Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave
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and religious priming, 69–70
and self-actualization, 102, 119–120
avoidance motivation, 172–73
hierarchy of needs theory, 102–20
Müller-Lyer, Franz, 125
Müller-Lyer illusion, 125–28
Multiculturalism, 149–153
Names and naming
and cultural exposure, 149
demographic information from, 10–13
influence on life outcome. See Nominative determinism
Nationalism, flags as symbol, 64–69
attention restoration theory (ART), 188–191
healing effects of, 185–191
therapies based on, 189
Nazi Party, swastika symbol, 52
Necker Cube, 147–48
Needs, hierarchy of needs theory, 102
New Coke fiasco, 71
Newfoundland, culture-bound disorders of, 145
Newton, Sir Isaac, 26–27
Nisbett, Richard, 139–140
Noise, negative effects of, 184
Nominative determinism, 7–25
aptronyms, 7–8
baby, naming trends, 9–10
categorization and name, 10–13
and charitable giving, 14–15
companies, naming, 20–25
cross-cultural approach, 8–9
and early/later-letter names, 14–16
fluent versus disfluent pronunciation, 16–20
own name, attraction to, 13–15
passive versus assertive words, 23–25
phonemes, role of, 23–25
and stock performance, 21–23
Noor (soap opera), 85–86
Norms, and behavior, 199–203
Northern Hemisphere, label for, 34–36
Northern states
and criminal behavior, 208–9
culture of honor, regional differences, 139–143
Numbers, natural meanings of, 8
Nuttin, Jozef, 13–14
Obama, Barack, 108, 112
Observation, being watched, reactions to, 77–79
Ogas, Ogi, 191–93
OkCupid, 167
Old hag syndrome, 145
Operation Momentum, 79
Opower, 84–85
Oppenheimer, Danny, 21, 195–96
Overcrowding, negative effects of, 181–85
in-group versus out-group effects, 117–18
and mothers/newborn, 74
trust enhancement product, 115–17
alleviation, and money, 63–64
social support, effects on, 118–19
Paoli Memorial Hospital, 185–86
Pathogens, in individualistic versus collectivistic cultures, 133–34
Patton, Darvis, 89
Peace symbol, 53
Penis-napping epidemic, 144
Perception, visual, cultural differences, 125–29
Performance. See also Academic achievement; Athletic performance
competition, effects on, 93–95, 103–4
and presence of others, 89–93
and social inhibition, 91
Persons with disabilities, and social interaction, 46–48
Pessin, Joseph, 91
Philbin, Regis, 191
Phobias, culture-bound types, 145
Phonemes, passive versus assertive words, 23–25
Pink, Drunk Tank Pink, origin of, 1–3
Pogonina, Natalia, 103
Political candidates, names, impact on, 17–18
Pormpuraaw Aboriginal language, 43–44
Povetkin, Alexander, 174
Prejudice. See Racial stereotyping; Racism
black features/primate association, 111–12
Harlow experiments, 211–13
Priming. See also Symbols
meaning of, 53–54
subliminal, 109
Problem solving, and social mimicry, 86–87
Psychiatry, labeling in, 48–49
Ptolemy, 34–35
Pythagoras, 136–37
QWERTY keyboard, 36–37
Race, labels for, 30–32
Racial discrimination, black males/crime association, 114–15
Racial stereotyping
black features/primate association, 111–12, 114–15
black males/crime association, 109–12
and given name, 12–13
and racial labels, 31, 37
terrorist/Middle Easterner association, 112–13
tinted lens concept, 31–32
development and labels, 37–38
development and safety motive, 108–15
Radio Caracas Television International (RCTV), 65
Rainbow, colors, discovery of, 26–27
Raubal, Geli, 217
Red (color)
and agitation, 165
and athletic success, 174–77
and dominance/aggression, 175–76
ink, associations with, 171–72
neural activation by, 172–73
physiological response to, 161–62, 163–65
and romantic appeal, 167–170
web page color, effects of, 165
Reid, Jim, 60–61
fasting, 143
and honesty, 69–70
Remington company, QWERTY keyboard, 36–37
Retail therapy, 63
and disfluency, 192–98
male/female competition, 103–5
and men, 74, 105–6, 153
Road rage, and weather, 206–7
Rodríguez Pantoja, Marcos, 79
Romantic comedies, 213–14
Roosevelt, Franklin, 221
Rorschach, Hermann, 163
Rorschach test, 163
Rosenthal, Robert, 40–41
Safety motive, and xenophobia, 108–15
Salk, Jonas, 101
Santana, Johan, 205–6
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 79, 89
SAT scores
and daylight saving areas, 221–22
and number of test-takers, 93–94
Saudi Arabia
flag as symbol in, 65
Noor (soap opera), 85–86
Schachter, Stanley, 80–81
Schauss, Alexander, 1–3
Schizophrenics, color, response to, 163–64
Schramm, Tex, 3
Scientology, behavioral standards imposed by, 70
Scrooge, Ebenezer
nominative determinism, 10
traits of, acquiring, 62–63
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 214–16
blue-green light therapy for, 159, 215
cause of, 215
daylight saving policy, 221–22
weather, effects of. See Weather
Sekiman-kyofu, 145
Sekula-Gibbs, Shelley, 17–18
and age, 119–120
defined, 102
Sexual appeal
color related to, 167–170
and season, 209–10
Sexual motivation, 103–7
and reproduction, 103–4, 107
and risk-taking, 103–5
Shapiro, Ann, 83
Shift workers, blue, benefits for, 158–59
Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing), 189
Siffre, Michel, 81
teboarding, risk-taking, 105–6
Sleep paralysis, 145
Social anxiety, Rorschach test, 163
Social events, in individualistic versus collectivistic cultures, 148–49
Social facilitation effect, 91
Social inhibition, 91
Social interactions
and learning, 84–86
and persons with disabilities, 46–48
Social isolation, 79–83, 211–14
cabin fever, 82
feral children, 79–80
intentional, reactions to, 80–81
physical warmth as comfort, 212–14
and romantic comedy plots, 213–14
solitary confinement, 82
Social motives
affiliation motive, 115–19
hierarchy of needs theory, 102–20
safety motive, 108–15
sexual motive, 103–7
Socioeconomic status
and intelligence assessment, 32–34
and naming preference, 11–12
Solis, Odlanier, 174
Solitary confinement, reactions to, 82
Southern Hemisphere, label for, 34–36
Southern states
and criminal behavior, 208–9
culture of honor, regional differences, 139–143
Splatt, Dr. A. J., 7–8
Stereotyping, and race. See Racial stereotyping
and mental disorders labels, 48–49
and persons with disabilities, 46–48
Stock performance
fluent versus disfluent names, 21–22
and ticker codes, 22–23
Stock preferences, cultural differences, 151–52, 201
Stroop task, 178–79
Subliminal priming, 109
Summers, Larry, 32
daylight saving policy, 221–22
and financial markets, 220–21
lack, effects of, 214–16
and mental dullness, 219–221
Supernatural, culture-bound disorders, 144, 145
Supersymbols, 61
meaning, processing of, 54–55
as symbol, 51–52
Symbols, 51–74
brand-related, 70–71
concepts attached to, 52–59
lightbulb as, 58–59
logos as, 55–56
money as, 60–64, 72–73
national flags, 64–69
neural processing of, 53, 55–59, 61
peace symbol, 53
power of, 52–59
and priming, 53–54
religious priming, 69–70
supersymbols, 61
swastika, 51–52
yin-yang symbol, 150–52
Tale-Yax, Hugo Alfredo, 95, 98–99
change, concept of, 150–52, 201
yin-yang symbol, 150–52
Taymozov, Artur, 174
Teachers, and student achievement, 40–41
Terrorists, Middle Easterner association with, 112–13
and aggression, 142
release, and presence of women, 74, 104, 106
and risk-taking, 74, 104, 106, 153
winter peaks in, 210
Time, language differences for, 43–44
Tinted lens concept, racial labels, 31–32
Tkachiev, Evgeny, 103
Tkachiev, Vladislav, 103
Tremor test, 163–64
Triplett, Norman, 90–91
Tropical climate, and aggression, 205–9
Trust, enhancing, Liquid Trust, 115–17
Turgenev, Ivan, 53
Turner Prize, 60
Typewriter keyboard, QWERTY, 36–37
Underhill, Paco, 184
Uniforms, color, effects of, 174–77
United States, culture of honor, regional differences, 139–143
U.S. Naval Amphibious Base, Coronado, 51–52
U.S. Treasury, currency updates, 72–73
Van Gogh, Vincent, 215–16
Venezuela, inverted flag protests, 65
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC), love and pain alleviation, 118–19
Vero Labs, Liquid Trust, 115–17
culture, elements of, 146–47
vets, heroin addiction, 203–4
Vigilance, and red, 173
Visual discrimination
cultural differences, 125–29
figure-background focus, 128–29
Visual harmony, golden ratio, 136–37
Voronin, Vyacheslav, 9–10
climate. See Weather
-friendliness association, 212–13
Wealth, and Scrooge-like traits, 62–63
animals, effects on, 216
baseball, effects on, 205–6
and criminal behavior, 208–9
and financial markets, 220–21
Lorenz butterfly effect, 223–24
and mating/birth rate, 210–11
and mental dullness, 219–221
positive ions, 218
prediction, cultural differences, 151
and road rage, 206–7
seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 159, 214–16
and sexual appeal, 209–10
strong winds and behavior, 217–18
and well-being, 214–19
Weather prediction, cultural differences, 201
Weedom, D., 7–8
and nature, 188–190
and weather, 214–19
White, and morality, 178–79
Whiteread, Rachel, 60
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 65
Whorf, Benjamin, 29
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (TV show), 191–93
Wilde, Oscar, 121
Wilson, James, 200
Winds, strong, and behavior, 217–18
Winter, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 158–59, 214–16
Women, hysteria, stigma of, 48–49
Woods, Tiger, 30
as labels, 29
language varieties. See Language differences
names, power of. See Nominative determinism
for numbers, 8
Wright, David, 205
defined, 108
development and safety motive, 108–15
Yagan language, 42
Yimithirr language, 44
Yin-yang symbol, 150–52
exposure to, effects of, 150–52
representation of, 150
Yisrael Beiteinu (Israel Is Our Home), 66
Zajonc, Bob, 91–93, 109