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Prowl (Nothing Else Matters But Survival Book 1)

Page 7

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Symone’s incessant foot tapping was no mistake either. She was anxious about something, constantly checking her watch and staring at the twosome. Was that Symone’s man, two-timing her with the beautiful girl he was standing with? Brittany smiled at the thought of the perfect Ms. Ellis being cheated on. But the guy looked kind of young. Maybe Symone was a cougar, playing with another woman’s cub. Is that why she was watching them so closely? The smirk on Agent Stinson’s face widened at the thought.

  Ms. Ellis’ attention momentarily drifted away from the couple and she looked around the museum. Agent Stinson dropped her gaze, moving a few feet to the right. Brittany feigned interest in a sculpture immediately in front of her. Her cover would be blown if Symone saw her. After a few beats, Brittany looked up from down-turned eyes to see whether Symone spotted her. But Symone’s attention had returned to the couple. Agent Stinson stepped from behind the sculpture and watched Symone watch them.

  Maybe Symone was casing this museum for another heist? Maybe that’s why she was here.

  After turning in the dog grooming truck to the warehouse where they kept it, Leah and Brooklyn parted ways. It was almost time for James to get home from school and Leah wanted to be there when he arrived. Because of their stakeout, James rode the bus to school. She hated for him to come home to an empty house. Leah pulled her car into the driveway. After turning off the ignition and removing the keys, Leah grabbed her purse and exited the vehicle. She stopped at the mailbox before going inside. Typically, she would leave that task to James, but he forgot more times than he remembered.

  Leah tucked the mail under her arm and closed the mailbox door. She made her way up the front walk and retrieved her keys from her purse. Once inside, Leah turned off the alarm, kicked off her shoes and put her purse on the entry way table. James was always hungry when he got home from school, so Leah made her way to the kitchen. Sitting the mail on the counter, Leah perused the refrigerator and then the cabinets to find a suitable snack for her growing boy. Deciding on fresh fruit, cheese, and crackers, Leah pulled the items from their respective places and sat them on the countertop next to the mail.

  Leah paused for a moment, catching sight of the corner of one of the envelopes.

  Hmmm… she muttered as she fished the envelope out. State of New York, she read on the return line. Leah double checked to make sure the letter was addressed to her. Sure enough, her name and address were listed behind the translucent paper midway down the envelope.

  What does the state of New York want with me, Leah wondered as she tapped the short end of the envelope on the counter and tore open the other end. Leah’s ears perked up as she heard the bus pull up outside. She contemplated putting the envelope aside to get James’ snack prepared, but her curiosity was certainly piqued. Leah pulled the folded letter from the envelope and opened it. She scanned the top and part of the body, and then Leah began to read more intently.

  Ms. Leah Hunter;

  It has come to the department’s attention that you are the acting guardian for James Hunter, son of Nia Hunter. However, in completing our due diligence regarding the aforementioned minor, we have determined that no official transfer of guardianship has taken place and as such, the minor is considered without a caregiver.

  Leah’s mouth fell open and her hand started to shake as she continued reading.

  A court hearing has been scheduled for July 25, 2017, at which time the judge will determine the appropriate course of action for said minor. If you are interested in obtaining legal guardianship of said minor, please be prepared with the necessary documents to determine your appropriateness to be his lawful caregiver. The minor’s parents will also have opportunity to establish their fitness as his birth parents.

  Just then, the front door opened.

  “Mom, I’m home…”

  Chapter Eleven

  Drew seemed flustered. Although Symone couldn’t hear their conversation, she could see Drew blush from across the room. What the hell? Symone thought. Briefly, Symone cast a glance around the museum. She could count on one hand how many people floated around the building and there seemed to be fewer and fewer by the minute. Symone turned her attention back to Drew, but caught the woman in her peripheral that moved from corner to corner since Symone arrived. Dressed down in a baseball cap, blue jeans and a black shirt, the woman seemed oddly out of her element. But Symone couldn’t be bothered with her presence because she was too focused on Drew.

  Their conversation seemed light and Drew’s body language went from casual to languid. Then they moved, Drew going one way and the man going another. Symone glanced down at her watch. Drew missed the opportunity to meet with her contact and Symone tried and failed to calm her own nerves. Giving this operation to Drew to headline was a bad idea. They should’ve known better. While Symone was silently chastising Drew, Drew returned to the hall and exited the building. Quickly, Symone went after her. Outside, Symone jumped in the driver seat of her Nissan Maxima and pulled out a few feet behind Drew.

  They drove for what seemed like ten miles before Drew pulled into an empty parking lot of an abandoned warehouse. Symone glanced in the rearview mirror and pulled to the side of the road watching Drew from a distance. A Chevy Tahoe pulled into a spot next to Drew’s car, and she exited with her handbag in tow. The tinted windows on the truck made it hard to see who Drew’s contact was, but it put a flirtatious smile on Drew’s face. Symone frowned. The girl was flirting with everyone today and Drew was not that type. Symone wondered who this man was and she would surely get the details when this was over.

  Just as Symone thought it, the driver side door of the Tahoe opened and the handsome brother from the museum stepped out, trailing a path around the truck to open Drew’s door and help her in.

  “Is that her contact?” Symone said out loud.

  Symone’s mind raced and she glanced in her rearview again. It was then she noticed the Buick Encore sitting idle at a green light a few feet back. Horns blew at the vehicle from impatient drivers wanting to get on with their day. The Buick made a left turn going out of Symone’s sight. She took her focus back to Drew and the mystery man. They were pulling out of the parking lot and Drew was in his truck.

  “This is just getting more interesting by the second,” Symone spoke to herself. She grabbed her cell phone pondering a phone call to Brooklyn. But, she’d given Drew this much space so instead, she opened up the camera on her phone and took a snapshot of his license plate.

  “Don’t get any bright ideas, sucker.”

  Symone pulled off behind him, making sure to keep a reasonable distance. The street sat on a warehouse row with only a few cars coming along here and there. They made a left turn and Symone followed them. When another car turned behind her, she caught sight of the Buick pulling up to her rear. Creases outlined Symone’s face as she frowned. Was this person lost? She wondered. Traffic slowed to a red light. Symone took another look at the Buick and saw the driver.

  “Hell no…”

  Her heart rate increased and she checked her side mirrors. Closing her eyes, Symone pulled in a deep breath. It was the woman in the ball cap and although her face was half concealed by the baseball cap, the features Symone could make out were oddly familiar with the picture of Agent Brittany Stinson, the FBI Agent assigned to their case.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!”

  There were so many questions running through Symone’s head. How did Stinson find them? How long had she been watching? Symone remembered her from the museum, but how long before that had she been watching? The light turned green and traffic moved.

  Symone thought fast. If Agent Stinson was simply following her, then she’d led her to Drew and their contact. “Shit!” she spat. This was bad news. As the cars in front of her moved, Symone held still. She waited until the light turned yellow then sped forward. Surely enough, Agent Stinson hit the gas and was on her bumper. The light switched to red and Symone slammed on her brakes coming to a screeching halt. The Buick Encore rammed in
to the back of her Nissan causing Symone’s seatbelt to lock, holding her in place. Smoke billowed from the hood of Agent Stinson’s car. They were in the middle of the intersection and traffic was now completely at a standstill. Symone grabbed her cell phone and sent the picture of Drew’s mystery man’s tag to Brooklyn’s phone, then erased the message and the picture.

  Symone looked toward the Tahoe catching Drew’s eye. Twisted in her seat, Drew’s eyes were as big as saucers; her hand resting lightly on the guy’s shoulder. Busted, Symone thought. Symone knew she would get an earful later from Drew, especially after she explained herself. His truck came to a slow stop and Symone shook her head ‘no’. Drew frowned and Symone mouthed, go. Drew turned back in her seat and spoke to her driver. He pulled along down the road. Symone watched them as they disappeared around the corner.

  When Symone’s phone rang, it didn’t surprise her. She answered it without checking the screen while simultaneously exiting her Nissan.

  “I’m fine, everything’s okay but my car may be totaled.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  The timber of Mason’s voice slithered through her eardrum like a whispered caress. Symone shuddered.

  “Mason, my God, I thought you were someone else.”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry about that, too. Are you okay?”

  “Um, yeah physically, for now anyway. It seems I’ve been rear-ended.”

  “Tell me where you are and I’ll come to you.”

  A smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

  “That’s not necessary. I’m very capable of handling this on my own.”

  “I’m sure you are, but I’d still like to help. After all, you said your car might be totaled. You can’t very well drive away in it.”

  He had a point. But something about being around both he and Agent Stinson at the same time didn’t settle well with Symone. Agent Stinson approached her.

  “Why would you slam on your brakes like that,” she asked; her voice elevated.

  “Excuse me? The light turned red and had you not been following me so closely this wouldn’t have happened. I sure hope you have car insurance.”

  Brittany glanced around nervously then sighed. “Of course I do, this is a government vehicle.”

  “Too bad for you. I’m sure your boss won’t appreciate you tearing up their property.”

  Symone held her hand out to receive Brittany’s information.

  “Property of the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Agent Brittany Stinson,” she read aloud.

  Mason barked through the phone. “What?”

  “It looks like I’ve been hit by one of your colleagues.”

  Symone heard Mason let out a deep breath and a few expletives.

  “Tell me where you are, now,” he commanded with an ominous growl. It should’ve frightened Symone, but it didn’t. The commandment sent a fire straight to her panties. Symone gave her location.

  “I’m not far from you. I’ll be there in five minutes.”

  Their line disconnected. A text message chimed and she opened it immediately.

  Call me. It was from Brooklyn.

  Symone sent back a text. Not now. Give me a minute.

  Sirens could be heard from a distance.

  “Did you call the police,” Brittany asked; piercing Symone with an obnoxious glare.

  “I haven’t had time to call them, but I’m sure one of these lovely people stuck in traffic here made the call for us.”

  Symone rubbed the back of her neck.

  Frustrated Brittany asked, “Were you wearing your seatbelt?”

  “Fortunately for you.”

  Brittany snorted then snapped. “Whatever. You should take driving lessons. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you caused the accident on purpose.”

  A Crown Victoria pulled up and parked alongside them, along with three police cruisers. The officers got out and walked toward them. In his Crown Victoria, Mason shut off the engine and stepped out. His long strides brought him to Symone and Brittany quickly. At the manifestation of him, Brittany’s jaw hung open. “What are you doing here,” Brittany asked.

  He grabbed Symone by her arm. “Are you okay?”

  He saw annoyance in Symone’s face. The same beautiful face he couldn’t seem to get out of his mind.

  “What’s wrong?” His voice was thick and stern.

  “How dare you blame me for your reckless driving,” Symone said speaking to Brittany. “Why on God’s green earth would I purposely cause this accident? More than that, how could I? I didn’t make you run into the back of my car! If you hadn’t been on my ass, this would’ve never happened. You know what…” Symone shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “I should sue you and the Federal Bureau of Investigations. I’m sure they wouldn’t take it lightly being dragged into court.” Symone rubbed the back of her neck again.

  Mason glared at Brittany.

  “Look, that’s not necessary,” Brittany said, looking from Symone to Mason. “I can pay for the damages out of pocket.”

  “What about my medical bills, can you pay for that out of pocket, too?”

  Brittany held back an eye roll and sucked her teeth.

  “Yes, I can pay your medical expenses.”

  Symone pursed her lips, determined to give Agent Brittany Stinson a hard time. “I don’t know. I think we should have this on record.”

  An officer approached. “Tell me what happened.”

  Symone rattled off the details of their accident while making sure not to lay off pointing the finger at Agent Stinson.

  “Do you need an ambulance, ma’am?”

  Laying it on thick, Symone inhaled and exhaled. “No, I’ll find my own way to the hospital.”

  “Please,” Mason reached for her arm again. “Let me take you.”

  It took everything in Brittany to keep her smart comment to herself.

  Symone’s eyes traveled up and down his extended frame.

  “Are you sure that’s such a good idea?”

  “It’s not a problem at all.”

  Symone glanced back at Brittany. “Sure, I guess.”

  Mason walked her to his Crown Victoria just as a tow truck pulled up to holster Symone’s car. The officer took down Brittany’s information as she watched with scathing contempt her partner helping Symone into his car.

  Mason re-entered the driver’s seat and buckled his seat belt. He pulled away from the accident and Symone didn’t miss the irritation on his face when his eyes roamed across Brittany’s menacing glare.

  What was up with these two? Symone wondered.

  “I’m glad I called when I did,” Mason spoke.

  “Why were you calling?”

  “To confirm our date tonight.” He swept an eye over her. “Looks like we’ll have to postpone it.”

  “Yeah, but look on the bright side, we still got a chance to be in each other’s company.”

  He smirked, “It’s not exactly what I had in mind. Hopefully, we have a chance to try again.”

  A smile pulled at her lips. “Of course.”

  Mason reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind Symone’s ear. It was hard for him to keep his hands to himself but he was trying. The movement sent a ripple of warmth through Symone. She could not seriously entertain this man and she’d told herself this so many times. But here she was allowing him to take her to the hospital. And what would she do when it came time for him to take her home? With the kind of man, she knew him to be, Mason wouldn’t simply drop her off at the E.R., and she couldn’t very well take him home for more reasons than one.

  Pulling out her cell phone, Symone sent a text to Brooklyn. Meet me at New York Presbyterian Hospital in twenty minutes. I’ll give you the details once we leave.

  Fifteen minutes later

  There was a knock on the door. “Come in.”

  Mason peeked his head inside of the hospital room. “I wanted to check on you. What’s the verdict?”

  Symone smiled. “Why
didn’t you come back here with me?”

  “If you decide to sue the department I don’t think it would be in your best interest for me to hear your medical results since I’m a part of said department. That and it is your personal information.”

  He stood by the door with his hands in his jean pockets.

  “Since when do you care about my best interests?”

  The doctor re-entered the room.

  “How are you?” The doctor said holding a hand out to Mason.

  “I’m good, thanks for taking care of my girl.”

  “That’s what I’m here for. Are you the husband of Mrs. Ellis?”

  There was a gleam in Mason’s eyes as he responded, “Not quite.” Mason spoke to the doctor, but he watched Symone. If he didn’t know any better, Mason could have sworn he saw her shiver.

  “Here’s your referral to see the chiropractor. You can make an appointment at your earliest convenience.”

  “Thank you,” Symone responded. “Am I free to go?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Take care of yourself.”

  The doctor left the room, but Mason and Symone continued to gaze at each other. Symone didn’t miss him referencing her as his girl and she enjoyed the sentiment more than she should have. Mason’s eyes took in her full lips, disheveled hair and dark brown eyes. He was moving before he realized it. Symone stood and Mason reached out; his fingers clasping a fierce hand around the back of her head.

  “You can slap me later, but I’ve wanted to do this since our first encounter.”

  His mouth fell to hers in a scorching kiss that lit a torch in her gut. Soft full lips meshed together as they sucked and pulled the plump folds of their mouths together. A moan rose up in Symone’s throat meeting Mason’s animalistic growl.


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