jasper
Cups and Their Customs (Porter and Roberts, G. E.)
“Curse Upon Punch, A,”
Davies, Thomas
Davis, Howell
Dawson, Bully (Billy)
Defoe, Daniel
DeGroff, Dale
Dekker, Thomas
Delicate Diet for Daintie Mouthde Droonkardes, A (Gascoigne)
Description of England (Harrison)
Dickens, Charles
Dieterle, William
Digby, Kenelm
Dighton, Robert
Dillon, Patrick
Dispensatory of the United States of America
Distillation. See also Aqua vitae; Arrack
in Europe
history of
in India
proof and
Don Juan (Byron)
Drake, Francis
Drink (Boston)
Drink names
Dryden, John
Dry Martini
Dunlap, William
Dunton, John
East India Guide and Vade-Mecum (Williamson)
Edge, John T.
Edinburgh Advertiser
Egan, Pierce
Elizabeth I of England
England. See also specific monarchs
alehouses in
aqua vitae in
distillation in
drinking contests in
measurements from
Punch in
England’s Grandeur and Way to Get Wealth, or Promotion of Trade Made Easy and Lands Advanced (Tryon)
English East India Company
English Mechanic and World of Science, The
English Rogue, The: Described in the Life of Meriton Latroon, a Witty Extravagant (Head)
Esquire Drinks (Wondrich)
Euonymus (Gesner)
Europe. See also specific countries distillation in
Evelyn, John
Fable of the Bees, or Private Vices, Public Benefits, The (Mandeville)
Fancourt, Captain
Father Tom and the Pope, or A Night at the Vatican (Ferguson)
Fenton, Edward
Ferguson, Samuel
Feuerzangenbowle (“Fire-tongs bowl”)
Fielding, Henry
Flaming Punches
Ford, Simon
Forester, Frank. See Herbert, Henry William
Fovargue, Stephen
Francis, Charles
Franklin, Benjamin
Franzen, Jonathan
Frederick, George Augustus (Prince of Wales) (George IV)
Free-Holder, The
French Cook, The (Ude)
Frost, Doug
Fruit. See also Citrus
Fryer, John
Gascoigne, George
Gayer, John
Punch Jelly
General History of the Robberies & Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates
Genever. See Gin
Gentleman’s Magazine
George III of England
George IV of England
Gertsen, John
Gesner, Konrad
class and
Gin: The Much-Lamented Death of Madam Geneva (Dillon)
Gin Act
Gin Punches
h Gin Punch
Garrick Club Punch
Holland Gin Punch
Limmer’s Gin Punch
Gin Twist
Goldsmith, Oliver
Gore, Catherine
Gouz, François de La Boullaye-Le
Grain spirits
Gray, Thomas
Greene, Robert
Gregory XVI (pope)
Grimes, William
Gronow, Captain
Haigh, Ted
Harrison, Harvey
Harrison, William
Hawkins, William
Head, Richard
Henry VIII,
Herbert, Henry William
Hewett, Edward
Hickey, William
Higden, Henry
Hoadley, Bishop
Hobart, Robert
Hobbs, H.
Hobson-Jobson: A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms, Etymological, Historical, Geographical and Discursive (Yule and Burnell)
Hoffmann, E. T. A.
Hogg, James
Hogo, for rum
Holland Gin
Honest Rainmaker, The: The Life and Times of Colonel John R. Stingo (Liebling)
Hook, Theodore
Hornot, Antoine
Hot Punches
Blackwood’s Hot Whiskey Punch
Hot Holland Gin Punch
Howard, Charles
Howell, James
Husbandman’s Jewel, The
Iced soda water
Imbibe! (Wondrich)
India. See also English East India Company
distillation in
Punch in
Of the Interchangeable Course, or Variety of Things in the Whole World (De la Vicissitude on variété des choses en l’univers) (Roy)
Irish Whiskey
Jackson, Andrew
Jaggery (sugar)
James II of England
Jefferson, Peter
Jefferson, Thomas
Jewel House of Art and Nature (Platt)
John Barleycorn Bahadur: Old Time Taverns in India (Hobbs)
Johnson, Harry
Johnson, Samuel
Jonson, Ben
Josephine (empress)
Jourdain, John
Joy of Mixology, The (Regan)
Kirkham, Stanton Davis
Kirkman, Francis
Kitchiner, Dr.
Lamb, Charles
Lambanog (Philippine palm arrack)
Lambert, Colonel
Lancaster, James
Lapthorne, Richard
Larkin, Robert
Leland, Charles Godfrey
Letters from the Dead to the Living (Brown)
Lewis, Michael
Liebling, A. J.
Life and Memoirs of Mr. Ephraim Tristram Bates, The
Life in London (Egan)
Ligon, Richard
Lockhart, John Gibson
London Coffee-House and Punch-House
London Quarterly
Louis XIV of France
Louis XVI of France
Low, Ned
MacDonald, James A.
MacGahan, J. A.
Mackenzie, R. Shelton
Mackintosh, William
Maddox, Richard
Magellan, Ferdinand
Maginn, William
Mandelslo, Johan Albert de
Mandeville, Bernard
Maraschino liqueur
Marshall, John
Marshall, Scott
Mathew, Father
of alcohol
American measures
from England
of proof
Mercier, Louis-Sebastian
Meriton, George
Methwold, William
Milk Punches
British Milk Punch
Mary Rockett’s Milk Punch
Mitchell, Joseph
Mixology. See also Punch
early, for Punch
“mixologist’s stone” in
Modern Cookery for Private Families (Acton)
Moore, Thomas
Morris, Charles
Mount, Charles Bridges
Neal, John
Needham, Joseph
Netherlands. See Dutch
New Catalogue of Vulgar Errors, The
New Treatise of Artificial Wines (Yarworth)
New World of English Words (Phillips)
New Year’s call
New York Herald
Noctes Ambrisianae (Mackenzie)
Notes & Queries (Mount)
ODoherty, Morgan
Oldmixon, John
Oldys, William
Oleo-saccharum (oil-sugar)
Oliver, William
Olson, Steve
O’Malley, Dominick
Orange Punches
American Orange Punch
James Ashley’s Punch
Original, The (Walker)
Original Punches
Bombay Government Punch
Plymouth Pilgrims’ Punch
Quick & Dirty Punch
Royal Hibernian Punch (BarSmarts Punch)
Ovington, John
Oxalic acid
Oxford Night Caps, being a Collection of Receipts for making Various Beverages used in the University (Cook, R.)
Oxford Punches
Punch Jelly
Pacult, Paul
Parker, John
Paul, Howard
Paul Mason Grand Amber
Peach brandy
Pepys, Samuel
Peter’s Letters to His Kinsfolk (Lockhart)
Philippine palm arrack
Phillips, Edward
Pickwick Papers, The (Dickens)
Pigafetta, Antonio
Pike, Robert
Piloncillo (sugar)
Piña Colada
Pineapple Rum
Pirate Juice
Pirate’s Best
Planter’s Best
Platt, Hugh
Pliny the Elder
Pluche, Noël-Antoine
Plymouth Cocktail Pilgrimage
Poe, Edgar Allan
Pope, Alexander
Porter, Henry
Price, Stephen
Prince of Wales
Prior, Matthew
Proof, measuring
in American colonies
aqua vitae in
Claret Cup vs.
class and
Cocktails vs.
crime and
early mixology for
in English countryside
“fat washing,”
first mention of
French wine ban and
in India
“mixologist’s stone” for
modernists and
as moreish
name of
presentation of
price of
quantities of
renewal of
Royal Navy and
sailors and
for special occasions
toddy vs.
traditionalists and
unpopularity of
Whigs and
the word
Punch bowls
Punch ingredients. See also Citrus; Punch recipes; Spices
in En
glish countryside
iced soda water
sea biscuit
in West Indies
Punch making. See also Tools
balance in
measurements for
oleo-saccharum for
order for
proportions for
satisfaction in
shrub for
theory of
Punch recipes. See also American Fancy Punches; Arrack Punches; Brandy and Rum Punches; Brandy Punches; Champagne Punches; Cold Punches; Flaming Punches; Gin Punches; Hot Punches; Milk Punches; Orange Punches; Oxford Punches; Punch Royal; Regency Punches; Rum Punches; Whiskey Punches
assumptions and
categories of
contextual knowledge and
yield in
Punch Royal
Admiral Russell’s Punch
Captain Radcliffe’s Punch
Grub Street Punch Royal
Ruby Punch
Queen-Like Closet, or Rich Cabinet, The (Wooley)
Rackham, John
Rack Punch. See Arrack Punches
Radcliffe, Alexander
Raggett, Mr.
Randolph, William
Ranhofer, Charles
Raynal brandy
Regan, Gary
Regency Punches
Champagne Punch
Punch à la Romaine
Regent’s Punch
Richardson, John
Robert, P. C.
Roberts, Bartholomew
Roberts, George
Roberts, George E.
Rockett, Mary
Roe, Thomas
Rogers, Woodes
Rowlandson, Thomas
Roy, Louis Le
Royal Navy (England)
hogo for
in Punch
Rum Punches. See also Brandy and Rum Punches
Glasgow Punch
Russell, Edward
Russian Punch
Saar, Johann Jacob
aqua vitae and
company men vs.
Punch and
Sala, George Augustus
Salmon, William
Sawyer, Bob
Science and Civilization in China (Needham)
Scotch malt whiskey
Scotch whiskey
spirits-drinking in
Scott, Edmund
Seed, Eric
Seville oranges
Seymour, Andy
4 Shakespeare, W.
Shaw, Peter
Sherbert. See Shrub
She Stoops to Conquer (Goldsmith)
for Cold Punch
Sikes, Bartholomew
Sinclair, John
Snail, The
Sot-Weed Factor, The (Cook)
Southern Foodways Alliance
Spectacle de la Nature (Pluche)
Punch Page 26