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Prowl (Nothing Else Matters But Survival Book 1)

Page 10

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

“Well, he had my back on this one, sir. He attended to the suspect to draw attention away from me.” Her mind said sell his ass out, but Brittany’s heart wouldn’t allow it.

  “Oh really?”

  “Absolutely, sir. Fuller is as dedicated to resolving this case as I am. After our mishap overseas, we have been working around the clock to rectify the situation.”

  “I see,” S.A. Jones replied. He sized the agent up again; his eyes trailing her from the top of her head. Then, he leveled a fierce gaze that did not waiver.

  “You are close to a fuckin’ demotion. You realize that don’t you, Agent Stinson?” Jones wasn’t looking for a response. “You got one more time to test the edge of my patience and your ass will be in the tombs clocking evidence bags. Do you understand what I am saying to you? You got one more time. Now, get the hell out of my office.”

  “Yes sir,” Stinson uttered, relieved his chastisement wasn’t worse.

  As she made her way to the door, Brittany’s superior got her attention again.

  “Stinson,” Jones called out, leaning forward on his desk. The agent slowly turned around, praying her boss didn’t have second thoughts about her punishment.

  “That car you wrecked, you are paying for the fix.” Stinson nodded. Forming words with the course of adrenaline pumping in her veins was too difficult. She turned away and grabbed the door knob. But, clearly, Jones wasn’t finished with her.

  “And, tell your partner, if I don’t have resolution on this case within the next 30 days, Im’ma have both your asses!”

  Brittany made a quick exit. She felt relieved the situation hadn’t been worse. Now she needed to talk to her fuck of a partner. He wasn’t in the pit with the other agents, which was no real surprise given how he’d been behaving. Brittany whipped out her cell phone and speed dialed Mason’s number.

  When his phone rang, he contemplated whether or not to answer it. He was not in the mood for Brittany’s shenanigans. Mason swiped the call and sent it to voicemail.

  I know he ain’t ignoring me? Brittany thought as she made her way through the station. She called the number again, just to make sure.

  No sooner than Mason ignored the first call, his phone was ringing again. Without even considering it, he swiped again, sending the call straight to voicemail. He was on a mission and his partner was not going to mess this one up.

  Brittany nearly stopped in her tracks when she was sent to voicemail again. Making her way to her car, Brittany jumped in and started it, revving the engine. An eerie smile crept across her face.

  “I know exactly where you are, Mason…”

  Mason arrived at the coffee shop a few minutes early. He wanted to have Symone’s beverage already waiting for her, but not inside the coffee shop where other people and their conversations could distract them. Mason wanted to have a private conversation with Symone. Mason went into the shop, bought her favorite, and brought the drinks back to the car. They would talk there, where they couldn’t be disturbed.

  Symone didn’t want to arrive too early to the shop. That would signal desperation and that’s not the message she wanted to convey. She was eager to see Mason, but instead of pulling right up to the coffee shop, Symone hung back, a block over and waited for the time to tick down. It was better to be a few minutes late, make him wait for her with as much anticipation as she had for him. Symone decided to use the time wisely. She checked her hair and makeup in the rearview mirror to make sure they were perfect.

  Brittany drove directly to the coffee shop. She knew he would be there. When she saw his car pulled near the back of the lot where there were far less cars, she pulled up behind it. She saw Mason coming out of the shop with more than one drink in his hand. Brittany waited until he was just about at his vehicle before exiting her own.

  28 minutes … Just a few more and Symone would make her way to the coffee shop. Reaching in her purse, Symone retrieved her favorite perfume and misted herself.

  Mason nearly stopped in his tracks when he saw his partner getting out of her car.

  “Don’t look so disappointed, partner,” Brittany said, sashaying over to him. “Looking for someone else I take it?”

  Mason didn’t immediately respond. This was not what he had in mind.

  “What’s so urgent, Stinson,” he replied impersonally.

  “I just saved your ass,” Brittany chirped. “That’s what’s so damn urgent.”

  “What the hell do you mean?”

  Brittany positioned herself where she could see the entrances to the parking lot. She turned Mason by her approach, knowing he would recoil the closer she got.

  “I just got through meeting with the boss, and he ain’t happy with either one of our asses right now.”

  “Oh, what you really mean is that he ain’t happy with your ass,” Mason rebuffed.

  “I knew you would think that,” Brittany began. She spotted a familiar vehicle slowly making its way down the parking lot. “Yeah, he chewed my ass about the car, but he also wanted an explanation as to your whereabouts and why you were on scene.”

  Mason hadn’t considered that part of the equation.

  “So what did you tell him?”

  Brittany moved again, causing Mason to back up to his car.

  “I told him you had my back.” Out of the sight of the approaching car, Brittany used one hand to lift Mason’s free hand to her waist and hold it there.

  Symone thought she saw Mason and made her way to him. She was surprised when she saw his partner there, too. Symone slowed the car even more.

  “Oh you did,” Mason replied, trying to remove his hand from Brittany’s grip.

  “I sure did,” Brittany purred. “Don’t you think you owe me a thank you?” She was smiling and her eyes were beaming.

  “Thank y—“

  Before Mason could fully get the words out of his mouth, Brittany pushed passed the drink tray, planting her full lips on his. Mason had no place to go. His car held him steady. Brittany pushed her tongue into his mouth and held him firm against his resistance.

  Symone stopped short. Her mouth fell open.

  “Son of a bitch...” Symone uttered, as her heart sank.

  But she wanted him to know she was there.

  As Mason pulled away, Brittany smiled even harder as Symone’s car came into view. Mason followed Brittany’s eyes and his gaze landed on Symone who paused her vehicle in front of him long enough for him to see her.

  “… Damn…”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Would you like something to drink?” Legend circled the bar and popped the top on a bottle of scotch.

  “You can cut the shit. You’ve revealed who you really are. You got everything you wanted out of me. There’s no need to act like you really give a damn what I want.” Her words were heated, and her blood simmered to a boil.

  Everything Drew found out about the man she’d lain with made her gut churn. Revolted and in danger of emptying the contents of her stomach, Drew glared at Legend.

  A crooked smile adorned his lips. “You know, things don’t have to be this way.” He held a short glass out to her half filled with scotch on the rocks.

  “I don’t get it. If you were going to steal our money, why didn’t you just take the Saliera? Why go through the exchange and transfer of funds from your clients, when you could’ve just taken it and sold it yourself?”

  Legend’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “Paper trail…” he drawled. “When Brooklyn… that’s her name, right?” He smirked. “When Brooklyn brings me cash, there will be no trace of my hand ever touching this transaction.”

  Drew shook her head in disbelief. “How the hell do you suppose she’ll bring you cash? With the amount you asked for, I can guarantee it won’t be cash, but a direct transfer. So, your paper trail plan won’t work.” Drew held a smug smile.

  Legend’s smiled widened. “You’re right, but you’re wrong about one thing. Drew puckered her lips in defiance waiting for him to continue. “There won’t be a
connection between me and the Saliera.” Legend shrugged. “That’s all that really matters.”

  “You’ve got it all figured out, huh? So this is what you do, steal from your clients?”

  “I’m not stealing from them, I’m stealing from you.”

  “You never stop to think what would happen if word got back to your clients of your shady dealings?”

  The twinkle in Legend’s eyes went out. “No one would dare do that, sweetheart.”

  “And why is that, sweetheart? Because you’re the big bad wolf?”

  His smile returned. “Yes I am, baby,” he growled. “And you’re little red riding hood.” Legend licked his lips. “And if you don’t mind me saying so, you ride one helluva hood, too.”

  Drew’s forehead creased; her mouth turned down into a frown. She hated the way her body reacted to his words. What the hell was wrong with her? So what he rocked her world. Drew had lost count of the many orgasms she released last night, but Drew wouldn’t tell his janky ass that.

  “You’re disgusting,” Drew spat.

  “And you like it,” he responded getting in her face.

  She pushed off him and walked around Legend to claim a seat at the bar.

  “So you’re just going to keep me here until my sister brings you our money?”

  “That’s the idea.”

  “What If I try to leave, then what, you’ll kill me?”

  Legend’s jaw tightened. “I’ll fuck you until your pussy bleeds, but then you might enjoy that as well.”

  Drew fought hard to control the horror that oozed through her.

  “You’re a lunatic! How’d I ever see anything else?”

  Legend poured another round of scotch in his glass.

  “Because we belong together, baby. It’s the way of the universe. Even if you hate to admit it, our stars align. Tell me, haven’t you always felt excitement in your life, lacking? Don’t you want to take life by the balls and create your own path?”

  He glided towards her, his steps slow and even. “Haven’t you wanted to fuck, uninhibited, chained to the bed, like last night, or out in the wild like an animal?”

  “I’d like to grab you by the balls and hang you upside down by them,” Drew spat.

  Legend laughed. “You see that shit right there? It makes me want you more. You should stay with us, Nia could use a sister wife.”

  “You’re out of your mind. We haven’t seen Nia in years! Who the hell knows where she is or what she’s doing. Who even knows if she’s still alive…?”

  “No need to worry about that,” Legend replied. The slick grin on his face was troubling. “She’s still alive. I saw her last night.”

  Drew’s eyes bucked. “What do you mean you saw her last night?”

  “Trust me when I say, she’s alive and well. Your sister will find out soon enough, and you better hope she finds out within the next 48 hours.”

  “Or you’ll kill me?”

  “You’re too fun to kill, but I will have my way with you.”

  Legend walked back to her and Drew recoiled. He leaned in to whisper in her ear, “And you’ll love every minute of it.”

  Symone put the car in reverse slowly turning back onto the road. She gave one last glance at Mason before pulling off. “Stupid,” Symone chastised herself. The phone in her lap rang immediately. It was him. Without hesitation, Symone swiped the screen sending the call to voicemail. Within seconds it rang again, and again, she sent the call to voicemail. A notification came through from Brooklyn. Symone rolled her eyes. The last thing Symone wanted was to deal with her. Brooklyn made it abundantly clear that Symone was fucking up and Symone was on the verge of saying to hell with it all.

  Slowly, the car rolled to a stop at a red light. Symone opened the message:

  Emergency at my place! Get here now!

  The fine hairs on Symone’s neck rose. “Emergency?” she muttered putting a firm foot on the gas pedal. A horn blew as she hit the corner. “What the hell could it be now?”

  Confusion set in on James’s face as he stood in the doorway. His eyes roamed from his mom to the woman who now sat on their living room couch. They had the same mouth, nose and although the other woman had dark circles, her eyes were the same as his mom’s.

  James glanced to Leah; tears streamed down her face. She was hurt, and he didn’t understand why. Her sorrow made tears form in his eyes. Since the woman entered the house, everyone seemed distant.

  “Mom,” James cried out taking steps into the room. She stood in front of the woman, with her hand covering her mouth. James slid his arms around Leah. His voice and warmth bringing her out of shock.

  Leah dropped down to her knees. “Baby, your friend Daniel just got a new game system for making honor roll for the third time this year. Why don’t you go next door and play it with him?”

  James wiped the tears that threatened to fall from Leah’s eyes. He turned his sights on Nia getting a good look at her. “Why do you look like my mom?”

  Leah trembled. She could only hold on to her distress for so long, and James was making it hard for her. Nia opened her mouth to speak.

  “Baby,” Leah chimed in bringing James’s focus back to her. “She’s a distant relative, that’s why. Go on now, or I’ll change my mind, and you can wash the dishes.”

  It was meant to make him run for the hills, but James was worried about his mother. He wiped her eyes again and fell into her embrace placing soft kisses on her cheeks.

  “I love you mom,” James said.

  Leah beamed. “I love you too, baby.”

  “If you have any trouble, I’m just next door,” he reminded her.

  “Okay big man, I’ll make sure to remember that.”

  They all watched him leave the room. When the door opened James murmured, “Hey Auntie Symone.”

  “Well hey to you too, James. Why the long face?”

  James shrugged and moved passed her. Symone, with a frown on her face, watched him go. He knocked on the neighbor’s door, but it opened before his knuckles could complete the rhythm.

  The door closed and Symone entered the living room. Her gaze fell on Brooklyn first. “What’s wrong with James?” It was then that she looked to Leah and the frail looking woman on the couch.

  As recognition set in, a ripple slid down Symone’s spine, and her eyes bucked. “Oh…my…God.”

  Symone didn’t move another inch, her mouth dropped, then closed trying to formulate words that just weren’t coming to her.

  “I know my presence is startling,” Nia initiated. “But there’s a bigger problem that needs to be dealt with now rather than later.”

  Symone’s mouth was still opening and closing.

  “Drew,” Brooklyn whispered. She held her head and bent forward. “The man on the phone said he wanted the forty million dollars we received for the Saliera and he wanted Nia back within 48 hours.”

  Symone took a step towards Brooklyn. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Brooklyn heaved a heavy sigh. “The guy Drew used as the middleman for the transaction is now holding her hostage. We have to hand him over the forty mill we got for it and,” her eyes went to Nia. “He wants Nia back.”

  A sob broke, and Leah slunk to her knees. She fell back to her butt and pulled her legs into her chest, wrapping her arms around them. Everyone moved to console her.

  “It’s over, we’re done,” Leah whispered.

  “Why are we done?” Brooklyn stammered.

  “What do you mean?” Leah cried out. “We’ve got to go to the police! He has Drew!”

  “And what will we tell the police? That we’re the criminals they’re looking for, and a man is holding one of our own hostage?” Brooklyn chided. “Think about what you’re saying Leah; I know you’re in shock but don’t be ridiculous.”

  “This is way past shock, Brooklyn! He has your sister! What are we supposed to do, give him back my sister in exchange for yours?”

  “Whoa,” Symone put her hands up
. “Everybody calm down.”

  They all focused on her hoping she had a better plan.

  “Time out,” Nia spoke up. Her eyes wandered from Brooklyn to Symone, then her sister. “You’re the criminals the FBI is looking for?”

  “Oh yeah,” Symone drawled. “That would be us.” Nia cupped her mouth.

  Symone exhaled continuing the conversation. “Okay, we have forty million for the Saliera, right?”

  “Yes,” Brooklyn responded. “It was worth fifty, but we could only get forty on the black market for it.”

  “Okay, how much did we get for the bank heist?”

  “Ten million,” Brooklyn confirmed.

  “Maybe we can make an exchange, Drew for the fifty million we have.”

  “That would be everything! We’d have to start over from scratch!” Brooklyn fumed.

  “He has your sister; it’s our only option.”

  Brooklyn folded her arms. “What if he doesn’t go for the extra ten million?”

  “I’ll go back.”

  Nia’s voice broke through their conversation. “It’s me he wants. Drew shouldn’t suffer because of the choices I’ve made.” Nia rose to her feet. “I’ll go back,” she confirmed.

  Leah jumped to her feet. “The hell you will! I’ve had you back in my life all of two seconds. You’re not going any damn where!”

  “Nia where have you been?” Symone asked concerned.

  “With Legend, it’s a long story, one we don’t have time for. Just know he’s an evil man, and I don’t want Drew with him any longer than she’s already been.”

  Tears sprang from Leah’s eyes, and her head shook. “You’re not going back, I don’t give a damn what he says,” she stuttered. “If we have too, Symone will get Mason involved. He’s infatuated with her. He’ll help without us going to jail or some shit right, Symone?”

  Symone took a step back her mouth agape. “I…um…” she tugged at her shirt, “I don’t know if that’s the best move.”

  “But it is a move!” Leah said.

  “Hell, if you’re going to fuck him, better make sure it’s worth it, right?” Brooklyn injected.


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