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Page 14

by Jenna Ryan

  “Doing what?”

  “Arranging plants and crystals, lighting candles, creating scent zones.”

  “Did you do a test run with the chandelier off and only the candles lit?

  Amusement stirred. “You’ve met Molly, right? Of course we tested it, several times.”

  “Were you and Molly alone at that point?”

  “By light-testing time? No. Orley, Brady and Ty arrived in a clump. And she paid a couple of delivery guys from the supermarket to bring party trays for after the séance. They came, gawked, placed their trays and left.”

  “So there were people milling, however briefly. Lights on, lights off, furniture covered, shadows everywhere and you wearing your signature perfume.”

  “You noticed it?” A smile blossomed. “That’s...nice, actually.”

  His eyes slid down, then up. “There’s not much I don’t notice about you, Sadie.”

  Because teasing was easy and fun, she fluttered her lashes at him. “Does this mean we’re going to have spectacular sex after all? And before you ask, yes, I’ve been accused of having a one-track mind before, many times.”

  “Ditto, but we need to ride out the first track before we switch over. No matter how it was delivered, Nola’s locket was intended for you.”

  “Meaning my monster’s target-specific—with lockets, bullets and likely crossbow arrows, as well. Big sigh of relief for anyone who’s not me. Or you. Well, sometimes you. I’m confused.”

  “Actually, you’re right on top of it. The killer’s not after Rooney or Orley or Jerk.”

  “Lovely. Again, though, only if you’re not me. Or us. Are we done with this conversation, because my brain’s about ready to implode?”

  “Done enough.” He skimmed his thumb over her lips. “For the moment.”

  Completely off-kilter, Sadie sat back to regard the turbulent night sky while Eli completed the tricky climb to the manor. “You’re thinking Cal could have snuck in at the prep stage and given me the locket, aren’t you?”

  “Ty figures Cal hid under a sheet or behind a piece of furniture while the participants filed in. Séance started, stuff happened, the room went dark and Cal snuck out, nice and tidy.”

  “Is that what you think?”


  “Gonna tell me why?”

  “Are you up for a crash course in police logic?”

  “Another ‘no’ would have done there, Eli.” She indicated the far side of the manor. “Park in the carport. If the wind picks up and decides to topple a tree, I don’t want it falling on my Land Rover, which still has six months of lease payments left on it.”

  “You bought this vehicle on a lease?”

  Her eyes fired a dangerous warning. “Don’t start with me. I know exactly what I gave up to come here and run the Chronicle. New York Times, buckets of money, Manhattan condo and monsters who, for the most part, wear business suits.” She waited through a long peal of thunder before angling her head at him. “Are you ever going to tell me who it is you almost hurt?”

  He parked the Land Rover under the shelter, cut the engine, but left his iPod running. Nirvana might not have been the most romantic of bands, but a driving beat coupled with the screw-you lyrics added an edge to his suddenly closed features.

  When he didn’t immediately respond, she took a chance and added a gentle “I get that you don’t want to talk about it, or her. But if something that happened in your past is preventing us from having amazing sex in the present, can’t I at least know part of the reason why?”

  Sadie couldn’t begin to read his expression when he finally did look at her.

  Troubled, angry, brooding, distant. What she could see was his mind sliding back to whatever time had generated those particular emotions.

  “Her name was Eve,” he revealed at length. “And I came so close to shooting her—killing her—that I blew out a window right behind her.”

  Whatever horror she’d been anticipating, it wasn’t that. Sadie started to speak, reconsidered and sighed. “I don’t know what to say, Eli, what I should say. ‘I’m glad you didn’t shoot her’ seems awkward and obvious. But I also know there must have been a reason for that to have happened, and it doesn’t involve you falling off some shaky psychological ledge. So let me sidetrack and ask you this. If it was only for one night, and we both knew that, understood and accepted it, could you get around what’s been and give yourself permission to enjoy what could be? What is, right now, at this moment?”

  Staring out at the night, he gave a small laugh. “You mean can I live, however briefly, in the present rather than the past?”

  “Well, yes, but my way sounded much more profound. There’s a person out there, Eli, an Ezekiel Blume who wants me dead. If you’re Hezekiah and I’m Nola, it makes sense that this modern-day Ezekiel wants you dead, too, before the legend kicks in all the way and you get desperate enough to bring in an evil spirit—and for evil spirit, read backup—to help you trap him.”

  Traces of that vague humor lingered on his face. “Those recent dreams of yours have really done a number on your head, haven’t they?”

  “Dreams, bullets, phone calls, text messages, a dead raven, a decimated locket and the knowledge that there are very few places in or out of the Hollow where I actually feel safe.”

  “I won’t—”

  “I know. You won’t let him hurt me. Kill me. But what if you die trying to save me? Or you die because the monster half of my stalker wants it? I can’t think of you dead, Eli. I’m not sure I could live knowing you were gone, whatever the reason.” Threads of tension began to creep up her neck and into her skull. “Would leaving Raven’s Hollow help either of us at this point?”


  “Didn’t think so. And even if it would, Laura’s murderer would still be out there. He’d continue to go unpunished for a crime he committed twenty years ago.... And I have absolutely no idea how we got here from where this conversation started.”

  “We were talking about me setting aside my emotional baggage long enough for us to make love.”

  “Interesting how a side trip through hell can put such a huge crimp in such a simple—or I thought simple—question. Forget I asked it, okay?”

  “So you don’t want to have sex?”

  When her temples began to throb, she used her fingers to push back the pain. “I thought I did, but honestly, at this moment? All I want is about six aspirins and a whack on the head to induce sleep. Just walk me inside so I can feed Cocoa, fall into bed and pretend no part of tonight ever happened. You and Ty are clever cops. Join forces and you might actually have this nightmare dealt with before you and or I wind up facedown in Raven’s Bog.”

  She didn’t wait for him to open her door, but slid out and set her sights on the entrance.

  Painkillers, hot drink, hot bath, bed. It wasn’t what she’d thought she wanted, but it would do.

  Thankfully, there was no dead raven on the welcome mat, and her front door was locked and bolted. Small favors, major relief. As long as the entry wall was still draped and taped, she’d be fine.

  If Eli didn’t want to be with her, that was fine, too. No sex, no problem. He wasn’t the only person at the manor who had issues. Bellam women sucked when it came to building and maintaining relationships. And she compounded that with a constant need for change. She’d moved from city to city to town so many times over the past seven years that there was very little point in unpacking anymore.

  Fortunately, those city stints had taught her how to walk quickly in high heels. She had the door unlocked and opened before Eli made the stoop.

  Or thought she did.

  One of his hands planted itself on the frame while the other grabbed her arm and spun her around. “Was that your idea of a dramatic exit line?”

  He was
angry, she realized, and wanted her to feel the same way. No problem. She moved her lips into a sugary smile. “Sorry to disappoint you, Lieutenant, but there was no drama intended. I changed my mind about us, simple as that. Go with the cliché of it being a woman’s prerogative. You’re not interested, and I’m not willing. Anymore.”

  She started to turn back, but he held her in place with his body. “You were willing enough a minute ago.”

  “Well, that’s the thing about women in general and Bellam women in particular. We’re changeable creatures. One minute we want chocolate, the next it’s ice cream. The trick is to catch us before we switch.”

  His eyes slid down to where he pressed her against the door. “You seem caught from where I’m standing.”

  “Physically, yes. Unfortunately, I’m not in the mood for chocolate anymore, so back off, Lieutenant, before I call on my ancestor to turn you into that lizard you mentioned once.”

  His eyes glittered in the next bolt of lightning. “A raven would be more appropriate.”

  Both her temper and her blood heated up. “Already been done. I’m going for something new. Step back, Eli. Now.”

  “When we’re done here, sweetheart. It’s not about me being interested.”

  It took a second for Sadie to recall her earlier accusation. “If being interested’s not part of it, you and I have very different ideas about why people have sex.”

  “I’m married to my work, Sadie. I have been for the past twelve years.”

  “Congratulations.” She shot him another come-and-go smile. “I hope you make yourself very happy.” Exasperation took root. “I said sex, Eli, not a lifetime commitment. I already told you, Bellam women are terrible at forever, so no worries there.”

  Bracing his other hand on the door, he lowered his head. They were so close now that when the lightning flashed, she saw flecks of gold in his green eyes. “I don’t want sex with you, Sadie. I want to make love to you.”

  “It’s the same....” But it wasn’t, and her heart recognized the difference instantly. Her mind was another matter. Reining in her annoyance, she sighed. “If that’s true, why are we fighting?”

  “Probably because I don’t want to fall in love with you.”

  “What? Fall...?” Who said anything about falling in love? Panic scuttled in. “Eli, I’m not... I can’t... Did you hear anything I just said? Have been saying all along? Love, marriage, relationships, Bellam women. We’re the ‘d-y-s’ in dysfunctional.” She planted her palms flat on his chest. “Most of us never make it to the altar, and those who do make everyone involved wish they hadn’t. Ty might not know it, but he’s a very lucky man.”

  “Yeah? So what am I?”

  She fisted the T-shirt under his jacket. “About two seconds away from turning ice cream back into chocolate. Eli, understand, this is insanity.”

  If it was possible, his eyes grew darker. “I’m a direct descendant of Hezekiah Blume, Sadie, remember? Insanity works for me.”

  Before she could utter another word, he took her mouth with his.

  Chapter Seventeen

  A dozen objections sprang to mind. Shoving all of them aside, Sadie let her heart—no, not her heart—desire. She let desire take the lead.

  Heat scrambled in her veins. Her skin burned. Eli’s kiss tortured her senses. And the feel of his body pressed against hers created a ball of lust that gathered in her stomach and then surged upward and out.

  Her fingers found his face and held on while he gave and took and ignited. Freeing a hand, she fumbled behind her for the latch—and almost pitched into the manor backward when Eli got to it first.

  He caught her easily and swung her around so her spine was plastered to the tall window next to the door.

  Every movement spawned a new and exciting sensation. Every touch sparked another flame. Her bones turned to liquid, her thoughts to smoke, her common sense to smoldering ash.

  Skimming her curves with fingers and palms, Eli explored her ribs and waist, her hips. Every inch of skin pulsed where he touched. Hunger flared with need trembling close behind it.

  She’d wanted this, wanted them to be for so long now it almost seemed surreal. Desperate to taste, she pushed him to the limit, then let him push her back, to the edge and over.

  Sadie swore she heard the last threads of protest snap. She’d warned him, and he hadn’t listened.

  Then again, neither had she.

  Playful seduction was one thing. This blind plunge to a place she’d never expected to go stunned her senseless. A small part of her also knew it could and would come back to haunt her.

  With the last of her willpower gone, she let the cravings of her body take over. Her head bowed back as she reveled in the shivers that chased themselves over her skin. It was, all of it, magic, a spell whipped up by a mad witch whose mind had been distorted by elemental need.

  The air in the manor came alive. Sadie felt the storm swirling around her, into her, through her. She wanted to be closer, to move against him, but her muscles seemed to have deserted her. So she wrapped her arms around his neck and hung on as his mouth returned to feed on hers.

  Eli’s hands were their own kind of magic. They lit fires everywhere they roamed, and those fires made her energy level swell. As her body grew accustomed to her mind’s out-of-control spin, she found herself eager to play catch-up.

  Her fingers went in search of his jeans, latched on to button and zipper.

  “You want to do this on the entry floor, Sadie?” She heard the faint amusement that lurked below restraint. “Afraid you’ll change your mind if we take the time to move?”

  She kissed him hard and deep, several times. “Afraid we both will,” she said between breaths. “I want this, Eli, more than I’ve ever wanted anything. It’s like—” Her fingers arced through black air. “I’d say it’s like flying, except it’s more like sinking, and really not caring if you surface or die a happy death and come up smiling when it’s over. And since that makes absolutely no sense, why don’t we just...?” She finished the question by giving his mouth a nip and bringing the glitter she loved so much to his eyes.

  “Yeah, why don’t we?” He took the kiss much deeper than she had done. “But not on the floor.”

  In a finger snap of time, the front hall miraculously transformed into the second-floor landing. She laughed. Crystal night-lights gave off just enough of a glow to guide him along the winding corridor to her bedroom.

  Tightening her arms, Sadie caught his earlobe between her teeth and whispered, “Much better than a broomstick, Lieutenant. I never felt my feet leave the floor.”

  “Glad to hear your mind’s not on your feet.”

  Thunder rumbled through the woods as he set her down in the bedroom. The night-lights dimmed but didn’t go out. With need and desire humming, Sadie let him topple her onto the bed. Then her strength returned, and her hunger for him ramped up to critical.

  Lightning streaked through the sky. As it did, she wrapped her legs around his hips, tightened and rolled him to a sitting position. “You undid me in the foyer, Lieutenant Blume.” Eyes gleaming, she reached for his leather jacket, yanked it off and let it fly. “Now it’s my turn.”

  Holding his arms out to the side, he grinned. “Take your best shot, sweetheart.”

  “Well, actually—” she got rid of his T-shirt with a quick upward tug “—the shot part’s on you. Think of me—” she gave him a push that ended with him on his back “—as your enabler.”

  She left him his jeans, then sliding from the bed, switched the focus to her. The long slither of black might have been created especially for a striptease. Sadie took full advantage of the design, easing the sleeves along her arms, before running her fingers over her body and up into her hair. Holding it there, she gave her hips a little shimmy until the dress formed a sexy poo
l of black at her feet.

  Stepping out of the fabric, she strolled to where he lay, propped up on his elbows, watching. If her eyes were any judge, he was more than ready to take that shot.

  Raising her arms all the way, she allowed her hair to fall and her lips to curve in a deliberate seduction. “Coming to get you, Eli Blume.” She crawled onto the bed. “In case you don’t know this, a Bellam woman always gets what she wants.”

  With one very big exception, her heart whispered.

  She stopped the whisper before it became a thought and set her mind on the man whose hands were already gliding over her, who flipped her onto her back and under him in a move so smooth she barely noticed it.

  Then his mouth came down to plunder, to take everything she could pour into him. The sounds that collected in her throat emerged in a long, low purr. The lightning showed her that his jeans were gone and the only barriers left were her barely there bikinis and a bra that was little more than a whisper of black lace.

  When he raised his head, his eyes shone in the slivers of crystal color. A short lightning bolt later, the lace was gone as well, leaving her naked and dazed with the thrill of exposure shooting hungry tremors to all her pulse points.

  He had protection and, because of it, her distant but sincere gratitude. A pregnancy, planned or otherwise, was not on the agenda at this point in her life.

  Locking his eyes on hers, he bracketed her wrists and drew her arms above her head. She raised her hips to rub against him, a quick tease. He held her there for an endless moment, then uncurled his fingers and ran them lightly down her arms.

  His body shifted and lowered. A quick jolt raced through her when his mouth found her breast. He teased the nipple with his teeth and blurred her mind.

  Everything around them swirled together in her head. The spears of lightning, white on black, the laser-thin beams of colors, the heat that built so high it threatened to burst through her skin....

  She whipped up and over the peak yet still managed to understand that much more waited for her. There’d be another, larger comet tail to grab and ride if she could find the strength to reach for it.


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