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Christmas at Mistletoe Cove: A heartwarming, feel good Christmas romance to fall in love with

Page 24

by Holly Martin

  ‘Don’t be. With hindsight the wish list was a terrible idea.’

  ‘No it wasn’t, it was the sweetest, loveliest idea and incredibly romantic. I just wanted this so badly, I’ve always wanted it, that I couldn’t let myself believe that it was finally happening.’

  ‘I know everything was moving too quick. I saw Freya and Rome get engaged a week after they got together and get married a month later and they’re so ridiculously happy and now with their son on the way too, I just wanted what they have. But it’s different for us.’

  ‘It is, we’ve been best friends all our lives and now everything has changed. We’ve seen each other naked and there’s no going back after that.’

  He laughed.

  She reached up to stroke his face. ‘We both have baggage but if you’re willing, we can help each other unpack.’

  He swallowed. ‘I’d like that very much.’

  She leaned up to kiss him and he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her briefly before enveloping her in his arms.

  She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly against her before she leaned back to look at him.

  ‘You made my dreams come true the night you said you love me, but I never want to stand in the way of your dreams. If moving back to Hope Island doesn’t work out for you, personally or professionally, and you wanted to move back to America, I would come with you.’

  He stared at her in shock for a moment. ‘But you love it here.’

  ‘I love you more and, as a wise man once said, there’s a whole world out there to explore. I want to explore it with you.’

  He smiled and bent his head and kissed her again before stepping back.

  ‘I actually brought you here to ask you an important question. Eden Lancaster, I love you and I want this to work more than anything. So I will take this as slow as you need or want it to be. So let’s start at square one.’ He took her hand and dropped to one knee. ‘Will you go out with me?’

  She laughed and nodded and he pulled a wrapped small box from his coat pocket and she recognised it as the square box she had seen the day before under the tree.

  ‘I had to unwrap this and add to it, since I put it under the tree, and then I wrapped it back up again, but I want you to have this tonight.’

  She took the box from him and unwrapped it. She stuffed the paper in her pocket and opened the black box. Inside was the fairy he had given her on her fifteenth birthday, except it was reattached to a gold chain. It had been so long since she had looked at it, it was like looking at it for the first time all over again.

  ‘I fixed it and… I added a little extra.’

  She realised that around the neck of the fairy, like a tiny necklace, was her diamond engagement ring, glittering in the light of the fire.

  Her eyes snapped back to Dougie’s.

  ‘The offer of marriage is a long-standing one, it’s not going away just because you haven’t yet said yes. So you can wear this fairy around your neck as a sort of promise to each other that we’re halfway there and when you feel ready, if that’s next week or ten years from now, you can put the ring on. I’ll do the big proposal if you want to as well – I don’t think me standing there stark naked in your bedroom while you looked petrified is something we want to tell our kids. So, when I see the ring on your finger, I’ll know you’re ready to be asked properly. I’ll bring you back here and do this again or hire a hot air balloon and fly over our home so you won’t miss out on your fairy-tale proposal.’

  She smiled and slipped the chain around her neck, fingering the fairy and the ring. ‘I really like that idea. And I promise, you won’t have too long to wait.’

  He stood up and kissed her again. He was hers now, and she was never going to let him go. God, the sensation of his lips against hers was like a drug she never wanted to escape from. The taste of his tongue, the feel of his warm fingers round her neck, cupping the back of her head, stroking across her face, the feel of his strong body. This was where she belonged.

  He lifted her, gathering her against him, and carried her over to the fire, laying her down with him on top of her. The kiss continued, getting more urgent and needful, and his hands shifted to unzip her coat. She stopped him and laughed.

  ‘I love you, but you’re still not undressing me here.’

  ‘Damn it!’ he said and she knew that he’d only done it to make her laugh. Movement in the sky above Dougie caught her eye and she glanced up and gasped.

  ‘Dougie, look.’

  He rolled onto one side to look up and then smiled and rolled onto his back, taking her hand as they watched the fat white fluffy snowflakes dance and swirl in the air above them.

  ‘God, it’s so beautiful,’ Eden said, watching thousands of snowflakes fill the sky.

  ‘It is.’

  ‘And you definitely didn’t have anything to do with this?’

  He laughed. ‘No, this one is definitely down to the fairies.’

  ‘Well maybe there is magic in the world after all.’ She rolled over so she could rest her head on Dougie’s chest but still watch the snowflakes dance. He wrapped an arm round her shoulders and kissed her head.

  ‘Merry Christmas, Dougie.’

  ‘Best Christmas ever.’

  She smiled and, as she looked at the dark sky, she was sure just for a second that snow wasn’t the only thing filling the air, there seemed to be a sprinkle of gold glittery fairy dust too.


  Eden walked along the pathway that led through the trees to the secluded Blueberry Bay. Candles in storm lanterns lit the way and up ahead she could see more lights from the beach. It was a perfect New Year’s Eve night. Not a cloud was in the sky and thousands of stars twinkled down on the wedding proceedings.

  By her side, holding her hand, was the man she loved with everything she had. She looked up at Dougie, looking so sexy in his suit and tie. It was impossible to love this man any more than she did.

  The last week had been the happiest of her life. Now she knew the truth about the wishes every fear had faded away. She knew Dougie loved her completely and was never going to leave her. No one would ever go to that much trouble to make her happy and make her dreams come true without being in love.

  And because he clearly trusted in their love now, he seemed so much more relaxed too. He had still spent the week adorning her with love and attention, crossing off everything else that was on her list and surprising her with several utterly romantic things he said were on his own list, but he’d said it wasn’t to try to keep her, it was simply because he wanted to make her happy and she believed him. She hadn’t stopped smiling all week, so much so her face was almost aching because of it.

  She had insisted on giving the million pounds back but Dougie had been adamant that she keep it and use it to make her dreams come true. They had reached a compromise that they would put it in a joint account and make both their dreams come true. Although Eden didn’t plan on spending any more of it anytime soon, the trip to New Zealand was going to cost enough and she was going to pay some of that back into their joint account from her own savings. But despite her conviction not to spend any more of the million, Dougie had already used some of it to start the ball rolling on building her studio out the back of her pottery painting café, getting plans drawn up and permission from the council. He’d also put an order in for twelve pottery wheels and helped find a course to teach her properly how to use one after her private lesson with him had ended up with them both covered in clay, naked and sweaty – which was fine with her but not exactly the sort of lesson she could actually learn anything from. And while she was excited about her dreams becoming a reality, she was determined that they would soon be spending some of the money on making his dreams come true too.

  They came to the section of the path where a little sandy clearing was lit up with lights and she knew that was where she had to wait for Bella. She stopped and pulled Dougie into it with her. Up ahead, she could see the moon covering the inky blu
e waters with its silvery blanket, more lanterns flickering with golden candles interspersed with flowers to make the aisle. She could see her mum and Isaac’s mum sitting on the white chairs chatting away like they were best friends. Rome and Freya were busily putting the last-minute touches to their stained glass garlands that were draped across the backs of the chairs and over the archway at the far end of the beach where Isaac was patiently waiting with the registrar. It all looked beautiful in its simplicity. There were no other guests. A few others were joining them back at the house for the after party, but Bella and Isaac just wanted close friends and family there for the wedding.

  She knew she had a few minutes as Bella was still putting the finishing touches to a gift she wanted to give Isaac after the wedding. It was time to give Dougie her gift.

  She shivered a little as she looked back up at Dougie, an overwhelming love for him surging through her.

  ‘Are you cold?’ Dougie asked, rubbing her arms.

  ‘Not really, these cloaks are surprisingly warm.’ Eden stroked the white fur of the cloak that Bella had given her to go with the pearl bridesmaid dresses she and Freya were wearing. ‘My hands are cold though.’

  She was unable to stop herself from biting her lip, her heart thundering against her chest as he took the small posy of flowers from her and placed them down and then took her hands in his and blew gently on them.

  ‘You look so beautiful tonight,’ Dougie murmured, placing little kisses on her fingers, not taking his eyes off hers for a second. She loved it when he stared at her like this – as if she was the single most important person in the world for him. But right now, she needed him to look somewhere else.

  But as his lips trailed over the fingers of her left hand he stopped and looked down at the engagement ring she was wearing on her wedding finger. He stared at it and then his eyes snapped back to hers.

  ‘Douglas Harrison, I love you so much and I was crazy to ever doubt the love you have for me. You are my best friend, my home, my heart, you are all my dreams come true.’ She dropped to one knee and his eyes widened in shock and surprise. ‘Will you marry me?’

  He dropped to his knees in front of her. ‘Wait, this is my job. I’m supposed to ask you. I had something beautifully romantic lined up.’

  ‘You have showed me enough romance in the last few weeks to last a lifetime. You’ve given me everything, let me give you this.’

  He smiled and kissed her hard, pulling her against him, and she kissed him back, giggling against his lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  ‘Is that a yes?’ she said, in between his kisses.

  ‘Hell yes, it’s a yes.’

  She smiled against his mouth as he continued to kiss her.

  Someone clearing their throat broke them from their kiss and she looked up to see Bella on the arm of Finn, and Freya who had returned from the beach to walk Bella up the aisle.

  ‘I take it he said yes?’ Bella said, smiling hugely. Eden had told Bella her plans to propose to Dougie, thinking that she might do it on their trip to New Zealand, but Bella had insisted she do it that night, saying it would be the greatest wedding gift of all to know both of her siblings were happy before she walked down the aisle.

  Eden nodded, wiping away her tears. ‘Yes he did.’

  Dougie stood up and helped Eden to her feet too, and Freya, Finn and Bella all gave them both big hugs, clearly as excited as Eden was.

  Eventually the excitement died down and Dougie kissed her on the cheek. ‘I better go and do my best man duties, but I’ll see you in a minute.’

  Eden smiled and watched him go then turned back to Bella and Freya who both squealed excitedly for her again.

  ‘Thank you for letting me do this tonight,’ Eden said, squeezing Bella’s hand.

  ‘Don’t be silly, I’m so happy for the two of you.’

  Finn nodded his approval. ‘Of course in my day it’s normally the man who does the asking but things have changed quite a bit since then and as long as you’re happy then we’re happy.’

  Freya and Eden took their positions behind Bella as music drifted out towards them from the beach.

  Finn turned round to talk to her again. ‘Have you given any thought to when you’ll get married yet?’

  ‘Not yet, Dad, but I certainly wouldn’t pack away your best suit just yet.’

  Finn smiled and turned back to face the beach before turning back. ‘And children?’

  Bella and Freya giggled and Eden smiled. ‘Soon, I promise.’

  Satisfied with this, Finn started leading Bella down towards the beach and as she stepped out onto the sand, Isaac turned and the look he gave Bella was the one of the happiest man in the world, which was surpassed only slightly by the huge happy expression on Dougie’s face as Eden walked up the aisle towards him.

  As Finn handed Bella over to Isaac and Isaac kissed her on the cheek, Eden glanced over at Dougie and knew that every wish she had ever made had finally come true.

  The End

  If you’d like to read another gorgeously Christmassy story by Holly Martin, Christmas at Lilac Cottage is available now - a perfect feel-good festive romance! Get it here.

  Christmas at Lilac Cottage

  Get the first White Cliff Bay book now!

  ‘This was a fun and fabulous book to curl up with under the blanket and with a fire blazing… And best of all it made me excited for Christmas!’Escapades of a Bookworm

  Welcome to the charming seaside town of White Cliff Bay, where Christmas is magical and love is in the air…

  Penny Meadows loves her home – a cosy cottage decorated with pretty twinkling fairy lights and stunning views over the town of White Cliff Bay. She also loves her job as an ice-carver, creating breathtaking sculptures. Yet her personal life seems frozen.

  When Henry and daughter Daisy arrive at the cottage to rent the annex, Penny is determined to make them feel welcome. But while Daisy is friendly, Henry seems guarded.

  As Penny gets to know Henry, she realises there is more to him than meets the eye. And the connection between them is too strong to ignore …

  While the spirit of the season sprinkles its magic over the seaside town and preparations for the ice sculpting competition and Christmas eve ball are in full swing, can Penny melt the ice and allow love in her heart? And will this finally be the perfect Christmas she’s been dreaming of?

  Like a creamy hot chocolate with marshmallows, you won’t want to put this deliciously heartwarming novel down.

  Spend the perfect Christmas in White Cliff Bay this year.

  Holly Martin’s newsletter

  If you’d like to keep up to date with the latest news on Holly’s new releases, just click on the link below to sign up for a newsletter. We’ll only contact you when there’s a new book out, and we promise not to share your email with anyone else.

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  Also by Holly Martin


  Spring at Blueberry Bay

  Summer at Buttercup Beach

  Christmas at Mistletoe Cove


  Christmas Under a Cranberry Sky (Book 1)

  Christmas Under a Starlit Sky (Book 2)


  Christmas at Lilac Cottage (Book 1)

  Snowflakes on Silver Cove (Book 2)

  Summer at Rose Island (Book 3)

  The Guestbook

  One Hundred Proposals

  One Hundred Christmas Proposals

  Fairytale Beginnings


  Tied Up with Love

  Beneath the Moon and the Stars


  The Sentinel

  The Prophecies

  The Revenge

  A Letter From Holly

  Thank you so much for reading Christmas at Mistletoe Cove, I had so much fun creating this story and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

One of the best parts of writing comes from seeing the reaction from readers. Did it make you smile or laugh, did it make you cry, hopefully happy tears? Did you fall in love with Eden and Dougie as much as I did? Did you like the beautiful Hope Island at Christmas time? If you enjoyed the story, I would absolutely love it if you could leave a short review. Getting feedback from readers is amazing and it also helps to persuade other readers to pick up one of my books for the first time.

  To keep up to date with the latest news on my new releases, just click here to sign up for a newsletter. I promise to only contact you when I have a new book out and I’ll never share your email with anyone else.

  If you haven’t read the first two books in the Hope Island series yet, why not read Spring at Blueberry Bay and Summer at Buttercup Beach. I’m sure you’ll love Bella and Freya’s stories too.

  Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful, cosy Christmas.

  Love Holly x

  Christmas Under a Cranberry Sky

  Curl up with this gorgeously romantic tale and let the glistening snow and the roaring fires of Stardust Lake Hotel get you in the festive spirit this Christmas.

  Piper Chesterfield lives a glamorous life travelling the world and reviewing the finest hotels. She calls nowhere home, she works alone and that’s how she likes it. For long ago Piper decided that to protect her heart she should lock it away.

  So when Piper’s next assignment brings her to the newly opened Stardust Lake Hotel for the festive season, the last person she expects to face is Gabe Whitaker, the man who broke her heart so completely she could never love again.

  But Piper isn’t the only one who has been frozen in time by heartbreak. Gabe hasn’t forgotten the golden-eyed girl who disappeared from his world without a trace.


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