Archer: Book One......Alliance of Peace : Vampire and Wolf Must Fight As One

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Archer: Book One......Alliance of Peace : Vampire and Wolf Must Fight As One Page 8

by Lisa Ray

  “I’m not crazy, Bella. Something is strange with that man. I am beginning to think he is connected to all the strange killings that have happened around the state. There’s fear in the air down there. I’m so glad to be here.”

  “I know you aren’t crazy, mom. We will figure this out. I want you to meet a man I’ve been seeing. His name is Archer. He wants to meet you and he said he would help us figure this out. He called me earlier and asked if he could come over tonight and I said yea. I want you to meet him. And then we will figure this out. Just don’t worry. You’re safe here.” Bella was quick to reassure her mom.

  “A man? Oh Bella you haven’t told me you’ve met someone special. Tell me all about him.”

  So Bella told her mom all about Archer. And she was still talking when they pulled up to the clinic. Thank goodness it was Saturday and she had the afternoon to pick up her mom. It was a long drive to the airport.

  The driver of the car behind her was thinking the same thing.

  Chapter 16

  Bella and her mom were enjoying the back balcony. Bella told her mom about the black wolf that had visited her and the one she had treated. She wondered how it was doing. They had made a nice casserole and it was in the oven and a nice salad was cooling in the refrigerator. When the doorbell rang, Bella’s heart jumped. She went downstairs to open the door and noticed Chloe was with him. She hadn’t expected that.

  “Hi Bella. Don’t worry, I’m not staying, I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity when Archer told me your mom was flying in to come and meet her myself and welcome her. Is it ok if I pop in and introduce myself?” Chloe explained.

  Bella was quick to include the woman that had become her best friend. “Of course. And please stay for dinner, there’s plenty.”

  “I may just do that. Then I’ll take my leave so Archer can have you two ladies to himself.”

  All three walked upstairs and Bella made the introductions. Soon they were all sitting around and talking as if they had all known each other forever. Once dinner was over, they all worked together to clean up then made their way to the living room. Once there, Chloe started the conversation and everyone grew quiet.

  “Lisette, Archer told me what Bella told him about what you said on the phone. I hope you don’t mind my asking, but are you sure you heard the words, “Lycan” and “Vampire”.

  Lisette felt like a fool. Her face turned beet red. Bella saw this and anger came out of her mouth.

  “Archer, how could you embarrass my mother like that? I trusted you and you said you would help not tell everyone and make her sound crazy.”

  Archer smiled at Bella,” We don’t think she’s crazy at all. As a matter of fact, Chloe and I both happen to believe that Vampires and Lycans are real.”

  “Don’t patronize me, Archer. I’m serious.” Bella looked Archer straight in the eyes.

  “I am being serious, aren’t I Chloe.”

  “You are indeed. We both happen to know for a fact they are real. Very real.” Chloe watched Lisette's and Bella's reaction.

  Both looked back and forth from Archer to Chloe.

  Archer told them, “I need to tell you both something. But first of all I want to say, Bella, I’m sorry for not being completely honest with you. Until I could trust you, I had to keep it a secret. Lisette, we believe the man, Lane, is a big part of a problem we are having that I will explain more about later. Right now, I need you to promise me that what I am about to tell you will be kept to yourselves. And I also need to know that you both have an opened mind.”

  Lisette and Bella looked at each other, intrigued and frightened at the same time. Both shook their heads in unison and said, “We promise.”

  Archer went on,” Chloe is going to demonstrate something to you. Know that I am standing right here and all is fine. Also, Bella, you’ve known Chloe and she’s your friend so that should make you trust her. Do you trust her and do you trust me?”

  Bella nodded.

  “Ok Chloe show them.”

  Bella and Lissette sat side by side on the couch as Chloe got up and went to the other side of the room. They watched as Chloe smiled at them. She took off every bit of her clothing until she was standing proud and naked. Then her face began to change. To enthralled to move, they watched Chloe’s whole human body rearranged itself and where she had been standing was all at once a huge Auburn colored wolf. It looked at them with Chloe’s deep green eyes. Before Bella or Lisette could move or say a word, Chloe, in human form, was standing where the wolf had been.

  No one said a word for a moment. Chloe donned her clothes and walked to the couch and sat between the two stunned women.

  “I did that quickly so you wouldn’t scream or go into hysterics. I will give you a minute to digest what you saw. I am your friend, Bella. I am still the Chloe you know. Only I am something more. I don’t eat people and I control when I turn. I am immortal unless I am killed by something else. Don’t be afraid, please.”

  Archer watched the women closely. Bella’s face had gone from disbelief to shock and was now beginning to relax. Lisette was the same only she looked slightly fearful. Archer didn’t blame her; she didn’t know them like Bella did.

  “I don’t know what to say. I can’t believe what I just saw. It isn’t possible yet there it was.” Bella looked at Chloe. “It’s true then. Werewolves exist.”

  “We prefer Lycanthrope, but yes, we do.” Chloe answered. “We have lived among you, worked beside you. Our children go to school with human children and we try to keep it secret. Can you imagine what would happen if the whole world knew? They would hunt us down.”

  Then it dawned on Bella. “The huge black wolf I stitched up, was that one of you?

  Chloe glanced at Archer. Archer lifted his shirt to show Bella the scars that were not yet faded.

  Bella gasped. “You? You must heal exponentially faster than humans. And so you are a Were…..I mean Lycanthrope too?

  “I am. Archer looked directly into Bella’s eyes. “Until I knew that I could trust you I couldn’t tell you, no matter how bad I wanted to. Especially the day I was shot, the day after our date. I wanted to tell you but I couldn’t shift until the next day. I had to stay wolf until the wound had healed almost entirely. I hope you can forgive me. But I know you understand why. We have some Lycan married to humans but not many and they are a part of us now. The whole community you drove to when you came to check my wound, we are all Lycan.”

  The words sank in. Bella was astounded, “You must number in the thousands including the children. The community is large.”

  “We do. It is the largest pack in the United States.”

  “And who is their leader,” Bella asked. Although she already knew the answer.

  “I am.” Archer spoke quietly. “And to answer your next question, I am over four thousand years old.”

  All this time Lisette had been listening. She didn’t know any of these people but apparently Bella trusted them, so she counted on Bella’s judgement. “So why tell us now and include me. You don’t know me. What makes you think you can trust me?

  “I was going to tell Bella anyway. I find myself falling deeply for her. And when I heard her conversation with you the other night on the phone, I knew you must be told also. For your sake. We believe that the man you are afraid of is a key leader in an opposition force that has just these past months become strong. They are recruiting from all the packs. They want to go back to the old ways. Rule the world. Make the humans slaves. The night I was shot, there was an assassination attempt on every pack leader in the US. Some failed, some succeeded. But Lane is dangerous and so is the man that followed you here.”

  “I was followed? I suspected Lane figured out I had heard some of his conversation. But why would he have me followed?”

  “My guess?” Archer spoke. “Is to have you taken care of before you become a problem.”

  “Killed? You mean murdered?” Lisette didn’t show fear, she showed anger.

  Archer wa
s impressed by that. The woman was stronger than she knew. “Yes, but he won’t be a threat after tonight. My people are going to take care of that. And no we aren’t going to kill him if we don’t have to. We need information and he may be just the one to give it to us. So we are going for a capture.”

  “Well, that makes me feel better. But if Lane is as high up as you think, he will send someone to find out what happened to his man. Want he?” Lissette asked.

  She was smart too, like her daughter. Archer was glad. He was afraid that their whole lives were about to change.

  “There’s something else you must know. On the outskirts of the town in the other direction from us is the largest vampire clan in the United States. They have human that live among them and are their source of nourishment. Willingly of course. The humans actually like it because as long as they live there they will stay young and live long. They can leave at any time as long as they are trusted. The leader of the Vampires, Ryker and I have talked. We are working together against the rogues. The rogues are made up of both Lycan and Vampire. We are afraid their numbers are growing and there will be war which we do not want. We want the peace that was established four thousand years ago.”

  “So now you’re telling us there are Vampires too?” Bella looked at her mother then Chloe then Archer. Chloe and Archer both nodded “yes”.

  “OK, wow! I don’t know what else to say.”

  “I do. Bella and I are involved now. It’s my fault but it is true. We won’t be safe here. Lane will find me.” Lisette spoke up.

  “You’re right. That’s why you will have around the clock security. I am putting Cash in charge of making sure you’re watched all the time.”

  “How will we know if it’s one of the good guys or the bad guys?” Lisette wanted to know.

  “After the team is assembled Ill personally bring them all by and introduce them so you will know their faces.”

  “But what if they’re wolf? We wouldn’t know the difference.”

  Lisette was right. Archer was quick with a reply. We won’t let them get close enough for you to find out.”

  Lisette was doubtful but she had to trust this man that her daughter was so obviously in love with. “Ok, I'll trust you for that right now. But I do want to tell you this, no matter how old you are or what you are, if you hurt my daughter or allow her to get hurt, I will hunt you down. Do you understand?”

  Lisette was quite serious. Archer understood, “Yes ma’am. I care deeply for your daughter. I’ve never, in all my many long years felt the way I do about her. I will guard her with my life.”

  Lisette nodded her head in satisfaction, “Now, make sure there’s some Vampire in the security mix. I want to meet a few of those too, see for myself.”

  At that, Archer threw back his head and laughed.

  Bella was watching Archer closely. Why would he tell them right when her mother arrived? Was he really going to tell her anyway? She wanted to trust him but after what she had seen and heard tonight she wasn’t sure of anything anymore.

  When Archer stopped laughing he asked Lisette to go over what she had heard from the other room with him and Chloe. She agreed and told them all she had told Bella on the ride home. Immediately a look of concern came over Archers face.

  “That sounds to me like there is going to be an assassination attempt on all the Vampire clan leaders this weekend or else their going after the Lycan leaders again. But I think that’s doubtful. I need to step away and call Ryker and warn him so he can warn the other clans. “ That said, Archer didn’t wait for approval, he stepped out on Bella’s balcony and called Ryker. He told Ryker of Lisette and the latest developments with the man called Lane. Ryker and he talked a bit and then Ryker hung up. He and his clan had a lot of other clans to call. The attempt could be as soon as this night. They may already be too late. Archer looked out into the trees covered in their summer foliage. He could smell the stranger from here. He dialed Cash and told him where the smell was coming from. He wanted that man in their hands tonight. Cash assured him that would be the case. Then Archer went back to join the conversation.

  Chloe was speaking. “Well, now that everything is known and my part is done, I am going to take my leave. Bella, I am staying with the Vampires helping to guard Ryker and after what we just heard, I need to get going. I am so glad to have met you, Lisette. I hate it was under such odd circumstances.”

  Lisette was a hugger and hug Chloe she did. For a moment Chloe felt a mother’s love she hadn’t felt in literal ages. It was a good feeling. Next she hugged Bella and Bella smiled at her as if to say all was good. With that, Chloe was off to do her job.

  “Wow, what an exciting night. I am still afraid of Lane but I feel much better under the circumstances and all I know now. Although it sounds to me like these Rogues aren’t going to go away easy. I hope that we can take care of them and keep peace. If not, God help us all. That said, Archer, it was nice to meet you. I’ll meet the other you another time. I’m going to bed, I am exhausted. You two need a little time alone.” Lisette hugged her daughter and then Archer and made her way to the extra bedroom. So now Archer and Bella were alone.

  For a moment the silence overwhelmed Bella. Archer was staring at her, waiting for her to speak.

  “I’m not sure I believe you. About telling me. I don’t know if you would have yet if my mother hadn’t had information you needed.”

  “Bella, you’re right, Lisette did have vital information. But I was thinking about telling you before our relationship went any further. I wanted you to know everything you were getting involved with. Then, when your mom called it just sped things up. But can’t you see I’m trying to protect your mother and you too. Lane is a definite threat. By the way, I’m waiting for a call from Cash. They are going to get that guy tonight. He was in the woods when I went on the balcony.”

  Bella shuddered at the thought. And she knew Archer was right. She went to him and put her arms around his neck. He wrapped her in his arms and she melted against him. Their mouths touched in mutual desire.

  When Bella pulled her mouth from his, she whispered in his ear, “I want to see you in your other form.”

  Archer held Bella back from him at arm’s length, “Are you sure? I don’t want you to be afraid of me.”

  “I won’t be.”

  Bella stepped several steps away. Archer removed his clothes, all of them as she watched. Then before she knew it, he was wolf. She stood perfectly still as the huge black animal wound his way around her legs. She reached out and felt the thickness of his fur. She got to her knees and she was looking up into eyes of the massive animal. Yet, the wolf was taller than her on her knees. She held the giant wolfs face in both her hands. She looked deep into the golden eyes that stared back at her. She could see Archer there. But she could see something more. Something wild and wise. Eyes that had lived many lifetimes. And she wrapped her arms around his neck and held the animal in a fierce hug. He changed back in her arms. She was lost.

  Chapter 17

  Archer woke up on the couch in Bella’s home. Lisette was tiptoeing around the kitchen. When she saw Archer was awake, she smiled. He followed the smell of coffee and poured a cup and joined Lisette on the balcony.

  “It’s really beautiful here. I can see Bella being happy among the wild land full of animals.”

  “It is.” Archer responded, “But winter can be hard. The temps reach low enough to keep everyone inside. But, of course, it doesn’t bother my kind.” And he looked Lisette in the eyes.

  “Your kind, my kind, we still are basically the same. There’s good and bad in each and if you’re asking if I have a problem with you and Bella the answer is no. Except I will tell you that Bella is really naive when it comes to men. She spent all her time studying and worrying about me. She never wanted much of a social life. She had plenty of chances she just wasn’t interested. So be careful with her.”

  “I know more about that than you think. And I will. I promise you. But there is
something I need to ask you. And it could be dangerous. But I have to ask. Would you be willing to help us? I mean, I have an idea.”

  Lissette looked at Archer with a puzzled look on her face.

  “You said that Lane had mentioned coming with you. What is the possibility that if you called him and told him you missed him and would love for him to join you that he would come?” Archer asked.

  “I’m not sure. I am pretty sure he knew that I had become fearful of him. I think he knows I heard them talking. But if it would help you, I could try. What would I have to do when he arrived?

  “Meet him like everything is wonderful. Show him the town. And let us get our hands on him. If he’s a top man then we may be able to find out who the real leader is.”

  “I’ll try,” Lisette picked up her phone and dialed Lane’s number. After a moment she was talking to him and trying to keep her voice calm and collected. She told him it was beautiful here and if he was serious she would love for him to come and see the sights with her and meet her daughter. She paused and Archer assumed Lane was either agreeing or declining. Lisette then said that that would be great and she was looking forward to it. She said she would see him day after tomorrow. When she hung up she sat down and was visibly shaking.

  “I could hear the evil in his voice. I am really very afraid.”

  “Afraid of what?” Bella asked as she walked into the room. Even with her hair mussed from sleeping and no makeup she was beautiful to Archer. His heart beat an extra beat.

  “Your mom just invited Lane to come up here and see the sights with her.”

  “What? Archer, you can’t do that. You can’t use my mom for bait. I won’t let you. It’s too dangerous.” Bella was visibly angry.

  “He didn’t make me, Bella, he ask me and I agreed. If peace isn’t kept within the species, it will be the humans that suffer. I’m doing it for you Bella.”

  Bella sat down and took her mother in a large hug. Then she looked at Archer. “I want her guarded at all times by several of every fairy tale creature that exists. Do you understand?”


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