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Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present

Page 72

by Max Boot

  71 Ho: Duiker, Ho Chi Minh, 94 (“token”), 95 (“Stalinist”), 136 (“goodness”), 251 (“mat”), 302 (saved Ho), 573 (using Americans), 348 (Diem’s brother), 361 (“shit”); Sainteny, Ho Chi Minh (“frankness”: 66; sleep on floor: 77); Brocheux, Ho Chi Minh; Quinn-Judge, Missing Years; Ho, On Revolution and Writings; Patti, Why, 199 (“wisp”); “Who’s Who of Members of Present Government,” Nov. 7, 1945, NARA/OSS, box 200, folder 5 (“Democrat”).

  72 “The Viet Nam Government,” July 29, 1947, NARA/CREST, CIA-RDP82-00457R000700750001-5.

  73 Duiker, Ho Chi Minh, 402.

  74 Lea: Ibid., 408–10; Currey, Victory, 138–40; Fall, Street, 28–31; Windrow, Last Valley, 95–96; Porch, Secret Services, 300–301; Elliott, Willow, 165–67.

  75 Schoenbrun, France, 234–36; Duiker, Ho Chi Minh, 379.

  76 Giap: Currey, Victory (bush: 147; “gospel”: 154); Macdonald, Giap; Time, Feb. 9, 1967 (“bush”).

  77 Macdonald, Giap, 99–100.

  78 Giap, Unforgettable, 46.

  79 Vietminh adversaries: Trinquier, Maquis; Fall, Street, 267–79; Windrow, Last Valley, 218–19; Porch, Secret Services, 326–33; Macdonald, Giap, 111–12.

  80 NARA/MAACV-OM, 1952–54.

  81 “Rape”: Ainley, To Die, 30. “Feared”: 32–33. Germans: Porch, Legion, 531–32.

  82 Scholl-Latour, Ricefields, 29.

  83 Elliott, Sacred Willow, 195.

  84 Fall, Street, 110–11.

  85 Scholl-Latour, Ricefields, 32.

  86 Truong Chin, Writings, 111.

  87 Ainley, To Die, 106.

  88 Zhai, China (generals: 63); Chen, “China.”

  89 Time, Sept. 24, 1951.

  90 New York Times, Feb. 18, 1951.

  91 Fall, Street, 39.

  92 Troop strength: Window, Last Valley, 147 (Vietminh), 170 (French); Lawrence, First Vietnam War, 217, 221; Giap, Dien Bien Phu, 911; Fall, Street, 180 (80,000); Morgan, Valley of Death, 101 (82,000); Dalloz, Indo-China, 104; Porch, Legion, 531 (60 percent German).

  93 Morgan, Valley, 70.

  94 Bodard, Quicksand, 83.

  95 Starobin, Eyewitness, 70.

  96 Newsweek, April 23, 1953.

  97 “Illicit Opium Traffic Southeast Asia,” CIA memo, Dec. 13, 1948, NARA/CREST, CIA-RDP82-00457R002100350002-2.

  98 Bodard, Quicksand, 23.

  99 Dien Bien Phu: Bigeard, Gloire (“lush”: 134; “whistled”: 135; “not one”: 174); Roy, Dienbienphu (“clucking”: 37; “possible”: photo caption); Fall, Hell (“cotton seeds”: 10; “hailstorm”: 137; firing slit: 140; 3 rounds: 102; “flame”: 233); Simpson, Tiger, 89–100 (“stilted”: 94; “thin slice”: 99); Giap, Dien Bien Phu (“human chain”: 84; 5:05 p.m.: 221; “mat”: 383); Windrow, Last Valley (“administrative”: 233; “whole nights”: 293; artillery: 294–95, 708–11, 343–51; 180 tons: 417; Gaucher: 383: “all over”: 385; 300 dead at Eliane: 504; “one-legged”: 591; 3 percent: 629; 92,000 killed: 653); Currey, Victory (tons of rice: 191; “horse to ride”: 185; mistresses: 187); Grauwin, Doctor (Gaucher: 83; “groans”: 97; “shriveled”: 252); Langlais, Dien Bien Phu; De Borchgrave, “Great Stand” (170 tons); Morgan, Valley (Giap’s HQ: xv–xvii; 1,000 killed: xvi; “Verdun”: 246; “rotting”: 429; Eliane 1: 428); Fall, Street, 263 (48 planes), 300 (500-mile march); Porch, Secret Services, 318–57 (opium); Porch, Foreign Legion, 555–65; Macdonald, Giap; Dinh Van Ty, “Iron Horses”; Burchett, North, 47–59; Simpson, Dien Bien Phu (mistresses: 39); Macdonald, Giap, 124–61; Ainley, To Die, 59 (“all important); Newsweek, April 5, 1954 (“Verdun”).

  100 Morgan, Valley, 163.

  101 “Probable Developments in Indochina Through Mid-1953,” CIA memo, Aug. 23, 1952, NARA/CREST, CIA-RDP79R01012A00100004014-0.

  102 Sainteny, Ho Chi Minh, 89.

  103 Bigeard, Gloire, 210.

  104 Magneto: Rejali, Torture, 141–62.

  105 Alleg, The Question. Servan-Schreiber’s Lieutenant in Algeria was another prominent antitorture memoir.

  106 Horne, Savage War, 91.

  107 Connelly, Revolution, 18.

  108 “Headlines”: Morgan, My Battle, 21. “Corpse”: Horne, Savage War, 132.

  109 29,000: Anderson, Hanged, 9. 32 killed: 4.

  110 Ibid., 6.

  111 Massacre: Aussaresses, Casbah, 45–55 (“pity,” “indifferent”); Leuliette, St. Michael, 149–52 (“indiscriminately,” “hot,” “machine guns,” “bulldozers”).

  112 Behr, Problem, 99, quoting Yacef Saadi.

  113 “Support”: Trinquier, Modern Warfare, 17. “Snickers”: Galula, Pacification, 53–54.

  114 Lazreg, Torture, 98.

  115 Battle of Algiers: Aussaresses, Casbah, 85 (“extreme”), 85 (“take back”), 121 (“dangerous”), 122 (“remote”), 123 (“grunt”); Bigeard, Gloire, 274–86, 303–8; Trinquier, Temps perdu, 231–60, 270 (“precision”); Massu, Bataille (Jan. 8: 88; strike: 92; 4,600 men: 98; census: 140; “necessity”: 168); Horne, Savage War; Morgan, My Battle (Bigeard shot: 118; “shrimp”: 139; “baskets”: 161); NARA/DS (“unprecedented”: Lewis Clark, Jan. 3, 1957, box 3379, 751S.00/1-257; “tough”: Ibid., Jan. 15, 1957; “siege”: Ibid., Jan. 21, 1957; “brown skin”: Merritt N. Cootes, March 1, 1957, 751S.00/3-157; “absence”: Ibid., March 12); Kettle, Algeria, 106 (“enormous”), 398 (“without trace”); Connelly, Revolution, 131 (arrests, disappearances); Clark, Turmoil (146 casualties: 327), 387 (“dash”); Porch, Secret Services; Gale, Englishman, 133 (“spidery”); Time, May 26, 1958 (“chopping-block”); Lazreg, Torture (“crevettes”: 53); Rejali, Torture, 481–92 (informants: 484); Singer, Cultured, 310–12 (Bigeard shot).

  116 Troop strength: Kettle, Algeria, 485–86; O’Ballance, Insurrection, 141; Clark, Turmoil, 301–2, 307; Paret, Revolutionary, 41; Gortzak, “Indigenous Forces” (120,000); Galula, Pacification, 10–11, 13, 244. 1:50: U.S. Army, Counterinsurgency, 23; Connable, Insurgencies End, 129–31.

  117 Morice Line: Horne, Savage War, 263–65; Roy, Algeria, 86 (“doomed”); O’Ballance, Insurrection, 117–20; Alexander, Algerian War, 12 (helicopters), 15 (80,000 troops).

  118 Horne, Savage War, 159–61; Kettle, Algeria, 69; Morgan, My Battle, 26; Connelly, Revolution, 114–15; Porch, Secret Services, 369–74.

  119 Connelly, Revolution, 292.

  120 Public opinion: Connelly, Revolution (inspire ANC: 5); Evans, Memory; Wall, France; Ulloa, Francis Jeanson; Dine, Images.

  121 De Gaulle, Hope, 75.

  122 OAS: Henissart, Wolves (“harsh”: 161; 30–40 killings: 319); Bocca, Secret Army; Horne, Savage War, 480–534; Feraoun, Journal, 313–14 (“terror”); Porch, Secret Services, 396–403.

  123 Anderson, Hanged, 4.

  124 Casualties: Horne, Savage War, 538; Kettle, Algeria, xiii–xiv.

  125 “Dwarfs”: Larteguy, Centurions, 51. “Enough”: 304. “Hatred”: 370. “Shady”: 320. “Shit”: Praetorians, 23. Modeled on Bigeard: Dine, Images, 29.

  126 Trinquier, Temps perdu, 240.

  127 Clutterbuck, Long War, 80.

  128 Templer’s background: TEMP (Adenauer: J. A. Barraclough to Templer, May 16, 1954); Cloake, Templer; “Battle of Malaya” (“mind”).

  129 Barber, Running Dogs, 70.

  130 Chin Peng, My Side, 30.

  131 Population: Lyttelton, “Cabinet Paper: Malaya,” Dec. 21, 1951, TEMP; Stubbs, Hearts, 12; Barber, Running Dogs, 15, 17. 5,000 fighters: Chin Peng, My Side, 26.

  132 3,000 killed: Barber, Running Dogs, 139. Police, army: Stockwell, Malaya, 327; Thompson, Insurgency, 48; Lyttelton, Memoirs, 358; Stubbs, Hearts, 159.

  133 Gurney: Chin Peng, My Side, 287–88; Barber, Running Dogs, 130–31; Stubbs, Hearts, 133; Miller, Menace, 190–93; Stockwell, Malaya, 301–2; Mackay, Domino, 111–14.

  134 “Losing”: Cloake, Templer, 199. “Hopelessness”: Ramakrishan, “Transmogrifying.”

  135 “Plan,” “occurred”: Lyttelton, Memoirs, 364. “Goods”: Copy of Jan. 1, 1952, letter from Montgomery to Churchill, TEMP.

  136 Coates, Suppressing, 143.r />
  137 Harper, Making, 176.

  138 Thompson, Insurgency, 140; Short, Rats, 391.

  139 Stubbs, Hearts, 158.

  140 Stockwell, Malaya, 220.

  141 Horne, Savage, 338.

  142 Clutterbuck, Long War, 51.

  143 “Battle of Malaya.”

  144 Stockwell, Malaya, 237.

  145 Thompson, Insurgency, 117.

  146 “Scalded”: Cloake, Templer, 127. “Electrifying”: 213. “Chairbound”: Miller, Menace, 163. “Varnished”: Lyttelton to Templer, May 16, 1952, TEMP.

  147 “Seldom go”: Cloake, Templer, 263. Close down: 265.

  148 “Clipped”: Robinson, Transformation, 108. “Stinker”: “Battle of Malaya.” “Bloody”: Raj, War Years, 127. “Dynamic,” “brusque”: Blake, View, 140. “Torch”: Cloake, Templer, 213.

  149 Templer to Lyttelton, Sept. 12, 1952, TEMP.

  150 Templer to Lyttelton, Nov. 3, 1952, TEMP.

  151 Barber, Running Dogs, front page.

  152 Adams, Works, 10.266.

  153 Stubbs, Hearts, 1.

  154 Stockwell, Malaya, 372.

  155 “Mean to win”: Thompson, Insurgency, 146. “Ruthless”: 144.

  156 Tanjong Malim: Stockwell, Malaya, 424–25; Cloake, Templer, 222–23; “Battle of Malaya”; Barber, Running Dogs (“savage”: 158); Ching Peng, My Side, 297; Clutterbuck, Long War, 81–82; Stubbs, Hearts, 165; Miller, Menace, 206–10; Mackay, Domino, 126–27.

  157 Abuses: Short, Rats, 160–69; Stubbs, Hearts, 73–74; Chin Peng, My Side, 239–40; Stockwell, Malaya, 328 (detainees).

  158 Templer to Lyttelton, Feb. 20, 1952, TEMP.

  159 Templer to Lyttelton, Feb. 7, 1953, TEMP.

  160 Templer to Lyttelton, Sept. 12, 1952, TEMP.

  161 “Inducement”: Conduct of Operations, 4.2.3.

  162 Raj, War Years, 127.

  163 Conduct of Operations, 3.12.1

  164 Ramakrishan, Propaganda, 189–90.

  165 Henniker, Red Shadow, 181.

  166 Chin Peng, My Side, 270.

  167 Henniker, Red Shadow, 210.

  168 Barber, Running Dogs, 270.

  169 Clutterbuck, Long War, 80.

  170 Cloake, Templer, 261.

  171 Coates, Suppressing, 50.

  172 Casualties: Short, Rats, 507–8; Thompson, Insurgency, 27; Barber, Running Dogs, 270; Stewart, Smashing Terrorism, 339; Nagl, Eat Soup, 103.

  173 In 1960: Andrew Birtle of the U.S. Army Center of Military History, email to author, Dec. 20, 2010. Nagl, Eating Soup, and Tilman, “Non-Lessons,” offer differing views in the debate over Malaya’s lessons.

  174 Mockaitis, Counterinsurgency, ix.

  175 “Measures”: French, British Way, 248. “Dirty”: 249. “Operate”: 248.

  176 Anderson, Hanged (statistics: 4–5, 9); Elkins, Reckoning; Branch, Mau Mau (casualties: 5; “ideology”: xi). Elkins’s book won a Pulitzer Prize but is marred by sensationalistic descriptions (e.g., calling British prisons a “gulag”) and very high estimates of Kenyans killed and detained that are not supported by other sources.

  177 Holland, Revolt; Grivas, Memoirs; Crawshsaw, Revolt (casualties: 349); Rosenbaum, “Success”; Byford-Jones, Grivas (casualties: 185).

  178 Hughes, “Model Campaign”; Peterson, Oman’s Insurgencies; Arkless, Secret War; Gardiner, Service.

  179 Geraghty, Irish War; English, Struggle (casualties: 380); Saville, Report.

  180 Aden: Walker, Aden (200 killed: 285); Hinchcliffe, Without Glory; Pieragostini, South Arabia.


  182 French, British Way, 57.

  183 “Secondary”: Lewis Clark to John W. Jones, April 22, 1955, NARA/DS, box 3333, 751S.00/1-155. “Dream”: Clark to Secretary of State, Jan. 4, 1957, NARA/DS, box 3379,751S.00/1-257.



  1 Wolfe, Radical Chic.

  2 “Bites”: Taber, Flea, 49. “Have-nots”: 173. “Futile”: 176. For Taber’s pro-Castro views see, Anderson, Che, 292, 389.

  3 “Faddish”: Schlesinger, Days, 342.

  4 “Propagandist”: Galula, Counterinsurgency, 62. “Fire”: 95. “Subversion”: Thompson, Insurgency, 55. For background see Cohen, Galula; Marlowe, Galula; and Thompson, Hills.

  5 Boot, Savage Wars.

  6 Greene denied any connection to Lansdale and had apparently finished his manuscript before Lansdale arrived in Saigon. See Sherry, Greene, 2.416–17; Nashel, Lansdale’s War, 159.

  7 Greene, Quiet American, 23.

  8 Lederer, Ugly American, 110.

  9 Early life: HIA/EGL, boxes 69–70; Currey, Unquiet.

  10 “Fear”: Lansdale diary, March 19, 1947, HIA/EGL, box 72, diaries 1946–48. “Stinking”: Dec. 26, 1946. “Sopping”: Oct. 30, 1946. “Squabble,” “rightness”: March 30, 1947. “Slick”: April 11, 1947.

  11 Lansdale to Ben, June 12, 1973, HIA/EGL, box 83, file 118.

  12 LBJ/LOH, 24 (“I didn’t speak [French] at all”); “Foreign Language Qualifications,” Oct. 16, 1961, HIA/EGL, box 69, misc. file; Currey, Unquiet, 5.

  13 Rufus Phillips, email to author, July 23, 2010.

  14 Currey, Unquiet, 44–45.

  15 Lansdale, Midst, 5.

  16 “Connection with CIA,” Lansdale memo, Dec. 15, 1985, HIA/EGL, box 70, biographical file/memo.

  17 Kerkvliet, Huk, 195.

  18 Lansdale, Midst, 25.

  19 Greenberg, Hukbalahap, 57.

  20 Valeriano, Counter-Guerrilla, 103.

  21 Martinez, Magsaysay, 176.

  22 “Friends,” candy: Valeriano, Counter-Guerrilla, 206. “Chicken”: 201.

  23 Ibid., 207.

  24 Lansdale, Midst, 48.

  25 Valeriano, Counter-Guerrilla, 207.

  26 Greenberg, Hukbalahap, 67, 110.

  27 Taruc, Tiger, 91.

  28 Kitson, Gangs; Cline, “Pseudo Operations.”

  29 Taruc, Tiger, 137.

  30 Nashel, Lansdale’s War, 32–33.

  31 Valeriano, Counter-Guerrilla, 139.

  32 Kerkvliet, Huk, 238.

  33 Lansdale, Midst, 85.

  34 “Preliminary Working Draft Prepared in State for Discussion at OCB Meeting of January 19, 1955,” NARA/CREST, CIA-RDP80R01731R002900480007-6.

  35 LBJ/LOH, 7.

  36 Simpson, Tiger, 113.

  37 “Depth”: Lansdale, Midst, 159. “Blind”: U.S. Department of Defense, Pentagon Papers, 11.7.

  38 “Roly-poly”: Lansdale, Midst, 158.

  39 Washington Post, Aug. 25, 1965.

  40 “Universality”: Lansdale speech at Principia, April 9, 1965, HIA/EGL, box 73, file 1. “Fuzzy”: Speech at Yale, Nov. 23, 1964. “Fight,” “hide”: Speech at Special Warfare School, Aug. 30, 1962. “Brotherhood,” “licking”: Speech at Air Force Academy, May 25, 1964.

  41 Lansdale, Midst, 226.

  42 Currey, Unquiet, 160.

  43 Department of Defense, Pentagon Papers, 1.577–79; LBJ/LOH, I.28–29.

  44 Rufus Phillips, email to author, Aug. 21, 2011.

  45 Lansdale, Midst, 213.

  46 Phillips, Vietnam, 67.

  47 Ibid., 53.

  48 Lansdale, Midst, 232–33.

  49 “Monthly Report of TRIM Activities,” May 1–31, 1955, NARA/MAAGV-OM, box 2, folder 30.


  51 “Background—South Vietnam O/B,” March 23, 1955, NARA/CREST, CIA-RDP79R00890A00030052-2.

  52 Lansdale, Midst, 316–18; Phillips, Vietnam, 78.

  53 Lansdale to family, May 2, 1955, HIA/EGL, box 83, file 188.

  54 “The Crisis in Saigon,” Memo to DCI, April 4, 1955, NARA/CREST, CIA-RDP7900904A000200020005-2; Nashel, Landsdale’s War, 59–60; Currey, Any Cost, 224–25; Rufus Phillips, email to author, Aug. 21, 2011.

  55 Collins to Dulles, April 27, 1954, NARA/DS, box 3333, 751G.00/4-155.

  56 “Interview II,” Sept. 15, 1981, HIA/EGL, box 79, file 285;
Lansdale, Midst, 204; Phillips, Vietnam, 33.

  57 “Patriot”: Lansdale, Midst, 155. “Successor”: Phillips, Vietnam, 64. See also U.S. Department of State, Foreign Relations: Vietnam, 1955–1957, 145, 301–30; U.S. Department of Defense, Pentagon Papers, 1.229–35, 2.26; Anderson, Trapped, 111–15.

  58 U.S. Department of Defense, U.S.-Vietnam, 11.2.

  59 Phillips, Vietnam, 223.

  60 Colby, Lost Victory, 366.

  61 Lansdale, Midst, 301.

  62 Paris Embassy to Dulles, April 4, 1955, NARA/DS, box 3333, 751G.00/4-155.

  63 “Unbelievable”: Simpson, Tiger, 151. 80 percent: Phillips, Vietnam, 327.

  64 Sheehan, Lie, 138.

  65 Terror: Duiker, Road, 196; Moyar, Forsaken, 79; Karnow, Vietnam, 254–55; Currey, Victory (“spies”: 227); “Order of Battle,” Oct. 1, 1963, AHEC/MACV.

  66 Currey, Victory, 234, claims Lansdale concocted “Vietcong,” but Lansdale’s associate Rufus Phillips believes the claim is false: Phillips, email to author, Aug. 21, 2011.

  67 U.S. Department of Defense, Pentagon Papers, 2.126; Phillips, Vietnam, 121.

  68 Lansdale to Robert Komer, May 30, 1971, HIA/EGL, box 4, file 106.

  69 “Subterranean”: Schlesinger, Days, 340. Reading: Sorenson, Kennedy, 632; Hilsman, Move, 415.

  70 U.S. Department of State, Foreign Relations: Vietnam 1961, 1.13–28 (“wolf,” “player”: 19); U.S. Department of Defense, Pentagon Papers, 2.440–43; Hilsman, Move, 419; Jones, Death, 23–24.

  71 Currey, Unquiet, x.

  72 Mongoose: U.S. Department of State, Foreign Relations: Cuba, 1958–1960, 1116 (“warm”); Bohning, Obsession (“nutty”: 92; toilet paper: 102); NARA/CREST; Freedman, Kennedy’s Wars, 153–61; Nashel, Landsdale’s War, 72–76; Weiner, Ashes, 184–88 (“fast”: 186); McClintock, Statecraft, 203–7; “Interview II,” Sept. 15, 1981, HIA/EGL, box 79, file 285 (“suicidal,” “bona fides”).


  74 Taylor, Trumpet.

  75 Duncan, New Legions, 146.

  76 Krepinevich, Army, 53.

  77 Lansdale to McNamara, April 7, 1962, HIA/EGL, box 96, file 1.

  78 Krepinevich, Army, 37; Blaufarb, Era, 80.

  79 U.S. Defense Department, U.S.-Vietnam, 11.5.

  80 “Interview II,” Sept. 15, 1981, HIA/EGL, box 79, file 285.

  81 Bui Diem, Jaws, 91.

  82 U.S. Department of Defense, U.S.-Vietnam, 11.8; U.S. Department of Defense, Pentagon Papers, 2.26.


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