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Brothers Next Door

Page 19

by Samantha Twinn

  The limo pulls around the side into the parking lot, and we are greeted by police. It turns out that Bruce is an undercover cop who’d been looking into a sex trafficking ring. The group has been using the motel to move women.

  It turns my stomach to think that Rose was anywhere near monsters like that.

  “Pack your stuff. You’re coming home with us,” I say as soon as the officer is done questioning us.

  “I can’t stay with you,” Rose argues, heading straight to her room.

  She’s fucking insane. There’s no way either of us is leaving her here. “I’m not taking no for an answer. This place isn’t safe.”

  “Ten months,” she says holding up both hands. “Ten. I’ve managed to survive this long.”

  I am ready to toss her over my shoulder and drag her back kicking and screaming if need be when Asher steps in.

  “You need a real apartment,” he says. “Stay with us until you find a place.”

  “I have a—”

  “It would make my life a lot easier,” he says. “These 18 hour days are killing me. If you’re staying with us for the next week or two, we can move our evening conference calls to the penthouse. No bad takeout every night. No long commute. You’d be doing me a favor. And in the meantime, we can ask our real estate person to show you some listings.” Asher shoots her a smile, and she loses a little of that hard defensive edge. “It’s a win-win really.”

  I think she’s been looking for a reason to stay, because just like that, Rose agrees.

  However, this new development gives me pause as far as the get-Rose-naked plan goes. She is living with us now, and I don’t want to make her think sex is part of that arrangement. So instead, I decide to play the long game.

  Over the course of the next two weeks, it’s business as usual, with a few exceptions. She rides into work with us now, and we moved the conference calls with China to the penthouse. That also meant we could have cozy dinners at home.

  And that’s how we found ourselves late Friday night, lounging in the living room after eating a tasty chicken cacciatore Rose cooked. It’s a rare night when there isn’t a conference call or a meeting or a report that needs to be finished. It is just the three of us enjoying some time off.

  We’ve gone through a bottle of wine and had started on a second. The mood is languid and heady from all the pent up sexual tension between us.

  This is the moment I’ve been waiting for.

  I fill up my glass and sink down into the sofa next to Rose. “If you keep cooking like that I’m never going to let you move out.”

  “You both have been great hosts,” she says, “It’s the least I can do.” A soft pink blush colors her cheeks, and she bites her bottom lip.

  “You don’t owe us anything.” I take her hand and slowly massage her fingers. Not long ago, this kind of casual touching would have her guard up, but tonight is a different story.

  Rose leans back into the sofa and closes her eyes. “Hmm,” she hums under her breath. “God, that feels good. You’re spoiling me.”

  “I can think of a hundred ways to spoil you. If you want,” I say, bringing her hand up to my lips and kissing each finger. She sucks in a breath and opens her eyes, but doesn’t draw her hand back.

  “Spoil me?” she says, nervously.

  The question is clear in her big brown eyes. We’ve reached the point of no return. If I push this and she’s not ready, there will be no second chances. All of this, the work, her company could end. But it’s a risk I’m ready to take.

  “I’m not going to beat around the bush. I want you,” I say, looking her straight in the eyes. “I have for a long time. Having you here in our house, sharing our space, just reinforces that need. We have chemistry. I know you feel it too.”

  Rose licks her lip and quickly glances over to Asher who’s been watching our exchange this whole time. “What exactly are you saying?”

  Asher leans forward and sets his glass down. “We want you in our bed, Bambi.”

  Her mouth goes wide, and those big doe eyes return to me. Bambi indeed. She really does look like a deer in headlights.

  “So both of you?” she says, straightening up.

  Suddenly, the wide-eyed look is gone, and there’s a wariness about her. “Is this why you wanted me to stay here? So I can be your live-in sex toy? What if I say no, are you going to kick me out?”

  “We wouldn’t kick you out,” I assure her.

  “I’m not sure how I feel about this,” she says, looking down at her hands. “It’s all, I don’t know, sudden.”

  “Sudden my ass,” Asher says, eye narrowing. “We’ve been dancing around this for almost two months. The sexual tension is so thick in the house I’m choking on it.”

  Rose purses her lips as if trying to keep from saying something, and moves so she can look at both of us. “There’s more to life than sexual attraction,” she says, coolly.

  Asher leans forward, refusing to back down. “Not a lot in my book.”

  Rose closes her eyes, and after a deep breath schools her expression. “What about my job?” she asks. “How do you think it would look to other people in the office if they find out I slept with my bosses? They are going to assume that’s how I got the promotion.”

  She’s right, of course. The optics on this one are questionable, but it doesn’t stop me from wanting her. She’s the right woman for us. I can feel it, and these past weeks have just reinforced my belief.

  “Your job is safe,” Asher says. “When things end—”

  “If things end,” I say.

  Asher shoots me a look but continues. “I had legal draft an employment agreement. We’ll keep you on as long as you want and if you decide to leave there’s a generous severance package.”

  “I don’t want a severance package,” she says, glaring at Asher. “I just want to know why? Why me? Why now?”

  “The why is simple,” I say catching her hand and bringing it up to my lips. “It’s because you’re a cook.”

  Her brows crinkle and then she smiles. I feel the tension leaving her, but she still pulls back her hand and stands. “I need to think on this,” she says. “Tomorrow, I’m looking at apartments. I’ll be gone most of the day. When I get home, I’ll let you know.”

  I get to my feet, sure that if I give her time to think, she’ll talk herself out of it. But before I can stop her, she steps away from the sofa. “Rose—”

  “No,” she says, holding up both hands, and backs away. “I need to think.”

  I open my mouth to say more, but Asher speaks up. “Tomorrow then.”

  Rose leaves, and a heavy silence falls over the room. I’ve screwed this up. I should have kissed her until she couldn’t think straight. I shouldn’t have pushed her. I should have pushed her harder. I don’t fucking know anymore. But as I watch her door close, I’m terrified that this is it.

  “Give her time,” Asher says.

  “You know as well as I do that if she thinks about what we’re asking, she’s going to say no.”

  “One thing I’ve learned about Rose is that she doesn’t make rash decisions,” Asher says. “If you had tried to pressure her into sleeping with us before she had time to process, she would have flat out told you no. Or worse, agreed and then regretted it.”

  “I know you’re right, but I have a bad feeling,” I say, staring at the closed door.

  Asher finishes off his wine and then stands, stretching. “She’ll say yes,” he says, confidently. “I was watching. She’s into both of us, and curious. The perfect combination. We just need to give her time.”

  I pick up the other glasses, my eyes pulling back to the closed door again, and sigh. The cat’s out of the bag now, and there’s not much I can do. I just hope I’m right about Rose.



  I can’t sleep.

  How can I with Asher’s words buzzing around my brain like a jar full of angry bees?

  “We want you in our bed.”

I can’t believe I’m even considering it.

  I have my job and my reputation to think about. On top of that, I'm not that person anymore. The one that will do anything just for the thrill of it. I can’t go down this road; therein lies a whole host of issues I’m not ready to deal with. Besides, it’s a bad idea in general.

  There's just one catch. I want them. Every hour I spend with those two men, makes me want more. I’ve had a crush on Leo since before I started. Who wouldn’t? Tall, classically handsome, smart, with an edge of dark, broody yumminess. The man practically oozes smoldering sexuality. But when Asher joins the mix, that smolder bursts into a five alarm fire of panty-melting heat.

  So, yes. I’ve had fantasies about being with both of them on more than one occasion.

  But fantasy isn’t reality. I’ve worked too hard to distance myself from the insanity of my mother’s rock-n-roll world. The sex, the drugs, the booze—all of it. It doesn’t matter that they are billionaires, it’s still a little too close for comfort.

  After that night in Phoenix, I vowed to leave all that behind and have a normal life. I became an accountant because it is the farthest thing from rock star I could think of. I go out of my way to avoid anyone who I think might have a reckless streak. Hell, I even dated a librarian. Billy had been safe. And boring.

  But this situation is far from safe.

  And still, here I am, sleeping in the guest suite of two gorgeous billionaires who want to use me as their sex toy. No, that’s not being fair. I’ve gotten to know Leo and Asher really well over the last couple of months. They wouldn’t be so callous. I know that if I agree, they’ll make sure I get everything I want out of the encounter.


  I don’t even know if they are talking long-term or if this is a one-time thing. You know, out of curiosity. We’ve spent countless hours together, and there’s always been that sizzle of sexual tension. I know I’m curious, but I’m also afraid.

  And maybe that’s why I should do it. Fear is no way to live life. And I’ve been afraid for most of mine. These days, my fear is one hundred percent self-created. Deep down, I know I can be daring again without losing who I’ve become. So maybe, just this once, I’ll indulge. If I set the rules beforehand—control the situation—it might just work.

  The next morning, I leave before dawn and spend the day searching the city for a new place to live. After looking at a half a dozen apartments, I stop by a little coffee shop around the corner from the penthouse. I’m not ready to face the guys. My nerves are frayed, and my anxiety has hit a twelve out of ten. I’d kill for a Xanax right about now. All day, while I should have been asking about things like security and utility deposits, I kept thinking about tonight.

  Am I really going to do this?

  After a four cups of tea, and most my cell battery, I get up to leave. I’ve killed as much time as I dare.

  I walk the two blocks back to their building and insert my key into the elevator. The elevator ride up to the twenty-fifth floor feels like it takes hours. When the doors finally open, my heart speeds up, and I feel light-headed. But all my anxiety is for naught. The guys weren’t waiting for me.

  It’s very anticlimactic.

  I take off my coat and hang it up, flipping on the lights as I pass. There’s no sign of the guys, and I’m starting to think that maybe they’ve had a change of heart. We were all drinking last night. Maybe it was a spontaneous offer made in the moment, and now that booze isn’t involved, they realize what a disaster it would have been.

  That thought is depressing. I’ve spent the last twenty hours agonizing over this for nothing. Frustrated, I stalk across the living room to the guest suite and close the door behind me. This feels like a rejection. Anger wells up inside of me, and I blink several times, determined not to cry.

  Fuck this noise. I’ll go out again tomorrow and find a place of my own. A couple of the apartments that I saw had potential.

  I flop on the bed, suddenly exhausted, and the sound of crunching paper catches my attention. I sit up and find a crumpled note laying on the bed.


  Leo and I don’t want to make this awkward for you, so we went out. I know you needed time to think, so we thought you could use space.

  We’ll be home at eight. If your answer is yes, just leave the door to your room open. But if you’re not interested in sharing our bed, just close your door. We’ll respect your decision either way.


  The knot that has been forming in my stomach loosens, and I glance at the clock. It’s only six thirty. I have time to shower and change into something more comfortable. I know. That sounds cliché. I consider my clothing options way too long before deciding on a loose silk top in a soft pink and a pair of black palazzo pants. I forgo the bra but select a lacy thong. I didn’t want to seem too eager, but I also want something that is going to be easy to remove.

  On my way to the bathroom, I crack the door to the suite and then decide to push it open all the way. No need to be coy at this point. I’ve made up my mind, and I’m going to own that choice.

  I’m still getting ready when I hear the guys arrive, and immediately my body comes alive. I want this—more than what is probably healthy. I take a deep breath and pick up the brush. Whatever happens, I know the next hour will change my life.

  A soft knock sounds from the door. I turn and see Asher standing there stony-faced, his dark hair falling over one eye. He reminds me of Heathcliff standing on the moors, tragic but deliciously sexy.

  “Hi,” I say, but it comes out as a whisper.

  “Hi,” he says back. His eyes dart to the bed and back to me. “Did you get the note?”

  I nod, unable to find my voice.

  Leo steps into the room and hands me one of the glasses of wine he’s holding. “I thought this might help.”

  “I think we need to talk first,” I say nervously and take a drink of the wine. It’s one of my favorites and I warm from something other than the alcohol. Leo remembered. All the anxiety and worry from earlier fall away. Regardless of what happens after, I know these men will treat me with care.

  “That’s a good idea,” Leo says and puts his hand on my back to guide me to the sofa on the other side of the room. “Communication is important.”

  He’s touched me like that a dozen times, but this time is different. There’s intent in that touch. A shiver runs down my spine, and that warmth spreads throughout my body.

  We sit, and Asher joins us on the sofa. There’s not a lot of room and our legs brush; Asher on the right side and Leo on the left. I’m nervous and excited and turned on all at once. I down the rest of the wine to steady my nerves and blurt, “I willing to sleep with you, but I have some requirements.”

  Asher laughs, but Leo looks a bit concerned.

  “We’re listening,” Leo says and takes my hand. A tingle runs up my arm at his touch, and my mouth goes dry. I swallow, wishing I still had wine left, and try to keep it together long enough to get through this part.

  “What happens tonight doesn’t leave this room?” I say with as much confidence as I can muster.

  “Of course,” Asher says. “We would never break your trust like that. This stays between the three of us and no one else.”

  He runs the back of his hand along my jaw. His thumb traces the outline of my lips. There’s nothing overtly sexual about the action, but it makes me ache all the same. I pull back, knowing that if he keeps touching me, I won’t be able to continue.

  “I mean all of it stays here. The sex, the kissing, the touching.” I look back and forth between the two of them to make sure they understand what I’m trying to say. “In here, we can be together. On the other side of that door, I’m your employee and nothing more.”

  “Agreed,” Leo says and brings the hand he’d been holding up to his lips. He kisses my wrist. My breath catches and my thoughts narrow to what he’s doing. I want to feel those lips on mine. As if sensing my thoughts, Leo starts trailing kisses
up my arm, along the curve of my neck, down my jaw, until he reaches my lips. The kiss is soft, teasing, and over too soon. He pulls back, leaving me wanting more.

  “Anything else?” Leo says with a cocky grin.

  I blink a few times, completely forgetting what I was going to say. He has that effect on me. “This doesn’t change my plans. I insist on getting my own apartment.” I hold my breath, sure one of them is going to object.

  Asher nods and kisses my other shoulder, moving up to my neck, nipping softly at my sensitive skin. “As long as we can still have you here,” Asher whispers against my cheek.

  There were other things I wanted to say. Things that seemed so important a few hours earlier, but that warmth from earlier has ignited into a full fledged burn, and it’s spreading across my body like a wildfire.

  Leo and Asher are both touching and kissing me. They’re gentle but sure. Asher turns me towards him and devours my lips. Unlike Leo’s kiss which was meant to tease and entice, Asher’s kiss steals my breath. It’s possessive and demanding; all tongue and teeth. I’ve never been kissed like that before, and I moan against his lips.

  Leo kisses the back of my neck as his hands slide under my shirt. His fingers brush my hard nipples, and I arch into his hand. “I’ve wanted to do this for months,” he says, cupping my breast in his hand. “They’re the perfect size.” He pinches a nipple, and I suck in a breath. “Do you like it when I do that?”

  Another pinch. This time I can’t hold back the moan.

  “Fuck, she’s sensitive and so responsive,” Leo says. “I bet you could make her come from sucking her tits.”

  “Wait,” I say, breathlessly, and pull back. They both still and any fear I had remaining disappeared. I’m safe with them. Safe enough to let go and not fall. “We have too many clothes on.” I peel my shirt over my head and start in on Asher’s buttons.


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