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Radium Halos

Page 8

by W. J. May

  Heidi came over. “You need to figure out how to get through without touching the ropes and setting the chimes off.” She lightly tapped the rope closest to her barely making it moved.

  Dull sounds of the metal resounded off the gentle shake of the ropes as they hung. Just figure a way to manoeuvre a way through. That’s all. I bent and lifted a leg to squeeze through the first two ropes closest to me. Over, under and keep my balance. No matter if I stand on one foot, a tippy-toe, or whatever -- focus on your center. Over, under, balance. Over…under…balance. “This one’s kinda fun,” I said and turned to Heidi to see if she wanted to try. I blinked in surprise. “How’d I get so far?”

  Heidi grinned. “I was just about to ask you the same thing.”

  Easy as pie. Strange for someone who’s only physical activity consisted of gym class and walking. I slipped through the last section, amazed the simple tension of the ropes made the little bells move in such a way it gave me a different line of vision. “Give it a try.”

  Heidi took a deep breath and swallowed. She made it through the first two and ever so slightly rubbed her shoulder against the next rope. Barely a touch but the bells went off like a crazy house.

  Covering my ears, I swung around. Waiting for the noise to turn manageable, I watched Rylee at the punching bag, Brent climbing some boxes, and Seth scratching his head. Each of them were grasping the same things I’d just realized. Everyone, but Kieran. He stood observing us, his mouth hung open.

  “Hey! Watch this,” Brent shouted. He’d climbed up the boxes and then the wonky ladder by the pole Rylee had set up. After touching the pole with both hands a couple of times, he then stepped on the metal and suddenly slid all the way down – like he was surfing. He jumped off at the end and fist pumped. “Freakin’ amazing! Holy crap!”

  If he can do it...While everyone hooted and ran over to ask him questions, I tightened my ponytail and crawled onto the boxes. On the rickety ladder my palms grew damp and I could feel sweat start along my hairline. Noise from all around bounced inside my head. Maybe this is a little too crazy. I paused near the final rung, unsure. The pole seemed pretty narrow, and it looked so shiny – almost slippery.

  “Go for it,” Kieran murmured quietly.

  I glanced down at him. He smiled and mouthed, “You can do it.” He must have realized I’d hear it.

  Determined, I set my right foot onto the slim pole, leaning against the wall unable to move. I wiped my hands against the side of my pants. I couldn’t hear anything coming from the pole. No noise like I had heard from all the other equipment I’d tried. Lips pressed tight, I tried to think of something that might help. I stared down at my hands, my thumb playing with my high school ring on my right hand’s ring finger. An idea popped into my head.

  Bending down I clapped the pole with my hands, letting my ring clang against the metal. Metal on metal. The pole vibrated and a shudder ran down its length. No one

  even noticed. No one, but me.

  The vibration created a rhythm and as I stared in disbelief, I could see the slight movement created a larger surface as it shook. Bigger equals better balance. Perfect – I hope. I hit it again, and jumped on before I lost my courage.

  The rush was over before I wanted it to end, like being on a longboard going down a steep stairwell banister – No, wayyy better. Realistically the narrow pole was more like taunt tightrope but as I slid, it seemed more like the width of a sidewalk. It had been…easy. Too easy.

  Comprehending what I’d accomplished, I stomped by feet and screamed, “Ewww!!”

  The gang raced over laughing and cheering.

  Not caring what anyone thought, I started dancing and singing. “I skated the po-ole. I’m on the edge of super, hanging on a skinny pole. I’m on the edge of hero. I’m on the edge—

  “Oh no,” Rylee joked, covering her ears. “The happy dance is fine, but can you do it without the tone deaf Lady Ga-ga remix?”

  Brent laughed and hopped beside me, bumping my hip as he joined in on the dance. “You’d think with her awesome hearing, she’d be able to carry a tune.” He winked at me. “Wanna do it again – at the same time? Race the pole?” He motioned to Kieran when I nodded. “Let’s make another pole. Zoe and I want to race.”

  Kieran clapped his hands and walked over. “Pole skating, eh? You guys made it look effortless.” His gaze lingered a millisecond on me, making my heart flip flop. “Let’s make it more challenging.”

  “Whatever you say, coach.” Rylee threw her hair back and laughed. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Coach?” Kieran grinned. “I like it.” He leaned forward. “How ’bout we try the water tower?”

  ~ to be continued ~

  What’s going to happen at the water tower?

  Find out in:

  Radium Halos Part 2

  Available February 25, 2014

  I hope you enjoyed Radium Halos. I love to hear from readers so please feel free to contact me or post a line or two review so others can find the series!

  Looking forward to see you for part 2 !

  W.J. May



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