by David Milne
Cameron, David
Camp David Accords (1978)
“Capabilities for Limited Contingencies in the Persian Gulf” (Wolfowitz)
Caribbean Sea
Carter, Jimmy
Casablanca Conference (1943)
Casey, William J.
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount
Castro, Fidel
Central America
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Central Powers
Chalabi, Ahmed
Chamberlain, Neville
Chekhov, Anton
chemical weapons
Cheney, Dick
Chiang Kai-shek
Chicago, University of
Chomsky, Noam
Christopher, Warren
Churchill, Winston S.
Civil War, U.S.
Clarke, Richard
Clausewitz, Carl von
Clemenceau, Georges
Cleveland, Grover
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Cold War
Cold War, The (Lippmann)
Columbia University
Columbus, Christopher
Committee on the Present Danger (CPD)
Committee to Maintain a Prudent Defense Policy
concentration camps
Congress, U.S.
Congress of Vienna (1815)
Constitution, U.S.
Constitutional Convention (1787)
Constitutional Government in the United States (Wilson)
Contest for Supremacy, A (Friedberg)
Coolidge, Calvin
Copenhagen Summit (2009)
Coughlin, Charles
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Cronkite, Walter
Cross-Currents in Europe Today (Beard)
Crowninshield, Arent Schuyler
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
Cuban Revolution
Czolgosz, Leon
Daladier, Édouard
Daniels, Josephus
Darwin, Charles
Davidson, Daniel
Davies, John Paton
Davis, Jefferson
Debs, Eugene V.
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon)
Decline of the West, The (Spengler)
Defense Department, U.S.
Defense Policy Guidance (DPG)
de Gaulle, Charles
Democratic Party
“destroyers-for-bases” deal
Dewey, George
Dewey, John
Dewey, Thomas E.
“Dictatorships & Double Standards” (Kirkpatrick)
Diem, Ngo Dinh
Disraeli, Benjamin
Dobrynin, Anatoly
Dole, Bob
Dominican Republic
“domino theory”
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Dow Jones Industrial Average
Dreams from My Father (Obama)
Dukakis, Michael
Dulles, Allen
Dulles, John Foster
Dumbarton Oaks conference (1944)
Eagleburger, Lawrence
Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, An (Beard)
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
elections, U.S.: of 1900; of 1910; of 1912; of 1916; of 1918; of 1920; of 1924; of 1932; of 1936; of 1944; of 1948; of 1952; of 1956; of 1960; of 1964; of 1968; of 1972; of 1976; of 1980; of 1988; of 1992; of 1996; of 1998; of 2000; of 2004; of 2008; of 2012; of 2014; of 2016
electoral college
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Engels, Friedrich
Entente Powers
Europe, Central
Europe, Eastern
Europe, Western
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federalist, The
Federal Reserve System
Feith, Douglas
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Ford, Gerald R.
Foreign Affairs
foreign policy: alliances in; appeasement in; armaments in; as art vs. science; Atlanticism in; balance-of-power system in; blockades in; colonialism in; congressional influence in; covert action in; decision making in; declarations of war in; democratic principles in; diplomatic relations in; disarmament in; economic aspect of; espionage and; ethnic self-determination in; historical precedent in; imperialism in; insurgencies in; international law in; interventionism in; isolationism in; leadership in; materialism in; military preparedness in; moral dimension of; nationalism in; nuclear weapons in; pacifism in; peace and stability as goal of; pragmatism in; projection of power in; propaganda in; protectionism in; realism in; regime change in; spheres of influence in; in wartime
Foreign Policy for America, A (Beard)
Forrestal, James
Founding Fathers
France: colonies of; German invasion of; U.S. relations with; in World War I; in World War II
Franco, Francisco
Franco-Prussian War
Frankfurter, Felix
French Revolution
Freud, Sigmund
Fukuyama, Francis
Fulbright, J. William
Future of Iraq, The
Gaddafi, Muammar
Gaither, H. Rowan
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Gandhi, Indira
Gandhi, Mohandas K.
Gates, Robert
Geneva Conference (1954)
Geneva Convention (1863)
Germany, East
Germany, Imperial; at Paris Peace Conference (1919)
Germany, Nazi: appeasement of; as Axis Power; defeat of; Jewish persecution in; U.S. opposition to; Versailles Treaty repudiated by; in World War II
Germany, West
Gibbon, Edward
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Goldwater, Barry
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gore, Al
Grant, Ulysses S.
Great Britain: appeasement policy of; empire of; French rivalry with; German threat to; in Paris peace negotiations; U.S. relations with; in World War I; in World War II
Great Depression
Great Recession
Guantánamo Bay
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964)
Gulf War
Haas, Richard
Haig, Alexander M., Jr.
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Hardie, James Keir
Harding, Warren
Harper’s Magazine
Harriman, W. Averell
Harvard University
Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930)
Hay, John
Hearst, William Randolph
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Helms, Jesse
Helsinki Accords (1975)
Henry Kissinger and the American Century (Suri)
Hiroshima (Hersey)
Hiroshima bombing (1945)
History of Rome, The (Mommsen)
History of the American People, A (Wilson)
Hitchens, Christopher
Hitler, Adolf
Hobbes, Thomas
Ho Chi Minh
Holder, Eric
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
House, Edward
House of Representatives, U.S.
Huerta, Victoriano
Hughes, Charles Evans
Hughes, Emmett
Hull, Cordell
br /> Hull House
Humphrey, Hubert
Huntington, Samuel
Hussein, Saddam
hydrogen bomb
Idea of the National Interest, The (Beard and Smith)
Indo-Pakistani War
Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660–1783, The (Mahan)
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty (1987)
Iranian hostage crisis
Iranian Revolution
Iran-Iraq War
Iraqi National Army
Iraq War
Islamic fundamentalism
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
Jackson, Andrew
James, William
Japan: China invaded by; defeat of; empire of; militarism in; U.S. relations with; in World War I; in World War II
Jefferson, Thomas
John Paul II, Pope
Johnson, Louis
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S.
Kant, Immanuel
Kazin, Alfred
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)
Kennan, George F.; Acheson’s relationship with; Arab-Israeli conflict as viewed by; Atlantic relations as viewed by; Beard compared with; Cold War as viewed by; communism as viewed by; conservatism of; containment doctrine of; democracy as viewed by; diaries of; as diplomat; FDR as viewed by; foreign policy as viewed by; German spoken by; Gorbachev as viewed by; G. W. Bush as viewed by; in Hamburg; as historian; influence of; Iraq War as viewed by; Kissinger compared with; Lippmann compared with; “Long Telegram” of; Marxism as viewed by; memoirs of; at Moscow embassy; Nazi Germany as viewed by; Nitze compared with; nuclear policy of; as Policy Planning Staff (PPS) director; political views of; press coverage of; realism of; reputation of; as Soviet expert; speeches of; Stalin as viewed by; at State Department; Truman’s relationship with; United Nations as viewed by; Versailles Treaty as viewed by; Vietnam War as viewed by; Wilson as viewed by; writings of; “X Article” of
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Joseph P.
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kerry, John
Keynes, John Maynard
Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kim Il-Sung
King, Coretta Scott
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kipling, Rudyard
Kirkpatrick, Jeane
Kissinger, David
Kissinger, Henry; back-channel diplomacy of; Cambodia policy of; as centrist; Chilean coup supported by; China policy of; Cold War as viewed by; communism as viewed by; conservative opposition to; criticism of; “decent interval” doctrine of; democracy as viewed by; Democratic Party and policies of; détente policy of; diplomatic career of; duplicity and subterfuge of; foreign relations as viewed by; as Harvard professor; Helsinki Accords and; as historian; Indo-Pakistani War and; influence of; as intellectual; Jewish background of; as JFK consultant; Kennan compared with; Lippmann compared with; Metternich as model for; Middle East policy of; military force as viewed by; moral values of; at Moscow Summit (1972); as national security adviser; Nazism as viewed by; Nitze compared with; Nixon’s relationship with; nuclear strategy as viewed by; in Paris peace negotiations; press coverage of; realism of; Republican Party supported by; reputation of; as Rockefeller aide; as secretary of state; sense of humor of; “shuttle diplomacy” of; strategic arms limitation policy of; Vietnam policy of; Watergate scandal and; Wilson as viewed by; Wolfowitz compared with; writings of; Zhou’s meetings with
Kissinger, Louis
“Kissinger rule”
Korean War
Krauthammer, Charles
Kristol, Irving
Kristol, William
Kuwaiti, Abu Ahmed al-
Lafayette, Marquis de
Laird, Melvin
Lake, Anthony
Laval, Pierre
League of Nations
Le Duc Tho, See Tho, Le Duc
Lee, Robert E.
Lee Kuan Yew
Lehman Brothers
Lenin, V. I.
Lerner, Max
Lessons of the War with Spain (Mahan)
Libby, I. Lewis “Scooter”
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindbergh, Charles
Lippmann, Jacob
Lippmann, Walter; Atlanticist doctrine of; Beard compared with; correspondence of; democracy as viewed by; diplomacy as viewed by; economic views of; fascism as viewed by; FDR as viewed by; foreign policy as viewed by; at Harvard University; influence of; on Inter-Allied Propaganda Board; internationalism as viewed by; as interventionist; isolationism as viewed by; Jewish background of; Kennan compared with; Kissinger compared with; Mahan compared with; Nazism as viewed by; Nitze compared with; political views of; progressivism of; prose style of; public opinion as viewed by; realism of; Republicans as viewed by; “Russian Orbit” concept of; social sciences as viewed by; Soviet Union as viewed by; Truman’s relationship with; United Nations as viewed by; Vietnam War as viewed by; Wilson criticized by; writings of
Lloyd George, David
Locke, John
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.
London Economic Conference (1933)
Lothian, Philip Kerr, Lord
Lovett, Robert
Luce, Henry
Luce, Stephen B.
Lusitania sinking (1915)
MacArthur, Douglas
MacDonald, Ramsay
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Madison, James
Mahan, Alfred Thayer; as Anglophile; Beard compared with; as commander and sailor; death of; at First Hague Conference; foreign trade as viewed by; influence of; Kennan’s views on; Kissinger’s views on; Lippmann compared with; materialism of; naval strategy advocated by; political views of; racial views of; realism of; Spanish-American War as viewed by; T. Roosevelt’s relationship with; Wilson compared with; World War I as viewed by; writings of
Mahan, Dennis Hart
Mahan, Mary Okill
Mailer, Norman
Maine, USS, explosion of (1898)
Malcolm X
Manhattan Project
Mao Zedong
Marcos, Ferdinand
Marcos, Imelda
Marcuse, Herbert
Marine barracks bombing (1983)
Marshall, George
Marshall Plan
Marx, Karl
“massive retaliation” doctrine
McCain, John
McCarthy, Eugene
McCarthy, Joseph
McChrystal, Stanley
McCloy, John
McGovern, George
McKinley, William
McNamara, Robert
“Meaning of History: Reflections on Spengler, Toynbee and Kant, The” (Kissinger)
Mearsheimer, John
Mein Kampf (Hitler)
Memorabilia (Xenophon)
Mencken, H. L.
merchant shipping
Metternich, Prince Klemens von
Mexican Revolution
Middle East
military-industrial complex
Milošević, Slobodan
“missile gap”
Mitchell, John
Mobile Bay, Battle of
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Molotov-Ribbentrop Nonaggression Pact (1939)
Mommsen, Theodor
Monroe Doctrine
p; Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de
“Moral Foundation of Foreign Policy, The” (Kissinger)
Morgan, J. P.
Morgenthau, Hans J.
Moses, Robert
Mossadegh, Mohammad
Mousavi, Mir-Hossein
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Mubarak, Hosni
Mumford, Lewis
Munich Agreement (1938)
Musharraf, Pervez
Muslim Brotherhood
Mussolini, Benito
Nagasaki bombing (1945)
Napoleon I, emperor of France
Napoleonic Wars
Nasr, Vali
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)
National Liberation Front (NLF)
National Security Act (1947)
National Security Agency (NSA)
National Security Council (NSC)
Naval War of 1812, The (T. Roosevelt)
Navy, U.S.
Necessity for Choice: Prospects of Foreign Policy, The (Kissinger)
Netanyahu, Benjamin
Neutrality Acts
Nevins, Allan
New Deal
New Republic
New Yorker
New York Times
New York Times Book Review
New York World
Ngo Dinh Diem, see Diem, Ngo Dinh
Nicolson, Harold
Niebuhr, Reinhold
Nitze, Paul; Acheson’s relationship with; as assistant secretary for defense for international security affairs; Bay of Pigs invasion as viewed by; Carter as viewed by; Cold War strategy of; on Committee to Maintain a Prudent Defense Policy; communism as viewed by; “correlation of forces” concept of; in Cuban Missile Crisis; Democratic Party and policies of; at Dillon Read; diplomacy as viewed by; economic views of; Eisenhower as viewed by; “flexible response” advocated by; at Harvard University; influence of; interventionism as viewed by; Kennan compared with; Kissinger compared with; Korean War as viewed by; Marshall Plan supported by; military intervention supported by; military preparedness supported by; Nixon as viewed by; nuclear strategy of; on Policy Planning Staff (PPS); resignation of; as secretary of the Navy; Soviet threat as viewed by; State Department as viewed by; Truman as viewed by; Vietnam War as viewed by; Wolfowitz compared with
Nitze, William Albert
Nixon, Pat
Nixon, Richard M.
Nixon Doctrine
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Korea
North Vietnam
nuclear deterrence doctrine
Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy (Kissinger)
Obama, Barack; Afghanistan policy of; as African American; Asian policy of; bin Laden operation of; Bush criticized by; Cairo University speech of; congressional relations of; drone strikes authorized by; election of (2008); election of (2012); foreign policy of; Guantánamo policy of; Iraq War policy of; Kissinger’s views on; Middle East policy of; Nobel Peace Prize awarded to; nuclear policy of; pragmatism of; public support for; religious views of; Republican opposition to; troop withdrawals of; war on terror as viewed by; Wolfowitz and policies of