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Making a Splash

Page 14

by Sean Michael

  “You want me?” he asked. “You could do me up against the door.”

  “Uhn.” Austin groaned, spunk spraying against his leg.

  “Oh, fuck.” Now that was about the sexiest thing he’d ever had happen during sex. He stroked Austin’s cheeks, looking down at the flushed features. “Stunning, baby. You’re stunning.”

  Austin panted a little, leaning into his leg. “Sorry. I. You are. Damn.”

  He touched Austin randomly. “Never apologize for making me feel like the biggest stud in Texas, baby.”

  Austin nodded. “You’re inspiring.”

  He beamed down at Austin. “I’m going to remember that.” He laughed breathlessly as his prick gave a little jerk. “And you’re pretty damned inspiring yourself, baby. Come on, let’s get cleaned up. Or at least haul our asses to the couch.”

  “Mmm-hmm. And order pizza. I’m fucking starving.”

  “But you just ate!” He managed to keep a straight face for all of about three seconds, and then he started chuckling, wrapping his hands around Austin’s arms and hauling him up.

  “Bitch.” They managed to get to the sofa, curling together with a moan.

  He nuzzled into Austin’s neck, enjoying his warmth, the way Austin’s skin smelled. “This time tomorrow we should be home. Together full-time.”

  “You excited? Looking forward to it?” Austin asked.

  “Yeah, I really am. It’s a new start for me, doing something I love at that and with the best damned diver I have ever seen, and I’m not saying that to blow sunshine up your ass, baby. It’s the truth.” He squeezed Austin’s ass as he said the word. “Not to mention the perks of actually living with your lover. Not having to go to someone else’s place saves on all kinds of time that could be much better spent.”

  “You think you’ll enjoy living with me, then? We’ll need to stock up on beer.” Right, like Austin needed booze.

  “And iced tea,” Vince countered. But no Pop-Tarts; Austin was going to start eating like an athlete. An athlete with diabetes, at that. “And, yeah, baby, I’m pretty sure I’ll enjoy living with you.” It suddenly occurred to him that maybe Austin wasn’t feeling the same way. “What about you, baby? You think you’ll like living with this old man?”

  “I think it’ll be weird at first, but more because I won’t have a normal job and stuff, not because it’s you.” The thin cheeks reddened. “I’m sort of looking forward to the ‘sharing a bedroom’ part.”

  That feeling like a pure stud thing came back. “I guess you never have before.”

  “No. Never. It’s going to be different.”

  “Yeah, I guess it will be. Not like I’m an expert or anything. I’ve shared bedrooms before but never a bed. I mean, I’ve shared a bed, but not for sleeping. Well, yes, for that, but not with someone who was a permanent fixture.”

  Austin started laughing, relaxing and leaning in close. “I promise to be gentle.”

  He swatted Austin’s ass. “Bitch.” But he was laughing too. “You know what I meant.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I know. I’m yanking your chain.”

  “I can think of a thing or two I’d rather you yanked.” Vince slid his hand on Austin’s ass this time, looking into his eyes.

  Austin leaned in for a kiss, breathing into his lips. Groaning, Vince licked at Austin’s lips and then closed the scant space between them, sliding his tongue right in. Austin moaned, pushing close, rocking against him. Vince lay back against the couch, pulling Austin into his lap, letting his tongue fuck that hot mouth. Austin hummed, relaxed and hot against him.

  “Baby, I could kiss you all night,” Vince murmured before going back to exploring Austin’s mouth with his tongue. His hands played on the warm, smooth skin, searching out every place he knew Austin loved being touched.

  “Okay. God. Don’t stop.”

  He shook his head, mouth still busy. He wasn’t going to stop, not anytime soon. He kissed Austin until the taste of his lover was inside him, that sweet flavor his own. They settled on the sofa, stretching out side by side, rubbing together. Austin was warm, soft in all the right places against him. Hard in all the right places too, Austin’s prick pushing alongside his own.

  “What do you want to do, baby?”

  “This is good, Vince. Just touching you.”

  “Yeah? You can have anything you want, you know. Anything at all.” He nibbled along Austin’s jaw, humming at the indentation below Austin’s ear.

  “Mmm….” Austin arched, rubbing faster.

  “You could do me,” he offered. “Up against the wall. Here on the couch. In bed. Love the feeling of you inside me, hot and hard and spreading me wide.”

  “Uh-huh.” Austin spread him a little, fingers on his inner thighs.

  He groaned, sliding his own fingers along Austin’s spine, teasing the spot right at the base of Austin’s spine.

  “Oh. Oh… I…. Damn.” Austin’s hands shook, lips parting.

  “So sexy, baby.” He let his leg slide over the top of Austin’s legs, spreading himself even as he brought Austin closer.

  “Want you.” Austin smiled at him, eyes shining. “You drive me crazy.”

  “Me? Drive you crazy? I think it’s the other way around.” He leaned in to bite at Austin’s lower lip. “And, Austin? You’ve got me. You’ve so got me.”

  “Good.” Austin arched, bucking closer, cock sliding against his crease.

  “Oh. Oh, yeah. Got me like that and crazy like that.” He started rocking with Austin, shivering as the hot prick nudged his balls and then slid back to his crease again. He nipped at Austin’s lips again. “Want to feel you inside me, baby. Love the way you spread me open, fill me.”

  “Don’t wanna hurt you ….” Austin moved faster, harder, cock nudging his hole.

  “So thoughtful,” he murmured. He put his fingers up to Austin’s lips. “Suck.”

  Mmm. Such an eager boy. Austin took him right in, sucking hard. Vince groaned, cock throbbing with each suck around his fingers. His hips moved, pushing against Austin, echoing the rhythm Austin set.

  Finally, he pulled his fingers out. “You’re too fucking good at that.”

  “Can you be too good?”

  He considered it a moment, sliding his fingers down to his ass. He teased his own hole, eyes holding Austin’s as he shook his head—it was as much an answer as he could manage at the moment.

  “Fuck. You look. Oh, God. So good.” Austin whimpered, watching him close.

  He pushed his fingers in, shuddering as he stretched himself. He opened his mouth, but only a moan came out. He licked his lips, hips started to move again as he fingerfucked himself. Austin’s tongue followed the path that his did, stroking his lips.

  “Baby. Oh, fuck.” He caught Austin’s tongue, sucking on it as sensation shot through him, his fingers finding that little gland and pegging it hard.

  “Wait for me. I want inside.”

  A shudder went through him at that. “Austin…. Shit.” He let his fingers slide out, whimpering. Damn, he needed it bad. He tilted his hips, moving his top leg to wrap around Austin’s hip, giving Austin room to get into him. “This okay?” He wanted to see Austin’s face.

  “More than. Fuck.” Austin arched, moving close, cock nudging him.

  Groaning, he tilted his hips a little more, and that was exactly what Austin needed, the long, hot prick starting to push into him. “Yes. Damn.” He bore down, wanting more.

  “Uhn.” Austin nodded, pushed right into him, demanding.

  “Oh, baby. Fuck.” He tugged Austin closer, foot on Austin’s ass. He wanted Austin closer.

  “Uh-huh. Fuck.” Austin was eager, slamming into him over and over.

  Vince got his mouth on Austin’s, kissing hard as Austin’s hot prick spread him wide and knocked against his gland. He wasn’t going to need to touch himself; Austin was going to send him over any minute now, from the fucking. Austin’s mouth hung open as he panted, groaned, pushed him.

  So fucking sexy. He
watched Austin until his vision got blurry, his body bucking as he shot hard, spunk spreading between them.

  “Damn. Love. I. Oh.” Heat filled him, Austin jerking and bucking.

  He wrapped his arm around Austin, holding on as their mouths met in a crashing kiss that had their teeth clicking.

  Austin relaxed, melting into him, humming low. “Hey.”

  He nibbled at Austin’s lips. “Hey, baby.”

  The soft laugh that pushed into his mouth was sweet as hell.

  He licked the inside of Austin’s mouth, playing with Austin’s teeth and tongue. Then, making a face as something poked at his spine, he shifted. “We need a bigger couch. One without broken springs.”

  “My futon’s okay.” Lord, to be twenty again.

  “Futon? Baby, I’m an old man. I don’t do futons.”

  “You’re not that old.” Austin winked, laughing softly, the sound happy.

  He snorted. “Well, I have heard said you’re only as old as the one you feel, so I guess you’re right about that.” He slid his hand down Austin’s spine, squeezed his ass.

  “Oh… I. Of course I’m right.”

  “Right and sexy. And why do I have the feeling we’re not going to get the rest of my stuff packed up tonight?”

  “We’ll do it. Later.” Uh-huh. Look at his diver, already breathing slow.

  He nuzzled into Austin’s neck, loving the combination of sweat and salt and chlorine. “Much later.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Austin cupped his head. “Love.”

  He nodded, looking into Austin’s eyes. “Love.”

  “Good.” Austin kissed him. “Cool.”

  “Sleep, baby. This shit’ll all be here in the morning.”

  “Yeah. ’Kay.” Those pale eyelashes cast a bare shadow on Austin’s cheeks.

  Damn. He had this to look forward to, going to sleep with Austin every night, waking up with him in the morning.

  It didn’t get much better.

  Well. Winning a few meets might top it, but he’d take what he had for now.

  Chapter Twelve

  UNPACKING WAS better than packing.


  They’d been in the house two weeks; there were still boxes. There was diving. There was a meet coming up in three weeks. Austin was feeling a little wigged, so he’d hopped in the truck and gone driving. He stopped for a six-pack and a pack of cigarettes and then drove to Lake Travis for a while, chilling out.


  Watching the sun.

  His cell phone rang a couple hours later, and damned if the tone of the ring didn’t somehow sound like Vince.

  Pushy man. Good thing Austin loved him. “Howdy.”

  “Hey, Austin. You stuck in traffic?”

  “I’m about to head out. I drove out to the lake. It’s real pretty.”

  “The lake? You’re not swimming by yourself, are you?”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Last time I checked, I am cleared for solo field trips.”

  “Swimming without a buddy is a bad idea, Austin. And that’s not even taking the diabetes into account.” Vince cleared his throat. “And I would prefer it if you let me know before you took any field trips—solo or otherwise. I didn’t realize you’d left. I was worried, baby.”

  “I let a note on the fridge. I just needed to drive, have a beer and a smoke. I was getting stressed.”

  “Stressed? About the meet? Austin, you should talk to me. I can help you through these things. That’s what I’m here for. Wait, did you say beer? You okay to drive back? I can come get you.”

  “Man, you’re mother henning. I’ve had three. I’m cool.” He lit a smoke, and started the engine.

  “I am not mother henning. I don’t have the right equipment for that. And, baby, three? You got your blood-testing kit with you?”

  “Nope. Cluck. Cluck.”

  “You need to start carrying that with you. Have you eaten in the past few hours? Are you sure you feel fine to drive? I don’t mind coming to get you. And if I’m a mother hen, that makes you the baby chick.”

  “You’re doing it again, Vince.” He got up on 620 and dodged traffic.

  “Doing what? You’re my diver, Austin.”

  “You’re fussing.”

  “Get used to it,” Vince growled.

  “Breathe, Coach. I’m almost home.” He turned on Lake Creek, eyes on the Dairy Queen. “You hungry? I’m at the DQ.”

  “I could eat. And you should. You know what I like. Bring dessert too.” Vince still sounded grumpy. Maybe his blood sugar was low.

  “Bitch, bitch, bitch.” He hung up and got two burgers and two fries and two chocolate shakes.

  Vince was actually standing at the door when he pulled up, waiting for him.

  “I come bearing burgers and shakes and three leftover beers.” He wasn’t gonna act guilty.

  “No fries?” Vince gave him a wink and let him in, hovering a little.

  “I got fries too.” He plopped down, legs sprawling. “I’m fine.”

  “You shouldn’t be taking off like that, Austin.” Vince sat next to him, hand sliding on his thigh before reaching for one of the burgers. “And if you’re stressed about stuff, you need to talk to me about it. It’ll affect your form.”

  “I won’t run off, Vince. Sometimes? I just need to drive, to think some, get my head on straight.”

  “Hey, now, I never said I thought you were going to run off.” Vince took a bite of his burger and made a little sound, then sat back and wolfed the rest down.

  “Oh, okay. Taste good, don’t they?” Austin dove in too, only remembering his shot after he started in on his shake.

  Vince made short work of his meal, licking his lips when he’d finished his shake. “So you want to talk about it?”

  “No, I worked it out okay.” He smiled over. “I needed some fresh air and a smoke.”

  “You should give those up,” Vince suggested. “You need to be in top shape.”

  “You do and I will. I’m not living with a smoker and not indulging.”

  Vince made a face. “You sure you want to put up with me quitting? It’s not pretty.”

  “Go get a patch.” He was having too much fun with this.

  “Excuse me? I thought I was supposed to be the bossy one here….” Vince shook his head. “I could smoke outside.”

  “Yep. So can I.” He stretched out, head a little spinny.

  “Except that you’re supposed to quit.” Vince pointed at himself. “I’m not the athlete.”

  “You could be.” Vince was good, as good as he was, easy.

  “Me?” Vince shook his head. “I’m too old, baby—you’re the star here.”

  “You’re good. As good as me.” He was an amateur. He’d seen the guys at the UT pool. Heard them talking.

  “Nope. I was good. You… I’ve never seen anyone dive the way you do who hasn’t been trained to it all their life. Like I was.” Vince leaned forward, looking at him. “Discipline, practice, doing what I say? You’re going to be the best.”

  “I’m too old, too rednecky.”

  “Too rednecky?” Vince laughed. “And I’m too old, but you’re not. If I’d found you in another three, four years it probably would have been too late, but I got you in time.” Vince’s gaze got more intense. “You having doubts, baby?”

  “Nope.” Austin reached for his cigarettes, lit one up. No doubts. More like concerns.

  “Didn’t we just agree you’re quitting?” Vince asked, stealing the butt out of his hand. “And are you sure on the no doubts?”

  “I didn’t agree to anything.” He was gonna have to growl.

  “You agreed to dive for me. Agreed for me to be your coach. So let me coach already. No more smoking, and talk to me—tell me what’s got you taking off and boozing up out at the lake.”

  “I needed to think. I’m a fish out of water.”

  “I thought it would get easier for you once we got out here and really started concentrating on the diving, letting al
l the distractions go.”

  “Yeah. I… I was so busy before, so tired. I never thought.” He stood, started wandering. “Those kids at the pool think I’m a joke. I don’t want us to be laughed at.”

  Vince leaned forward, elbows on knees, watching him. “They don’t want to have to go up against you—don’t let them psych you out, baby.”

  “I won’t. It’s weird.” He pulled out another smoke without even thinking.

  “Austin, you know how I went out, right? The whole shame and disgrace thing. There is no fucking way I’d be here with you doing this if I thought there was even the smallest chance we were gonna be laughed at.” Vince shook his head. “I wouldn’t have signed on with you if I didn’t have the utmost faith in your ability to go for the gold.”

  The conviction in Vince’s voice was enough to ease him, bolster him some. “Okay.”

  “Yeah? Good.” Vince stood and stretched and casually took Austin’s cigarette away from him and then nabbed the rest of the pack. “You need a meet or two under your belt.”

  “You think?” He nodded, hands patting his pockets, restless. “Yeah. Then I’ll know how it all feels.”

  “Exactly.” Vince snickered at him. “Either go work out or come kiss me, baby, before you drive yourself crazy.”

  “I’m not….” Yes, he was. “I feel like everything’s new.”

  “So let’s do something that’s not new, something you like, that you’re comfortable with.” Vince wrapped one hand around the back of his neck, stroking his skin.

  “Mmm….” He did enjoy that touch, leaning into it.

  “It doesn’t have to be this,” Vince murmured, lips sliding briefly against his. “I mean we could play Parcheesi or watch a ball game or something.”

  “What the fuck is Parcheesi?”

  “You’ve never played Parcheesi? Damn. Now I know I’m old. It’s a board game. Like chess.” Vince winked. “It’s boring.”

  “Oh. Nothing boring. I don’t do boring.”

  Vince let their lips slide together. “What do you do, Austin?” God, those eyes looked happy.

  “You. Diving. Beer.” Not necessarily in that order.


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