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Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present

Page 85

by Max Boot

  Bloody Sunday (Nov. 21, 1920), 252–54

  “blowback,” 497

  Boers, xxiii, 183–97

  warfare style of, 186–87

  Boer War (1899–1902), xxv, 124, 127, 131, 183–200, 250, 255, 289, 377

  blockhouses in, 194, 335

  British concentration camps in, 140, 146, 192–94, 197, 381, 382

  farm burning in, 191–92, 194, 196

  as “last of the gentlemen’s wars,” 197

  mobility in, 193–94

  Philippine Insurrection compared with, 198, 199

  reconciliation and reconstruction after, 196–97

  utility of small groups in, 195–96

  Vietnam War compared with, 418

  Boer War, first (1880–81), 195

  Bogrov, Dmitri, 242, 244

  Bohemia, 57, 61

  Bois Cayman (Alligator Wood), 93

  Bolívar, Simón, 102, 123, 475

  Bolivia, 394, 444–48

  Böll, Heinrich, 458

  Bolsheviks, 242–45, 247, 332

  Bonaparte, Joseph, 84, 85, 89

  Bonaparte, Napoleon, see Napoleon I, Emperor of France

  Bonaparte, Pauline, 97

  border reivers, 50

  Border Ruffians, 213, 214, 222

  Bose, Subhas Chandra, 307

  Böse, Wilfried, 450–52, 455

  Bosnia, Bosnians, xxvii, 107, 217, 269–70, 509, 514, 517, 525, 537

  Boston, Mass., 64–67, 70

  Boston Tea Party, 64

  Botha, Louis, 188

  Boudicca, 52

  Bourbon family, 84, 89, 116–17

  Bourdin, Martial, 230

  Boxer Rebellion, 39, 329

  Braddock, Edward, 132, 150

  Bradford, William, 137

  Brandenburg commandos, 288, 289

  Bratton, J. Rufus, 221, 224

  Brazil, 110, 394, 447–48, 567

  Bréda family, 95

  Breen, Dan, 246, 247–48

  Bremer, L. Paul, III, 539

  Brezhnev, Leonid, 486

  bribery, 345

  Brideshead Revisited (Waugh), 276

  Briggs, Harold, 381–83, 385, 388, 389

  Brighton, 259

  Britain, 29

  British Commandos, 291

  British Commonwealth, 324, 326, 380

  British Empire, 256, 308, 323, 417, 499

  dismantling of, 324

  British Legion, 71–72

  Bronson, Charles, 455

  Brooks, Preston S., 214

  Brousse, Paul, 229

  Brown, John, xxv, 202, 211–17, 228, 260, 261, 432, 447, 457

  Brownshirts, see SA

  Brunais, David, xviii–xx, 552, 555

  Brus, The (Barbour), 48–49, 300

  Brydon, William, 168

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 482

  bubonic plague, 137

  Buck, Pearl, 339

  Buckley, William, 505

  Buda, Mario, 230

  Buddhist monks, 416

  Buenos Aires, 394, 448, 507

  Bugles and a Tiger (Masters), 175

  Bulgaria, Bulgarians, 260, 310

  Bulgars, 17, 30

  Buller, Redvers, 187

  Bunker Hill, Battle of, 67

  Burdick, Eugene, 400–401

  Burke, Edmund, xxii, 76

  Burma, 267, 298–306, 319, 324, 381

  Wingate in, 292, 298–305

  Burma National Army, 306

  Burnes, Alexander, 167

  Burroughs, William S., 435

  Burton, Richard Francis, 443

  Burundi, 443

  buses, 409, 467

  Bush, George W., 526–27, 533, 534, 542, 546, 549

  bushwhackers, 120, 212, 222

  Byrne, Vincent, 252

  Byron, Lord, 106, 108

  Byzantine Empire, 102, 106

  Cabrinovic, Nedeljko, 269, 270

  Cacciatorei delle Alpi, 116

  Caepio, Servilius, 22

  Caesar, Julius, 53, 54, 206, 236

  Cairo, 266, 276, 277, 298, 395

  Arafat in, 460–61

  Tal assassination in, 464

  Calabria, 81, 91, 117–18

  Calatafimi, 117

  Calcutta, 323

  California, 12, 146, 457

  Callwell, Charles Edward, 200, 247, 540, 541

  Calvert, “Mad Mike,” 303, 382

  Cambodia, 319, 354, 395, 419, 476

  Cambridge, 291

  Campaigns of Alexander, The (Arrian), 5–6

  Campbell-Bannerman, Henry, 193

  Camp David, 470

  Canada, 139, 152, 171, 224, 256, 290

  Cánovas del Castillo, Antonio, 230

  Caobang, 319, 355

  Cao Dai sect, 353, 407, 410–12

  Cape Colony, 124, 186, 189–91, 195, 196, 197

  Cap-Français, 93–94, 97–99

  capitalism, 434, 476

  Caprera, 114, 115, 118

  captivity narratives, 168

  car bombings, 261, 452, 465, 521, 528

  in Lebanon, 502, 504, 507, 508–9

  Caribbean, 63

  see also Cuba; Haiti; Jamaica

  Caribs, 136

  Carlists, 90

  Carlos the Jackal, 517

  Carlson’s Raiders, 291

  Carnegie, Andrew, 198

  Carnot, Sadi, 230

  carpetbaggers, 219

  Carter, Jimmy, 482, 495–96

  Carthage, 21

  Casey, Bill, 498

  Casey, George, 533, 534, 541–42

  Caspian Sea, 158, 478

  castles, 45, 49

  Castries, Christian de, 358, 361

  Castro, Angel, 429, 430

  Castro, Fidel, xxv, 235, 343, 397, 427–33, 435–42, 475, 494, 559, 566

  Arafat compared with, 460, 461

  attempts to overthrow, 414, 441

  background of, 95, 429–31, 433

  imprisonment and exile of, 431–33, 440

  Matthews’s popularizing of, 436–37

  Nasrallah compared with, 508

  Taber’s interview with, 398, 437

  as womanizer, 430, 432

  Castro, Raúl, 432, 441

  Catechism of a Revolutionary (Bakunin and Nechaev), 229

  Catholic and Royal Army, 81

  Catholics, 46, 50, 102, 119, 353, 369, 448, 509

  and antecedents of terrorism, 208–9

  Irish, 248, 391, 392

  Italian unification and, 113, 114

  Caucasus, 53, 172, 281

  imperial wars in, 125, 158–63, 165, 200

  Stalin in, 242, 244, 263

  cavalry charge, 47

  Cavour, Count Camillo di, 115, 116

  CBS, 437

  cell phones, 229, 517, 523

  censorship, 243, 259, 420, 436

  Central America, 10

  Central Asia, 27, 35, 45

  Alexander the Great in, xxxiii, 6, 53, 54

  Russian advance in, 157, 165

  Central Europe, 307

  Central Junta, 85

  Centurions, The (Lartéguy), 376

  Cestius Gallus, 1–3

  Cetshwayo, 129

  Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 197, 319, 324, 472, 514

  Challe, Maurice, 374

  Chamber of Deputies, French, 231

  Champlain, Samuel de, 135–36

  Ch’ang-an, xxxiii, 34

  Changsha, 319, 330–33, 340

  Chaplin, Charlie, 272

  Chapman, Thomas, 275

  Charles I, King of England, 206

  Charleston, S.C., 70–73, 79

  Charlie Wilson’s War (Crile), 497

  Charlie Wilson’s War (movie), 497

  Chávez, Hugo, 566

  Chechnya, Chechens, 127, 186, 478, 489, 533

  independence of, 514

  Russians vs. (1990s–present), 509, 511, 514, 528

  Russian war in (1829–59), xxv, 155–56, 158–61, 174

  chemical weapons, 356

e, 140

  Cherokee War (1759–61), 72

  Cherusci, 21

  Chetniks, xxiii, 266, 311–12

  chevauchée, 44–46, 49, 50, 62

  Cheyenne, 17, 141–45, 151, 152

  Chiang Kai-shek, 30, 312, 331–32, 334–38, 343–46, 440, 456

  Chile, 447

  China, xxxiii,, xxiv, 8, 27, 30–41, 52, 53, 157, 267, 319, 326–46, 345, 387, 388, 395, 409, 417, 476, 477, 479, 564

  Afghanistan and, 494, 496

  civil war in, 273, 332–40, 344–46, 353, 398

  Communists in, 319, 326–29, 331–46, 373, 437, 440, 511, 558, 570

  Congo and, 443

  Cultural Revolution in, 340, 562

  economy of, 345, 476

  First Opium War in, 165–66

  Great Wall of, 15, 40

  Guevara and, 441

  imperialism and, 326–29

  Japanese in, 307, 309, 326, 328, 338, 343–46, 349

  Long March in, 114, 319, 335–40, 345

  Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) in, see Nationalist Party, Chinese

  purges in, 333

  revolution in, xxv, 31, 322, 326–27

  style of ancient warfare in, 31–33

  Tiananmen Square in, 468–69

  Vietnam and, 350–53, 355

  Vietnam War and, 420, 424, 425

  warlords in, 329, 330, 332, 335, 336, 343

  wars of national liberation supported by, 323

  World War II and, 271

  Xiongnu vs. Han in, xxxiii, 34–39, 54

  Chindits, 267, 299–306, 357, 417

  first expedition of, 299–302

  second expedition of, 302–5

  Chinese, in Malaya, 379–82, 384, 385, 388, 417

  Chinese Home Guards, 382

  Chin Peng, 379–80, 385–88

  Chios, 105

  Chivington, John M., 143

  cholera, 300

  Christianity, Christians, 25, 40, 51, 61, 278, 442

  Armenian, 509

  Indians and, 136, 139

  in Lebanon, 467, 501, 506, 509

  Muslim alliance with, 274

  Muslims vs., 105, 162, 207–8, 509

  Orthodox, 157

  see also Catholics

  Christian Science Monitor, 490–91

  Church, Benjamin, 139

  Churchill, Randolph, 291

  Churchill, Winston, 174–75, 256, 379

  Lawrence as adviser to, 282–83

  on Lawrence’s death, 284

  national liberation and, 324, 325

  Wingate and, 301, 305

  World War II and, 113, 288–89, 301, 384

  CIA, 307, 351, 402, 405, 410, 411, 439, 546

  Afghanistan and, 486, 496, 497, 498, 526

  Al Qaeda and, 526–27, 531

  bin Laden and, 496, 515

  Bolivia and, 445, 446

  in Guatemala, 434

  Lebanon and, 505

  Saigon Military Mission of, 407–8, 421

  Vietnam War and, 419, 420, 421

  Cienfuegos, Camillo, 438

  Circassian campaign, 162

  Circassians, 125, 215, 281


  Malayan, 384

  Nazis and, 308

  Roman, 24–25, 308, 384

  civic action, 183

  in Afghanistan, 493

  in Algeria, 368

  Lansdale’s view of, 409

  in Malaya, 384, 389

  in Philippines, 405

  in South Vietnam, 410

  civil disobedience, 324

  Civilian Irregular Defense Groups, 419

  Civilis, Julius, 20

  civilizations, clash of, 509

  civil liberties, suppression of, 264, 527

  civil rights, 219, 224

  civil rights movement, 457

  Civil War, U.S., 77, 90, 120, 142, 151, 219, 527

  Garibaldi and, 118–19

  guerrilla warfare in, 212–13

  start of, 213, 217

  civil wars, xx, 25, 29

  in Assyria, 20

  in China, 273, 332–40, 344–46, 353, 398

  in Corfu, 5

  in Greece, 398

  in Guatemala, 448

  in Iraq, 532

  Irish, 256–57

  in Lebanon, 467, 501, 509

  in Mexico, 273

  Russian, 233, 234, 273

  in Spain, 90, 123, 234, 273, 431

  Clancy, Peadar, 253

  Clansman, The (Dixon), 225

  Clark, Lewis, 392

  Clarke, Dudley, 291, 292

  classical conflicts, 4–7

  Clausewitz, Carl von, 9, 90–91, 278, 524, 558

  Clinton, Henry, 69–70, 71, 384, 562

  Clinton administration, 516

  CNN, 516, 523

  “coastal road massacre,” 467

  Codrington, Edward, 107

  Colby, William, 411, 413–14, 424

  Cold War, 323, 350, 443, 509, 538

  Cole, USS, 522–23

  Colley, Linda, 158, 169

  Collins, J. Lawton, 411

  Collins, Michael, 248–52, 256–59, 264, 289, 343, 362, 379, 467, 566

  death of, 256–57

  as heroic and likeable terrorist, 265

  Cologne, 379

  Colombia, xxix, 447, 449, 472, 477, 545, 562, 564, 566

  Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces, see FARC

  Colonial Office, British, 282–84

  Colonial Route 4, 355

  colonization, 127, 139, 400, 442

  see also imperial wars

  Colorado volunteers, 143, 368

  coloreds, in South Africa, 197

  Colt revolver, 393

  Comanche, 144, 145

  Combat Organization, 241–42, 244–45

  Combat Outposts, 542

  Combined Action Program, 419

  Combined Chiefs of Staff, 301

  commandos, 288–91

  assessment of, 313–17

  use of term, 289

  Committee of Correspondence, 76

  Committee of Public Safety, 80

  Committee to Promote Virtue and Prevent Vice, Saudi, 483

  Common Sense (Paine), 76

  communism, Communists, 31, 209–10, 400, 448–49

  Afghan, 485–86, 488

  in Algeria, 365

  anarchism vs., 228, 234

  in China, 319, 326–29, 331–46, 373, 437, 440, 511, 558, 570

  conspiracy claims about, 369

  in Cuba, 430, 431, 432, 440, 441

  demise of, 476–77

  in Germany, 271, 272

  Greek, 363, 566

  in Malaya, 322, 325, 379–81, 383–88

  in Philippines, 401–7

  in Poland, 310

  Vietnamese, 349–52, 369, 373, 380, 407–12, 416–20, 422–25, 440, 558

  in Yugoslavia, 310–12

  see also Soviet Union

  Communist Combatant Cells, 456

  Communist International (Comintern), 310, 329

  Ho Chi Minh and, 349–50

  Communist Party, Bolivian, 445

  Communist Party, French, 349

  Communist Party, Indochina, 350

  Communist Party, Japanese, 343

  computers, 517

  Comyn, John, 46–47

  concentration camps:

  in Boer War, 140, 146, 192–93, 194, 197, 381, 382

  in Philippine Insurrection, 198, 381

  concentration strategy, 146

  see also reservations

  Conduct of Anti-Terrorist Operations in Malaya, The, 386

  Conein, Lucien, 421


  army of, 90

  guerrillas in, 212–13

  veterans of, 219, 220

  Confucians, 31

  Congo, 394–95, 397, 443–44

  Congo, Belgian, 325, 443

  Congress, U.S., 140, 213, 526, 549

  anarchism and, 232

  KKK and, 221, 223

  see also S
enate, U.S.

  Conrad, Joseph, 230, 262

  Conrad of Montferrat, King of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, 207–8

  Conservative Party, British (Tories), 193

  Constantinople, 30, 42, 43, 105

  Constitution, U.S., 223

  Continental army, 67–70, 72, 73, 74, 78

  Continental Congress, 67

  conventional warfare, as recent development, 9–10

  CORDS (Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support), 424

  Corfu, 5

  Cornwallis, Lord, 70, 71, 73–75, 78

  Corps of Gendarmes, 243–44

  corruption, 412, 444, 546

  in Cuba, 428, 430–31

  in Philippines, 403, 405, 406

  PLO and, 463, 470

  in Soviet Red Army, 494, 495

  Corsica, 51, 109, 373

  Cossacks, 61, 155, 238, 242, 243

  Costa Rica, 434

  Council on Foreign Relations, xxvii–xxx

  counterinsurgency, 63, 78, 127–201, 561–63

  advantages of, 52–55

  British success at, 389–93

  coinage of term, 389

  compromise and, 170–71

  importance of political side of, 392–93

  legitimacy of, 563–64

  limitations of, 273

  in Malaya, 377–93

  manuals on, xviii, 54, 398–99

  nation building and, 409–10

  origins of, 8, 19–25

  “population-centric,” see “population-centric” counterinsurgency

  proper ratio in, 309

  radical chic and, 398–99

  resiliency and, 170

  as “spot of oil,” 127, 179

  Vietnam War and, 414, 419–20, 424

  wars of national liberation and, 322, 323, 325

  Counterinsurgency Field Manual (Field Manual 3–24; U.S. Army-Marine Corps), xviii, 540–41, 542, 546

  “Counterinsurgency Guidance” (Petraeus), 542

  Counterinsurgency Warfare (Galula), 398–99

  counting coup, 145–46

  Crane, Conrad, 540

  Crazy Horse, 150, 152

  Crimean War, 160–61

  criminal underworld, in special operations, 291

  Croatia, Croats, 61, 261, 270

  Crook, George, 147–49, 151, 178, 179

  Crusades, Crusaders, 523

  Assassins and, 207–8

  Cuba, 30, 393, 394, 449, 456, 477

  Batista’s amnesty in, 432–33

  Bay of Pigs and, 414

  economy of, 441–42, 447

  reconcentrado camps in, 192, 381

  revolution in, xxv, 343, 389, 397, 398, 426–40, 566

  in Spanish-American War, 108, 415, 426, 428, 469, 560

  Cultural Revolution, Chinese, 340, 562

  curfews, 282, 287, 371, 390

  Curtius Rufus, Quintus, 6

  Custer, George Armstrong, 141–45, 147, 149–52, 348

  Last Stand of, 150–51, 163, 362

  Custer, Libbie, 142

  Cyprus, 70, 318, 325, 390, 391, 392, 513, 569

  Cyrus II, King of Persia, 16–17

  Czechoslovakia, 307, 487

  Dadu River, 336

  Dagestan, 125

  Gimri in, 154–56, 159

  Russian war in, xxv, 154–56, 159, 160, 161


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