Archer: Book One......Alliance of Peace : Vampire and Wolf Must Fight As One

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Archer: Book One......Alliance of Peace : Vampire and Wolf Must Fight As One Page 6

by Lisa Ray

  As Bella drove down the forest surrounded road toward her destination, she wondered at the fact she hadn’t heard from Archer. She was almost a little upset that he hadn’t called. After last night, she had expected to have heard from him by now. Had it meant as much to him as it had to her? Had he known she was a virgin? She really needed to talk to him. But it would have to wait until she checked on the huge black wolf.

  Bella arrived at Archer’s house and immediately three men exited the front door. She greeted them all and they her. She looked at the immense log home that sat close to the edge of the forest. It was secluded from the rest of the community she had driven through but sat smack in the middle of it. The rest of the homes were a small distance away from where this home seemed to be sitting in a world all of its own. It was beautiful. She assumed it was Cash’s because he had given her the address. But when they approached the garage, she notice Archers vehicle sitting outside the doors.

  She raised her eyebrows and asked, “Who lives here?”

  Roman answered, “This is Archer’s home. He is the only one that had a cage to hold the animal so we brought him here.”

  Bella was curious, “Where is he? Archer I mean.”

  Roman thought quickly and hated to lie to the woman but she gave him no choice, “He is in town working on the accounting for his hardware store.”

  Bella was no idiot.” His car is here.”

  Roman knew he had messed up. “He rode with a friend that had a few errands in town.”

  Bela didn’t say another word as Walker unlocked the door and they walked into the garage. There he was. The big, beautiful animal. He looked amazingly well considering the seriousness of his wound. But as he lay prone on the mattress, he raised his massive head and looked straight at her with those huge golden eyes. And she knew it was the same wolf that had visited her balcony. He was looking at her as if he knew her. And she felt a slight stirring in her blood. She made her way to the cage and before she could touch it the animal lunged in her direction, snarling and growling as if to eat her. She jumped back and gasped. Shed actually thought he was gentle. She had forgotten he was a wild animal.

  “I suppose I need to give him a tranquilizer to get in there,” Bella began to dig through her bad.

  “Hello inside.” A voice called from the doorway and in walked Doctor Bernard. Roman had called him and told him the situation this morning. Then when Bella arrived he had called him again. They had a plan.

  Bella looked at the Doctor quizzically and then before she knew it the Doctor had her in a welcoming hug.

  “I’ve heard that you are doing a wonderful job with the practice.”

  Bella had forgotten he was in town with his daughter. “Thank you, I really enjoy it. And the people are great, so is Chloe.”

  “I just wanted to come by and say hello. I talked to Roman and he told me about the wolf and I wanted to see him for myself and you too. So how’s the patient?”

  “He looks well from here. I can see he isn’t bleeding and he obviously is feeling better because he just lunged at the fence. I was just going to sedate him to get in there and take a good look.” Bella sighed.

  “He does look well. It looks like you did an excellent job on him,” The Doctor said, “I don’t want to intrude, but if you want me to I can check him over every day since I am close and if he seems to be healing well then all is good. If I see he is bleeding again or any other problems, I can call you, since he is your patient. “I don’t have anything else to do except be a tourist and I’m a little bored.”

  Bella looked at the wolf again and then she looked at the Doctor, “He does seem to be doing much better than I thought he would be. I suppose we could do that. All I ask is you give me an update occasionally and let me know when you are going to release him.”

  “That’s a promise, Bella.” The Doctor said. He walked toward the wolf and when he reached the bars of the cage the wolf didn’t lunge.

  “It does seem he’d rather you look at him than me,” Bella said, almost sadly. “So I guess my work here is done.”

  “I’ll take good care of him, I promise,” Doctor Bernard told her.

  Bella walked to her car and said goodbye to everyone. With one last glance at the beautiful home where Archer lived, she got in and drove away.

  Everyone watched as her car disappeared.

  Chapter 12

  “Since I’m here, I might as well really take a look at that wound, Archer, “Dr. Bernard said looking at the wolf.

  Roman opened the cage door and the wolf emerged, walking straight toward the Doc. Sitting by is feet, Archer sat still while he examined the wounds.

  “They look excellent. Almost healed. Bella did a wonderful job of stitching you up. You barely have a scar. I think you’ll be fine but if you need me you know where I am. By the way, Cash, my daughter is really hooked on you. And wolf or not, if you break her heart, I’ll come for you. Her first marriage the man used his fist too many times. Her second marriage, the man still had too many girlfriends and this last one was a loser that wanted to sit on his butt and live off of her. She’s a good girl that’s had rotten luck. I won’t see anyone toying with her affections so if you aren’t serious, don’t keep leading her on. I’m not asking, I’m telling.”

  Roman, Walker and Archer all looked Cash in the face. Roman snickered under his breath.

  “I assure you, sir, my intentions are honorable.” Cash said quite seriously to the Doctor.

  “That’s all I needed to here. At least you’re a good catch,” and the Doctor laughed out loud at his own joke. “Also thanks for the hospitality. I know you don’t know how long we will need to stay here but I imagine it will be awhile. I will need to restock the pantry at some point.”

  “”Ill take care of that,” Cash blurted out before anyone else could open their mouths.

  This time Roman and Walker laughed, with a small howl from Archer.

  When the Doctor was gone, the three men and the one wolf walked back into the house. Archer lay down on the couch and stretched out full length. His phone was ringing. Roman looked at Archer for permission to answer and got it. Archer listened as Roman was talking. The person on the other end sounded upset to his keen hearing. Romans face began to grow more ominous looking as he listened. Soon the conversation was over and he hung up. Just as he started to tell Archer about it the phone rang again. Roman answered it and was asking the same questions and listening as he had for the first call. Finally hanging up, he turned to Archer. It rang again. This time he didn’t answer. He looked at Archer’s phone and at the number of voicemails on it.

  “Sounds like things are bad. The first call was from Jack, the leader of the pack along the Mobile basin. Someone tried for him and missed. But he knew that Jason, the leader of the Birmingham attack had been killed. He was hearing from all over that attacks had been made. The second call was from Randolph in Oregon’s mountain country. He had been shot but was alright. He had heard from several other packs. Some lost their leaders and some not. He wanted to know what we knew. You have at least fifty emails and I’m assuming they are the same thing. Sounds to me like the attacks made on all the pack leaders were planned to be carried out simultaneously. That, my friends, is super organization. And also a large knowledge of the packs and their whereabouts. This is getting scary. These rogues have to have someone leading them that is old. Maybe from the Great War or before. Archer, do you want me to call Ryker?”

  The big wolf let his answer be known by shaking his head. Archer was trapped in this form and he desperately needed to change. He knew why all the packs were calling him. He was the oldest and had the largest pack in the States. So they were looking to him for answers. He needed to be human. He had to take care of business.

  He also needed to call Bella. He knew she would think the worst of him if she didn’t hear from him today and he wouldn’t blame her. He was frustrated. He was glad night was beginning to fall and tomorrow he could change. Even if his wound w
as still not completely healed, he would have to.

  Bella drove home with a mind twirling in different directions. First, from her vantage point, even though she didn’t get close, the wolf looked almost healed. That was impossible. That wound should take weeks to heal. And the wolf itself. It was the size of a large St. Bernard. She had never known of or seen a wolf so massive. It was all very strange.

  And she was angry and hurting at the same time. She hadn’t heard from Archer at all today. She expected a call at the very least. Not a complete cut off. She had thought they shared something special. A spark, a bond, something that felt different. Maybe he didn’t feel the same things she did.

  By the time she arrived home, the night was beginning to come over the town. She made it to her living room and onto her newly renovated balcony. She sat there and couldn’t keep the tears away. Then her phone rang.

  “Hi, mom,” she said, trying to keep the tears from her voice.”

  “Hi, yourself and what’s wrong?”

  She knew she couldn’t hide anything from her mother but she wasn’t going to tell her about Archer. She felt enough of a fool as it was. “Nothing, just homesick and missing you.”

  “Ah, well, I miss you too. But I have some news I think you’ll like. I’ve met a very nice man and I have been seeing him every night for a couple of weeks now. He seems so perfect and I know you'll like him.”

  Bella was surprised. She hadn’t heard her mom sound so happy in a long time. “I’m sure I will if he makes you as happy as you sound.”

  “Well,” her mom went on, “there have been a lot of strange things happening all over lately and I’m kind of glad to have a man close if I need one. He lives in the house three doors down, remember the old Campbell place?”

  “I do. Isn’t it that old run down huge mansion surrounded by ten acres of privacy fence? And what kind of things are going on that have you worried?”

  “It was run down. Lane has restored it and it is beautiful.” Bella’s mom, Lisette told her, “And I’m surprised you haven’t seen it in the news. There has been a spree of killing across the southern states. They think it’s a pack of wild dogs that may have rabies and is spreading it or something. The news has been warning people to be careful. Seventy-six people have been killed or attacked already. It’s really scary.”

  Bella felt a chill run down her spine. “Maybe you should come visit me for a while. Nothing like that has happened up here.”

  “No, but the authorities’ think it will soon. The attacks seem to be spreading outward and are moving fast. So please be careful. I love you and you don’t have anyone watching out for you.” Lisette pleaded.

  “”I will mom. And I have made many friends, I’ll ask what they know and tell them all you’ve told me and we will watch out for each other.”

  “Ok, dear. Promise me you’ll call me in the next couple of days.”

  “I will.” And with that Bella hung up. Wow. That call had been a revelation. Her mom had met a man. Bella wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She didn’t know him. She would feel better when she had met him and gotten a look at his character. She didn’t even know his last name. Only his first. And the attacks. That was more wow news. It sounded almost like a rabies epidemic. She hoped they could get it under control before it got here.

  After showering and dressing for bed, Bella looked longingly at the phone one more time and checked for any messages. There were none. Then she lay down to get a good night’s sleep for work the next day. When the tears came, she knew she would look haggard tomorrow, but she didn’t care. She fell asleep with the streaks of tears on her face.

  Chapter 13

  Early Monday morning found Archer in front of a mirror in his bedroom. He looked at his wounds as best he could and made a decision. He was turning. He had way too much that required his attention. He couldn’t wait.

  As he shifted, he felt the pain wrack through his body as the bullet wound affected the human body in different places than his wolf. He held in the words that he wanted to shout as he became completely human. The bullet wound and stiches were on the back of his shoulder and the side of the bottom of his abdomen. He found a pair of scissors and clipped the stitches, pulling them out as he went. There was barely a scar to be seen. The same wasn't true for his insides. They were hurting. He prayed he hadn’t damaged anything that wouldn’t heal quickly. He needed to be able to think. Taking a much needed shower, his mind was on overdrive. He needed to see his council, even Chloe. He needed to talk to Bella. He knew what she must be thinking of him. First things first. Once he entered the living room, clean and shaved, he found Roman, Cash and Walker all waiting for him. They weren’t surprised to see him in human form.

  “I need to see the council immediately. Chloe will be at work so call her and make her come here; get her to find an excuse to leave. This is major. It can’t wait. While you’re getting them here I need to call Ryker and a few other pack leaders.”

  No one said a word. Each reached for their phones calling the three missing members. Roman talked to Chloe. She agreed under duress. She hated to lie to her friend.

  “Bella, can I see you a moment?”

  Bella was in between clients and making notes at the desk in her office. Chloe noticed she looked haggard and her eyes were swollen and red. She could guess why.

  “Sure,” Bella looked up from her notes.

  “I hate to tell you this, but I have a family emergency and I need to leave.”

  Bella stood up and removed her glasses,” Now?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry to leave you here alone, but I have no choice.”

  Bella didn’t like it but she knew for Chloe to be so adamant it must be really important. She trusted her friend not to leave her in the lurch unless she had no other choice. “I can handle it. People will just have to be patient. Don’t worry about the clinic. But being so important is there anything I can do to help you? You know all you have to do is say so.”

  Chloe released her held breath. Bella trusted her and was kind enough to offer her help. Chloe was relieved and thankful for such a friend and boss. “No, it’s something I must deal with. But I can’t tell you what a good boss you are and friend to offer. I’m so sorry.”

  “Just go, Chloe. I’ll be fine.” Bella shoed Chloe out and Chloe wasted no time. She was out the front door in a flash.

  Bella went to the front desk and told everyone that she would be with them as soon as she could. She proceeded to call her next patient back and continued her day. She felt like a zombie. She was following the motions of her learning. She couldn’t quite muster a real smile for all of her patients. But she would make it. She was strong and determined. Her mother taught her that.

  At Archers house, the council sat quietly as Archer filled them all in on the rogues plan to take out all pack leaders on the same day. They learned he had talked with Ryker and along with their own people they were each going to send two of their own to help as body guards. Since each species possessed different senses and abilities, he and Ryker agreed this would help to keep them safe. He ask Walker if he would go and to choose another capable trustworthy, single male. Walker agreed.

  Archer then informed them that he had talked with four pack leaders of packs that were on each coast and one in the center of the country. All five of these leaders had been attacked but were either healing or had escaped with their lives. One of the five leaders had a friend take the bullet for him and was now dead. Each of these five said the whole country would be looking to Archer for guidance. Archer knew it was because he was one of the oldest and had the largest pack. He had told the leaders to spread the word that his pack was working with the Vampires in his area. They had reached a truce and were living some with the other and working and training together. He asked each leader to arrange to do the same in their areas and to spread the word. He wanted every pack to be informed and working with the Vampires closest to them. The leaders learned that Ryker would be informing all of his cla
ns around the United States of the same information. So everyone should be aware and willing. He wanted each of the five to be the middle man for the smaller packs to him. He asked them to check in every day. He wanted all packs to be training everyone over the age of ten and to double the training sessions. The five pack leaders had agreed and Archer knew they would waste no time following his directions.

  Ryker and he had talked and agreed to all of this. Ryker was taking care of setting up people around the country like Archer was. He and Ryker had also agreed that they needed information. More than they had on the rogues. They needed to find out who was leading them and what their next moves were. The only way to do that was to plant a few people inside their organization. Ryker was choosing people and he would too. He asked if the council had any recommendations and to please let him know when the meeting was over. He asked them all to keep their eyes opened as it was feasible that the rogues had people inside some or most of the packs.

  He then told them that this was going to get worse before it got better. He was afraid it would get much worse.


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