Transcend (Origin Book 2)

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Transcend (Origin Book 2) Page 13

by Scarlett Dawn

  “Should I tell her I’m sorry?”

  I didn’t know what to do in this situation. Violence wasn’t my specialty. Helping people was. This was new territory for me.

  “Probably not. She’s going to be embarrassed at first when she sees you.”

  I sniffed. “I’ll keep my apology at bay then.”

  But I would still think it. That had to have been painful.

  Finn bent his head and placed his lips to my right ear, barely whispering loud enough for me to hear. “I was proud of you. You watched her and learned. The first time. You took her ass down hard too.”

  I blinked. And nodded.

  My white tiger was a wicked man.

  I enjoyed that about him.


  With bacon hanging out of my mouth, I peered at the entrance. Godric and Poppy walked into the kitchen, hand in hand, completely relaxed, nothing indicating on their expressions that merely thirty minutes ago, I had knocked Poppy to the ground.

  Mentally, I sighed in relief.

  I still wanted to apologize, though.

  She came to sit down next to me while Godric strolled across the kitchen to refill his coffee. She glanced at the white tiger sitting next to me, and stated, “You’ve got a strong mate.”

  Finn nodded. “Thank you.”

  Finally, she turned her attention toward me.

  I quickly finished chewing my bacon.

  “I’ll keep training you. Don’t worry.”

  Instant happiness made me smile. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

  She lifted a finger into the air. “And you have strength. We can work with that, build on it.”

  “When do you want to try again?” I asked cautiously.

  “We can start as soon as you’re done with your breakfast.”


  Poppy nodded. “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at myself.”

  I nodded. “I understand that. If my students in class start failing one section—all of them failing—then I’m the same way. I know I’m doing something wrong.”

  “Exactly. I’ll alter our training now.”

  I lifted another piece of bacon to my mouth. “So what’s next for us?”

  “I want to teach you how to fall. We may be immortal, but a broken bone still hurts—from what Godric has told me.”

  “This will be fun,” I drawled, grinning. “Is this payback?”

  She nibbled on her bottom lip. “Maybe a little.”

  “Just don’t hurt her,” Finn complained. “Okay?”

  “I’ll do my best,” Poppy promised.

  Godric sat down next to her and placed his arm over the back of her chair. He cast a glance in my direction. “I apologize if I frightened you, Mina.”

  “There’s no need to apologize. I can handle a nasty look thrown my way.” I smiled to reassure him. “You were only reacting to your mate being hurt.”

  He nodded. “Thank you for understanding.”

  Since he had apologized, perhaps I should too…

  I turned my attention to the woman I had hurt. “Poppy, I’m sorry I—”

  She held up a quick hand, stopping me. “Don’t.”

  I shut my mouth and nodded.

  Finn had been right.

  My gaze swung in his direction.

  He simply lifted a white eyebrow while he sipped on his third cup of coffee—not commenting on me not listening to him.

  I shrugged a shoulder. I couldn’t help it.

  I was a nice person and felt bad when I hurt someone.

  “I do want to speak with you about something, Finn.” Godric drew circles with his pointer finger on the table. “Now that we have a decent idea who the man was that kidnapped your mate, I might have a plan to pull him out of the shadows.”

  My eyebrows shot up my forehead. “You know who he is?”

  Poppy supplied, “We talked about it yesterday in our meeting. Wolfe was able to link into the train you were on when it was hijacked. He traced the signal that hacked it in the first place. It all leads to one man.”

  “What’s his name?” I asked curiously.

  Finn pushed my plate closer to me, wanting me to continue eating. “His name’s Alex Valentine.”

  That was a beautiful name for such a nasty man. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but not something so attractive.

  Finn glanced across the table. “What’s this plan of yours, God?”

  “To use your mate. She’s immortal now.”

  The white tiger’s muscles tensed as he rested back against his chair. “Why not use Poppy?”

  “Because the golems have targeted her twice. That hasn’t happened to Mina yet. She’s the safest option.”

  My tone was wary as I probed, “What are you talking about doing with me?”

  Godric explained, “Wolfe has all the intel he needs on Mr. Valentine to put a bug in his system, something that will alert him to your whereabouts.”

  “He’s still searching for me?”

  “Yes,” Finn answered for his friend. “We can see what he searches for. He continues to search for you.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath. “That’s not good.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  My lips pinched, and I kept my eyes on him. “You don’t think he’ll go after my parents to get to me, do you?”

  “That doesn’t appear to be the case. If I had noticed anything like that, I would have put them under protection.”

  I blew out a breath, my shoulders sagging. “That’s a relief.”

  He placed his hand on the back of my neck and began massaging my tense muscles, but his regard reverted back across the table. “What’s the entire plan? I need to know what you’re thinking.”

  Godric explained, “We feed Mr. Valentine the information where Mina will be. And she will need to be there when he first arrives, so he doesn’t become suspicious. Then we grab him when he thinks he’s comfortable, so he doesn’t even think about escaping.”

  Finn rubbed at his clean-shaven chin. “We’d need contingency plans if things went wrong.”

  The golden-eyed man nodded. “We could bring out some of the old artillery. No matter what, we don’t want him to escape and continue hurting innocent women.”

  Finn’s eyes widened in barely masked excitement. “I get to pick the weapons if we do this.” Then his eyes met mine. “What do you think of all this? I know you’re having a hard time with the abduction.”

  I exhaled heavily. “You’re right. I am. But if there’s a chance we can get that lunatic off the streets of New City, I think we should try it. I can’t die, not really. So what is there to lose?”

  Poppy snorted. “If the golems come, there’s a lot to lose.”

  “Bombs,” Finn whispered. “I want to rig the place with bombs.”

  I blinked. “You have a few issues.”

  “I never said I didn’t.” He winked. “You know you want to see an explosion. Something you’ve only ever read about before.”

  I stared, excitement unfurling inside my stomach. “You won me over that damn quick.”

  “Of course. You’re my mate.” He bent to kiss my lips softly. “And if they are needed, I’ll even let you hit the button to make them go boom.”

  “Oh…” I sighed, my eyes alive with wonder.

  Godric glanced back and forth between us. “Damn. The magic really picked well with you two.”

  I grinned. “I think he’s a good match.”

  Poppy slapped her hand down on my shoulder. “If you’re done eating, let’s get to training. The boys here can talk about the logistics of their plan and inform us later.”

  “You really want to see me on the ground.”

  “I won’t lie. That’s part of it.” She smirked.


  I may be dirty and disgusting—and in complete awe of Poppy’s fighting skills—after our training session, but dammit, I was going to the shifters’ secret location for weapons. I clasped my
hands in my lap to contain my excitement and stared out the window of Finn’s train. Godric and Poppy were in their train next to us, all four of us heading to the same location.

  “Are you listening, Mina?” Finn asked, worry tingeing his tone. “This is important.”

  I snapped my attention back to him. “My apologies. But I’m very excited to see all the ancient weapons you have. I’ve read so much about them. I can’t wait to see them with my own eyes.”

  The white tiger lifted a brow. “I understand. But I’m trying to explain your part in the plan tonight. You really need to pay attention.”

  I nodded, focusing only on my white tiger. “I’m listening now. Please start again.”

  His patience with me was astounding. He didn’t even appear the least bit aggravated. The angel was sent to me to make me a better person. I could learn a few tactics he uses for use with my own students.

  Finn explained, “We’ve chosen a location that’s just out of town. It’s far enough away for no one to see if we need to blow it up, but it’s still close enough that Mr. Valentine wouldn’t think it odd that you were there. The place is filled with antiques.”

  My brows furrowed. “You don’t want to destroy those.”

  “They’re fakes. The man who owns the building is a con artist. Most people in high society know it, but it’s doubtful a man of Mr. Valentine’s status would have a clue.”

  “What about the shop owner? You don’t want him hurt.”

  “He just won a wonderful weekend stay at the newest hotel in the city.”

  I blinked. “Damn. You’re good.”

  He nodded. “I came up with that one, actually.”


  He tipped his head down. “Thank you.”

  “You’re most welcome, my white tiger.”

  His lips curved, adoring my attitude. “The building will already be rigged to blow if all plans fail. Rune is taking that task since he built the building and knows it intimately. Your safety is paramount. We don’t want you captured and taken. Trust me when I say an immortal does not want to be a prisoner. You’d rather be blown up there with us nearby to bring you to safety afterward than to be whisked away by a madman and taken elsewhere.”

  My head cocked. “Why doesn’t it bother you if I’m blown up?” He was possessive and protective, and this backup plan didn’t match up with those two traits of his.



  “Because we are immortal. I’m of the mindset that a brief bit of pain to myself is nothing if I can save many. Am I wrong in thinking you’re the same way? I thought I understood that in you.”

  “No, you’re not wrong. I feel that way too.”

  He nodded, pleased he had been right. “Now, if you were attacked, my opinion would be different. So don’t get attacked unless you want to see my lovely canines come out.”

  I snickered. “You are so proud.”

  “When it’s deserved.” Finn continued, “Back to the point here. When you go into something willingly for the greater good, I completely understand dying for something you believe in. Especially, when you don’t stay dead.”

  “I agree.”

  He lifted a quick hand. “Though I might add, my opinion would change if the death were not quick. If it was some form of torture... Fuck no.”

  “You are a complicated man. Perhaps you should write all your approved ways of dying for the greater good down for me. That way, I’ll have notes if a situation occurs at the last minute.”

  He snorted. “Don’t be a smartass.”

  My shoulders shook as I laughed.

  The man watched me chortle, shaking his head and sighing as if he thought me adorable. He spoke firmly, “I’m moving on here, so pay attention.”

  “I’m listening.” I wiped the moisture from my eyes, done laughing at him. “Where do I come into this plan?”

  “You’ll be inside the building and will pretend to look at antique items. We expect him to hack into the building and cut the electricity, so if the lights go out, don’t be frightened. Shifters can still see everything in the dark. If he tries to kidnap you again, we’ll be on him.”

  “How do I keep him from doing that?”

  “You two talked a lot when you were captured. Try that approach again.”

  I nodded. “I can do that.”

  “Then when you’ve got his full attention, we’ll step in and take him down.”

  “Don’t you want to interrogate him instead of killing him?” My brows puckered in confusion.

  “I mean, we’ll capture him. We don’t plan to kill him. Our ultimate goal is to find out who he’s working for. We want the shifter who is fucking with mates.”

  “I would have to agree with that wholeheartedly.” I shuddered. “I’d rather not have my soul taken.”

  “Hopefully, when we catch Mr. Valentine, he will be able to tell us why his boss wants the souls. Since he helped create the spell, he has a real chance of knowing.”

  “That sounds like an accurate assessment.”

  Finn’s head of shiny white hair was magnificent in the afternoon light. “Do you have any questions about what you need to do?”

  “Not right now. When we get there, I might though.”

  “When we get home, I’ll show you a blueprint of the building so you know the exit strategies.”

  “Thank you. That would be helpful.” I leaned against his arm and rested the side of my head against his shoulder. “Finn?”


  “I feel alive being your mate. Not just content or happy. But alive.”

  He kissed the top of my head. “I feel the same way.”

  * * *

  Godric threw his hands in the air, shouting frantically, “Those are not baseballs! Do not play catch with the grenades!”

  I lifted the small ball Poppy and I had been tossing back and forth. My head tilted as I examined it. “It doesn’t look like a grenade.”

  Finn sprinted over to my side, his eyes large on his handsome face. With delicate fingers, he extracted the grenade from my hand. “It’s the newest version. All you have to do is twist the top and the bottom in opposite directions to activate it. They are very temperamental.”

  I cleared my throat as a blush stained my cheeks. “I didn’t know. Poppy and I apologize. We didn’t mean to frighten you two.”

  Poppy marched over, her black boots clomping on the ground with irritation. “How much longer are you two going to be? Mina and I have already explored the entire place—twice. And believe me, she takes her sweet time looking at all this old stuff.”

  I cocked an eyebrow at her. “Excuse me. You were the one ogling all the guns.”

  Instantly, Godric asked, “She didn’t steal one, did she?”

  “No.” I shook my head.

  My lips pinched, and I jerked my eyes away.

  The white tiger knew I’d lied.

  Godric’s shoulder sagged in relief. “Thank God.”


  “What, pet? You’re a terrible shot. You aren’t getting one until you’re better.”

  “Argh!” She threw her hands up into the air and stormed away.

  Finn was staring at me from under his lashes, remaining silent.

  To change the subject, I asked, “How much longer are we going to be? Lunchtime passed a few hours ago, and I’m getting hungry.”

  Godric peered down at his bracelet. “We should be finished in another fifteen minutes.”

  “I’ll let Poppy know.” I quickly hurried away, only glancing over my shoulder when I was a respectable distance away. I knew his eyes were on me, and I found them easily.

  Finn lifted a white brow in silent question.

  I simply shrugged. I wasn’t going to tell on her.

  Nor did she know I had seen her steal the gun and stick it down her boot. I would leave it at that. She was an adult. She could make up her own mind and make her own choices on what was best for herself. Everyt
hing I had ever learned about the woman screamed intelligence and restraint.

  I stopped when the creak of a box opening caught my attention. I peeked around a tall crate and watched as Poppy…put the stolen gun back in its place.

  She was using restraint today.

  I was proud of her.


  Cassander jerked Finn’s front door open, ordering, “Get in here. I need to talk to you.”

  Finn and I stood on the front porch. Shocked.

  We had just arrived home.

  And we were already being bombarded with more drama. All I wanted was a turkey sandwich or a piece of leftover pizza, and not with a helping of drama-on-the-side. Even though I didn’t think he was speaking to me, I followed them inside.

  I would have left the two alone if Cassander hadn’t chosen the kitchen for whatever meeting he wanted to have with Finn. The pleasant surprise came when we entered the kitchen, and there was lunch laid out on the counter.

  Cassander motioned at the food. “Eat while I talk. We don’t have much time.”

  Finn grabbed a hamburger from a plate. “What’s going on?”

  The fox cringed. “I finally saw what was going to happen. There’s only one way to stop it that I can see.”

  Finn’s bracelet buzzed. He glanced down at it.

  “Answer it,” Cassander ordered. “Tell her to come over here to talk.”

  Finn tapped his bracelet. “Hello, Poppy.”

  I grabbed a hamburger and bit into it.

  If I didn’t need to stay silent, I would have groaned.

  It was excellent.

  “Thank damn you answered. I need you to talk some sense into Godric. He’s telling me I can’t go tonight and that his father is going to babysit me while you’re out. I’m a soldier. I’m an asset to you guys. There’s no reason—”

  “Just come over here, and we’ll see what I can do,” Finn cajoled, his eyes on his friend. “Sound good?”

  “Thank you. Thank you. I’ll be there shortly.”

  “See you soon.” Finn tapped his bracelet, ending the call. “Do you want to tell me what this is all about now?”

  Cassander paced in front of us, running his fingers through his silver hair. “I need you to kill Poppy when she gets here. Do it in a way that she won’t reform until after midnight when you guys will be back.”


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