Book Read Free

Brothers Next Door

Page 16

by Samantha Twinn

  “I have. Every month for the past five months. I figured you didn’t have a spot open or you would have snatched her up.”

  I don’t, but if Marcus really thought she deserved a chance, I would have made room for her. I page through his monthly updates, and there it is in black and white. Marcus really had put her name in for a promotion. Not only that, several of the audits with accounting flags had her initials attached. She’s picked up on things even my teams have missed. I try to remember why I passed her up, but nothing comes to mind. How has she flown under the radar for so long?

  “Have her come up to my office right away.”

  “Sure thing,” Marcus says without arguing.

  I pull people in for special projects from time to time, so there is nothing unusual about my request. Her expertise in international business would be helpful. And it has the bonus of letting me get to see how she works. If she’s as good as Marcus implied, she’s exactly who I need helping me on this.

  I go back to my emails, feeling better already. I am halfway through the list when a soft knock sounds at my door.

  “Come in,” I say. Leaning back in my chair, I wait, anxious to get a closer look at the woman who occupied my thoughts all afternoon.

  Her eyes are down as she steps in like a naughty schoolgirl arriving at the principal’s office. Now that’s a little scene I can see playing out.

  “Marcus said you had a project for me,” Rose says to her feet.

  “Yes. Come sit down,” I say, gesturing to the sofa. “I was just going over your file. I’m in need of someone with your expertise.”

  Rose’s eyes snap up to me mine, surprise written all over her expression. “My expertise?”

  “Yes. Asian Markets. That is your specialty, right? Have you stayed current on the evolving trade laws with China?”

  “Asian Markets?” she repeats. “I thought you were going to let me go. I mean...umh, yes. I studied international business and minored in Mandarin, but I speak it fluently. I clerked at Global—”

  I hold up my hand to stop her. I know all that from her resume. And I’m more interested in that first comment. Why did you think I was going to fire you?”

  “I was hired for a six-month internship. That was ten months ago. Marcus kept saying you’d offer me a job, but…” She pauses and looks up, meeting my gaze. There’s steel in those big brown eyes of hers. “But that wasn’t what you were asking. I’ve kept up with all the recent changes, legal and social. So if you need me to work on something, I’m more than happy to.”

  “Good,” I say with a smile, glad to see some spunk out of her. “We’ve put in a bid on Takei Freight. They have a big footprint in China, and I could use someone with your experience. I’m going to need you to stop whatever you're working on and move up here. I need your complete focus this for the next few weeks. Maybe even the next month.”

  “I’m in the middle of an audit,” Those big eyes blink back at me. She shakes her head as if she is trying to dislodge a thought. “I can’t leave Marcus hanging like that. I don’t think it’s necessary for me to stop working on my other project.”

  “Well, I do. We’re going to need a quick turnaround on this, and I’m going to be asking a lot of you.”

  “You’ve never worked with me before,” she says, standing her ground. “I don’t shy away from hard work, and I’m willing to put in extra time if I have to.”

  She has backbone, I’ll give her that. It isn’t much, but it does show me there is more to this woman than just a keen mind and workhorse mentality.

  “Are you the intern that audited the Orion account?” I ask. Still frowning, Rose nods. “So you’re the one who flagged the external account that the bookkeeper had been skimming money into?”

  “Yes,” she says almost cautiously. “Once I broke out the payables by month, it was pretty obvious that they weren’t normal business expenses.”

  “Not that obvious. I missed it,” I admit. “That’s why I want you to help me audit the Takei accounts.”

  Rose shifts on the balls of her feet. And honestly, I think she might refuse me. “I’m almost finished with the Brooker account. I should be done by the end of next week. But if you want me to start on the Takei accounts, I can handle more than one thing at a time.” As if realizing how I might interpret her words, her cheeks turned bright red. “God, I mean—”

  “See if you can finish up the Brooker account by tonight,” I say with a chuckle. “If not, pass it on to Marcus. I’m going to need your full attention starting tomorrow.”



  Ten months ago, I turned down several high paying jobs and moved halfway across the country for an internship. Billy—my then boyfriend—thought I’d lost my mind. But working for Lash Equity, working for Asher Knight, has been my dream job since college. I would have taken a job in the mailroom just to get my foot in the door.

  My junior year in college, Forbes did an in-depth profile on Lash Equity. I kept that article. And every time I felt anxious or stressed about school or life in general, I’d read about the two men who started finance company from nothing and made billions. While my goals weren’t as lofty, their story gave me hope.

  And now, here I am working for them. Not just working for them, but working directly with Asher Knight.

  When Asher asked me to work on the Takei account, I thought I would be one of a team accountants. But that team ended up being just Asher and myself. We have worked non-stop for the last two weeks. Nights and weekends. I’m practically living at the office right now. But I wouldn’t give up this opportunity for the world.

  We work well together. There are times we spend hours talking out a problem and other times when he doesn’t have to say a word because I’m already a step ahead.

  But when we aren’t working, things get awkward. As closed off and private as Asher may be, he enjoys quizzing me about my personal life. And of course, I become a bumbling idiot; as if I’ve never been around men.

  I’m not a virgin—far from it. It’s just, I’m not used to spending so much time around a man like Asher who’s so comfortable in his own skin. Someone who’s comfortable with their own sexuality and isn’t afraid to show it.

  I didn’t exactly have a normal upbringing. My mother didn’t let a little thing like a baby stop her from touring around the country with her band. I grew up with roadies and band members as playmates. I never had friends my age, and as I matured, I learned it was better not to draw attention to myself. The attention I drew as a teen wasn’t the friendly type. A rock tour is no place for a teen girl to cut her teeth. I did a lot of things I regret and ultimately withdrew into myself, for the sake of my own survival.

  But my awkwardness only encourages Asher to press and tease. I’m trying to keep things a professional as possible. It’s hard to do when we spend so much time alone. It’s been hard on my libido. I’m not dead. I can appreciate a fine looking man, and Asher Knight is a wet dream in the flesh. Sometimes, when he’s not looking, I just watch him move. It’s like poetry in motion. If this project goes on much longer, I’m going to have to buy a new vibrator.

  So when I walk into the office on Saturday morning and find it empty, I get nervous. I’m not emotionally prepared to spend the day alone with Asher. But there’s not a single soul in the office. Not even the janitorial staff is around.

  “Hello?” I call out. “Is anyone here?”

  This isn’t good. When the office is busy, Asher’s attention is always pulled away to phone calls and other office business. But the eerie silence assures me there would be no distractions today.

  On the door to his office, I find a note:

  Be back soon. Get started without me. -A

  I push the door open, and head to my temporary desk in the corner determined to get as much work as I can finished before he gets back. Maybe if I finish up early, I can leave. I don’t know why the thought of being alone with the man makes me nervous. I’m halfway through my final pass o
f the company's receivables when Asher strolls in.

  “Sorry, I’m late,” he says, still slightly winded. “I thought I’d work in a quick run before we got started.”

  I look up and do a literal double take at what I see. Asher is wearing a pair of loose shorts and a soaking wet tank top. Seriously, it is like the start to a really good porn. The tank clings to his chest, outlining every hard muscle and sweat glistens on his exposed skin. His dark hair is slick and plastered to his skin.

  “Did you see my notes from last night?”

  My mouth goes dry, and I have to swallow a few times before I can form a response. I mean, seriously. It should be illegal for a man to look that hot after a workout.

  “Yes. I’m almost done with the receivables,” I say, finally finding my voice.

  “Good,” he says with a sexy smile that only distracts me more. “You finish up while I grab a shower. Then we can go over the reports.”

  “A shower… ”

  It’s all I can get out before he pulls his wet shirt over his head, exposing the most perfect set of abs I’ve ever seen close up. As Asher walks across the office to his private bathroom, he balls up the shirt and rubs it over his sweaty chest. That’s the money shot there. He turns, and no doubt sees my mouth hanging open like that Looney Tune Wolf, salivating at the sight of his Adonis body.

  He winks in my direction. “I promise, I’ll only be a sec,” he says and tosses the shirt onto his chair as he walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

  I’m not sure how long I stare at the closed door, but as I hear the shower start, my concentration is wrecked. The only thing I can think about is my boss, Asher Knight, naked just a few feet away. I can almost see the water sliding down those toned muscles; his large hands sliding over the hard planes. I’m definitely filing that away in my fantasy stash for later use.

  I know his flirting isn’t a come-on to me. Asher is like the sun; he can’t exactly turn it off. Right now, the rays of his attention are shining down on me, and it’s hard not to bask in the warmth. But like Icarus, if I dare to fly too close, pretend that this is anything more than a simple flirtation, I’m going to get burned. With that sobering thought, I manage to pull my mind out of the gutter and get back to work.

  As he promised, Asher comes out of the bathroom a few minutes later drying off his shaggy brown hair. He is again fully dressed, this time in a tight fitting blue polo and a dark pair of slacks. Even dressed casually, Asher looks as though he walked straight off a runway.

  He’s not for me, I have to remind myself. I’d be all kinds of stupid to let myself believe he wants anything more than my international business experience. Besides, if the gossip columns are to be believed, his taste run more to models and tall blondes, not someone like me.

  “So, where are we on the audit? We have another conference call tonight, and I’d like to give the Takei brothers a timetable,” he says as he crosses the room. He leans over my shoulder to look at the papers I’d just printed out, casually cupping my shoulder.

  The scent of clean soap and the spicy notes of his cologne surround me, and I have to fight the urge to lean back against him and take a deeper whiff. The sooner we get done with this project, the sooner I can go back to my safe cubicle on the far end of the office.

  “I finished going through the receivables while you were…” Naked. While I was imagining what it would feel like to press up against that hard body. “While you took a shower,” I say, stumbling over the words. “I’m just putting together all my findings.” Nervously, I stack the loose papers that cover my small desk.

  Asher smiles and squeezes my shoulder again. “Fantastic,” he says, the warmth of his breath caressing my cheek. “If you can put together a valuation of the receivables along with the fixed assets, I’d like to go over that tonight with Leo.”

  I can’t help the shiver that runs down my spine. I don’t know if he notices, but his eyes go soft. His face is still inches away from mine. We stay like that for a heartbeat, and I think he’s going to kiss me. But, of course, he doesn’t. Instead, Asher stands up and checks his watch.

  “Think you’ll be ready by lunch?”

  “Yes,” I say, a lot more breathily than I intended.

  “Great. I’ve got a few things to take care of and then we’ll go over your report.”

  And just like that, he goes back to his desk. The sense of loss is almost palpable, and I take a deep breath to clear my head. Luckily, I am almost done with my part. Just a few more torturous weeks and this—whatever is happening here—will be over and I can go back to being invisible.

  After that, we work in companionable silence. The time speeds by and the only thing that breaks my concentration is the ding of the elevator as it reaches our floor. I get up, not bothering to turn around, sure it is just someone coming in to catch up on some work, and hand my preliminary report to Asher. But instead of looking through the pages, he sets it back on the table.

  “Let’s talk about this after we eat,” he says. “I hope you don’t mind, but I ordered in. I’m starving.” He looks at me, his brown eyes hold some dark emotion I can’t identify, sending another shiver down my spine.

  I kind of hoped we’d push through and finish early, but the idea of sharing a meal with Asher is too tempting. I let out a sigh that sounds more wistful than intended.

  “Get comfortable while I pay for the food,” he says and nods towards the small sofa in the corner of the room. My cheeks warm at the thought of getting comfortable with him. Why do I keep acting like a love-sick school girl every time I’m in the same room as this man?

  Trying to save face, I cool my expression and shrug. “I guess I can eat.”

  This only incites a chuckle from him as he signs for the delivery. He carries both of the boxes over to the little sitting area and sits down on the sofa, patting the space next to him.

  “I hope you like sushi.”

  I’m pretty sure if I sit next to him, let my thighs brush up against his muscular ones, I’ll spontaneously combust. It’s been too long since I’ve been with a man. And Asher isn’t just some guy. So as a measure of self-preservation, I pick up one of the boxes and move to the club chair on the other side of the small coffee table.

  This also seems to amuse him.

  “You surprised me, Rose,” he says after taking a bite. “You’re nothing like I’d expected. I’m mean, expected you to be smart and competent, but you’re so much more. And you don’t put up with my shit. I respect that. You remind me a lot of myself.”

  I’m taken aback by his sudden compliment and feel my cheeks warm. Stupid blush reflex. He’s praised my work a couple times over the last couple weeks, but this is the first time his compliments have been personal. Earning his respect is more than I could ask for, and I’m not sure how to respond. I decide that a simple thank you is the only appropriate thing to say, but before I can, he goes on to ruin the compliment.

  “And you have really filthy taste in books,” he says, retrieving the copy of my forgotten novel stuffed between the cushions of the sofa.

  “Where did you get that?” I ask, a little shell-shocked at the sudden turn in the conversation.

  “It was in Leo’s office.” Asher flips through the pages and finds a bookmark. “He said you dropped it. You do realize this is completely unrealistic, but I have to say it’s a lot better than I expected.” He flips to a marked page and starts scanning, completely ignoring my mortified look, and continues. “There’s a lot of melodrama, and I had a hard time believing a virgin would go for a three-way right out of the starting gate. But the one thing the author does get right is the dynamic between the three of them; it’s pretty spot on. What did you think?”

  I’m sure my cheeks are now the color of a tomato. Was my boss actually asking me what I thought about the book or my opinion on the dynamics of three-ways? I swallow and shake my head, trying to wrap my head around this surreal conversation. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this top

  “Really? It is your book, right?” Asher shrugs and puts the book down as if he couldn’t care one way or the other. “You shouldn’t be embarrassed. I read it, and I’m not at all embarrassed to admit that I liked it. What was it that drew you to that particular story?”

  “What I read in my free time shouldn’t matter,” I say, sure he’s making fun of me. Yes, I did bring the book to work, but that doesn’t give him the right to pry. “Leo took my book without asking, and now you want to talk to me about like we’re in some kind of book club. Some things are private. I didn’t ask you about the rumors surrounding you and Leo.”

  “They’re mostly true,” he says without batting an eyelash. “Leo and I do like to share everything.” His eyes lower to the book and back up to mine. “Everything.”

  “Oh,” I say, a little stunned by his admission. “I wasn’t asking… I wouldn’t…” I feel like a stammering idiot and take a deep breath to calm my nerves. “You didn’t need to tell me that. I was just trying to make a point.”

  “I realize that,” he says, collecting his trash. “But you seemed curious, so I thought you’d like to know. You shouldn’t be embarrassed. I’m not.”

  I’m simultaneously turned on by the prospect that he is being so open about this private detail and disappointed. It basically confirms that even if Asher’s flirting meant he was interested in me, there isn’t a chance in hell it is ever going to happen because Leo isn’t.

  Outside of the incident in the hall, Leo has been polite, but distant. He definitely doesn’t flirt like Asher. It’s almost like he’s uncomfortable around me or hasn’t quite figured out how to handle me. When he has worked on the Takei account with us, he defers to Asher. He never stays for lunch or dinner when we’d get take out. It’s as if he’s waiting for something. I don’t know, but I’m positive he’s not interested in me outside of my number crunching abilities.


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