Book Read Free

Special Agent Charli

Page 5

by Mimi Barbour

  Prowler watched with her and once the Assistant to the Deputy had departed, he got her attention. “I’ve arranged with a friend of my brother’s, Blake Sebastian, a Major with the FLPD to take you on as a special favor to me. He’s a brave cop, has risen through the ranks quickly and will be your partner in keeping Alicia safe.”

  Charli had been briefed by Crawley. “I have no problem with that part, but why did you have to build in a romantic relationship?”

  “All work and no play.” He saw her expression and laughed.

  “Kidding. He needs to get close, fast. This seemed to be a way to cut through the preliminaries of the first meet. You’ll have to let him in, Carolina. He’s taken on this assignment himself as a favor, so play nice.”

  Teasing now, she added, “Play – like in playing around? Trust me, that ain’t going to happen.”

  Smug, his grin speaking volumes, “You haven’t met the man yet. Good luck, Agent.”

  She watched him stride to the entrance, and then she took her seat. It felt wonderful to relax with her beloved companion and enjoy food she only allowed herself to eat when they visited this joint once a month.

  It didn’t take long before she found herself on the defense. “Popsicle, you can’t ride me like this.” Charli used her childhood nickname to soften her old grandfather so he would relent on his woe-is-me attitude. “You know I can’t divulge certain aspects of my job. All I can say is this: I’ll be working on a highly sensitive case, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to contact you. It’s just that simple.”

  “Oh sure, simple for you. Here I am dying—”

  “What?” She rushed to share his side of the booth, her hand reaching for his. “Did the doctors find something wrong?” Charli’s heart dropped to the floor and lay there writhing.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, kid. I meant that literally. I’m ninety-years-old, brat. I can’t live forever. I wanted this trip to Fort Lauderdale as a kind of au revoir, to leave you with memories, to be my swan song, to be a fun time with my little girl, to—”

  “Okay! Enough already! The guilt is so heavy, I’ll be on my knees begging for forgiveness with one more ‘to be’.” She giggled at her gramp’s cheeky grin, his obvious enjoyment of her teasing. It was this way between them every time they were together. Truth is, she loved spending time with her old gramps and having to stop their original plans was killing her.

  But taking on witness protection meant cutting ties with everyone in her circle until they captured the killer. Seeing as Gramps was the main person for her, the only one who meant anything in her life, protecting him meant discontinuing all communication for the immediate future.

  And cutting off her arm might be less painful, especially when John Madison didn’t intend to be left out. The wily old bugger could be as sniveling as any teenager begging to go to the party of the year where all the popular kids would be hanging out.

  He didn’t take no easily, didn’t like having his plans messed with and wasn’t willing to be agreeable.

  “There’s got to be a way we can be in communication. What about those burner phones you see them using on all the cop shows. We can get a couple of those so I can talk to you.”

  “It’s against the rules, Gramps.” The guilt doubled when she saw the regret in his eyes, and knew he’d started to sense the danger. “You know I wouldn’t have taken on this assignment lightly. Trust me, okay? I’ll be safe; it’ll be like I’m taking a vacation, only I won’t be alone. And if there’s any way I can contact you, I will.”

  He put his gnarled, working-man’s hands on both sides of her face to lift her eyes his way. “I can’t lose you, girl.”

  “Just for a short while, Gramps. But I’ll be back, and then we’ll take that vacation you’ve been looking forward to so much.”

  “You’re sure I can’t tag along this time?”

  “No way. You’re too precious to take any risks with.”



  Chapter Eleven

  Charli and Kayla followed the security cop dressed like a pilot through a long hallway and into the regular terminal. The hectic Fort Lauderdale airport pulsed with a multitude of busy people from all walks of life.

  “From now on kid, we can’t screw up. I’m Charli Steele, and you’re my fifteen-year-old stepsister, Kayla Steele. Got it?” They’d been practicing while on the plane, but Alicia didn’t take to role-playing easily and kept slipping. “Our lives could depend on us paying attention to details, right?”

  “Right. I’ll be careful, I promise.”

  “Good. Let the show begin.”

  She felt Kayla take her hand, and she gave the girl’s fingers a squeeze.

  On her guard, Special Agent Carolina, now an ordinary book editor on vacation, Charli Steele, looked for anything out of place. She picked out the two cops on surveillance without any trouble.

  Trained to make those calls, she ignored both the short-haired, muscle-type nonchalantly reading the paper, and the pretty red-headed woman at the coffee dispenser with the bulge under her jacket.

  According to Chief Prowler, they were to be met by an old friend of his brother’s, a Blake Sebastian, Major with the Fort Lauderdale police. He would deliver them to their new residence and set up his parameters for the witness protection their local office would be providing.

  Having the FLPD assistance in the case made Charli breathe a hell of a lot easier. What she didn’t quite like was the fact that they’d made up a pseudo-engagement that had lasted a short time between her and Blake while they’d been in college. He would be meeting them as an old flame, her and her younger sister.

  She scanned the airport lounge for a tall man, an intimidating police Major. From the photo they’d added to her package, he’d looked lean with reddish-blonde hair, longish and styled, and glowing green eyes that must get him a lot of dates.

  Since they’d made a side note about his single status and abundance of girlfriends, she didn’t know if it was meant as a warning to keep him at arm’s length or as an incentive for her to be glad she’d taken the case.

  Lost in her thoughts, Charli didn’t see the man approaching on her right. Suddenly, arms wrapped around her and lifted her in the air. Green stunners, skimming her face and her recently-dyed blonde hair, brightened with interest. “Charli, sweetheart, how are you?”

  Quick as a wink, Charli readied herself to retaliate and remembering the scenario just in time, she stopped. Rather than karate chop his neck, she used her raised hand to slap at his shoulder in a seemingly playful way. “Hey, Romeo, how’s life?”

  Lowering her stiff body, Blake rotated his arm as if to shake off pain. “Life is phenomenal now that you’re back in it. You look good, honey, real good.” Was he playing with her on purpose? Who knew for sure? But his profuse boldness pushed a lot of her buttons. And when his eyes toured her body like she was a flea-market bargain, she just wanted to slap him again… harder.

  Instead, she shared a tight smile, playing her role. “You, too, Sweetykins. Put on a little weight since I saw you last? I almost didn’t recognize you.”

  He grinned, his too-handsome-to-live-outside-of-Hollywood smile flashed. When he lifted his hand, he enjoyed her determination not to flinch and pull away. Instead, he laughed when the light in her marble-gray eyes flashed a warning. “I see by these ringlets, you got yourself one of those perm things. I always loved your hair without all these… ahh coils.” He let go of the curl he’d pulled and watched it rewind to nestle on her shoulder.

  Since her coils were natural, she twisted her head to the side, the warning obvious. “Don’t you remember my hair straightener? And the times I’d keep you waiting?”

  “Sure, now that you mention it. Just so you know, you were always worth those extra hours, baby.”



  Kayla moved in closer to support Charli and caught Blake’s attention. Charli held her breath, waiting to see if he would step ou
t of line with her charge.

  He said nothing, just held out his hand.

  Kayla took it and said, “I’m Charli’s stepsister, Kayla.” Nerves in the teen’s voice were apparent to Charli, but she had no doubt they would skim over Romeo’s thick head of hair.

  “I know. Charli sent me your picture. But it didn’t do you justice, Kayla. You’re even prettier than I expected.” His smooth male voice, husky with admiration, must be a real turn-on to the ladies he supposedly has lined up.

  “Thank you,” Kayla simpered.

  Charli just rolled her eyes and shared her sneer when her reaction caught his attention. It brought an even bigger grin, and she sensed he was enjoying her response.

  “Blak-ie, were you coming to meet my plane, baby?” A playboy bunny look-alike sidled up to Blake, wrapped her arms around his middle and hugged. Then she arched her head so she could kiss his mouth, a kiss he certainly didn’t try to dodge. On the contrary, he engaged in the by-play with obvious enjoyment, his hand lowering to her backside and squeezing.

  That action lifted her mini skirt above the decency level and Charli watched men walk into others, trip over their bags and get glares from their women when the plump bottom was revealed for their pleasure.

  Oh, for God’s sake! Not impressed whatsoever, Charli decided enough was enough. She turned her glare away from the sight in time to see the red-headed undercover cop shrug with resignation. Charli could have sworn the girl looked wishful, even envious before she got back on the job of watching for any disturbances.

  Her glance swung to the other cop; he definitely looked envious. What the hell?


  Charli dug her fingers into Blake’s arm to get his attention. “Sugar-bunny. Kayla and I will grab our bags and wait for you in the baggage area.” Simpering at his gorgeous friend, Charli wriggled her fingers before heading in the opposite direction. “Bye now.”

  Kayla followed her, but like so many others, her eyes stayed glued to the action. “She’s gorgeous.”

  “Tanned blondes with inflatable butts and boobs do not always equate to good people. For example, she didn’t even notice that Blak-ie had company. Nor did she introduce herself in the classy way you did. Sorry, kiddo. She gets an F in my book.”

  Kayla giggled knowingly. “Does that stand for failing?”

  Since it really stood for fuck-up, Charli had to think fast. “Nah. More like forget it. Not worth the time or trouble.”

  “I’d use the F with an O, like in eff off, but if I swear, you’ll give me that look.”

  Charli had no trouble translating eff off, but she had to ask, “What look?”

  “The don’t… like in don’t you do it look. It’s quite impressive. Never knew anyone else whose eyes could speak volumes while her mouth said nothing.”

  Laughing out loud, totally enjoying the exchange, Charli didn’t see Blake sidle up to join them once again.

  “You look pretty when you laugh, Charli. Anyone ever tell you that before? You should do it more often.”

  Her good mood fading, sourness creeping back in, Charli retorted. “You ready to take us home now? Or do you have a date?”

  Before he could answer, three women walked past, heading to the bar/restaurant just behind where they stood. Two of them expressed greetings and gestured to Blake, wiggling their fingers flirtatiously and smiling, invitations plain.

  “Sorry, ladies. I’m here to pick up an old college friend. Next time.” He waved them away and had the audacity to wink at Kayla and make an off-side remark to Charli. “I’m well-known in the city.”

  “You mean you have a reputation. That’s a whole different topic, Blak-ie.” Charli gathered her suitcase, nodded at Kayla to do the same and headed in the direction of the nearest exit. “Let’s get out of here before the poor man gets accosted again.”


  On their drive to wherever Blake had set them up, Charli, who’d opted for the back seat, fumed while Kayla and Blake shared stories and enjoyed each other’s company.

  What an ass! He obviously thought he was God’s gift to the Fort Lauderdale ladies, and he didn’t hide the fact that he loved their attention. How were they supposed to play the part of a reuniting couple, falling back in love? It was ridiculous. She couldn’t stand the man.

  Admittedly, he looked better than most officers in uniform but she put that down to his height. Tall for a woman, he’d topped her by a good six or seven inches. But just because his well-formed lean body and muscular arms picked her up as if she weighed less than a child, she wouldn’t let admiration seep into her overall impression of the guy. He was a conceited ass, pure and simple.

  Any man who so obviously adored being adored had failings, immense failings. And Charli had no time for that nonsense. Pain began to build in her neck, and she reached for her purse to get her pill bottle. If she didn’t stay on top of these migraines, she’d be no good to anyone.

  After she dry-swallowed the coated Tylenol, she caught his sharp-eyed stare in the rearview mirror, his eyebrow lifted questioningly.

  Without thinking, she responded, “Birth control.”

  He smirked.

  She choked.

  Bloody hell!

  Chapter Twelve

  When Blake pulled into a driveway on Lauderdale Beach belonging to a stunning property with an overall white, Greek Island appearance, Charli’s pulse began to race. This reminded her of the house she’d rented a few weeks ago.

  When they parked the car in the circular driveway and stepped out, the fragrance from the nearby beach intermingled with the multitude of lush flowering bushes. Now this is more like it! Her chest muscles relaxed and her tight nerves lightened considerably.


  Kayla gushed her enthusiasm. “Wow! This place is goat.”

  Both Blake and Charli stopped and stared at her until she flushed and added, “Greatest of all time!”

  Charli answered, “Of course that’s what it means.” She made a face and Kayla laughed.

  Blake joined in. “Kids have their own language today. At the precinct, we need a dictionary to be able to hold a conversation.” He waved at the house. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”

  The sprawling house appeared larger from the outside, but the open floor plan inside captured the true South Florida look she’d fallen in love with when searching for her own choice of a rental.

  Not that she’d ever expect to live in such luxury as a permanent home, the thought of vacationing in this beachside dream bungalow produced a real smile. It started on her lips and unwound the tightness, the burden, the heavy weight she’d felt since taking on this job.

  Until she saw the man’s shoes in the hallway and the books scattered around the living room. It looked as if someone lived here. She glanced over at the kitchen and saw the coffee pot half empty, sitting on the island, and the mug still showing dregs of the dark beverage.

  Hold it! They’d promised her a rental; at least they’d conveyed that impression during her last discussion with Detective Crawly and Deputy Chief Prowler. A house for Kayla and her to share – only them.

  She stood in one spot and continued to spy each area and the mounting evidence affirmed her suspicions, someone occupied this house. “Who lives here?” She gritted the words through her teeth, holding back on the cuss ones she really wanted to shout.

  Blake stopped carrying Kayla’s suitcases and let them down slowly. “It’s my house. We decided it would be best for you to have the extra protection this place has installed.” He pointed to the security pad near the entrance, bragging, “A buddy installed this gadget and it’s the newest of the new.” He then slid back a large wall section to show off a screen with four security monitors giving a view of each side of the house. “A few break-ins on the street last year prompted me to get the house protected. And get this,” he picked up a small R2D2 looking camera, “I can also check an app on my phone anytime to see what’s happening in most areas inside the house. We se
t up these individual room cameras…”

  Charli’s shocked glare stopped his bragging.

  “Which, I’ll take down while you girls are here.”

  “Yes, you will.” Charli’s rigid tone brooked no argument. Turning to him, her hands on her hips, and her rising temper almost under control, she asked pleasantly, “And where do you intend to live while we take over your house?”

  Pretending to misunderstand the signals, he winked at Kayla and answered mischievously, “Well sweetykins, I intended to stay in my bedroom during the night. During the day, while I’m at work, I’ll leave you two ladies to your own devices. That’s the deal I made with Prowler, and he led me to believe you were in agreement.”

  Charli erupted, “Over my dead body, Bub. Those two fools knew my plans for some down time and that means being alone.” Kayla’s jerking movement caught Charli’s attention and stopped her tirade. She forced herself to calm down and added, “I meant being alone with Kayla. Not entertaining a womanizing playboy every night.”

  Blake blinked; his grin slow to appear. “Darlin’, you won’t have to entertain me. I can find that kind of distraction any time I want.” His sincere tone let her know he didn’t boast. He just stated a fact.

  Ooohh! The man rubbed her the wrong way.

  “Good to know. It still isn’t part of the deal. Come on, Kayla. We’ll find a place of our own.”

  She picked up the suitcase she’d refused to let him carry and started for the front door.

  “Where will you go, Agent Madison?” His official tone stopped her.

  “Away from here… and you.”

  “But Charli, we can’t leave. This is where the cops want us to stay,” Kayla’s pleading tone stopped her hand in midair – two inches from the doorknob.

  Son of a bitch! She turned and glared in Blake’s direction. “The only, and I mean only way I’ll stay is if you leave us the house and go to a hotel. I’m talking a luxury place; and I’ll pay all your expenses.”

  “I can do that.”


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