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A Convenient Texas Wedding

Page 11

by Sheri WhiteFeather

  Rand frowned. They had no choice but to wait for the outcome, but he wished it would come sooner than later.

  “The authorities have been following the money trail Rich left behind,” Will went on to say. “There were plenty of withdrawals and transfers from before, but nothing that indicates whether he’s alive or dead now. Also, I’ve been tracking everything he took from my personal and business accounts, but I haven’t come across any purchases or investments that pin him down.”

  “So where did he stash all that money?” Rand thought about what Rich had stolen from Allison, as well.

  “I don’t know. But he ripped off the TCC, too. Since I served as treasurer and he was posing as me, he had full access to the club’s accounts.”

  “Son of a bitch.” Rand kicked a small stone beneath his shoe. “What else is going on? I can tell there’s more.” Will’s distress seemed evident.

  “It’s Jason. Megan’s brother.” His friend blew out a hard breath. “I’m worried that he might be involved. Or he might have been victimized somehow, too. But at this point, I’m just grasping at straws.”

  Rand shook his head in confusion. “I don’t understand. Isn’t he overseas finishing up an international deal?” Jason worked for Spark Energy Solutions, too. Rand didn’t know him very well on a personal level, but he certainly knew that Jason was a valuable asset to the company.

  “Yes, that’s where he’s supposed to be. But he appears to be keeping his distance, and that isn’t like him. He has a little daughter, Savannah, and he always communicates with her when he’s on the road. She received some sporadic emails from him, saying that he’s been off the grid and can’t FaceTime with her. But that’s the only explanation he gave.”

  “That is weird. But maybe it’s the truth. Maybe he’s off the beaten path and doesn’t have reliable Wi-Fi. Didn’t he take some extra time away from his assignment to be alone and mourn your death? That could explain why he’s in a remote location. People do strange things when they’re grieving.”

  “That’s what I thought at first, too. But I’ve been trying to reach him with emergency calls to let him know what’s going on and that I’m still alive, and he hasn’t responded to me.”

  “Are the authorities okay with you calling him?”

  Will nodded. “They agreed that I should reach out to him and see what kind of response I get. But I haven’t heard from him at all.”

  “Have you talked to Megan about this?” Rand knew that when Megan first received the urn with Will’s supposed ashes, Jason had sent her a handwritten note saying that he’d seen the body. He was the one who identified the person who died in that crash as being Will. Of course later the assumption was that he’d seen Rich’s body.

  “Yes, I spoke to Megan, and she’s worried, too.”

  Rand thought about the fact that Jason hadn’t come back for the funeral. Was that a bad sign? Or was he really just taking time away to mourn Will? “If Rich is still alive, then Jason sending home the ashes makes no sense. But until the results are back, there isn’t much you can do but keep trying to reach Jason and hope for the best.”

  “I don’t intend to give up. One way or another, I’m going to find out what’s going on.” Will lowered his sunglasses a fraction, giving Rand an intense look. “So I heard you got married.” He smiled a little. “You. The wilding of Royal.”

  “What can I say? I fell in love.” Rand smiled, too, even if he felt heavy inside. Will never criticized him for his lifestyle. He’d always accepted Rand for who he was, and now if there was anyone Rand hated lying to, it was Will. But he didn’t have a choice. “Allison and I bonded after your funeral.”

  “I’m glad something good came of it,” he said. “Congratulations for finding the right woman. I’m happy for you.”

  “Thanks. That means a lot coming from you.” Even if his marriage wasn’t what it seemed, he appreciated Will’s support.

  “You’re the last guy anyone expected to settle down. But here you are, with a loyal wife by your side.”

  “Allison is amazing.” Rand couldn’t be cleaning up his image without her. She was amazing in other ways, too. He couldn’t wait to get down and dirty with her again, to continue the affair they’d started. He couldn’t recall wanting anyone so badly. Nor was he going to worry about how he’d “corrupted” her in bed. It wasn’t as if she was going to go off the rails and become a wanton woman because of it. Allison was still the same sweet girl she’d been before they’d married. She would always have an innocence about her, as far as he was concerned. “I better go. I’ve got that fund-raiser later.”

  “I’ll get back in touch when I have more news.”

  “I hope you hear from Jason soon.”

  “Me, too.” Will paused. “Good luck to you and Allison.”

  “Thanks.” They shook hands and climbed into their respective vehicles. Rand headed home, wondering if Allison was back from her lunch date yet.

  When he arrived, she was in her room with the door closed. He knew enough about women not to disturb her. If she was getting ready for the fund-raiser, she probably needed time alone.

  Rand got ready, too. He showered and shaved, keeping his beard stubble trimmed the way he always did. His hair was easy enough, cut in a deliberately tousled style that required minimal care.

  He checked the time. He had an hour or so to spare, so he sat around in a towel and played on the internet.

  Finally, he got dressed. Rand had a collection of designer formal wear to choose from.

  Rather than check on Allison or knock on the doors that separated their suites, he went downstairs to wait for her. He sat in the living room like a teenager on his way to the prom.

  Rand was anxious about the fund-raiser, with how many different purposes it would be serving. He wanted to get to the club a little early, if possible. Normally he was “fashionably late” to these types of events. But that was the old Rand. The new one was supposed to follow proper protocol and show up on time.

  As soon as he heard Allison’s footsteps coming down the stairs, he stood and smoothed his jacket. Only the moment he saw her, he couldn’t speak. He just stared at her, with his mouth dumbly agape.

  Who was this stunning sequined creature gliding toward him? Her hair cascaded in thick waves, with one unusually bright red streak framing the right side of her face. Her eyes were dark and smoky, and her lips were the color of Rand’s favorite burgundy wine. She looked airbrushed, flawless...unreal.

  A vision in gold.

  He blinked to be sure he wasn’t dreaming. Her gown fit her to perfection, its long, sweeping lines accentuating her curves.

  She smiled. “I wanted to surprise you.”

  “Well, you did. You totally did. You’re so damned gorgeous I don’t know what to say.” Everything about her was revamped, right down to her femme fatale heels and matching clutch. “I thought you were at lunch today.”

  “I was at Pure, the salon at The Bellamy. I asked Megan to help me prepare for the fund-raiser, and she arranged for my makeover. She also got Selena involved. The salon gave me a facial and did my makeup with her Clarity products. Selena prepared a care package for me, too, with skin care and cosmetics I can use at home. There’s even a honey lip balm, softer and smoother than the one I usually wear.” She touched the streak in her hair. “Both Selena and Megan suggested that I get something dramatic done with my hair.”

  “What about the dress?” He couldn’t get over how different she looked.

  “Megan helped me shop for it. I trusted her to steer me in the right direction.”

  Rand wanted to steer Allison back up the stairs and straight into his big brass bed. He removed his cell phone from his pocket to take her picture. “You’re going to be the talk of the town. Of the internet, too. The gossip bloggers are going to go crazy for this new look of yours. So are my followers.”

  She posed prettily for him. “I was hoping to get their attention. But I wanted to look good for you, too. And for myself. I always wondered what being glamorous would feel like.”

  “And how does it feel?” He took more pictures. She was as glamorous as a woman could be. He’d dated models and actresses and socialites who didn’t compare to how breathtaking she looked right now.

  “It’s a bit like being Cinderella, I suppose. Except without the missing slipper or the happily-ever-after, marrying-the-prince thing.” She gestured to him. “I’m already married to a hot guy.” She moved closer, just inches from him. “Albeit temporarily.”

  He put his phone away, and suddenly he felt strange about sharing her pictures on social media. Not because he wasn’t proud to show her off. But because he got the uncharacteristic urge of wanting to keep her to himself. Of course that made no sense. He’d married Allison to change his image, and posting pictures of her was an important part of his being-tamed-by-his-wife campaign.

  “Are you all right?” she asked. “You zoned out there for a minute.”

  “I’m fine.” It wasn’t as if he was actually being tamed by her. He reached around to feel for the zipper on her dress, pulling her close. “I’m stripping you bare after we get back.” He already intended to make love with her tonight. He even had something special planned. “I’m peeling this right off you.”

  “Promise?” She slipped her arms around his waist.

  “Oh, yeah.” He considered kissing her, but he didn’t want to mess up her lipstick. For now, he behaved like the gentleman he was supposed to be. Later, he would mess her up plenty. “I better let you go.” Rand released his hold on her. He’d already taken a chance by manhandling her zipper. He knew how fragile ball gowns could be, especially the sequined variety.

  “How did your meeting with Will go?” she asked.

  “He filled me in on some financial stuff. But there’s still no word on the DNA results.”

  Allison heaved a sigh. “That test seems like it’s taking forever. But I guess it’s just my impatience.”

  “Yeah, mine, too. I hate not knowing.”

  “Megan seemed distracted at the salon today. I figured she might be thinking about the case. But if there isn’t anything new, maybe that wasn’t what was on her mind.”

  Rand made a tight face. “She could have been thinking about her brother, Jason.” He repeated what Will had told him. “It’s probably nothing to worry about. But until someone hears from Jason, there’s always the possibility that something went wrong.”

  “Oh, how awful. I hope it turns out to be nothing.”

  Rand sure as hell hoped so, too. “We should get going. We have a big evening ahead of us.”

  “Yes, we do.” Her racy red lips curved into a sensual smile. “In all sorts of ways.”

  Well, hot damn. Now he was back to wanting to strip her bare. “You’re a tease, Mrs. Gibson.”

  She tossed her trendy new hair over her shoulder. “Likewise, Mr. Gibson.” She walked ahead of him, en route to the garage, her stilettos clicking on the hardwood floors.

  As soon as he was able, he was going to make her purr like the sex kitten she’d become. But first, they had to make an appearance at the fund-raiser.

  * * *

  Allison was having a grand time. The Texas Cattleman’s Club was known for raising money for organizations throughout the globe, but since the Stars and Stripes fund-raiser was a patriotic celebration on the heels of an American holiday, the proceeds would be divided among United States charities that included children’s hospitals and disaster relief funds.

  The ballroom was decorated in red, white and blue, and a majestic bald eagle ice sculpture, representing the United States emblem, embellished the buffet. A fireworks display was scheduled for later, and she suspected it would be nothing short of spectacular.

  When Allison and Rand first arrived, they sampled the food, enjoying an array of appetizers. They slow danced, too, showing everyone how blissfully in love they looked, swaying in each other’s arms. But now they were mingling on their own. He was having a drink with Ted Marks, and it appeared to be going well. Allison had already socialized separately with Sharon Marks, too. In fact, they’d hit it off splendidly. As it turned out, Ted and Sharon had spent their thirtieth wedding anniversary in Ireland, where they toured the medieval castles that Sharon had been anxious to see. The Marks had also spent a few days in Kenmare, which they both adored. To Allison, that seemed like a marvelous twist of fate.

  So far, this entire night had been wondrous. When she spotted Megan and Selena coming her way, she smiled. She couldn’t thank them enough for her makeover.

  Selena spoke first. “Well, look at you.” She checked Allison out with a low whistle. “You’re the belle of the ball. I’ll bet your husband was drooling all over himself when he first saw you.”

  Allison laughed. “I did make quite an impression on him. He can’t wait to get his hands on me later.” She leaned in close. “And I just might let him.”

  Selena laughed, too. “I’ll bet.”

  Megan stepped up and said, “The dress totally works with the hair and the makeup. It’s stunning on you.”

  “Thank you. I couldn’t have done any of this without you and Selena. You’re like my fairy godmothers.” She toasted them with her club soda. She decided to skip the champagne tonight. “And speaking of beauties, you’re both as gorgeous as ever.” Selena wore a blazing scarlet gown, and Megan’s long black silk sheath boasted jeweled accents.

  After a moment’s pause, Allison studied Megan a bit deeper. Did she have thoughts of her hard-to-reach brother on her mind? Allison softly said to her, “I noticed how distracted you seemed earlier, and when I mentioned it to Rand, he told me about what’s going on. I hope everything turns out okay. That there’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Thank you. You must be really astute because I was trying not to let my feelings show. I hope I didn’t put a damper on your time at the salon.”

  “Not at all. But I was still concerned about you.”

  “That’s so nice of you, but I’ll be fine. Instead of sitting around and worrying, I decided that I’m going to be proactive and take some self-defense classes. I always wanted to learn to kick some butt, and this seems like the perfect time to do it.”

  Allison couldn’t agree more. “Women need to empower themselves.”

  “Yes, we most certainly do.” Megan offered a confident smile. “We need show the world what we’re made of.”

  “Hear, hear.” Selena grinned, too, and twirled the straw in her soda.

  Allison found both women fascinating. Selena had always been friendly but before their trip to Pure she’d been more aloof than warm. Since Selena had fallen in love with Knox, she was opening up to more people, including Megan and Allison.

  Megan and Selena certainly shared interesting backgrounds, Allison thought, with how oddly connected to Will they were. Of course, Selena was happy with Knox now, her past with Will Sanders a distant memory.

  Megan was still knee-deep in Will’s impostor situation. And so was Allison. Not with Will, per se, but with her marriage to Rand. In that regard, they were impostors themselves.

  “I should get back to my husband,” Allison said. She noticed that his chat with Ted Marks had ended, and now Rand was looking her way.

  “Enjoy the rest of your evening.” Megan gave Allison a sisterly hug, and she and Selena drifted into the crowd.

  Allison turned toward Rand, and as they approached each other, she disposed of her empty glass. He no longer had a drink in his hand, either. As soon as they were close enough to touch, he swept her in his arms and kissed her. She sighed like a schoolgirl, immersed in the taste of him.

  Afterward, he said, “I wanted to do that the moment I saw you coming down the stairs at home, but I didn’t want to mess up your l

  She hadn’t considered her makeup, but she wasn’t used to fussing over it. “Is it messed up now?”

  “No. It still looks good. Did I get any of it on me?”

  “A little. But I can take care of that for you.” She wiped the pale red smear off him, and in that cozy moment, one of the photographers who’d been hired to cover the event took their picture. Allison didn’t doubt how tender the image probably looked. But her affection for Rand had been genuine. His kiss had been real, too. They weren’t being complete impostors tonight.

  Once the photographer set his sights on someone else, Rand said to Allison, “Guess what I discovered about Ted?” He answered his own question. “His mother lives in the same retirement community as my grandmother.”

  “Really? Do you think your granny and his ma know each other?”

  “We’re not sure. But we plan to ask them.” He reached for her hand and held it. “We should have Ted and Sharon over for a barbecue at the house. I think they would accept the invitation, and I definitely think it would be good for business.”

  “Then we’ll do that for sure, maybe even this weekend if they’re available. We can invite his ma and your granny, too. We can make it a family affair.” She beamed. “I can make some traditional Irish food to go along with whatever you want to barbecue. I suspect that Sharon will want to help me. She mentioned being part of a cooking club and likes to try new recipes.”

  “Thanks for supporting me on this, Allison.”

  “You’re welcome.” She squeezed his hand. “It’s fun being your wife.” She was enjoying her role as his new socialite bride.

  “You’re doing a stupendous job.”

  “So are you. We certainly have everyone here fooled.”

  He glanced around the ballroom. “So who do you think are the most interesting people here, besides us?”

  As Allison searched the crowd, her gaze landed on Abigail Stewart, a pretty brunette with long hair in delicately woven braids. Abigail was an accomplished artist who’d donated a critical piece to the fund-raisers for auction. She was also one of the women—along with Allison, Megan, Selena and Jillian Norris—who’d been named as an heir in the impostor’s phony will.


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