Archer: Book One......Alliance of Peace : Vampire and Wolf Must Fight As One

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Archer: Book One......Alliance of Peace : Vampire and Wolf Must Fight As One Page 7

by Lisa Ray

  At the end of the meeting, Archer had about twenty names to consider as spies. He would talk to each. He asked Cash how the training was going and he said he was well pleased even with the young ones. Archer told him he would get by and watch as soon as he could. He asked were there any questions and when there were none. He ended the meeting.

  Walker talked with him about another man he wanted with him to protect Ryker and Archer agreed. Walker left to go talk with him as they were going to move fast to get there. This same day if possible. Ryker was sending his today to help guard Archer.

  Archer asked Arianna if she would call and set up meetings with the twenty spy nominees tomorrow. She agreed. Then before they all knew it Archer was out the door and headed down the road.

  It was close to four thirty. Archer knew the clinic would still be opened until five. He didn’t care. He had to get to Bella. When he walked into the clinic there were still four patients waiting to be seen. He saw Bella walk by the back doorway in a hurry. He didn’t pause; he walked through the door and into the hallway. He made his way to the reception desk and looked to see who was where. He sat down and told everyone that if they would be patient, the Doctor would get to them as quickly as possible.

  Bella heard Archers voice from the reception area. She stopped in her tracks. She was about to enter the patients room with a shot and then send them on the way. She turned on her heels and walked to face the man that had caused her such heartache for the last forty-eight hours. He twirled in the seat as he heard her heels.

  “What are you doing here?”

  The hurt and anger were clear in her voice. He could see that she had been crying and hated himself for being the cause of it.

  “I’m here to help. I know you’re angry with me but let’s finish this day before I try to explain and beg your forgiveness. I promise to be good and a big help.”

  Bella knew that this wasn’t the place to deal with her problem with Archer. So she nodded in agreement and turned to leave, speaking over her shoulder, “Call the next patient put them in room two.”

  Archer did as he was told and together they worked efficiently until all patients were taken care of. Then Archer walked to the front door and locked it. He made his way to the office where he knew he would find her finishing up on the last patients notes. He sat in the chair across from her.

  “Before you say anything I’m asking you to listen to me. Saturday was the best night I can remember in a long long time. Maybe the best night of my life. I know how much it meant to you. I know you gave yourself to me before anyone else. That is an honor I will never take for granted. I also know that when you didn’t hear from me until now you have been hurt. That’s an understatement. You probably feel betrayed, angry and many other things. I don’t blame you. I have no excuse to give you. I promised myself that I would never lie to you so I will be completely honest. I had an accident and was completely unable to do anything until today. That includes dial a phone.

  I am sorry. That, too, is an understatement. I agonized over it in my mind all yesterday. I knew what you would be thinking and feeling. But you are wrong. We haven’t known each other long, but there is something amazing between us. I have never felt the way I do about you toward any woman. I find my mind on you when it shouldn’t be and, well, all the time. I love everything about you, your hair, your eyes, your intelligence and the way you care about your patients. I am falling fast. I have never felt love. But if it is what I think it is, I may be there with you. So if you can somehow find it in your heart to forgive me, please do. If I need to get on my knees and beg, I will. Whatever it takes. Just forgive me. Give me another chance. If you don’t, I don’t think I can live with that.”

  As Bella listened to Archer pour out his heart to her, her anger and hurt changed to confusion and then to surprise and then to something real close to forgiveness. She could tell he was telling her the truth. Tears welled up in her eyes.

  “You hurt me.” Was all Bella could say.

  Archer rose from his chair and came around to kneel on one knee beside hers. He took her hand in his and looked into her eyes, “Can you forgive me?”

  Bella looked into his questioning eyes and saw a lifetime of yearning there. A small glimmer of hope mixed with doubt.

  “Yes, I forgive you.”

  Her words were manna from heaven to his ears. He took her in an embrace that made Bella feel as if they were holding onto each other as the end of the world approached. He kissed her with a tenderness that was honorable and animal at the same time. And her heart soared.

  After a bit they went upstairs and it was time for Bella to tell Archer what she had decided.

  “Archer, I feel the same way toward you as you do for me. And you’re right, I was a virgin. It went against all my beliefs to give myself to you. I hope you understand this. I want to save myself for marriage. For the right man to spend my whole life with. I don’t know if that’s where this is headed but if it’s not your intention to move toward that then we may as well part ways. I know that’s old fashioned but it’s what I believe as a Christian. Do you understand? Can you live with that?”

  Archer didn’t even hesitate. He knew it would be hard but he was willing to try, “Of course. I am willing to try. It won’t be easy to keep my hands off of you. But the way I feel about you is far greater than sex.”

  Bella cried again as Archer took her in his arms. They stayed that way a long time.

  Chapter 14

  In Alabama, Bella’s mom, Lisette was enjoying an evening at her new friend’s house. They were sitting in front of a nice fire. She really liked Lane. But in the last couple of days she had noticed a few odd things. He was surrounded by the comings and goings of some rather rough looking people, both men and women. He thought she didn’t notice them, but she did. They would appear and he didn’t have to see them to know they were there. He would ask to be excused and he would go into another room and she would wander to the door and hear low voices talking. He would receive phone calls and would leave the room. There was something very odd about it all.

  She sat next to Lane this night with his arm draped over her shoulder. He was always so hot to the touch. He said he was fifty-seven to her fifty –two. But his knowledge of all things was immense. Especially history.

  They were watching an old black and white movie which really bored her but he loved them. This one was some horror flick that she almost laughed at It was so fake looking compared to today’s graphics. But she didn’t. She saw Lane lift his head and if she wasn’t crazy, he seemed to be sniffing. He looked at her and smiled and asked to be excused for a moment. He raised himself from the couch and went into the adjoining room, shutting the door. She rose and went as close as she dared. She heard much mumbling, only catching a few words here and there; attempt, some success, meeting, and a few others. She thought she must have heard wrong because she could have sworn she heard the words, Vampire and Lycan leaders. That had to be wrong. While she was mulling it over in her head the door opened and she was caught. Before she could turn and move away, Lane grabbed her arm.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I just thought that if you had guests it was time for me to head home. I just got up and walked by the door and heard voices.” Is everything alright?”

  Lane looked at her, searching her face for the truth. He must have believed her as his face relaxed. “No, they are just associates of mine that needed help on a few problems. But we are done. No need to hurry home. We can finish our movie.”

  Lisette smiled at him as innocently as she could, “Sure, I’d like that.” It was all she could do to pretend nothing was wrong. She managed to make it through the movie and the walk home. She even tried extra hard when he kissed her goodnight to hide her fear. Finally she was alone in her home. She made it to her phone and dialed her daughter’s number.

  Archer was sitting on the couch, Bella in the crook of his arm and a movie on the television. He could hit himself in the head.
He had decided the best way to keep Bella safe was to keep her distance. And he’d gone and done just the opposite. He didn’t know what it was about her that was so special. Now he would need to make sure she was protected. He wouldn’t put it past the rogues to use her against him. He was still thinking when Bella’s phone rang. He listened as Bella tried to calm someone down. He heard only bit and pieces of an odd conversation. After fifteen minutes of so, Bella came back and joined him on the couch. She had a puzzled look on her face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Bella thought a second before she spoke. She didn’t want to make her mother sound crazy. “It was my mom. She sounded really scared. She had met a man and the last time I talked to her he was perfect. Just then she told me that she had become afraid of him. He was meeting all kinds of people in secret when he thought she didn’t know and having conversations about meetings and ……….” Bella trailed off. Here was the crazy part.

  “Go on, “Archer encouraged.

  “I don’t want you to think she's crazy. She's perfectly sane.”

  “I won’t I promise. What is she afraid of?”

  “She swears she heard the man say Vampires and Werewolves. I know that sounds crazy. But my mom doesn’t make things up and she isn’t prone to dramatics or wild imaginings. She's catching the first plane out tomorrow for a visit. She said that she got caught listening at his closed door when he had visitors while she was there. She thinks he believed that she didn’t hear anything but if he finds out she did, she’s afraid he will do something to her. I’m scared for her too.” Bella looked at Archer to see his reaction. There was none.

  “I don’t think she's crazy. She's coming tomorrow? That’s great, I’ll get to meet her and maybe we can help her get this sorted out.”

  Bella looked at Archer and then she gave him a big hug. “Thanks so much for understanding. My mom’s all I’ve got.”

  Archer cleared his throat as if to say think again.

  “Well, and now you.”

  Archer smiled at her and her heart melted.

  Glancing at the clock, Archer began to help her clean up. After that was done, he kissed her and told her it was late. She agreed and after one more life giving kiss, He left and she went to bed with stars in her eyes and a little bit of worry for her mom.

  Archer talked on the phone as he drove. His first call was to Ryker. He told him about Bella’s mother. This may be just the lead they were looking for. Apparently the man’s name was Lane but that’s all he knew so far. He and Ryker agreed to each get the closest packs and clans to the area to investigate. Ryker told Archer he was pleased with his two extra body guards. Archer clanked in his rearview mirror to see his own and said he hadn’t met his yet but he was sure they would be fine. Tomorrow they would talk again after they heard from the others in Alabama. With a click, Archer was alone with his thoughts. He was going to have to tell Bella everything. All of it. He was going to have to trust her. Because he was going to need her mother’s help. And for that, he knew he’d have to go through Bella.

  Chapter 15

  Archer’s two new body guards were sitting in his living room with Roman and Cash. The four seemed to be getting along well. The Vampires were both male, both young looking and both seemed completely relaxed. Introducing themselves as Nick and Nicolai, they shook hands firmly with Archer. They all talked together and Archer ask that they all consider Roman the go to man. Cash was busy in charge of training and Roman was fine with the responsibility. The Vampires agreed and were shown to their rooms. Archer knew they didn’t need sleep and would be a great help at times when his kind had to sleep.

  He reached for his phone and called Chloe. He told her about Bella’s mother and told her his plan. She agreed.

  In Alabama, Lisette was having trouble and she was even more afraid. A knock on her door early had produced Lane holding a bag of muffins and cups of coffee. He was smiling and Lisette didn’t know how she had missed the predatory look it gave him. She hesitantly let him in, all the while trying to maintain a normal attitude.

  “Well, this is a nice surprise,” Lisette said with a fake but hopefully convincing smile.

  “I knew that our date was interrupted last night and wanted to make it up to you.” Lane was watching her closely.

  “Lane, this is very nice but wasn’t necessary.”

  Lisette watched as Lane moved around the room glancing into doorways. She knew he would see her packed suitcases lying opened on her bed when he glanced there. She quickly moved to redirect his attention.

  “Some on then, let’s sit down and eat. It’s nice on the deck, let’s sit out there.” Lane reluctantly followed her and they began their meal.

  “You seemed a little nervous last night. Is everything good between us?” Lane asked, aware that her adrenalin had been up when he walked her home. He had to make sure she had heard nothing. He would hate to think she had. He really liked her and didn’t want her to be hurt.

  “I was fine, the movie had scared me a bit that was all so I had been a bit nervous. “Lisette hoped this sounded feasible to Lane’s ears.

  Lane breathed a deep sigh and wasn’t sure he could read her. He wasn’t sure if she was lying or telling the truth. “My visitors didn’t bother you did they?” He asked outright.

  “No, I’m used to you having to take care of business at different times. It was no different than any of the other times.”

  This sounded truthful to Lane but what bothered him was she had been aware of a lot of his meetings. He was hoping she hadn’t noticed that much. He stood to leave as they finished their meal. He had to go to “work”. “I enjoyed our breakfast and I feel better after seeing you again. Shall we have dinner together this evening?”

  Lisette was at a crossroads. She decided to be honest, mostly. “I would love to. But I talked with my daughter on the phone and she sounded so homesick and sad and she asked me to come see her. I told her I would fly up today. I will probably stay about a week. We can have dinner then.”

  Lane was all of a sudden convinced that she had heard something she shouldn’t, “That’s great. Where is she again? I know you told me once.”

  “She's a veterinarian in Brent, Maine.

  It was all Lane could do to not gasp. “I know you will have fun. If I had time off I would fly up with you. I’ve never been there.”

  “That would have been fun. But I won’t be gone long.”

  “Were you going to say goodbye?” At this point Lane knew Lisette had heard things she shouldn’t have. He should kill her right here and now. But everyone knew he was dating her. It would need to happen without him near.

  “Of course not! I was going to call you on the way to the airport.”

  “How long are you staying?”

  Lisette paused, “I have an open ended ticket so I’m not sure.”

  “I’ll miss you.” Lane looked at her.

  She almost cringed. And she knew that he knew she was not telling him everything. She was suddenly afraid of what he might do. She took a step back and turned toward the front door. “Don’t be late for work. I’ll call you when I know when I’m coming back”

  Lane didn’t move. Lisette stepped out the front door herself. Her heart was racing.

  Lane knew she was afraid. Somehow she had known he wasn’t fooled by her act. He could almost hear her heart beating in her chest. He could sense the fear in her. And he smiled at her. He walked through the door and turned, “Please do. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you when you get back. Or I may just take a few days and join you if you stay to long. I have grown very fond of you.”

  Lisette tried to place a smile on her face but it didn’t reach her eyes. She was glad when he walked away and down the road. She couldn’t pack fast enough. Soon she was on her way to the airport, completely unaware of the car following her progress and the man that boarded the plane. Lane was making sure he knew every step she took. She was a liability and he needed to take care of that.

p; When the plane touched to the ground, Bella was there to meet it. It had been eight weeks since they had seen each other but it felt like a lifetime. She saw her mother before her mother saw her. The fear was etched on her face in the fine lines of age. But the moment Lisette saw her, her face changed in an instant to one of relief. After they hugged and retrieved the luggage, Bella led her mom outside to the car she had inherited with the business. Once on the road, Bella wasted no words with her mom.

  “Ok mom, did I hear you right the other night? Tell me everything again.”

  Lisette was silent for a moment. Bella glanced over to see a range of emotions cross her mom’s face. Lissette began from the beginning. She filled Bella in on meeting Lane while he was renovating the mansion on one of her walks. How they had become close very quickly. She told Bella how she had thought Lane was wonderful and he treated her well. Then she told Bella about the strange comings and goings of the rough looking people at all hours of the day and night. She told Bella about the phone calls and how she had begun to question the fact that Lane claimed to have a job but she never saw him leave the mansion. Lisette explained that something about him began to seem odd. He would have an almost sinister look on his face when he thought she wasn’t looking. And she began to think there was something bad about him. But she thought it must be her imagination as he was such a perfect gentleman. Then came last night. She told Bella about the phone call and how she had put her ear to the door. She had heard Lane and others talking of attempted something she thought sounded like assassinations. She heard the words Lycans and later on she heard the word Vampire and something about this weekend. She knows she must have heard wrong. But she didn’t like any of it. Bella learned that her mother had made it home safely while fearing Lane would hurt her. Lisette told Bella of Lanes visit to her this morning and that she knew at that time that Lane knew she had heard something. After all of her talking, Lisette leaned back against the seat and took a deep breath.


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