The Rangers Are Coming
Page 6
“Correct,” said Arcadia.
“As near as I can tell, the United States gains its Independence from England and then wastes almost ten years with an unworkable government system before writing a real constitution that will unify the country and become the law of the land,” said Madison, “We need to eliminate that failure and begin with a proper government from the beginning.”
“Correct,” said Arcadia. “I’m happy to know that you are actually the great men I’ve read about, and can face issues when confronted with the facts.”
“All of this seems like some kind of nightmare, from which I will soon awaken,” said John Adams.
“My United States is the one with the nightmare, and unless you men do something about it, we’re never going to wake from it,” said Arcadia sadly.
Just then, the door opened and doctors in white lab coats came into the room.
“Ah, the medical results are back,” said Arcadia, “Gentlemen, if you will just go with your assigned doctor, they will give you a private medical evaluation. I assume you would like to keep your own medical information confidential.”
The men filed out of the room, each with a doctor who had an IPad under his arm, headed toward private examination rooms. Arcadia watched them go and asked the chief physician, “Just give me the basics.”
“We can give Washington a new set of teeth with tooth implants. Fortunately, his gums are still in decent shape. He’ll be thrilled with the results. Franklin has arthritis; it is presenting itself right now as gout. We can fix that. We have a range of treatments that will make him feel twenty years younger. Jefferson is in very good condition, as is Madison. Hamilton has gonorrhea. Adams has early Tuberculosis, which we think we can treat and control. All of them will see their health improve dramatically with proper diets, better hygiene, and regular vitamin supplements.”
“They are probably hungry,” said Arcadia, “have the lunchroom send in a lunch to them all while you are treating them. Can you finish Washington’s teeth in time for dinner?”
“No problem.”
The men spent the rest of the day with the medical doctors. Part of the reason why it took so long was because the physicians were also doing some education on the rudiments of modern medicine. They saw the germs that caused the common diseases for the first time through projected images on big plasma screens. The doctors were careful to include the fact that people needed to wash their hands often and take a shower every day, to protect them from germs that were everywhere.
Later in the day, the group was escorted by a man dressed in very unusual looking clothing to the living quarters of the leaders. The rooms were large and comfortable suites with separate bedrooms and baths, built in a big square around a lovely garden that was covered with a plastic dome. The men stepped into the VIP quarters and were amazed at what they saw. Their guide showed them how everything worked in the rooms. The novelty of being able to flip a switch to get light or sound, or turn on the video screen that had special programming, left the men speechless. Their guide was careful to show them the phones installed in the room. He said it was connected to the main headquarters and would be used to communicate messages back and forth. He demonstrated the phones by calling the com center and getting a ring back.
One of the most amazing appliances of the rooms were the toilets. Their guide explained the rudiments of modern plumbing, and was obligated to flush one several times to prove they worked.
He had to do the same demonstration with the shower. He reminded the men that the doctors had emphasized that a person should bathe on a daily basis. He showed them how the shower worked and the soap, shampoo, and conditioner dispensers.
In each closet was a small wardrobe of clothing. The guide said that the coveralls they had worn all day were just to get them through the medical exams. Hanging in the closet were long pants, and long sleeved shirts, and two coats, for light and heavy wear, depending on the weather, there were two pairs of shoes on the closet floors. In the chest of drawers were socks, underwear, two sweaters, and a copy of the Bible. Arcadia had given this item a good deal of thought and had chosen a newer version of the Bible, instead of the King James Version.
When the escort had answered all the many questions, he handed each man a wristwatch with a flexible band. He explained that the time was the same as the clock on the nightstand, and that dinner would be served at 7 PM. He said he would be back to guide the group to the dinner. He suggested the men use the time until then to take a shower and dress in their choice of clothing from their wardrobes. He explained that the weather was clear and that sweaters and coats would not be necessary. Then he bowed, thanked the men sincerely for their patience, and left through the garden.
When they were alone, it was Washington who spoke first. “I know that all of this is as fantastic to you as it is to me. However, I do have new teeth and they feel wonderful.”
“My gout is completely gone,” said Franklin. “In fact, I must say that I haven’t felt so good for many years.”
“Their science and technology is very advanced,” said Jefferson. “Every time I turn around, there’s a new wonder. It’s beginning to look to me that every word spoken by Arcadia and what we have seen on what they call their ‘videos’, may be the actual truth."
Washington glanced at his watch. It was 5:30 PM. “I suggest we each go to our rooms and follow our host’s advice regarding bathing. I got the impression that this is important, not only for hygiene, but also for body odor. I could not smell anything of the people we have encountered, but I did notice that they seemed to be able to smell us, and not with pleasure.”
For each of the famous men, their preparations were unique, however, not at all unpleasant. They all took Washington’s lead and found the showers to be very enjoyable experiences. There was a list of instructions mounted on the wall, which told them what was inside the trays next to the sinks. They read the labels on the bottles and strange substances that pushed out of odd-looking containers. Each one of them figured out that these were to be used to prevent underarm odor. There were also toothbrushes and toothpaste. Each man got the experience of a rotating toothbrush, and how it stimulated their gums and made their mouths feel fresh and clean. They finished off by using the very efficient razors that shaved their faces with ease without a single nick or cut, and then trying out the selection of three different aftershave lotions that were provided.
Then they put on clean boxer underwear, put on the long pants that fit them perfectly, as did the long sleeve shirts in several different colors. They put on clean socks and slipped their feet into very comfortable shoes of different colors than the white tennis shoes they had worn all day. None of them put their wigs back on. They smelled bad and it seemed to be something that would spoil the effect.
All were ready for dinner at 7 PM, when their escort returned to take them to the dining hall.
“You all look wonderful,” said the man, and I can tell that all of you have showered.”
“Meaning that we no longer smell badly,” smiled Washington.
“Exactly,” said their escort, “follow me.”
They walked down the street to a large building. Upon entering, they found they were being taken to a room that was separate from the main hall, where they could see that several hundred men were eating. Their entrance caused all the men to rise to their feet and applaud. The Colonial leaders smiled their best and waved at the men.
At the end of the large room was a small stage and a long table with six seats in front of it. Beyond that were several rows of round tables that were set for six people. They were all full with men and a few women, with different outfits. The Colonials recognized several of the doctors, but the others were strangers and were dressed in the same strange outfit their guide had worn. Their clothing was clearly a uniform, since they were all the same. They looked strange. The uniforms were shades of green and brown mixed together. All wore brown, comfortable looking, boots that went up past the ank
les with the ends of their pants neatly bloused around the top of the boots.
As they entered, all of the people in the room stopped talking. Somebody yelled “Attention!” and the entire group snapped to their feet. They remained standing as the leaders were escorted to their table in front.
Into the room came Arcadia, dressed in the same long white flowing dress as before. It shimmered in the light. She walked to the stage and stood in the middle.
“The Apostle Paul wrote to Titus on Crete, ‘For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and Godly lives in this present age.’ Arcadia smiled and said, “I’m not sure Paul could have imagined what this ‘present age’ means to us today, but he also said, ‘to encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them, an example by doing what is good. In your teaching, show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.’”
“In that spirit of our mission, let us pray” Arcadia fell to her knees and the Colonialists were surprised to see every other person in the room do the same.
“Heavenly Father, we come to you tonight with thanks for leading us through the first part of our mission successfully. We know that the task assigned us will be long and hard. We ask your guidance and leadership as all of us surrender our personal emotions to your glorious will. We praise you for helping to bring our new friends and leaders here tonight. We ask a special blessing for each of them. Now bless this meal to our bodies, and let it give us the strength to continue according to the words of our savior Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice on the cross has given us salvation and the promise of eternal life in your Holy presence. Amen.”
A chorus of “Amens” rang through the room.
“Let us properly welcome the great men to whom we owe so much,” said Arcadia. “Alexander Hamilton, the creator of our banking system.” Hamilton rose to his feet with a confused look on his face, but bowed graciously at the big ovation.
“James Madison, author of the new constitution and its logic from the Federalist Papers.”
“John Adams, the man whose great leadership drove the Continental Congress to declaring that we should have an American nation”
“Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, and the man whose vision saw a manifest destiny for our country.”
“Benjamin Franklin, scientist, inventor, statesman, and the voice of reason for all.”
“Finally, George Washington, the Father of our country, the man who was considered the best man of all, even in the presence of these other great leaders, and the man who will assume command of Fort Independence at our first review tomorrow morning.”
The applause was long and heartfelt.
Washington did not fail to notice how at least a half dozen of those who appeared to be senior leaders on their own, rushed to the stage to help Arcadia rise to her feet. Nor did he miss the singular applause and clear honor and respect all in the room had for the young woman with the long blond hair and bright blue eyes.
Jefferson saw it too. He leaned over to Washington and whispered. “She says you’re in Command, but she is clearly the leader of this group. I suspect there’s a great deal more to Arcadia than we suspect.”
“I’m sure you’re right,” said Washington, “she’s obviously very special and has the blessings of God. Besides, I’m quite taken by her powerful personality and obviously brilliant mind.”
“She is also so beautiful, she takes your breath away,” said Jefferson.
“Trust a young man to notice that,” laughed Washington.
Dinner was served. Arcadia knew the future meals would not be nearly so grand, but she had carefully prepared for this first one. The salad came first with several types of lettuce, fresh vegetables, and a liberal sprinkling of Parmesan cheese. The dressing was delicious Italian vinaigrette. Fresh loaves of bread with special German butter came with salad.
For the main entrée, Arcadia had brought along Kobe beef, the world’s finest filets, with béarnaise sauce on the side. There were perfectly whipped mashed potatoes with luxurious brown gravy and steaming fresh white asparagus. For dessert, there was a rich Swiss Chocolate cake with thick icing and whipped cream, and a side of perfect coconut sherbet.
Arcadia sat in the center of the head table with three men on each side of her. She watched their expressions as they ate their meals, and washed it down with water with ice cubes in the glasses and the best Napa Valley Rose’. She could see the men regarded this meal as the finest they’d ever eaten. It did not take long for them to express exactly that opinion.
From speakers around the room flowed music. Some of was familiar to the Colonials, and some of it was from Arcadia’s time. It was all very tasteful and beautiful. The men remarked about that too, wondering where the orchestra was hidden.
When the meal was over and all had eaten, Arcadia rose to her feet. Instantly, the entire compliment of men and women snapped to attention. “Please by seated,” said Arcadia.
“My brothers and sisters, tomorrow we start Phase 1 of our operation. It will begin with a review of our current force level on the parade grounds. After that we’ll begin our formal briefings for the Colonial leaders as to the facts as we see them, and the future as we see it. I hope you’ve all enjoyed your meal here tonight. Don’t expect it to be as lavish from now on.”
A waiter came forward and placed a small white cup in front of each of the Colonial leaders. There was a single pill in each cup. “Please swallow these pills gentlemen,” said Arcadia, “they are the last of the medical treatment you’ll receive today.”
The men dutifully took the pills, not knowing they had just taken a sedative that would insure that each of them got a full night’s sleep. Arcadia didn’t want them tossing and turning in a strange place and not sleep. She motioned and six men, dressed in the strange uniforms with several shades of green imprinted in the cloth and tall, brown boots that seemed to be made of a rugged hide covering, stepped forward.
“These men will guide you back to your quarters, answer any questions they can and make sure you’re comfortable for the night. Your phones will ring at 6 AM, which will give you an hour to shower, shave, and conduct your ablutions. We’ve provided clothing such as you see here for the General to wear tomorrow. The rest of you are civilians and can come, as you are dressed now. Breakfast is here at 7 AM, and the review of your command is at 8 AM. Until then, I thank you for your cooperation and promise many new wonders to come. Till the morning, I bid you a good night.”
All stood as Arcadia left the room.
The aides led the Colonial leaders back to their rooms. The beds had been turned down and there were pajamas with pants and shirt on the bed. Washington was shown the uniform for him to wear the following morning hanging in his closet. Each of the aides answered a number of questions regarding the facilities of the rooms, but was unable to say anything about the next day. When all the Colonial leaders were settled, the aides left.
Washington got into bed. It was easily the most comfortable bed he’d ever known. He tried to think through the momentous day and speculate on what tomorrow would bring, but he found himself growing sleepier by the moment. Finally, he pushed the button on his light and the room went dark. He was asleep before he even knew it. It was the same for the others.
Fort Independence, Virginia
The phone rang in Washington’s room at exactly six AM. He fumbled in the dark, pushed on the light and picked up the phone. “It’s six o’clock, General,” said the male voice at the other end. “Breakfast is at 7 in the same place as last night. I will send someone to escort you.” The phone clicked off.
Washington stretched and got out of bed. It seemed that all his old aches and pains were gone, and he did not have the throbbing in his mouth from the ol
d ivory teeth. He jumped up and went into the bathroom and admired his new teeth in the mirror for a moment. Then he proceeded to take a shower, enjoying it a great deal. He shaved, marveling at how easy it was and how close the shave was. He happily brushed his teeth. Then he added anti-perspirant, and a splash of cologne.
He went to the closet and pulled out the green fatigue uniform. It was fresh, and sharp with starch. There were two stars on the collar and a name tag sewn to his right pocket that said ‘Washington’ on the other pocket was sewn ‘U.S. Army’. He put on the uniform. Then he slipped on the comfortable brown boots that went up past his ankles. There were a couple a stretchable cords inside the boots, but he had no idea what they were for. He worked the belt, finding the clasp to be a green metal. He looked around for a hat and found a smart looking beret in the closet. He slipped it on and looked at himself in the mirror. “So this is what the soldier of the future wears.” He discovered the cloth was foreign to him. It was not cotton, but was light and comfortable and certainly seemed durable.
Just then, there was a knock at the door. He opened it and found his aide from the night before standing there, wearing the same uniform. The soldier snapped a smart salute, and said, “Good morning, Sir, did you sleep well?”
“Very well, thank you,” said Washington returning the salute with a kind of wave to his head.
“I see, sir that you found the blousing rubbers, but nobody showed you how to use them. Look at mine.”
Washington saw immediately how the bands were supposed to work and he put them around his legs, just above his boots and tucked his pants around them.
“Perfect, general,” said the aide. “If you will just wait a second, I’ll gather the rest of the group. He went down the row of doors, pounding on them. The five others came out, dressed as the night before, but very impressed with Washington’s uniform.
“You look just like the Commander in Chief, you are,” said Franklin.