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Nemesis Alien Hybrid

Page 29

by C. S Luis

  "Look at this guy. He thinks he's a school administrator," the private told his partner. They both laughed ignoring John’s request.

  “Did you catch sight of the young hot piece of ass they brought in?” one of the men said to his partner.

  “Oh yeah—Hey, Mr. Administrator ever get a piece of that sweet thing?” the private mocked. “I’d like to get my tool waxed by that hot Latin babe.”

  John furiously jumped up from where he was seated and grabbed the trooper’s assault rifle as he tried to point it at him, punching him right in the side of the face. The private stumbled back and before the other trooper spun around, John slugged him in the face with the butt of the gun, then disarmed them and pulled the guns apart in a few seconds.

  He looked around and was just starting to walk out when the barrel of a gun came into perfect view from the other side of the door. John backed down, moving back into the classroom, grinding his teeth.

  "Please stay—" Bryce firmly said, entering the classroom so unexpectedly it took everyone by surprise, even John.

  The troopers on the floor were helped up by another group of men entering with Bryce.

  “Useless—Get them out of here,” Bryce glared over at John, who only greeted him with an angry frown.

  "Have a crew immediately escort John Slater to the awaiting military vehicle in the back of the building. I want him secured promptly," Bryce said, staring at John but directing his words at the men standing behind him. One of the troopers lifted a radio and began to give instructions as John watched.

  Bryce was alone, John noticed. He had hoped to see Claudia but she was nowhere to be seen. Bryce didn't appear pleased. Something had happened, John immediately thought. Perhaps she had escaped; it could explain Bryce's sudden urgency and the anger pulsating from his face.

  "Where's Claudia? What have you done with her?" John suddenly voiced. "She's escaped, hasn't she? You bastard... She's far too clever for even you." John laughed.

  "It doesn't matter. I have you and the alien. She will come," Bryce grinned with confidence.

  "You monster. You killed the girl's family and you think she will easily come back," John said. “Besides, she hates me, thanks to you. She will never come looking for me.”

  "She will.” Bryce grimaced. “And if not for you—then for him," Bryce very coldly offered, meaning the alien. “Then she will be mine.”

  "I'll kill you before I let that happen."

  "Sir! You might want to hear this." One of the men in black armor suddenly interrupted.

  Bryce snatched the radio from his hand, stepping out to be in private.

  "What is it? Have you acquired the girl? I want—”

  John stared at him, trying to listen to what was being said but he could only make out muffled voices as the angry Bryce moved out into the hallway barking orders to whoever was unfortunate enough to be at the other end.

  Something was happening. Something big, John thought. A smile almost flashed on his face until Bryce's voice seemed to soften, and he again was calm. Bryce walked back into the room, he appeared far more confident.

  Could they have captured her? John wondered, made uneasy by Bryce’s curving lips.

  "What have you done to her?" John demanded to know.

  "Things are looking promising," Bryce whispered as a figure appeared at the entrance of the classroom, and when John saw him, his mouth dropped open. He was speechless.

  "Welcome back to the living, Dr. McClellan," Bryce stated, in that arrogant manner.

  "Miss Belle is as good as mine."

  "Sir, you're alive!" John gasped as Michael was pushed forward into the classroom. The old man looked confused by everything and everyone surrounding him and appeared surprised by John's words. Even John, who had doubts and had lied to Claudia, then, knew the horrible truth.

  "John, what's happened? Where's Claudia?"

  "Yes, where is the lovely Miss Belle hiding?" Bryce asked. “You can’t keep her from me. I will eventually discover her whereabouts…so speak now. And save yourself the agony.”

  He narrowed his eyes at Michael, coming uncomfortably close. It made Michael incredibly nervous.

  “And yet, I am intrigued as to how you came to be…Did she do this?” He smiled at Michael, gazing at him curiously as if Michael was some kind of rare specimen.

  "You?” Michael blinked over at the man in white, he recognized him immediately.

  “You’re not a superintendent.” He looked confused and stared back at John. John couldn’t meet his eyes. He knew what it looked like; the con had been his con too. John hadn’t been tricked by the man, John knew who he really was.

  “I let you into our lives, into my school. Who are you really? What do you want?" Michael asked as Bryce encircled him.

  "You know what it is I want. I’m sure John has made it very clear. What it is I want…" Bryce’s lips twitched.

  Michael stumbled back. He touched his head in disbelief, looking all around, searching his memory but there was nothing to remind him of what had taken place and why he was here now. But he knew what the man meant, who he meant.

  “No, you can’t…You can’t have her. She’s just a girl.”

  And if it were true what this man had said, was it Claudia's doing? She was more powerful than he had ever imagined and now in danger.

  "Take me to her. I need her…" Bryce demanded, grabbing the old man by the collar.

  "Leave him alone. Can't you see he doesn't know anything?" John said.

  "He must know something. Dead men don't just get up and start walking. Miss Belle must have a hand in this," he gloated, “I must possess her…”

  "Get used to it—they seem to do that in my world," John suddenly added.

  Bryce released Michael, carefully clearing the wrinkles on his shirt, and moved away to the door. He glared back at them, he had regained his composure and now a calm smile returned to his face. Bryce could be calm one moment and a madman the next and that's what frightened John most of all. What did he plan to do if he didn’t get what he wanted?

  "Perhaps you know nothing," Bryce said to Michael. "But rest assured, you will help me locate her."

  "I will do no such thing!" Michael exclaimed. "I will not help you so you can take her away from me."

  "You will. Or I will make sure this time you stay dead.”

  Michael stumbled back in disbelief and turned to John, but John couldn't meet his eyes. It was true as far as he knew; Bryce would certainly eliminate anyone standing in his way before he would let anyone else have what he wanted.

  "She will know. She will know what you have done to her friends. And she'll stop at nothing to find us!" Michael angrily yelled.

  "Then my plan won’t fail," Bryce replied. "There is no escaping me, and none of her abilities will assist her."

  Bryce smiled, lifting an object that looked like a watch, but it was far from being a simple watch. John knew it from his time at the ADA. He had used it on Claudia the first time he met her. It was a brain wave manipulator or mind wave scrambler that appeared as a watch to the untrained eye. It could manipulate thoughts and block out certain brain activity.

  With the device hidden on Bryce's wrist or in his pocket, Claudia would have no way of knowing what they were thinking or what they were planning. She would not know their next move. It was clever he had to admit and hated himself for thinking so.

  "You'll never get away with this," Michael said. But John knew it was a pointless assurance, for he had nothing else to offer.

  "I already have..." Bryce said, slipping the device onto his wrist and walking out the door.


  The Hand of Death

  Mr. James

  At the far end of the school courtyard, a large diesel truck sat, and within the compartment was a small laboratory. Inside the laboratory, a container sat surrounded by wires and machines and many computers. Screens and monitors indicated readings that only doctors would understand. Here, within this container lay a shadow
y figure, in a state of slumber. In his slumber, Quentin was unaware of what transpired outside the walls of his prison.

  Outside the encasing, darkness swept over, watching him closely. The darkness went where it wanted and here it was, observing the mortals' lifestyles and the chaos that surrounded them and drew him into it.

  A figure in the shadows, wearing a black suit and red tie, moved to stand before the container, observing and studying the strange glass cage that held his very much alive adversary and nemesis, Quentin. He didn't say a word, brought here out of mere curiosity, but the very object that faced him paralyzed him. “How unfair.”

  He crossed his arms and finally, a smile appeared, and without further thought, he moved away, slowly encircling the container. His hand brushed a key panel at the base of the container and with a single movement, he set off a chain reaction of events.

  An alarm rang in the distance but there was no one to hear it. Wires popped here and there from the container and the glass began to rattle so much at one end that it completely shattered. A small explosion further cracked the glass and movement from inside became slowly visible. A finger first, then an entire hand.

  The shadows descended and the chaos behind was the only indicator Death had come this way and had interfered once again.



  Antonio and I rushed down the hall. Suddenly, a booming voice echoed throughout the interior of the school. I stopped as the voice came clearly over the school intercom.

  "Miss Belle, I know you're out there." The voice was blaring so loudly; it was all around us.

  "I know you can hear me," the voice again said. It was inviting, as it was calm and pleasant.

  “It’s him, The Man in White.”

  My lips began to quiver finding an image of his face in my mind.

  "Nicholson!" Antonio yelled, moving forward carefully, looking around the hallways with a gun glued to his hand.

  "Listen very carefully, we may have begun our relationship on a rather unpleasant note, again, I extend my apologies for my irrational behavior, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends and come to some productive conclusion to all this.”

  Antonio wrinkled his brow and whispered something to me I didn’t hear. I glanced over at him, rolling my eyes at the man speaking through the intercom.

  “I’ve offered you my hand, now it’s your turn to extend me the same courtesy—someone you trust and care for would like to say hello."

  Suddenly, a voice I clearly recognized invaded the space around us and moved me to tears.

  "Claudia...It's me…Michael," Michael's voice rang through the intercom as clear as day before it was cut off.

  "Oh no!" I raced to an intersection in the hallway, and when I came to the end, a row of large lamps lit the hall's interior. The hall led to the very back of the building. At the far end, the metal doors were pried open, leading outside and into the school courtyard.

  "Follow the lights into the courtyard, Miss Belle, I’m waiting," Mr. Nicholson ordered, his voice roaring through the intercom. "Follow them if you want to see your friend again," he warned.

  "I don't like this," Antonio whispered. He clutched my forearm from behind.

  "Let me go. Michael needs me!" I insisted.

  I freed myself from the tall Spaniard and dashed toward the open doors at the far end. Antonio called after me as he followed through the path of heated lamps. We reached the entrance and I stepped outside, glaring towards the open courtyard.

  Ahead, a squad of men dressed in black armor stood. They all had the same red insignia on the side of their armor. Coming from among them, Mr. Nicholson appeared in his dashing, clean, immaculate white suit. There appeared to be a smile on his face, although I could not tell for sure as there always seemed to be some form of grimace on his face. He took a step forward to welcome my new companion, and me.

  I closed my eyes and began to concentrate but all I could see were distorted images, nothing that would help me find my friends.

  "What's wrong?" Antonio asked, coming to stand beside me. There was no way in hell he was going to be able to protect me from all of these men without some kind of help. Just what the hell had he gotten himself into? I could tell from the expression on his face as he stared at the men a distance from us.

  "I don't know."

  I wasn't sure why I suddenly had lost my ability, just when I needed it the most. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see what thoughts lurked in Mr. Nicholson's mind. It was as if there was nothing. But it had happened before. I thought maybe I had not tried hard enough the last time, but when my efforts failed again, I knew something else must be wrong. Mr. Slater had been the same way; I couldn’t read him or anyone close to me.

  Even Antonio's mind was hard to read, I could hear voices, but none made any sense or said clear words. What was happening to me? Was I losing my abilities? And if so, would this change Q's interest in me? Why did I even ask that?

  "I’m glad you could join us, Miss Belle. I've been patiently waiting."

  He ordered his men to put their weapons down. Of course, he was aware of just what I could do, no matter if I couldn't read his mind any longer. But did he know?

  "I've come for my friends," I demanded.


  Meine Quelle

  Bryce chuckled. He motioned to his men to bring Michael out. But Michael wasn't the only one being held captive as far as Claudia could tell. Stumbling alongside Michael, Mr. Slater came out as well, being led by two other men in black uniforms.

  "Michael…" was the only name she called out and raced towards him. Antonio tried to stop her but she darted away quickly and before he could move to follow her, he realized he was surrounded. Behind him, a dozen assault rifles pointed at his back. He lifted his arms up, the gun that was clutched in his hand looped around his finger in surrender and a trooper took the gun.

  Ahead, the trooper holding Michael released him as Claudia came racing up. Michael allowed her to fall in his arms. He held her tightly, knowing it was only a matter of time before they would be separated again. He pulled her away slowly and she glanced at him with a smile on her face.

  "Are you alright?" she softly asked.

  "I thought I had lost you, child," he said, nodding as she smiled at him again and tightly hugged him.

  "Oh, Michael, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

  "It's not your fault, Claudia. Everything is going to be alright," Michael assured her, yet he had no idea how it was going to be possible.

  John looked on, filled with guilt. He knew he had done this to these people. He had destroyed their world. Now he was pulling their family apart, his family, the only family he had ever known and that had ever loved him.

  Suddenly, Bryce grabbed Michael and put a gun to his head. Claudia screamed as the sergeant grabbed her and held her back. John moved forward but the trooper standing behind him knocked him to the ground.

  "Stop, Miss Belle …Stop or I will kill him," Bryce hissed, directing his words to Claudia, knowing full well that she meant to use her gifts to help her friends.

  "And this time I will ensure he stays dead," Bryce firmly added. Michael trembled, feeling the cold steel at his temple.

  "Bryce, let them go! You don't need these people. You don't need her!" John cried, lifting himself off the ground, fully aware of the trooper standing close behind him.

  "Wrong, I do need her. And I won't be satisfied until I have her. She's part of the puzzle, and I need all the pieces to make it work. Haven’t I made that clear?"

  Dr. Klein appeared at the other end, rubbing the side of his head. He had a lump from the looks of it. He approached and spotted Claudia in the sergeant's grasp.

  "Secure Miss Belle in the capsule. Do it now, Dr. Klein," Bryce instructed urgently, looking over at Claudia as the doctor approached and smiled at her.

  “You thought you got away from me. Where is your big friend now?” Dr. Klein taunted.

  "Please, don't, you don’t
have to do this. Please don't take her. Don't hurt her!" Michael pleaded.

  "Silence! Sergeant, bring her, help me secure the girl in the container," Dr. Klein ordered.

  The sergeant moved to follow the command but as he pulled the struggling Claudia up, a bolt of energy engulfed her body. The sergeant and Dr. Klein flew backward.

  In frustration, Bryce pointed the pistol at her but before he had a chance to fire, John threw himself against him, grabbing hold of his arm. The gun launched upward into the air where it released a round. Michael managed to scramble away as the men began a struggle for the weapon.

  And amid all the confusion, neither one of them noticed the strange light that had appeared. Or that Bryce's men had dispersed in an attempt to escape the eerie presence now looming closer. Even Antonio, decided to retreat to the inside of the building along with the fleeing squadron of men.

  Michael saw his chance and raced to Claudia's side. Grabbing her hand, he led her into the building, away from all the chaos. Dr. Klein rose very slowly from the ground, finding a light suddenly before him. It began to consume him until he became a dark mist of nothing but a faded scream, and was gone.

  Bryce and John glanced back. Suddenly, a strange fear overcame Bryce. A smile spread over John Slater's face as he turned to Bryce and very plainly said. "Now you're gonna get it. You wanted the alien, you got it, asshole!"

  Something powerful struck Bryce and he fell to the ground. A young man appeared from the light. He approached John and lifted the man into the air before him. John couldn't move and felt his body shaking, and his chest tighten. He gasped, trying to take a breath, as Quentin's face merged from the light.

  "Tell me where she is. Tell me… before he finds her," Quentin ordered.


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