Transcend (Origin Book 2)

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Transcend (Origin Book 2) Page 12

by Scarlett Dawn

  I loved making him laugh.

  Finn sat up on his knees and grabbed my thighs, spreading them wide. He still wore a smile on his face. With a saucy wink, he purred, “Are you ready to keep playing, precious Mina?”

  “Oh, yes. More than ready.” I crooked a finger. “Get down here, Mr. Baker.”

  He lowered onto his arms, his hands on either side of my head, holding his torso above me. His blue gaze lingered on my lips, and his voice lowered to a guttural rumble. “Grab my cock and put it where you want it.”

  I arched my back a little and reached down between our bodies. His hard cock was so long and thick. I moaned as I pumped him in my fist.

  His eyes closed in pleasure. “Mina…”

  I hummed and watched his face. Every little nuance, every scrunch of his brow when I did it just right. Then I placed the tip of him at my entrance, and whispered, “Now, Finn. I want you now.”

  The lids of his eyes opened the barest bit.

  I stalled seeing blue cat eyes staring back at me.

  He lifted a brow, and stated quietly, “I am a little different. It’s a byproduct of the curse. Just like God was born an alpha king when one already existed, all of us received a little something special too. My special talent’s being able to partially shift. No other shifter can do that.”

  My brows snapped together. “That doesn’t mean your…,” I lifted a hand and then pointed down between our bodies. “…does anything different, right?”

  His lips twitched, still staring at me with the wildest eyes I had ever witnessed on a man. He shook his head and chuckled. “No. I’m big enough as it is.”

  “Then what else shifts when you’re a man?”

  “My eyes shift. I can see better than any shifter in their human form. My claws. They come out to play when I want them to. And my canines. When they appear, I look damn wicked.”

  I blinked. “That’s it?”

  Incredulous, his eyes opened wide. “Are you kidding me? I’m like the ultimate fucking predator when I partially shift. And you ask, ‘that’s it’?”

  He huffed.

  So very proud about his white tiger.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, and you know it.” I wiggled my hips, capturing his attention on more pleasant things. “I just wanted to make sure you didn’t sprout a tail or something.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You think you’re so funny.”

  “Sometimes.” I wiggled my hips again. “Are we going to play now?”

  Finn slammed his hips forward, his cock surging into me. He ground his teeth together in pained pleasure, and hissed, “No matter what, you are mine.”

  I sucked oxygen and nodded. “Keep fucking me like that, and I’ll be yours forever.”

  He grinned, his blue cat eyes dark with heat. “I’ll fuck the hell out of you, precious Mina. Just tell me what you want, and I’ll give it to you.”

  His hips started thrusting, and my fingers gripped his flexing back muscles. The tiny grunts he made only caused me to become wetter as he pounded into me with vigor.

  I pulled my legs up and grabbed my bouncing breasts, pinching my nipples as he filled me below. I screamed and arched back in blinding bliss. He was an angel. An angel sent to earth just to fuck me to oblivion.

  Finn’s lips landed on mine, and he ravished every part he hadn’t explored yet. Tasting and licking. Biting and sucking. Finn purred that odd sound into my mouth, letting me know just how right our bodies were together.

  He slipped his right hand down behind my body and grabbed a handful of my plentiful ass, lifting my body and positioning me a little differently. Then he altered his thrusts, grinding against me, while his cock pressed deep inside.

  “Oh, Finn!” I screamed, pressing my hips against his. “More of that. More of that.”

  His chuckle was breathless against my lips, biting my bottom lip hard. And he continued to grind and pound into my greedy pussy.

  My body started to tremble beneath his. I grabbed onto his ass with both hands, shoving him even harder into me, my mind not my own as I tumbled into ecstasy.

  Finn groaned against my cheek as my pussy milked his cock. “So fucking perfect.”

  I fell…fell…fell…so damn hard into my orgasm bright colors flashed behind my closed eyelids. My body strained against his, only held in place by the strong shifter pounding his cock into me. Heat tickled my spine, and my body jerked against him repeatedly with each throb inside my core.

  Finn pressed his mouth harder to my cheek, his mouth opening into a pleasured bellow as he slammed into me and held still. His cock pumped his hot cum into me, and his fingers dug into my flesh. His body twitched, and he groaned in satisfaction, his mouth sliding down to my ear.

  His panting breaths were all I could hear as I came back to myself, twitching in the aftermath of the best orgasm I’d ever had.

  He panted. “Under the pillow. Grab the knife.”

  “Huh?” I mumbled, blinking my blurry eyes open.

  “My knife is under the pillow. Grab it and prick my finger.” His head tipped back, his eyes back to normal blue human eyes. “I want you to test me. I won’t heal if you’re my mate.”

  I stared into his excited face. “You really want me, don’t you?”

  Post bliss eyes softened even further. “Yes.”

  I nodded and lifted my head to kiss his cheek. “For what it’s worth, I hope I’m your mate too.”

  Then I slid my hand up under the pillow beneath my head—very carefully. I found the small blade and grabbed the handle. When I lifted it, he pulled his right hand out from under my shoulder.

  I pricked his thumb hard enough to make him bleed, and then dropped the knife next to us, watching as the blood swelled up.

  Finn stuck his thumb in his mouth, licking off the crimson droplet, his eyes on mine. He kept his mouth wrapped around the digit for a full thirty seconds, never peering away from me—intent and hopeful. The white tiger gradually pulled his finger out of his mouth.

  “Truth time,” he whispered.

  We both stared at his thumb…waiting.


  I sucked in a sharp breath.

  A drop of blood started to form again.

  Happiness rushed through my limbs.

  “Oh…” I murmured in awe.

  I turned my gaze from his finger to his eyes.

  They were back to blue cat eyes.

  And they were staring right into mine.

  His nostrils flared, and he purred, “Mine.”


  I walked on steady legs toward Mr. King’s door. Steady legs. Immortality had its perks. This morning, when I had climbed out of Finn’s bed, my ankle no longer hurt. It was completely healed.

  I smiled at Finn. “Thank you for coming with me.”

  “Of course.” He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. “It’s very kind of Poppy to give you lessons on defense…but I could have helped you too.”

  I chuckled, the sound content. As I was. “I know. But I like this. Poppy’s someone I wouldn’t mind spending time with—girl time.”

  Actually, I had chased her down like a demon before she and Mr. King had boarded their train to leave last night. I wanted this so much my chest constricted at the thought of being defenseless any longer. I was fairly certain Poppy had seen that in my eyes when I asked.

  She was a good woman.

  I stopped in front of the door and stared.


  “What the hell is all over this beautiful lion sculpture?” I exclaimed and then leaned forward to further peruse the beast. “Are those tiny little hearts?”

  Finn choked next to me, his face turning a shade of pink. “Oh, fuck. I hope God hasn’t seen that yet.”

  He rubbed at one of the little hearts, his chest lowering in relief as the pink ink rubbed off onto his finger. “If that had been permanent, Poppy would have been in some deep shit.”

  My eyes widened. “Poppy did that?”<
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  That made no sense to me.

  It was an exquisite piece of artwork.

  Finn offered, “She thinks it’s a bit much.”

  “It’s breathtaking. Perfect.”

  “I think so too. I may have a white tiger fashioned.”

  I nodded curtly. “That’s a splendid idea.”

  Finn knocked on the door.

  Both of us were studiously ignoring the thousands of golems lying at our feet. Apparently, Mr. King hadn’t cleaned house yet.

  Poppy opened the door with a grand smile. “Hello!”

  I instantly pointed at the statue. “That is not appropriate, Poppy. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

  Her smile didn’t falter. “It’s great to see you too.” She opened the door wider. “Come on in.”

  Finn and I walked inside.

  I glanced around the interior. “You have a beautiful home.”

  “With fun statues to draw on.”

  I narrowed my eyes.

  She chuckled. “I might enjoy kicking your ass today.”

  My eyes instantly turned wary. “Be nice.”

  “You first.”

  My lips pinched, and then I sighed. “I’m just nervous about this. If I seem horribly rude, you’ll have to excuse me.”

  Poppy shut the door and locked it. She slung her arm around my waist and jiggled me. “It’ll be all right. I promise.”

  “I hope so.”

  Mr. King strolled into the foyer.

  I blinked and cleared my face of any emotion.

  He was wearing a pair of pajama pants, and that was it. Utterly relaxed inside his domain on a Saturday morning. He threw his arms wide, walking straight toward Finn. He hollered in delight, “I hear congratulations are in order, you asshole! Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Finn smirked. “Cass contacted you?”

  “Yeah, he sent me a message. He heard it all last night.”

  My cheeks flamed in embarrassment.

  We had been acquainting ourselves with each other all damn night. Finn and I hadn’t even slept yet.

  Poppy’s brows scrunched, glancing back and forth between us. “What did I miss?”

  Mr. King wrapped his arms around Finn for a hug, both of them slapping each other hard on their backs. He peered to his mate over Finn’s shoulder, grinning like the devil. “Ms. Kramer is Finn’s mate.”

  Poppy gasped…and then squealed.

  She threw her arms around me, making me hug her little frame. “I am so thrilled for you guys.” Her head tipped back to stare into my face. “He’s a filthy bastard, isn’t he? You can tell me. It’s always the steadfast ones that have kinky secrets in bed.”

  Like shifting into a white tiger last night to chase me around the room until I gave up in a fit of laughter, then shifting back into a man to take me against the wall…two knives buried deep into the wood next to my head to hang onto as handles.

  A few little kinks, yes. He liked to play—a lot.

  My mouth bobbed a few times, and then I sputtered, “I’m not telling you anything about our sex life!”

  Poppy snickered. “That’s a yes.”

  Mr. King pulled his mate to his side and nuzzled the side of her face. “Aren’t you supposed to be teaching Ms. Kramer how to defend herself? Not teasing her so much she won’t want to come over again.” He raised his head up, his golden eyes staring into mine. “May I call you Mina?”

  My brows rose. “Of course.”

  “You may call me Godric if you wish. There’s no reason to be formal now.” He flashed a look at Finn and then turned his eyes back to me. “But don’t call me God. Please.”

  Finn snickered and stepped behind me to place his arms around my waist, bending a little to rest his chin on my shoulders. He stared at his friend. “Everyone needs a little God in their life.”

  Poppy pressed her side against Godric’s, her gaze flickering with fierce ownership. “He’s all mine. No one else gets him.”

  Godric’s lips twitched, his gaze on mine. “She’s a little possessive of me. Don’t mind her.”

  My shoulders shook as I snickered. “I understand.”

  Poppy waved her arms about. “How about we get out of the foyer and find a place to fight?”

  Finn murmured, “I’d like to watch.”

  “I’m sure you would.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re already protective as hell over her, aren’t you?”

  I glanced back at him over my shoulder.

  A small smile lifted his lips, not commenting.

  Poppy snorted. “Damn. It’s even worse than I thought.”


  The sun was hitting us through the glass, no warmth felt, but it was a spectacular view outside. I couldn’t help but admire the beauty the lion had picked for his home. Godric and Finn had cleared out space quickly in a dining room with carpeting—for soft landings. They were now sitting on recliners they had brought in and sipped coffee, not tea.

  But Poppy had been almost spot on.

  She eyed what I was wearing. “Your clothes aren’t ideal for this, but they’ll work well enough.”

  “It’s all I had that was work-out friendly. My mother didn’t bring many items over to Finn’s.” I shrugged and pulled at the blouse I wore.

  At least I had jeans on.

  That was better than the two pairs of slacks she had packed.

  “Okay, put your fists up like you want to fight me,” she ordered, waving a hand between us. “I want to see your stance.”

  I glanced back at Finn.

  Then I returned my attention back to Poppy.

  I could do this. I could.

  The carpet was soft under my sneakers as I placed my feet a little apart and then raised my fists in front of me.

  Poppy rubbed at her forehead as her gaze ran over my form. She muttered under her breath, “This is going to take a lot of work.”

  My hands dropped instantly. I grouched, “You know nothing about teaching, do you?”

  Poppy blinked in shock at my tone.

  I pointed at my chest. “You’re not supposed to make the student feel like shit. You are supposed to inspire them.”

  Another blink. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  My shoulders sagged. “Just help me.”

  She nodded, her brows puckering. “Next, I want to see how you attack. I want you to hit me.”

  “You want me to what?”

  “Hit. Me.” She motioned at her face. “Hit me as hard as you can. I need to see your skill and strength.”

  “But…I don’t want to hit you.”

  Her nostrils flared. “You want my help? Do as I say. We’re immortal. Anything you do to me, it doesn’t matter. Even if you drowned me, I’d eventually start breathing again. Understand?”

  I nodded slowly. “Okay. Hit you.”

  “Yes. As hard as you can.”

  I swallowed down my nervousness and set my feet apart again. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, hesitating at the thought of harming her.

  But I bounced my shoulders.

  Jumped in place.

  I lifted my right arm and hit her.

  Poppy’s head whipped to the side.

  I instantly stepped back and had to stop the apology that wanted to erupt past my lips. Instead, I stood in place wiggling my fingers, waiting for assessment.

  With her head still turned to the side, she stared out the window into the picturesque landscape. Then she wiggled her jaw and eventually, turned back to stare at me. Her expression was completely clear of any emotion, so I had no clue what she thought.

  Poppy cleared her throat, stating patiently. “I said hit me.”

  My blonde brows snapped together, I stated, “I did.”

  “No, you slapped me. With your actual palm.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  She raised her hand between us, and she balled her hand into a fist. “Like this, Mina. Don’t slap anyone. Ever. All it will do is
piss them off. If you want to attack someone, use your fists. Or your elbows. Do you understand that?”

  My lips pinched into a thin line. “Yes.”

  “Okay,” she stated softly as if she were reining in impatience. “Now try it again.”

  “Wait. How do you hit someone with your elbow?”

  She bent her arm and swung her elbow out in an arc between us. “Like that.”

  I nodded. That one I could do.

  It seemed much simpler than a fist.

  Poppy waved at herself. “Try again.”

  I stepped forward, returning to my previous spot.

  Set my feet.

  Then I swung with my elbow as hard as I could.

  My taller stature probably helped too.

  Because her face didn’t just whip to the side.

  Her entire body flew to the side…and she crumpled to the ground. Poppy didn’t move. Her eyes were shut. She lay limp on the ground.

  “Oh, fuck,” Finn muttered behind me.

  Then I was suddenly being carried in his arms, and we were clear across the room from where Poppy lay.

  Godric was crouched over her protectively, his golden eyes set on me, and it wasn’t pleasant. It looked like he wanted to kill me. His nostrils flared as he placed two fingers to her throat, checking her pulse.

  A flash of relief showed in his eyes.

  “I’ll just take Mina to the kitchen,” Finn stated. His arms were tight around me, an unbreakable hold. He edged toward the door, not turning his back on the deadly shifter who wanted to maim me. “If Poppy wants to continue when she wakes, let her know where we’re at.”

  On quick feet, he carried me out of the room.

  My chin trembled, and moisture burned my eyes as he continued to carry me through the mansion. My voice wavered as I whispered, “I just did what she said to do.”

  “I know, precious Mina. I know.” He dipped his head and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. “She didn’t expect you to be that strong. That was her mistake. You did nothing wrong.”

  “Will she keep working with me?” I sniffled.

  “Maybe. If God lets her.”

  “I hope he does. I didn’t mean to hurt her.”

  He kissed my cheek again. “I’ll feed you. Maybe after you eat, she’ll be awake.”


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