Transcend (Origin Book 2)

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Transcend (Origin Book 2) Page 11

by Scarlett Dawn

  “Um…” I waved my hands in the air in disbelief. “I still need to pay for the delivery!”

  “Be there in a second,” Theron shouted, out of sight.

  I peered heavenward. “How is this my life now?”

  No one answered this time.

  With nothing else to do, I finished walking down the hallways to the kitchen. I apologized, “I’m so sorry. It’ll just be another minute.”

  The girl popped her bubble gum and shrugged, not even looking up from scrolling on her silver bracelet. Her hip leaned against the longest kitchen counter in here, and her hair was piled high into a ponytail. “I get paid by the hour. It’s fine.”

  “That’s nice of your employer.”

  I went to find plates. They were in the fourth cabinet I opened. The dishes were made of fine material, even finer than those my parents owned. And they were the most striking crimson color.

  Finn truly had a fetish for the color of blood.

  I set them on the counter and turned around, my mouth opening for polite conversation while she waited.

  But I stopped solid.

  Theron was behind her, only an inch separating them. His head cocked and his eyes cast downward, examining every inch of her short stature, from the top of her ponytail down to the sparkling black boots she wore. My eyes widened, my breath caught in my throat, as he bent at the waist and sniffed the top of her head.

  His eyes closed and his nostrils flared.

  At least he was dressed. In casual, sexy clothes.

  And the girl didn’t even notice him—at all.

  She just popped another bubble of pink bubble gum and continued to stare, entranced, at her silver bracelet.

  The Ancient’s eyes popped open…

  The dark color was even darker, his eyes dilated. His bronze cheeks were flushed with arousal, and his lips were parted as if he had been kissed senseless.

  My eyes widened. Oh…

  With my attention snapping to the girl, I asked in a hurry, “May I ask how old you are?”

  “Seventeen. I’ll be eighteen soon.” She shrugged again, with more scrolling on her bracelet.

  Like a bucket of ice water had slammed into his face, Theron’s head snapped back. It appeared like it physically pained him to move away from her, his features scrunching and his legs stiff and jerking as he walked backward on silent feet.

  Once he was ten steps back, he closed his eyes again, and his breathing became heavy. His fingers wiggled by his sides. He even shook out his legs as if they were cramping on him. With another deep, soothing breath, he opened his eyes, and his gaze was clear.

  He stared right at me and dipped his head.

  I dipped mine back. You’re welcome.

  Then he strode forward, the black shoes on his feet clipping on the tile. “I’m finally here. I’m sorry it took so long.”

  The girl’s head snapped up, and he stopped beside her.

  She tilted her head far back to peer up into his face, her ponytail hanging down her back. The bubble she had been blowing popped like an eruption…

  Right toward Theron’s face.

  He let it hit him. I know he did.

  The Ancient now had little pieces of pink gum plastered to his bronze features and a few pieces at the edges of his honeyed color hair. He reached up a hand as the girl froze, and leaned toward her, bringing his body just a little closer to grab napkins on the counter behind where she rested. Instead of wiping his own face off first, he handed her the napkin, and commented softly, “There’s more on you than me.”

  The poor girl didn’t even move, bubble gum stuck all around her mouth in a lopsided circle. She blinked slowly, and sputtered, “Uh… I… You… S-sorry.”

  One side of Theron’s lips curled up. “It’s okay. Take the napkin. There’s more behind you too.”

  She spun so fast to place her back to him that she jammed her shoulder into his chest. And she didn’t even notice as she clutched at napkins and hurried to wipe the bubble gum off her face. Her cheeks turned the most brilliant red I have ever seen in my entire life, her gaze aimed right at the pizza boxes on the counter.

  On the other hand, Theron was calm and collected as he eyed the back of her head while he picked off pieces of gum from his cheeks. His nose. It was everywhere.

  I cleared my throat. “How much do we owe you?”

  She grabbed the small, iridescent receipt and shoved it in my direction, merely holding it out in the air.

  If she wanted me to help her, I already had.

  Once this girl turned eighteen, Lord help her.

  Theron plucked the receipt from her hand. He placed his silver bracelet against it, stating, “Authorize payment: Theron King approved. Tip amount: two hundred units.”

  The girl’s back stiffened at the impressive tip he had just given her—for pizza delivery. She shoved the dirty napkins into her pockets, and ever so slowly, turned back around. She sucked in a large lungful of air and then peered up into Theron’s face once more.

  Without a tremor in her voice, she mumbled, “Thanks. That’s respectable of you.”

  And yet…she said it as if she didn’t mean it.

  Theron gazed at her curiously.

  I stepped forward, grabbed the receipt from his hand, and gave it back to her. “Thank you. Do you need me to walk you out?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  I was a little doubtful because Finn’s house was enormous, but I nodded and didn’t question her. “Have a wonderful day.”

  “Yeah, you too.”

  She practically sprinted out of the kitchen.

  Theron watched her until he couldn’t see her any longer, and then he tilted his head…listening to her run away.

  I muttered, “Let me know if she gets lost.”


  Finn handed me a glass of red wine. “I’m sorry that took so long.”

  I chuckled and sipped from my gifted drink. “I spent the rest of the day exploring your house. It was very relaxing.”

  He poured his own glass of wine, the liquid streaming down into the glass, and glanced over his shoulder at me. “Was it relaxing when you broke my favorite vase?”

  I choked on my wine, covering my mouth so he couldn’t see the wine spitting past my lips. “How did you know?”

  I’d been clear on the other side of the mansion when that happened—to his favorite vase.

  “I heard the crash.” He turned to face me completely, pressing his hips back against the kitchen counter by the refrigerator. “It must have been something, for the sound to carry so far.”

  My cheeks warmed, but I still understood how it would have looked to an outsider. “It was a magnificent blunder that I’m sure you and your friends would have enjoyed witnessing.”

  I had even fallen down a couple of stairs trying to catch the beautiful piece of ancient artwork as it tipped from my fingers…and fell over the side of the railing to the tiling far below.

  Finn’s lips trembled. “Were you even going to tell me?”

  “Maybe?” I hedged slowly, my forehead wrinkling in my own confusion if I would have told him—at a much later date.

  That vase had been centuries old, after all. And in pristine condition. I was almost certain I’d seen a reference to it in one of my culture studies at the university.

  “So that’s a no.” Finn chuckled so hard his massive shoulders trembled. He shook his head, humor lighting his gaze. “You are something else.”

  “I hope that’s in a good way,” I grumbled.

  “Don’t worry about the vase, Mina. It was only a material possession. I’m just happy you cleaned up the mess and didn’t hurt yourself.”

  I nodded. I probably shouldn’t tell him how I twisted my right ankle during the fall, still swollen and sore.

  His eyes narrowed, and then he growled, “Show me whatever you hurt.”

  My eyes widened. “I didn’t even flinch! And I’m excellent at keeping thoughts to myself. How did you

  Finn flicked a finger at my glass.

  I peered down at it. Stared.

  The liquid inside was vibrating—barely.

  “Good grief,” I muttered. But I lifted my right leg and lifted the pant leg to my calf. “It doesn’t hurt too badly. It looks worse than it is.”

  Finn placed his wine glass on the counter. “You should have said something earlier. I could have had a doctor swing by the house to double check.” He glanced at his bracelet. “It’s late, but I could call someone who owes me a favor.”

  “No, it’s really okay. It’s not broken or fractured.”

  He bent his knees, crouching down in front of me. The white tiger lifted my bare foot in his left hand and examined my ankle with his right palm. I held still and kept hold of my pant leg with my free hand, attempting not to recoil when he pressed too hard in one spot. He asked, “It’s tender there?”

  Of course, he noticed. “Yes. I think that’s where the bruise will form.”

  He nodded. “I agree. But we should still have it looked at tomorrow morning to make sure it’s nothing more serious.”

  “Fine.” I sighed in aggravation. “But I’m not particularly fond of doctors’ offices.”

  His head dipped further, and he placed a gentle kiss on my swollen ankle. The grin he graced me with was adorable as he peered up at me. “Did the kiss make it better?”

  “It’s positively healed. There’s no need for a doctor now.”

  Finn chuckled as he released my foot and stood to his full height. “You’re not getting out of going to the doctor that easily.” His head cocked, considering me. “Is there a reason why you don’t like doctors?”

  I took a large drink of wine, lifting the glass to my lips and enjoying the perfection that poured into my mouth. “Maybe I fear them finding something wrong with me one day.”

  The white tiger procured his own glass from the counter, asking candidly, “Are there any hereditary illnesses that run in your family lines?”

  “Actually, there aren’t. It’s simply an irrational fear I have. I like living. And I want to be healthy until I’m old and wrinkled.”

  His white brows furrowed over his stunning eyes. “I can’t imagine you with wrinkles.”

  I grinned, my teeth flashing as I chuckled. “You’re supposed to say, I will be beautiful even when I become an old woman.”

  “That wasn’t what I meant.” He shook his head, his brows still furrowed. “I think I’ve become more attached to you than even I’d realized. I hadn’t thought of the fact your body will grow old…and I will not.”

  I ran my eyes over his features. They were drawn tight in consternation. I asked him honestly, “I know what will happen if I’m your mate. That is plain enough to see. But what will happen if I’m not? Is this an ordinary dalliance until I feel it’s safe to go home or is this more?”

  His lips thinned. “I’ve never actually dated a human before. And I’ve certainly never married one. Humans are so fragile. They end so quickly.”

  I appreciated his honesty.

  “But…,” he continued, “I’ve never met a woman like you before, either.”

  “Is that a compliment?” I sipped my wine.

  “The best of them.”

  I hummed and tapped my fingers against my glass. “You don’t know, do you?”

  Brilliant blue eyes lifted from the floor where he was staring and connected with mine. “I think I do know.”

  “You do?” I asked in surprise.

  I hadn’t expected that.

  “I want you to be my mate. I’m hoping that you’re my mate. And that’s a forever relationship—the good and the bad. Forever, Mina.” His brows rose as if I should have realized this by now.

  He persisted, “Why wouldn’t I want to be with you, even if you age and die? You don’t throw away someone you believe is perfect for you, just because you’re scared of what mortality will take. Humanity would be lost if every human behaved like that.”

  My jaw was gaping. “Finn…”

  His smile was patient. “I know, I know. But I am much older than you are. I’ve seen love in others from the first spark. I know what it looks like. We’ve got that spark, and so much more.”

  I sucked in a breath, and whispered, “Are you going to take me to bed now, Mr. Baker?”

  Finn smirked and lifted my wine glass from my hands. He set both down on the counter, and then he turned and lifted me into his arms, holding me close. “Yes, Mina. I’m taking you to bed now.”


  Finn started at my toes.

  His lips brushed each one with the gentlest caress.

  I trembled on the bed, leaning up on my elbows to watch his luscious mouth linger at my ankles, taking extra care with my sore one. His fingers worked their way up under the loose pajama bottoms I wore, sliding the fabric up to my thighs. He kissed my knees as if they were precious to him.

  Then he was climbing over me, and I was falling.

  Finn’s lips landed on mine with a dedication I reveled in. I moaned his name and wrapped my arms around his neck, wanting so much more of this man. All of his large frame pressed against me and held my body close.

  I peered up into his wondrous eyes, my curves pressed against his hardness. “You’re beautiful.”

  He grinned and kissed the shell of my right ear. “Then we’re quite the stunning pair because you’re beautiful too.”

  Finn placed his hands under my shirt, his palms brushing gently against my sides. He held his hands there, gripping my body. “Are you protected against pregnancy?”

  “I am.” I unwrapped my arms from around his neck, and tapped on my bracelet, showing him the readout. “I’m good for a while.”

  His brows bounced in delight.

  I chuckled. “Dirty man.”

  “The most. I’m going to give it all to you tonight too.”

  “Oh, yes. Please do.” I pulled him back down to press my lips to his. His smell of sunshine and snow wrapped around me, and I grinned into the kiss. He was absolutely exquisite, a gift to this world.

  Finn brushed his lips once more against mine, and then lifted to his knees between my legs. “Sit up. I want your breasts in my mouth.”

  Heat instantly pooled into my core. I whispered, “I want that too.”

  He helped me sit up on the bed, and with one smooth motion, he had removed my shirt. I was without a bra already, so his eyes feasted on all the creamy flesh on display. His groan was heady as he bent at the waist and wrapped one muscled arm around my back, making me arch as his lips landed on my left breast.

  My head dropped back and my blonde hair cascaded down to the bed. My arms held me steady as he lavished each of my heavy breasts with attention. The windows were perfectly positioned to allow in the setting sun directly on us—as if it were blessing our union.

  When my arms trembled too badly in pleasure, the white tiger lay me flat on my back, his perfect damn lips kissing their way down my soft stomach.

  I tipped my head up and smiled like the contented woman I was. “Are you going to play with my…kitty?”

  Finn glanced up and chuckled, his shoulders shaking. “Trust me, this kitty is going to love your kitty good.”

  I lifted a challenging brow. “That is yet to be seen.”

  Finn took the lure, enjoying my teasing.

  He pulled the gifted pajama pants off my body in a second, and within the next, his face settled between my thighs. And his mouth touched my core with his clever lips and tongue.

  I shouted, my back bowing off the bed.

  A soft and short, odd purr started between my thighs.

  “Oh, Finn,” I murmured, pressing harder against his mouth. “That feels so good.”

  The white tiger purred again, more of a huffing sound, the vibration of his lips making my legs open wider for more stimulation.

  The tip of his tongue continued to flick my clit while two of his fingers delved deep inside my wet channel. />
  I threw all my delicate sensibilities aside.

  And I fucked his face. I grabbed onto his ears and ground my core against his mouth, my shouts and demands getting rougher. My inner thighs rubbed against the sides of his face as he took me over the edge.

  “Finn!” I screamed.

  My entire body quivered in release. Sounds disappeared, and heavenly warmth invaded my veins, scorching in a rush of freedom. My head became heavy as my thoughts zeroed in on pleasure.

  Finn lifted and wiped the wetness from his face on the inside of my thigh, his eyes on fire for me. “Fuck, you taste like heaven.”

  I groaned and stretched on the bed.

  Satisfied and content.

  He stared. “You look sexy as fuck right now.”

  “Then get undressed. I want more of you.”


  Finn jumped off the bed and yanked his shirt off. The rest of his clothes dropped to the floor just as fast. And he stood next to me, all his male beauty on display.

  But my eyes shot wide when a white tornado of sparkles blasted before me. I stared, breathing hard, as a white tiger stood next to the bed, his face level with the top of the mattress. His chin touched down on top of the blankets, and he stared for all of a second.

  The white sparkles were back, whipping right in front of my eyes. A tornado of the magical existence in a moment of time. Swirling and then disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.

  Finn stood beside me again.

  My jaw hung open.

  He chuckled. “Just playing with you.” Then he literally pounced onto the bed directly over me. “I always wanted to see a woman’s face if I did that.”

  A bubbling laugh moved up from my chest to my throat and trickled past my lips. “You and your playing! For a second, I thought I was going to have to kick some white tiger ass if you came any closer. I’m not into…that.”

  He stared. Blinked.

  And he couldn’t keep a straight face.

  His head tipped back, and he roared with laughter, sputtering, “You are such a precious woman.”

  I shrugged a bare shoulder. Then I smirked.


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