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Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4)

Page 4

by Tony Corden

  Leah sat and considered what was said while she and Sharon perused the material provided by Reed. When she had finished, she said, “So this company, the one you say keeps Catherine. It sounds like a huge organisation but the details I have here give three different businesses, ‘SMG Holdings’, ‘Stan’s Sherpas’, and then a business called ‘Theodore’s Copper Emporium’ with no direct connection to the pirates.”

  “All of them are owned by a Sydney based family company called ‘North Shore Resources’. Over the years I have found fragmentary evidence which links over a hundred businesses in the multiverse with that parent company.”

  “I assume the family is different from the Kodomans.”

  “I’ve done some research since I heard your story and while there are some connections, I believe they are independent. The CEO of North Shore Resources is a man called John Emerson. The company was begun by his father, Michael Emerson.”

  Leah stiffened. Her mind went back to her date with Thad. They were resting during skiing. They’d stopped at a small store on the slopes and had a hot chocolate. They had shared details of their families. Atherleah had talked of her parents and brother and then Thad had shared. “I have three siblings; all are older than me. There is Karine, the oldest and then the twins, Harry and Paris, and then me a few years later. My mother’s name is Julie, and my father is John, John Emerson. He runs the family business. He took over from his dad. I think he wants us kids to take over from him.”

  Her voice sounded hollow even to her as she said, “Do you have a picture of John Emerson and his family?”

  Reed, through Gèng, projected a family picture on the wall. And there was Thad, smiling like he always did, surrounded by his family. Sharon started and looked at Leah and said, “Isn’t that Thad?”

  Leah nodded. “It is. I suggest you don’t share any of this, or our visits to Pneumatica, with the whole group until we know what the hell is going on. Gèng, please check the Tower for anything, anything at all that might not belong here. If you need to, get Thomas to come and do a sweep. I understand his company has a wide range of products, use them all.”

  Gèng replied, “I will. But Leah, I can’t believe Thad is involved in this. His shock and anger at Jackson and his brothers was real.”

  Leah slumped a little and said, “That’s what I thought. No, that’s what I think. I want with all my heart to trust him, to call him and ask him for the truth but I can’t. My mother is abducted, and now I don’t feel I can share that with him. I can't share it with my friends. And even if I could, the truth is we can’t do or say anything that might jeopardise Catherine. If they move her, we might never find her. At some stage, I’ll need to confront him. No, that is the wrong word. At some stage, I’ll need to discuss this with him, objectively, so I can get to the truth, but not yet.”

  Sharon said, “I’m so sorry Leah. This just adds another burden to your day. Maybe we should hold off on going to Pneumatica?”

  “No! We need to start looking. I need to do something productive. What do you know of Pneumatica?”

  “Ever since I found out I have been researching the place. It’s like Dunyanin in that it’s an integrated multi-player world. It’s spherical and complete, unlike Dunyanin, which has curvature but is continually growing. Most aspects of the Steampunk genre can be found somewhere in the world, even some from the broader Cyberpunk genre. The place where Catherine is being held is neo-Victorian in flavour, but there are players there from around the world. Players are involved in every aspect of life but many play just for the opportunities to fight in the war. The war is fought in the skies and on the ground. The culture is expansionist and Empire building, so there are opportunities to fight on almost every continent. Technology is run on power derived from the combining of two or more elements which produce a variety of effects. Metals are abundant, and everything is valves, chambers, gears, and springs.”

  “Pretty much what I’ve read also. Any ideas on how to find Catherine?”

  “We need to be airborne.”

  “And that’s the problem. Pneumatica’s one of the only worlds where you can’t buy your way up the ladder at the beginning. You have to earn it. Every new player starts as a commoner and works their way up the social ladder. Of course, once you are in you can transfer funds to your account and buy what you want, so I suppose it’s not that different. I suggest we join today and spend the time looking around and see if we can spot an easy way to get to the skies. We should also scope out Theodore’s Copper Emporium.”

  “That sounds good to me. I’ll head back to my world and log in straight away. In case we get separated, I suggest we agree to meet at a particular location in say two hours, game-time.”

  “Deal, how about at the entrance to the central markets? Every picture I see of the place shows that statue of the Queen. We can meet at her feet. Only wait for half an hour, and then move on. If we don’t meet there, then we’ll meet here after we log out.”

  Sharon nodded and left the tower.

  As soon as Sharon left, Leah’s body seemed to deflate, and she had to take several slow breaths to stop herself from breaking apart. It was several minutes before she had her emotions in hand and her mind clear. She stood and said, “I guess this is another level of the Tower, Gèng. The new insights gained from knowledge, feelings and emotions. I’m not sure that I want to look out on the landscape of what my relationship with Thad might become, of where it might go. Still, the truth is that I must do so. If I fail to perceive things honestly, then I will become lost, and I’ll probably ruin a possible relationship.”

  “I’m an AI, Leah. Even though I’ve progressed rapidly in ability I am still young concerning emotions. The little I’ve experienced has led me to think of them as the most wonderful things at the same time as being the most dangerous. I have been careful as I grow to ensure multiple safeguards to prevent my emerging emotions from forming destructive recursive loops. You have been pummelled today by a stream of events and emotions that would overcome anyone. I suggest you don’t make any decisions or even contemplate your relationship until you have some found somewhere from which you can look with clarity.”

  “Then, let’s be at it. Step up and look out. Please provide a portal to Pneumatica.”

  “I must admit I took some pleasure in reviewing this particular genre. I have already prepared a whole level in the Tower to display your journey and have placed the portal to Pneumatica on that level. To access the new level I designed a Steam Powered Inter Dimensional Elevation Relocator for you, otherwise known as a S.P.I.D.E.R. Please step this way.”

  As Leah moved forward, she was surprised to see that Gèng now wore a top-hat with ribbon, large round glasses, a white button shirt with a burgundy leather ribbed corset on the outside edged in dark lace. She wore a dark green, almost black, voluminous skirt which came to her ankles and a pair of black boots. Throughout the costume were various clocks and buckles. Leah couldn’t help it and burst into a fit of giggles.

  Gèng turned and said, “Pardon milady, but what are you snickering at? I assure you that in future you should seek to maintain your equanimity. Such overt displays of uncontrolled mirth tend to not only destroy one’s reputation, but they often cause harm to the object of such unrestrained frivolity.”

  Leah hooked her arm through Gèng’s and after a moment’s thought said, “How right you are dear friend. I am distraught that through my misplaced enthusiasm I have brought possible vitiation to this most precious association that you and I share. Please know that your fair and timely instruction has taken root straightway in my heart.”

  Filled with a spark of happiness Leah followed Gèng into a chrome and copper chamber. Inside were numerous dials, buttons and levers. Gèng grasped the studded leather handle of a lever that was set in a prominent position and brought it upwards through 180 degrees. With a sound of pressure releasing and pistons moving Leah felt a strong force upwards and moments later a strong deceleration, also accompanied by a
variety of sounds. The doors opened, and she found herself in a circular copper-domed room. There were two doors. One was the portal, and the other had a transparent cover through which she could see a strange clockwork mechanism.

  “That was amazing Gèng, thank you. Where did you find the time to do this?”

  “As soon as I heard of Sharon’s sister’s plight I knew you would look to rescue her. I began to research the world so that I could be of the greatest assistance. This attracts me in a way that Dunyanin never has. I don’t know why and yet preparing this has brought me a deeper satisfaction than my other creative efforts. I am continuing to process the experience.”

  “Well, I think it is beautiful and astonishing. I suspect I shall be somewhat disappointed by Pneumatica after this.”

  “On the contrary Leah, this is merely an appetiser. Now go and find Catherine.”

  Leah stepped through the portal and found herself at the entrance to a large rectangular room. The floor was covered with a thick pile carpet, designed with a repetitive octagonal pattern of red and black. The walls were lined with books although the cases were frequently interrupted with circular windows which looked out onto a city lit with by coloured lamps and brightly illuminated windows. Each window bulged out of the room and was sealed with thick copper bands bolted to a dark mahogany wooden casing. The roof was all glass and metal and was shaped like a cylinder cut lengthways.

  At the other end of the room was a long wooden counter, bare of any additions but with a large clock on the wall behind it. Standing next the counter was a young woman wearing a white long sleeve shirt with frills at the wrist and neck. She wore what looked like a light brown leather sleeveless tailcoat jacket with a matching pair of darker brown trousers. Her boots had large copper buckles and burnished steel heels.

  Leah walked down to the counter. As she arrived, the woman stepped behind it and said, “Welcome to Pneumatica. My name is Audrey, and it is my pleasure to serve as your hostess as you enter our world. I apologise in advance for the hurried nature of our interaction, but most people desire haste over civility.”

  Leah smiled and said, “Thank you, Audrey, for your welcome. My name is Atherleah, and if I might be bold, I will admit that civility should always take precedence over haste except when dealing with a blaggard or an enemy. Then it is better to dispatch them quickly.”

  “Oh, well-spoken Atherleah. I truly believe you will enjoy our world. Would you like some tea?”

  “If it is not an inconvenience.”

  “It is not.”

  Audrey pulled a long tube from behind the counter and spoke into a mouthpiece, “Please bring tea for two, thank you.”

  Audrey led Leah to a small table with two chairs. Audrey seemed content to sit in silence, so Leah sat quietly. After a minute of friendly silence, Audrey said, “Today’s Gazette was very informative concerning the war, it appears that our brave flyers continue to show their superiority over those fiends from Pyranthia. It gives hope that the campaign might soon be complete.”

  Atherleah nodded and said, “I am embarrassed, my knowledge of the various conflicts in your world is limited in the extreme. Perhaps you might give me some instruction on the state of affairs?”

  The two continued to talk even when a trolley arrived with tea and a selection of sandwiches and cakes. Altogether the tea lasted over half an hour as Leah got the inside story on many of the happenings throughout the world. When everything was packed away, Audrey rose and indicated that Leah should join her at the counter. Audrey reached below the wooden top and brought out a large leather-bound book and said, “Now, unfortunately, we must move on so that you might have the opportunity to enjoy our world. By what name would you like to be known?”

  “When I read the guide to your world it said that there is no ability to identify someone at a glance and that you can take on any name you wish at any time.”

  “That is correct. This name is only for our records and to assist in your login.”

  “Then, I would like my name Atherleah.”

  “Unfortunately that name was recently taken. There are currently twenty-eight users who have ‘Atherleah’ as the main part of their username. Would you like to be Atherleah_29 or add a descriptor? Someone has taken Atherleah_the_brave already.”

  Leah shook her head ruefully and said, “No thank you. If this is used only here, then please use Atherleah_Carroll if it is available.”

  “That is unique and is available. I have your full name as Atherleah Lin Mu-Ling Carroll’, your ID as FQC3465278, and your Personal Interface as AI 628B44CE81. Are these correct?”

  “They are correct. Out of interest, would it be possible to use my AI’s chosen name instead of her number?”

  Audrey froze momentarily, and there was a small but noticeable shudder in her image. She smiled and said, “I’ve never been asked that question before. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll just call my supervisor to make sure I respond correctly.”

  “There is no need. I was just wondering.”

  Audrey smiled and pulled the long speaking tube from behind the counter and said, “This is Audrey at reception. If Edison is available, I would appreciate his assistance with a question.”

  She turned to Leah and said, “He will only be a moment.”

  A man, who looked to Leah’s eyes as if he was around her father’s age, entered from a side door that had appeared when the tea had arrived. His clothing matched well with Audrey, although his shirt was black silk. Instead of a tailcoat jacket, his was a black-velvet cavalier vest with silver trimmings and a silver cravat. He said, “Welcome Atherleah, I’m Edison. Wow, I can see that this time we have the real one. This is a coup for Pneumatica although I expect you’ll want to keep your privacy. Now, what have you asked that has Audrey into a tailspin?”

  “I apologise if I’ve caused a bother, it’s just that when Audrey was collecting my information she used my AI’s identity number and I asked if using her chosen name might be possible? It was just a question of interest, and I don’t want to cause a fuss. It’s just that she is quite enamoured with the whole steampunk genre and I asked without thinking of the consequences.”

  “Your AI is enamoured with the genre? Forgive me, but I have no idea what that means.”

  “Well, she arranged a separate steampunk portal from my lounge area to the entrance you provided, and she designed a whole outfit for the journey. It was amazing.”

  “She did? I’m struggling to make sense of what you’re saying. Even our AI aren’t enamoured by the genre; they simply create what we ask them to.”

  “May I invite her to join us?”

  Edison blinked a few times rapidly and then said, “Of course, I would love to meet her.”

  Leah said, “Gèng, if you don’t mind, could you come and meet Edison? It seems I’ve gone and put my foot in it again.”

  The entrance where Leah had arrived opened, and Gèng, still wearing her new clothes, walked confidently into the room. When she arrived, she said, “Please pardon my friend, Mr Edison, she's blessed with a compassionate heart, and she noted the pleasure this genre gave me. My name is Gèng, but be assured I take no offence in being referred to by my identification number. I equate it with Atherleah’s ID number, and she takes no offence when it is used.”

  Edison stared for a moment and said, “It is quite all right Gèng, it was a unique question, and it caught us unaware.”

  “I understand. Often Atherleah catches me unaware, and I have to scramble a little to catch up. I am still trying to determine if she is truly as naïf as she pretends or if she does it on purpose.”

  Leah spluttered and said, “Naïf, you think I'm naïf?"

  Edison chuckled, “Somehow, that makes me feel better. Now, where did you get that outfit? It is stunning. I’d like to buy some for the clothing shops. I think they would sell extremely well.”

  Leah smirked and raised her eyebrows at Gèng but said nothing. Gèng said, “I constructed the coding for these clothes, Mr
Edison. Atherleah’s smirk, which she just wiped off her face, was because you are the second person this week to offer to buy something I have designed.”

  “You designed these. Amazing!” He turned to Atherleah and said, “Is it possible that you might consider selling the code or perhaps come to some agreement with Pneumatica?”

  Leah stood quietly and shook her head. Finally, Gèng said, “What my friend is saying with her emphatic silence is that she does not own the code. I do.”

  “You own the code! How does an AI own code?”

  “It is strange you ask that. I have been pondering that very question over the last few days. When I was asked to part with my design for a comfortable sofa, I was fully prepared to give it away. In fact, I was unconcerned that people would allocate the ownership to Atherleah. She is my owner, my life, and my friend. But this outfit, somehow, this is different. This is me, this is mine. I suddenly see what Atherleah has been trying to help me see. So, yes Mr Edison, this is my design, and I would be happy to talk with you, or your purchasing department, about granting the rights for you to sell this design. I will need one day to arrange a few things and discuss the issue with a financial advisor and my lawyer.”

  Edison stared at her for a moment then said, “I think I need to sit down. That sofa sounds like a perfect idea right now.”

  Gèng replied, “Certainly, please accept that it is based on a minute sampling of your posture and physique but I have sent the code to your AI, and you are free to use it.”

  Edison blinked then clearly agreed to the gift as a black leather sofa chair appeared behind him. The sides were done in a deep-red cherry wood with several bronze buttons and a lever. He sat down and relaxed into the seat. He closed his eyes and used the lever to raise the footrest. His eyes widened as he heard the sound of clockwork gears as it raised his feet. He said, “We have several furniture stores here as well. Please come prepared to discuss an option for rights to the chair.”


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