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Making a Splash

Page 10

by Sean Michael

  Heat sprayed over his cock, his belly, heady and wet and so fucking good. Vince shuddered, hips sawing hard, sending his prick gliding against Austin’s cock, Austin’s belly.

  “So good. I…. Oh, Vince. So good.” Austin wrapped his fingers around Vince’s neck, holding on.

  He nodded, breathless, the need riding him hard. Wherever his body touched Austin’s, it was on fire, making his balls ache. He plunged his tongue back into Austin’s mouth, so fucking close. Austin’s nails scratched his neck, driving him that much higher. Wanton man. Hungry kid.

  His prick slid, Austin’s zipper biting into it, and he cried out, balls drawing up as he shot hard. He kept moving, shuddering as his orgasm seemed to roll over him in waves. Finally, he collapsed against Austin with a groan, nuzzling into his lover’s neck.

  “I…. Oh…. We…. Oh.” Austin melted, relaxing beneath him.

  He nodded, trying to pull it together, knowing he needed to get them to the motel, get them inside and out of the open. He licked at Austin’s neck, groaning at the salt there, the faint hint of chlorine and metal on Austin’s warm skin.

  “Mmm. Motel. Bed. Naked.” Demanding boy.

  “Yeah, baby. And in that order too.” He managed a wink as he moved back into his seat, tucking his cock away and then doing up his jeans.

  He looked over at Austin as he started up the truck. “I’ll go in on my own to register us. You’re a little disheveled.”

  “That’s your fault.” Austin blinked and shivered every now and then, watching him.

  Leaning over, he got Austin zipped back up, then pulled the kid’s shirt down over his belly. He gave Austin a soft kiss. “Yeah, I guess it is.”

  He backed carefully out of the alley and onto the street, grinning wryly as he drove the half-dozen blocks to the motel. “It really was only a few minutes away.”

  “Yeah, but I might not have made it.”

  “And I know I wouldn’t have. You’re too sexy for your own good. Okay, gimme two shakes.” He took a last look and went to get them checked in.

  A couple minutes later he was back at the truck, driving to park over at the end. “We’re the last unit.”

  “Cool. Do I need to give you some money?”

  “Nah, we’re good. I’m keeping all my receipts—I can get reimbursed once we’re rolling in the sponsor money.” He pulled up at the end unit, the door reading 12. “Did you bring that overnight bag, in case?”

  “Yeah. T-shirts, swim trunks, spare jeans. I’m gold.”

  “Cool.” He had jeans and a spare pair of tighty-whities himself. And of course he could always go commando. As could Austin.

  It was time to get in their room. Now. He got out and grabbed his bag, then hustled Austin into their room.

  “Pushy, pushy.” Austin laughed, letting Vince push him in.

  “Me?” He smiled. “Maybe a little. But it’s your fault.”

  “My fault? Now, I’m as innocent as rain.”

  “Innocent, my ass!” He grabbed Austin’s butt, squeezing.

  “That, Mr. Dawson, is my ass.”

  “Yeah, I kind of noticed.” He drew Austin close, nibbling at the thin lips. He was still horny, but the edge had been taken off earlier and made this sweeter.

  “Only ‘kind of’?” Austin moaned, opened up to him.

  He didn’t bother to answer; he simply took Austin’s mouth, pushing his tongue in eagerly as he squeezed Austin’s ass again. Austin pushed right into his body, rocking and stretching against him, cock starting to rise again.

  “Fuck, you make me need, baby.” He met each rock into him, rubbing off against the long body.

  “Good. Needing is good.” Austin moaned into his lips.

  “Yeah. Yeah, it is.” He grabbed hold of the front of Austin’s shirt and yanked it open, the buttons flying off, making him smile.

  “Hey! That’s my good shirt!” God, what was Austin going to do when they had a clothing budget?

  “I’ll buy you a new one, baby.” He ran his hands over Austin’s chest, found Austin’s hungry little nipples, and slid his thumbs over them.

  “Oh… I…. More?” Austin’s flesh went tight, hard, begging for him.

  “Anything you want, baby.” He leaned down, taking one nipple into his mouth, sucking and licking it as he rolled Austin’s other nipple between his fingers.

  Austin moaned and shuddered, hips rolling, fucking the air. Vince’s hands found Austin’s hips, and he started to back his lover toward the bed, mouth working Austin’s hard little nipple. Austin followed his lead, deep sounds filling the air. Vince pushed him back onto the bed, humming at the sight of all of Austin’s golden tanned skin against the red bedspread.

  He started tugging off Austin’s pants. Austin’s long, long skinny legs appeared, going on and on for miles. He stopped to tug off Austin’s boots and pulled Austin’s pants off the rest of the way, moaning when he was finally naked. Vince kissed Austin’s ankle. Then the inside of his knee, his inner thigh. Austin spread for him, balls tightening, wrinkling.

  He moaned. “You know what you want, don’t you, baby?” He stroked Austin’s balls and the smooth, smooth skin around Austin’s cock.

  “You. Want you.” Austin hummed and shifted, pushing up toward his touch.

  “Yeah. Got me. You’ve got me.” Moaning, he pushed Austin’s legs farther back, licking at that sweet little hole.

  “Oh….” Those long legs went up and back, Austin’s cry sweet as fuck.

  Shit, he could become addicted to that sound, to this taste, to the heat that poured from Austin’s body. He licked again and then pushed against Austin’s hole, letting the tip of his tongue go in.

  “Vince. Vince. Please.” Austin reached up and grabbed onto the headboard. Oh, yeah, the begging was addictive too.

  He pushed his tongue deep and then licked his way back up to Austin’s balls, taking one and then the other into his mouth. He licked the smooth flesh surrounding Austin’s cock and then the hot, velvet-covered heat of Austin’s cock. Deep moans and cries filled the air, low and husky, Austin pleading for him, needing him.

  His cock was hard, balls aching; he humped the bed, his pants too tight. He slid his tongue up one side of Austin’s cock and back down the other, swirling his tongue around the head, licking and lapping like the kid was the sweetest, tastiest ice-cream cone ever.

  “I want. Oh. Vince. I need, yeah. God.”

  He hummed, going slowly down the hot column of flesh, taking Austin in to the root, one slow inch at a time. Austin started rippling, slowly rocking up into his mouth again and again. Vince hummed some more, loving how Austin, inexperienced though he might have been, knew what he wanted, took it.

  Vince slid his hands up along Austin’s sides, fingers spread wide.

  “God, your touch. I like.” Austin’s drawl got deeper and deeper.

  Vince tightened his suction, moving his fingers to slide over Austin’s nipples, one after the other after the other. God, those little bits of flesh were hard, reaching up for his touch. Salt started to leak into his mouth, Austin’s cries deep and sweet. He pulled up, swirling his tongue around the head of Austin’s cock, coaxing more of that bittersweet flavor from it. Pinching one nipple, he slid his other hand down to roll Austin’s balls.

  Austin cried out, hips jerking up, cock sliding deep. Vince swallowed around the tip, increasing his suction again, fingers sliding beyond Austin’s balls to push against that sweet little hole. Austin stilled, then pushed down, taking his finger in deep, come filling Vince’s mouth. Oh. Oh, fuck. That was so fucking sexy. He swallowed Austin down, wriggling his fingers to give Austin as much sensation as possible.

  Austin moaned and rocked his hips. Vince kept on sucking, kept sliding his fingers in and out, searching for Austin’s gland, wanting to keep Austin hard. It was working too. Austin started to sob, twist. He found that magic spot inside Austin’s body, pegging it hard and staying with it. Letting up on his suction a bit, he let Austin’s movements slid
e the hot velvet cock along his tongue.

  “I. Vince. Vince, I. Please.” The shudders started, Austin’s thighs shaking hard.

  “Gonna fuck you, baby.” He licked his way up Austin’s body, continuing to move, to stroke inside Austin.

  “Please.” Austin nodded. Vince pushed another finger in, stretching them wide, hoping like hell it was enough.

  “Lube’s in my bag,” he told Austin, fingers sliding away, cock nudging at the hot little hole.

  “Uh-huh….” Austin looked around, a little confused. “Please.”

  “I’ll stop if it hurts,” he promised, beginning to sink into Austin’s heat.

  “Oh….” Austin shifted, slowly taking him in, slowly spreading for him.

  Sweet fuck. Austin was so tight. So fucking tight and hot. He kept sinking in, watching Austin’s eyes.

  “You. Damn….” Austin looked stunned, beautiful, wanton.

  “Yeah, all me.” He bent, bringing their mouths together as he pushed in the last little bit, hips snug and tight against Austin’s ass.

  Austin’s hips bucked, rocking a little, squeezing and riding him.

  Vince groaned. “So good, baby.” He followed Austin’s lead, starting to move, pushing into Austin’s tight heat over and over.

  “Yeah. Good.” Austin leaned up, lips brushing against his, tongue sliding over his lips.

  Vince chased after Austin’s tongue with his own, moving a little faster, pushing in a little harder. That earned him moans and purrs, sweet deep sounds. He pushed their lips harder together, finally latching on to Austin’s tongue, sucking on it as he fucked Austin’s sweet ass. Austin nodded, moaned, riding Vince’s cock like it was the most natural thing in the world.

  He didn’t think he’d ever felt anything like it, ever felt this connection with any other lover. Moaning from deep in his belly, he moved faster, driving into Austin.

  “Vince. Oh, sweet. That’s. Don’t stop.”

  He shook his head, grunted. Not stopping. Harder and harder he thrust, putting his weight on one hand so he could wrap the other around Austin’s prick, wanting them to fucking come together. Austin leaned up, fastening his mouth on his shoulder, the suction fierce and sweet.

  “Baby!” Vince cried out. Fuck, Austin made him feel beyond amazing. “Soon,” he whispered, warned, jacking Austin more vigorously and slamming into Austin’s sweet heat.

  He could feel the pleasure gathering inside him, getting ready to explode. Austin’s body rippled, milking his prick, heat sliding out, pouring over his fingers. He cried out, body jerking as he gave it up, filling Austin with his spunk. He kept moving, making small movements that kept the pleasure sliding along his spine until he finally collapsed onto Austin’s body with a sigh.

  Austin groaned and wrapped around Vince with a happy sound. Vince buried his face in Austin’s neck, gasping, trying to catch his breath as his body melted against Austin’s smooth skin.

  “Gonna be a hell of a few days.”

  “Mmm-hmm. That’s good, right?”

  “Oh yeah, baby. Real good.” He reached back for the edge of the bedcover and flipped it up over them. “Real good.”

  Chapter Eight

  VINCE SLEPT for a few hours before waking up, curled around Austin’s warmth. He purred, rubbing his erection against Austin’s smooth hip for a moment before leaving a kiss on Austin’s shoulder and getting up. He glanced at the clock—he’d managed almost five hours of sleep. Go him. The kid was good for him. Of course, he knew that already.

  Chuckling, he did his business in the bathroom and pulled on his jeans, then settled on the second bed with his notebook and the contract from Avian. The light from the bedside lamp spilled feebly over his notebook, but it was enough to be able to see the pages.

  He made notes, read all the fine print, and then read it all again, but, really, it was a good deal. Sure, Avian wanted the chance to back out after a year if Austin didn’t produce, or to latch on to him for another five if he did, but that was fair—they were taking a chance on Austin.

  The kid was a no-name, hadn’t come up out of any club, was old to be starting the game, and though he looked good out there by himself in the video, there was no telling what would happen once he was put in the middle of a competition.

  Well, no telling for others, maybe, but he believed in Austin, knew the kid was the real thing. And that wasn’t his dick talking. Well, not just his dick talking.

  He made a few more notes, grabbed yesterday’s paper off the dresser by the little coffeemaker, and started pricing houses and apartments, seeing what was available and where. He’d have to call UT, see if he could get Austin in for a few mock competitions with their boys. He considered asking to get time for training there, but despite the fact that the facility was top-notch, he figured it would probably work out better to keep Austin’s training to a quieter venue.

  Keep the kid all to himself.

  Frowning, he sat up and considered. Was that what he was doing? Was he trying to keep the kid away from the other coaches so they didn’t try to steal his diver? Of course, the minute Austin attended his first competition, it wasn’t going to matter where he’d trained; he’d be noticed then. And he couldn’t keep Austin away from the cute guys who were going to hit on him either, and that didn’t seem to be bothering him all that much anyway.

  It was funny—he was more confident that Austin wanted him as a lover than as a coach. Damn the association and that little bitch for ruining his fucking career anyway. Looked like they’d done some damage to his confidence too.

  He resolved right then and there not to bring up other coaches wanting to take Austin on again, nor the fact that Austin might get better sponsorship if he switched up. He’d been more than honest about the situation, had let Austin know on several occasions he’d understand if Austin wanted someone with less baggage. He could safely let the subject drop now.

  And, shit, he was the best choice for Austin. He had the time to train the kid one-on-one, really give Austin the attention he needed, especially at the beginning, to bring him up to speed on how things worked. And he’d discovered Austin. If it weren’t for him, the diving world would have been deprived of the most spectacular phenomenon since Greg Louganis.

  Glancing over at Austin, Vince smiled. All those long limbs, that shock of hair topping the smooth-as-glass body, those pretty lips…. That innate diver’s ability. Vince wriggled, his prick taking notice, his belly going warm. Maybe it was time to go back to bed and enjoy what he’d been given.

  Vince had spent a number of years cursing fate for what had happened to him. Suddenly it seemed like a more than fair trade.

  MAN, AUSTIN was feeling good.

  He’d slept. Eaten. Fucked. Slept some more. Now they were finishing up burgers and fries, drinking up thick milkshakes. “So, what next? You want to go have a few beers?”

  “You don’t want to get wet today? Been a couple since you dove.” Vince was looking relaxed, easy.

  “Is there a place we can?”

  “Yeah, we could check out the UT facilities. It was something I wanted to do anyway. And there’s another facility that should be open. Won’t be only you in the water, but it’ll let us check the places out.” Vince finished his milkshake and sat back, patting his belly.

  “Okay. I’d like that. To get wet, get ready.”

  Vince nodded and smirked. “You’re addicted already, aren’t you? To the water, to diving every day.”

  He shrugged, cheeks heating. Yeah, maybe he was. He didn’t know.

  “Hey, it’s a good thing, Austin. It’s important to love the water, to want to be diving. It’s part of what will make you a winner.”

  “Hey, I did it when all it got me was beer.”

  “Well, I’ll give you a beer this time too.” Vince winked and pulled out his wallet. “You ready to go?”

  “You know it, Coach.” The moniker sounded weird to him, but sort of cool.

  Sort of really cool. Vince looked pleased
as punch to hear it too.

  Vince left money on the table, and they went to the truck, Vince pulling out his cell phone and making a call. He was grinning when he closed the phone. “They’d love a look at you at UT. One of the team coaches’ll let us in, but he wants a peek at you in return. The drooling is going to start the minute he sees you dive.” Vince was practically salivating himself.

  “Right. Now I’ll go and fuck it up.” Austin bounced. Audiences were so not an issue for him. He fucking loved it.

  Vince laughed. “Because when I first saw you diving, the audience was so putting you off.” He pulled out into traffic, glancing at him, full of warmth and pride.

  “I’m telling you. I’m a shrinking violet.”

  “Oh, I don’t seem to remember much shrinking happening.” This time Vince’s look would have melted concrete. “Not even when we got you all waxed up.”


  Oh, fuck.

  That was cheating.

  “Don’t make me hard. I won’t fit in my suit.”

  Vince looked totally unrepentant. “There was one guy when I was diving who used to get hard every time he got up on that board. If he wasn’t hard, you knew he wasn’t going to have a good dive.”

  “No shit? He didn’t die of embarrassment?” Austin would. He’d be ashamed to show his face.

  “Apparently not. Got to be a running joke. Of course, Lenny always was cocky as hell. If anyone teased him about it, he’d say something about having all his best assets on display. He sure got his fair share of offers from the ladies.” Vince gave him a slow once-over. “He didn’t have anything on you.”

  “Stop it.” His cheeks were on fire, and he reached over, goosed Vince good and hard.

  “Driving!” Vince sure seemed convinced that was a valid defense.

  “No? Is that what that’s called?”

  “Brat,” Vince accused, smiling over at him. “You should save your grabby hands for when we’re not moving.”


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