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Archer: Book One......Alliance of Peace : Vampire and Wolf Must Fight As One

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by Lisa Ray

  Bella didn’t blush this time. She thought for a moment and said, “Hmmm, I might just do that.”

  And Chloe smiled. Archer wouldn’t know what hit him.

  Chapter 8

  The community center was filling up by the time Archer and Roman arrived. He saw the six teenagers huddled close to their families. He went around the room greeting everyone and waited until he knew everyone was there. From newborn in mothers arms to the eldest, the whole pack surrounded him in the stadium seating like he was about to perform a concert. He wished that was true. Doctor Bernard and his daughter were comfortably set up in their new home for the time being and he was going to see them first thing in the morning. Boy, were they in for a shock. Until then, he had to get through this night.

  “Everyone, I know that most of you know some of why I have called this meeting. But I need to make sure that everyone knows everything. There is a rogue faction of Vampire and Lycan that have banded together to try to take us back to the old ways. The way before peace, before the Great War. They want to make the humans slaves and turn the world into their killing field. At first we thought they were a small, unorganized bunch but that is no longer true. This group is well-organized and has some leadership somewhere calling the shots that is smart and obviously is surrounded by others that are helping him or her. We have received information that they are now on our shores, so far in the south. But we know their goals are to recruit from all packs and Vampire communities. Also to find and kill all the leaders of all the packs and Vampire leaders to throw everyone into chaos.”

  Archer paused a moment to let all of this sink in. There were a lot of worried glances around the room. The whispered questions echoed through the auditorium.

  “I would tell you that all will be fine. That we won’t be affected. But I have it on good authority that since our pack is one of the largest in the states that I am a top mark. I will also say that I don’t think this is nothing to worry about. Everyone in this room should be worried. Everyone in this room should be on guard. We all need to make sure we are watching and listening to our youth because they are so impressionable. We need to all stand for peace. But in doing so we all may have to fight. Everyone needs to know that, including our youth. We are going to increase our fight training and we are going to start including anyone over the age of ten. This is for their benefit as well as the pack in case it comes to them having to protect themselves. At the end of this meeting, I will ask for everyone to stand and make their allegiance known. If anyone is not completely committed to the well-being of the peace and our pack, you will be asked to leave.”

  The gasp was audible as the words began to take hold of each person in the room. The tension grew as everyone realized that this was no joke. Archer could smell the adrenalin rise exponentially.

  “I have met with the leader of the Vampires, Ryker. He and I are of the same mind. We each are committed to peace and have agreed to fight together if need be to protect the truce that has stood so long. If anyone has a problem with this let me know by tomorrow. We will talk. I know many of you work and have friends from the vampire community. Talk with them about this and form a bond to be able to work together. We are also going to have to watch the humans. Though they don’t know what is going on many of them are our friends also and we are responsible for them. Keep your eyes sharp and if anything seems suspicious, even the smallest thing, I need to know.”

  Again Archer paused. He wanted everyone to realize the importance of his words.

  “We have Doctor Bernard and his daughter living among us now, as well as the few humans in this room that are part of the pack. I now consider the Doc and his daughter part of the pack. Without them we would not know any of this and they risk their lives to bring us this information. So everyone is responsible for their safety. I am going to tell and show them everything tomorrow. They deserve to know.”

  Archer paused once more. Then he took a deep breath, “I am now going to ask for everyone to swear their allegiance. If you can’t do that, there will be no repercussions except you will be escorted out of town. So, if you agree to swear your allegiance to peace and the pack, please stand up.”

  Archer watched as many people rose quickly and others fumbled with babies and such to stand. It didn’t take long for everyone to be standing, even the six teenagers he had talked with that morning.

  “I will ask you to each say the words aloud, I swear my allegiance to the pack and to peace.”

  The people chanted loudly, “I swear allegiance to the pack and to peace.”

  “You may sit down.”

  Everyone sat back in their seats.

  “Those of you that have never seen war, I hope you never do. Those of you that have, I will ask you to help train and teach whatever may help to keep us safe. We must come together and watch out for each other. There is also one more thing I will ask of you. Ryker and I have agreed that to speed the trust issue along, we will invite ten of his people to come and live among us until this threat has passed. They have different powers and can be a help in training and teaching of their ways. I expect everyone to make them welcome.”

  Everyone mumbled in agreement.

  “And I have something to ask you. The ten Ryker is sending are all volunteers. And since he is sending ten, I want to ask for ten volunteers to go and stay among them for a while. You will be teaching them our ways and to trust us. I know it is a lot to ask. But I need ten volunteers. I will give everyone a minute to think on it.”

  Archer stopped talking and walked to the front of the stage and knelt down. Roman was there and Archer told him that he didn’t want him to volunteer, that he needed him here. Roman agreed and Archer stood and walked back to the center of the stage.

  “O.K. everyone, do I have any volunteers?”

  He watched as no one stood up for a moment. Then he saw people began to rise. Several married couples without children. Many single people, some that had been through the war and some that hadn’t. And then he saw Chloe stand up.

  “I thank you all for volunteering. I will choose Chloe first. I will ask her as a member of the council to pick the other nine from all of you that are standing. If you would please see her when the meeting is over I am sure she will be able to make wise choices. Now I will close this meeting. If there are any questions I am going to ask you to wait until tomorrow and call a council member or me and we will try to answer them for you. Thank you all for being here.”

  With that said Archer left the stage and walked out to his car. Before he knew it he was home on his porch, drink in hand. Soon Roman joined him and then Cash and Walker. They all agreed that it went well. Archer knew why they were all there. They were there to protect him from the immediate threat. He thanked them all and they talked well into the night. They agreed that they would all move into Archers home for a while. They were all single and so that wasn’t a problem. Tonight would be Archers last night alone for a while. He didn’t mind. He was actually thankful to have such very good friends.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning found Archer watching Doctor Bernard and his daughter, Selma, as their faces changed from shock to doubt to curious as he told them everything. He told them of the pack, the history and what they were. He told them of the Vampires and the truce and the rogues. He told them of the possibility that their lives would be in danger now and that the whole pack knew who they were and that they were now official members and would be protected. The Doctor and Selma were speechless in disbelief.

  “I have always known our town was different. The fact that so many people never seem to age and many other factors. But what you are telling us is only a fairytale. Werewolves and Vampires do not exist.” Doctor Bernard said.

  “I understand your disbelief. That’s why I ask a friend of mine to stop by and show you. I didn’t want to show you alone because I don’t want you to fear me. I’m going to ask Cash to come in now.”

  Once Cash was in the house he stood in the center of the
living room.

  “Please don’t be afraid. I am here and I promise you all is well. Just watch and stay seated please.”

  That said, Cash removed his clothes. Then, the Doc and Selma watched as his body began to distort and change. Soon they were looking at a large dark gray wolf standing in the middle of the floor.

  “This has to be some kind of trick, Selma said as she rose from her seat. She was beside the wolf before Archer could stop her. The Doctor sat still with his mouth opened. Selma ran her hands over the thick fur that covered the extremely large wolf beside her. She found nothing that proved it was a trick. She quickly searched the house for the human Cash. When she reached the living room again, Cash was sitting calmly, canine style. Selma went to him again and took his face in her hands. She looked deep into his grey eyes then she went and sat on the couch and passed out. The Doc watched as Cash appeared before him in human form. Cash quickly put his clothes on and left. By then Selma was coming around. When she was fully awake she began to laugh. “I knew it. That’s why I have never found a man worth keeping. I’ve always been waiting for that man that just left. All my other husbands thought I was crazy that I was so adamant that I believed you existed. And Vampires too.” Selma’s laugh was one of justification.

  “I will tell you that this must be our secret.”

  Selma and the Doc shook their heads and agreed. Soon they were left alone to mull over all they had learned.

  Archer and Cash drove into town for Archer to take care of some business. Cash was the elected bodyguard during the day because he was retired.

  “You’d better watch out. I think Selma is ready to stalk you. “Archer warned Cash with a smile.

  “I wouldn’t mind. She’s very pretty and I liked the way her hands felt on me. I’m not a young man and it would be nice to have a good woman.” Cash didn’t laugh.

  Archer glanced at his friend. “Go for it.”

  “I already have. I invited her to dinner tonight at my place. She accepted.”

  Archer laughed again, this time because he was happy for his friend. He reached over and slapped him on the back. “Good for you. I’m happy for you. You didn’t waste any time.”

  “Unlike you.”

  Archer stopped smiling and glanced at Cash again. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Everyone can see the way you look at Bella. I could even feel the sparks across the restaurant the other night. We all know you want her. So what’s stopping you?”

  “With all we have facing us, I didn’t want to have something else to think about. Right now the pack is more important.”

  Cash shook his head sadly, “Archer, you’ve given your life to the pack. Whatever happens, will happen. You need to make sure that you don’t pass on something that can bring you happiness because of something that might be. And if it ends up we do fight, deal with it then. Don’t live your life on mights. Ask the girl out.”

  Archer was silent the rest of the drive. He thought seriously about what Cash had said. It was true. He had always put himself last. Could he possibly find a little happiness and a woman of his own? At least for a little while. Maybe he could. And so he found himself pulling into the Vet clinic. When he walked in the door there were several clients waiting to see the Doctor. He walked right by them all and into the back room. He could smell Bella and knew right where she was. He walked through her office door and stood before her desk. Bella looked up from her notes, dropped her reading glasses down her nose and stared at the tall determined man before her.

  “Will you have dinner with me tonight?”

  Bella didn’t hesitate. “Yes”

  “I’ll pick you up at six. Is that enough time after closing?”


  “Tonight then.” And Archer turned and walked out the way he had come in. Chloe was smiling happily at the reception desk, pretending nothing was out of the ordinary and humming under her breath. Cash was waiting right inside the waiting room by the door. He snickered as Archer passed him by.

  The rest of the day, Archer couldn’t get Bella off of his mind. Even while taking care of business, she was back there somewhere in the recesses of his thoughts. Her smell, her look, he knew every detail. He was actually a little nervous about the date. He had forgotten what nervous felt like.

  He called Ryker and they agreed that the next day would be a good day to swap their guests since it would be a Saturday and everyone would be off of work that was a volunteer. Chloe had asked Bella for the day off and Bella had reluctantly told her yes even though Saturdays were her busiest day. Chloe said she would send Arianna in to fill in and that she had done so before and knew how to handle the front. Bella was glad. She had met and liked Arianna from their girl’s night out. So everything was set. He also talked to Ryker about the Doctor and Selma and that they had made it and were here. Ryker asked Archer to tell them they were under his protection also for the valuable information. Archer assured him he would. As there was no other news, they agreed on a time for Ryker to come to him and after that Archer would go with his people to Ryker’s community. Once the call was over, Archer was free for the rest of the day. He sat down and drew plans for making Bella’s balcony safer from predators. He would talk to her about it tonight.

  Bella was stunned. One minute she was making notes on the last client she had seen and the next minute she was agreeing to a date with Archer. For the rest of the day she couldn’t put all her focus on her work. Oh, she could do it well enough and the clients were simple. Shots, deworming etc. nothing major. When she finally got a moment she went to the front.

  “So when are you two going out” Chloe asked with a smile.

  “Tonight. And I don’t know what I’m doing,” Bella said with a laugh.

  “I just don’t know what took him so long to ask. I thought that first day he was going to eat you up the sparks were so bright.” Chloe looked at Bella

  “You know, I felt something too. His hands were hot and…well…” Bella trailed off.

  Chloe smiled a smile of understanding.

  “I suppose I’m a bit nervous. I haven’t dated much what with school and jobs and my mom.” Bella said, thinking, with a frown on her face.

  “Don’t be. Just be yourself.”

  The doorbell chimed and each went back to work. Bella was nervous but excited too. She was thinking about what she was going to wear when she called the client back.

  There was a doorbell placed outside the front door in case of emergencies after closing hours. It rang upstairs too and it rang promptly at six o’clock. Bella had been ready for thirty minutes. Although she still kept checking her hair and her dress and looking in the full length mirror behind the door. She walked down the steps and into the waiting room. Crossing it she unlocked the door to let in a man that had made himself look spectacular just for her. Dressed all in black, his dark hair and gold tipped eyes looked dangerous and every bit healthy male. He smelled of musk cologne that tickled her senses. She felt her heartbeat increase and her awareness of his masculinity increased. She welcomed him in.

  Archer walked in and looked at an angel. She was dressed all in while with a single strand of pearls at her neck. The dress was simple and yet she made it look glamorous. Her golden hair drifted around her shoulders in soft layers. Her blue eyes tried to hold back their interest but he could see the appreciation in them. She had applied a light perfume but it didn’t hide her unique scent from him. He could smell her interest. He was glad she couldn’t smell his he was definitely feeling. The smell of man and woman.

  Before she could speak he took her hand and brought it to his lips then told her, “You look amazing. Like an angel.”

  Bella laughed. “Thank you but I am far from that. And you look amazing yourself.”

  They stood there for a moment and looked into each other’s eyes. Bella thought she saw something almost familiar and primal there from somewhere else but the thought passed when he took her hand and led her out the door, making s
ure she locked it behind her. They walked compatibly, holding hands, the two blocks to the restaurant. A car following at a discreet distance that she didn’t seem to notice but Archer knew was there; Roman and Walker. When they walked into the restaurant it was almost full. Archer was amused. It was full of people from his pack. They had come to watch over him and to watch him. He almost laughed. Bella recognized many people also. Chloe and the girls were there and many of her clients. They all waved as the two entered. They were escorted to a back booth that provided them some privacy from all the eyes.

  “Well, I guess we are big news.” Bella looked around

  “It’s a small town with nothing to do,” laughed Archer.

  And the rest of the date was wonderful. The dinner was nice and the conversation never lulled. They each talked of their lives and families although Archer had to change things a bit to live up to modern day standards. It wasn’t long before they realized they had been there for three hours. Half of the patronage had left the restaurant.

  Bella was disappointed when Archer reached for her hand and said it was time to go. The walk back to her home was nice. The night was bright and the moon was full. The conversation never stopped. Upon reaching her home, Archer asked her if he could come in and sit on her balcony with her for a bit. There was something he wanted to talk to her about. Bells looked funny for a second and he added that he wasn’t going to bite her. She laughed and they walked in and upstairs together. She offered him a drink and they both settled on the comfortable chairs on the balcony, looking into the forest.

  “What is it you wanted to talk about?”

  Archer pulled out his drawing of how he wanted to change the balcony and placed it before her. Bella looked at it and then looked up at him.

  “This is very nice of you but I’m not afraid of the animals that roam the forests. Plus I don’t have the funds to have this done.”


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