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Snapshot (The Jamieson Collection)

Page 14

by Angie Stanton

  “Pretty much.” Peter laughed.

  Adam hung up, tossed his phone away and held Marti with his good arm. His kissed her forehead and rubbed his nose against hers. “You know, no one’s going to be back for at least an hour.”

  She nipped a quick kiss. “Is that so?” She trailed her toes over his calf, sending fireworks straight to his core. “What about your arm? It must hurt a lot.”

  “Not at all. You are my drug of choice, and I plan to overdose.”

  Within minutes, Marti found herself naked as Adam covered her body with hot kisses. Every tender spot he touched hummed with joy. She caressed his strong shoulders and chest. Nasty scrapes and bruises from the fall marred his beautiful body. She wanted to kiss each one better.

  They lay on their sides so he wouldn’t cause pain to his arm and bruised side. His fingers trailed from her cheek, down her neck and then lingered at her breasts. He dipped his head and kissed them. She felt naughty but more alive than ever. She never knew she could feel this way, so euphoric in sharing herself with someone else, the most special someone she could have dreamed of.

  Adam’s fingers skimmed over her hip. She looked at him; deep heady passion filled his eyes. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. He trailed tiny kisses on her neck while his hands explored. She turned her head to offer access. He took full advantage and rolled on top of her, kissing and nuzzling behind her ear.

  She parted her legs, inviting him closer, and he positioned himself temptingly close. Marti sighed and pushed against him.

  “We should stop,” Adam groaned, unconvincingly. “We can’t do it again without protection.”

  “I know. We should stop, but not yet.” Together they had flipped on some sort of switch inside each other, turning on arousal and passion, and she didn’t want to turn it off. She curled her legs over his to hold him in place.

  “Marti, I want you so bad. You’re killing me,” he groaned.

  She squirmed. His body felt so damn good. She wanted more of him, but didn’t know how to ask. She wanted all of him. She felt like someone dying of thirst who is led to water. One sip wasn’t enough. She wanted all of it. She wanted to swim in that water.

  “Please,” she whispered in his ear.

  He looked at her, his face inches from hers. The touch of his breath on her cheek. “Oh god, Marti. Don’t tempt me.” His voice filled with agony.

  “It’s okay. Neither of us has ever been with anyone else and it’s the safe time of the month. Just for a minute. You can pull out.” She’d do anything to convince him because she wanted him now!

  He captured her mouth with his, her body sang, and he held back no more.

  Marti lay entwined with Adam and the sheets; she couldn’t remember a time she’d been happier. Adam kissed her temple and fell back on the shared pillow. She kissed the warm tan spot at the crook of his neck and snuggled closer.

  Hurried footsteps sounded on the front porch, and Kyle sprang through the door.

  “Oh shit!” He turned his back on their intimate moment.

  “Kyle, get the hell out!” Adam yelled.

  Marti pulled the sheet to cover her naked body. Her face was hot. She thought she’d die of embarrassment. Why did he have to come in now? How would she ever look him in the eye again?

  “Tony’s on his way here!” Kyle said, out of breath. He obviously ran the whole way.

  “What?!” Adam sat up.

  “Get dressed! He’s looking for Marti, and he doesn’t look happy.” Kyle spoke to the wall.

  Marti sat up, clinging to the thin sheet. “Why? What did I do?”

  Adam glanced at their obvious disarray.

  “Shit!” She leapt out of bed and fished around for her panties. “Oh my god!”

  Adam fumbled for his shorts. Kyle exited to the porch, watching for Tony.

  She pulled on her shorts. “Where’s my bra? Oh crap.” She looked under the bed, but couldn’t find it.

  “Forget it, put on your shirt.” Adam turned it right-side-out and tossed it to her.

  Marti pulled it over her head. She smoothed down her hair while Adam straightened up the bed.

  “Hurry up, he’s coming!” Kyle warned through the screen door.

  She slipped into her sandals and stepped onto the open porch. Maybe Tony wouldn’t realize what they had been doing. Oh god, what was she supposed to say? What if he called Grandma? She couldn’t believe this. How humiliating!

  Adam and Kyle joined her. She shared a freaked out look with Adam as the camp director approached.

  “Hi, Tony. Kyle said you were looking for me? I was just checking on Adam,” she said brightly, trying to sound as normal as possible.

  Tony looked at the three of them and then settled his gaze on her. Oh crap. He knew! Her face heated.

  “Marti, I need to talk to you.”

  Adam stepped to her side, which was the sweetest thing. He chose to face the firing squad with her.

  “This is a private matter. Guys, would you excuse us please?” Tony stepped aside to allow Marti to join him.

  She sobered. What was going on? Anything she’d done wrong this week, she’d done with Adam or with their entire group. Why would he single her out?

  “What’s going on?” she asked tentatively, walking away from the guys.

  Tony remained silent until they reached her cabin. “I have some very difficult news to give you.”

  She looked at him, his face serious and sad. Her heart stopped cold. Dread filled her gut. “What?” She faced him, not wanting to imagine his news. “Please just tell me.”

  “Let’s go inside.” He motioned to her cabin.

  She swallowed; each second he didn’t speak felt like hours. “No. Tell me here. Tell me now.”

  He hesitated. She looked across to Adam and Kyle watching from their porch. They could see something serious was going down.

  Tony sighed. “I’m so very sorry to tell you this. Your Grandmother passed away this morning.”

  Chapter 11

  She felt the blood drain from her face. “What?” She covered her mouth to stifle her cry.

  “No,” she whispered and shook her head. “Grandma just sent me cookies.” Tony was wrong. Someone else’s grandma had died, not hers. He had the wrong camper.

  “I received a call from a woman named Ruth Jensen. She said she’s a good friend of your grandmother’s and that you know her well.”

  Marti nodded, but she no longer wanted to hear his words. This couldn’t be happening. She wanted him to stop.

  “Your grandmother was in the hospital for a heart procedure and died from a heart attack during the procedure.”

  Her eyes welled up. “Please tell me this isn’t true and that you’re making this up.” She’d accept any horrible excuse for a tragic joke, if he’d take back his words and say it wasn’t true.

  “I wish it wasn’t.” Tony seemed about to cry too. “Ruth said that your mother is coming to get you in the morning. It’s too long a drive to start tonight, and she is understandably upset.”

  Marti felt an eerie chaos surround her. It seemed like she stood alone inside a giant vacuum while everything else sped by in a foggy haze. Tony spoke, but the words didn’t really register. Something about my mother?

  “If you’d like to sleep in the nurse’s cabin tonight, that would be fine. It might be best.”

  Grandma was gone. She died from a heart attack. Marti didn’t know Grandma had a heart problem. She’d been out of breath lately, and tired easily, but Grandma never mentioned it or complained.

  “I have Ruth’s number for you. She said to call her as soon as you are able. I guess your mother is unavailable.”

  Grandma mentioned a doctor’s appointment while I was a camp. Why didn’t I see the signs?

  Tony looked away. Marti followed his gaze to find her friends gathered on the sidewalk. Concern and curiosity showed on their faces. She looked back at Tony and then to her cabin door.

  “Thank you. I think I’ll go
inside now,” she uttered in a strained voice.

  Marti opened the creaky screen door and entered the cabin. She looked at her bed. The colorful bedspread that grandma bought her. Her camera, a Christmas gift from Grandma. She saw the cookie tin on her bedside, the lid ajar, its contents nearly gone.

  Numb, she walked to the sink and glanced in the mirror. She didn’t recognize the reflection. She turned and looked out the window to find Adam and all her friends gathered around Tony. The curiosity on their faces shifted to shock. She looked away and wandered the small cabin. She should do something, but what? What should she do? She knew her mother would be useless. She couldn’t believe the woman actually offered to come get her. Marti sank onto her bed.

  Grandma died.

  She couldn’t call her. She couldn’t talk to her ever again. A fresh wave of grief arose, breaking through the numbness. Her throat tightened as she fought back the sobs. She stood.

  She wanted to rush to Grandma’s side, to give her comfort, but it was too late. Any comfort she could offer should have been given the last few days. Grandma was gone. She died on a sterile, cold table with no one she loved nearby. It wasn’t fair. Marti should have been there. Instead she was here, goofing off, having unprotected sex with Adam. Shame consumed her.

  The door creaked. She didn’t look up. Adam’s hand appeared on her arm.

  “Marti, I’m so sorry.”

  She nodded. What could she say?

  “What can I do?”

  She turned and faced him. “There’s nothing anyone can do anymore.” Tears rolled down her face. She choked back her sobs.

  Adam embraced her, his body warm and comforting. His good arm wrapped around her like a strong safety net. His cast pressed against her back, reminding her of how fragile life could be. She rested her head against his chest. The beat of his heart sounded in her ear. He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head.

  She didn’t want to move because that meant facing reality. In Adam’s arms, nothing else mattered. She didn’t want to face reality, she didn’t want to think of what happened next. She didn’t want to have to figure anything out. She wanted to stay in his cocoon of protection.

  The door squeaked again, and the girls appeared, their faces stricken. Adam released her, and Marti let each of her friends hug her and tell her how bad they felt. It was nice they said the words, but none of it really made any difference. Nothing changed the situation or made it more tolerable.

  The guys stood awkwardly on the porch. She knew they cared, but they didn’t know what to do or say. Neither did she. She grimaced and shrugged her shoulders. They returned the helpless gesture.

  “Do you want anything?” Haley asked. “I can go get you something.”

  “No.” She shook her head. The silence in the cabin made it hard to breathe.

  Adam rested his hand on the small of her back. “Do you want to be alone?”

  “I want to get out of here.” She looked around the claustrophobic room.

  “Sure, whatever you want.”

  Marti went to her dresser, dug to the bottom of the drawer and located her phone. She hadn’t used it once, and now it was too late. Her breath hitched back a sob. She slipped her phone into her shorts pocket. She looked up. All faces pressed toward her expectantly as if she was supposed to lead them through this tragedy. She offered a tight smile and left the cabin. Adam joined her outside.

  “I think I’d like to be by myself for a while. I might make a couple of calls.” She looked away quick, because if she lost herself in his eyes she might lose control, and she didn’t want to do that.

  “Okay, whatever you want.” He hugged her close. She wished she enjoyed it more, but she needed to escape.

  * * *

  Adam waited on the front porch of his cabin for Marti to return. Lights-out came and went, and still she didn’t return. Too worried to sit any longer, he took off looking for her. He remembered the terror he experienced last year when his dad suffered a heart attack. He could imagine Marty’s agony.

  Normally the group went off on some rule-breaking mission at night, but tonight none of them could muster any interest. For the first time, they stayed in their cabins, conducting a silent vigil for Marti and her grandma.

  When he didn’t find her on the dock or at the beach, he realized where she must be. He heard the music before he saw her shadowy form at the piano, in the comfort of the nature center.

  The pulsing strains of Bach filled the room. Marti bent over the piano keys and played like a mad scientist. A bottle of vodka and a half empty glass sat on the piano. He wondered how she’d gotten her hands on Justin’s liquor stash.

  He sighed in relief that she was okay, sort of. She played the mournful tune with passion and heartache. When it ended, he quietly approached and sat on the edge of the bench.

  She reached for the glass and took a long, slow drink.

  “You doing okay?” Adam asked.

  “Um hum.” She put the glass down. “Wanna join me for a drink?” She gazed at him through sad, red eyes.

  “Sure.” He reached in the bag containing her contraband and found a small stack of plastic cups and the fruit punch. He poured a drink and took a sip. It reminded him of the night they met, when he kissed her for the first time.

  “Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “I just want to play.” She focused on the piano as if it was some sort of lifeline. And maybe it was.

  “Alright. But if you don’t mind, I’m going to stay.”

  She nodded and began her next somber, classical piece.

  Adam noticed someone walking outside. He rose to check it out, and discovered Tony, also checking up on Marti.

  “She’s kind of obsessed in there with playing.” The melancholy tune drifted out to them.

  “That’s probably a good thing. It’s a healthy way for her to let her emotions out,” Tony said.

  Adam hoped Tony didn’t go inside and discover the not-so-healthy bottle of booze. “If it’s okay with you, I thought I’d sit up with her.”

  “That’s fine. I understand her parents are out of the picture, and she lived with her grandmother. Poor kid. She’s got a rough road ahead.” Tony scratched his chin. “How’s your arm feeling?”

  “It aches, but I’m fine.”

  “That’s good. There’s never a dull moment around here. Well, if either of you need anything, come get me.”

  “I will.” Adam went back inside. Marti didn’t even pause when he picked up his drink. He tossed a couple pieces of wood on the dying embers in the fireplace. Sparks flew, reminding him of the fireflies they watched a couple nights ago.

  He took a comfortable spot on the couch with his drink. He leaned back against the side arm with his legs stretched out, so he could watch Marti and still give her space.

  She played song after song. He couldn’t believe her repertoire. She played each piece like a master. Her dad definitely passed his musical genius on to her. He wondered how Marti felt about that or if she even realized.

  She paused after each number and drank. He probably should tell her to stop, but hell, why? This seemed pretty innocent, and he was here for her.

  Marti played another piece he recognized as Chopin. Her mastery of the piano blew his mind. Under different circumstances he would love to play together. Her on the piano, him on the guitar. He tried to move his hand and realized the restraints of the cast. Shit. More crappy reality. But nothing compared to what she faced.

  She’d be leaving tomorrow, and he hadn’t let himself think about it. It sounded crazy, but he was pretty sure he loved her. At their age, everyone would say they were too young, but he couldn’t deny what he felt.

  The music stopped, and she sat quietly for a moment. She glanced up and offered him a crooked smile. She then joined him on the couch and lay with her head on his chest, molding her body against his.

  He rubbed her back with his good arm and pushed a lock of hair from her face. She sighed and kissed
him on the mouth. Adam didn’t mean to get turned on, but Marti’s sexy mouth was hungry and aggressive. She tasted of vodka, fruit punch and passion. She noticed his hard on and pressed against him. He slipped his hand down the back of her shorts and caressed her bottom with his free hand, turning them both on even more.

  They kissed and whispered and moved their bodies together until he could barely stand it. Then Marti sat back, positioned between his legs and started unbuttoning his shorts.

  Adam brought his hand down and stilled her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Sure it is. It’s a great idea.” She pushed his hands away and successfully unbuttoned and unzipped his cargo shorts.

  “Marti, you just lost your grandma, you’re upset. I don’t think this is a good time.”

  “Bullshit! It’s the best time.” She paused in her disrobing of him. “You could have died hitting those rocks yesterday. I could die on my ride home tomorrow. Plus, I have no idea if I’ll ever see you again.”

  And honestly, neither did he. He wanted to, he planned to. “Of course, you’ll see me again. Now that you’re in my life, I’m not gonna let you disappear.”

  A spark of happiness glinted in her eye. She smiled and pulled her off her shirt, tossing it away.

  “What are you doing? Someone could walk in at any moment!”

  “No they won’t. It’s the middle of the night. Plus, if they did, who cares?” She got up and slid out of her shorts. She stood before him in a slinky little thong that caused him to grow even harder.

  She gazed at him, all sexy and vulnerable. “Will you make love to me? Because I need you more right now than I need to breathe,” she whispered.

  He saw the hunger and desperation in her eyes. He swallowed. “Of course, I want you. I’ll always want you, but…”

  And she silenced him with a kiss that took his breath away. He meant to say that they couldn’t keep having unprotected sex, but she teased him with small kisses until he relaxed. Then she captured his mouth with hers. Her tongue teased and aroused him. Her hand moved down his chest and released him from his clothes. He groaned as she lingered over him. His heart pounded. “Oh god, Marti.” She’d taken control and he couldn’t make himself stop her. And he didn’t want to anyway.


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