Book Read Free

Crush Alert

Page 7

by Annie Bryant

  Charlotte felt her own expression brightening. She couldn’t keep her excitement inside! He wants to meet me tomorrow morning? Yes! Yes! Maybe the whole Nick-and-Chelsea thing was just a figment of her imagination! “Sure,” she told him. “I think I can make it.”

  This is it! she thought. Tomorrow morning, he’s going to ask me to the Valentine’s Day Dance, and I’m going to say yes!

  She turned to shut her locker, but accidentally caught her finger in the locker door. “Ouch!” she shouted, rubbing her finger as she felt her face turning red.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  Charlotte gritted her teeth. “Uh…yeah. I’m fine.”

  Nick looked concerned. “Tomorrow morning at seven thirty. Okay? Want to walk home together?”

  “I can’t!” Charlotte regretted the words as soon as they came out. But it was true—she couldn’t leave before talking to Avery. “But I’ll see you in the morning!” She blew on her sore finger as Nick nodded and waved good-bye.

  Charlotte found Avery after a fifteen-minute-long search through the hallways. She was in the gym, shooting baskets with Dillon and the Trentini twins.

  “Ave! Can you stop for a second?” Charlotte called out.

  Avery landed a perfect layup, then trotted over. “Hey, Char. What’s up?”

  “I need to talk to you.” Charlotte twisted her hair around her fingers.

  “Okay, shoot!” Avery tossed a pretend basketball to her friend.

  “Not now!” Charlotte lowered her voice. “Can you come to the Tower later this afternoon? Just you.”

  “I’m practicing with these guys till four, but I can come right after. Is that cool?” Avery frowned. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes…fine. See you later?”

  The Ultimate Makeover

  Charlotte walked home looking forward to a few minutes of quiet time curled up with a good book and Marty. That’s just what I need after a day like today.

  But there was Katani, already sitting on the front steps, wrapped in a stylish wool coat, a hand-appliquéd messenger bag resting by her feet.

  “Where have you been, girlfriend?” Katani tapped her watch. “I was just about to leave.”

  “Oh!” Charlotte exclaimed. “I’m so sorry….” She unlocked the door, realizing maybe Katani’s kind advice and style tips would be more helpful than escaping into a book. “I got caught up after school.” She couldn’t tell Katani about meeting with Avery, because their parents dating seemed like the kind of thing that deserved some privacy—even from best friends. She was sure Avery would feel the same way.

  “No problem.” Katani took off her coat and opened the messenger bag so Charlotte could see the neat rows of little pink containers, brushes, and spray bottles inside. There was even a curling iron! “Let’s go up to the Tower,” Katani suggested. “I’ve got everything we need right here!”

  Katani unloaded her bag on the windowsill behind the lime green swivel, her favorite styling chair. Charlotte thought there seemed to be plenty of makeup items lined up there already, but what did she know about makeovers?

  Katani folded her arms just so. “Okay, Char, let’s get this show started!”

  Charlotte sat down and touched her hair. “What’s your game plan?”

  Katani grinned. “Charlotte Elizabeth Ramsey is in need of a new, confidence-boosting, life-changing makeover so she can get up the courage to ask her dream date to the dance!”

  Charlotte giggled, “Katani, I think it’s time you had your own talk show.”

  “There, that’s better already, and we haven’t even started yet!” Katani leaned down and gave Charlotte a hug. “I saw what happened in science lab today. And, honestly, Char, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Nick Montoya is just not the kind of boy to ditch a girl without saying something first. He just isn’t!”

  Charlotte smiled. “He does want to meet me at the bakery tomorrow morning.”

  “Am I right or what?” Katani joked. “Now, sit back and relax while I work my magic.”

  Charlotte felt her super-tight nerves release as Katani’s hands worked through her hair.

  “Tomorrow morning is the perfect opportunity!” Katani let go of Charlotte’s hair and took out several tubes of cream blush. “Are you dusty rose or peach?”

  “Do you really think he’ll ask me to the dance?” Charlotte asked.

  Katani stopped with a blob of peach blush on her fingertips. “Oh, no…YOU will ask HIM.”

  “I will?” Charlotte squeaked.

  Katani nodded and started dabbing at Charlotte’s cheeks. “Remember, blush is an accent! Not too thick, and rub it in evenly.” Katani spoke as if she were already in a TV studio giving directions to a rapt audience of fans.

  Charlotte closed her eyes and pictured walking into Montoya’s, sipping hot chocolate with Nick, and asking him…what? “What would I say?” Charlotte asked.

  “Here.” Katani pulled over the chair from Charlotte’s desk. “I’m Nick, and this is a hot chocolate.” Katani held up a bottle of hairspray. “Good morning, Charlotte,” she said, making her voice a little deeper.

  Charlotte burst out laughing.

  Katani, eyes twinkling, said in a stern but kind voice, “This is serious business! Learn from me. I’m Charlotte now. You’ve had half a mug of hot chocolate, and there’s a meaningful pause in the conversation. You ask: ‘Nick Montoya, do you have any plans for the dance on Friday’?”

  “Ummm, no?” Charlotte said, stifling the giggles that threatened to burst out.

  “Would you like to go with me?” Katani leaned in close, still holding the hairspray. “Now you try.”

  They repeated the scenario four or five times, then Katani fussed her way through about seventeen different shades of nail polish, eye shadow, and lipstick.

  “Now remember, you’ve got to walk with attitude when you get in there. Make eye contact and look confident,” Katani said as she demonstrated the correct way to apply the sparkly eye shadow she was wearing. That was good because Charlotte was pretty much hopeless at putting on makeup. But with Katani’s masterful tutoring, Charlotte learned how to spread on the eye shadow with a light touch so she didn’t look like a raccoon. Charlotte was having a great time, but she kept glancing at the clock by her desk. What if Avery showed up and Katani was still here?

  Katani sighed with satisfaction as she finished curling the ends of Charlotte’s hair. “This is what I love to do—help people reach their full fashion potential.”

  Charlotte knew all about her friend’s dreams for Kgirl Enterprises. “I can see it all now,” she said. “Kgirl fashion and style stores in every major city in America! No—in every major city around the world!”

  Katani played along. “Ladies who need some serious help in the style department will stampede to my stores and I will hook them up with the coolest clothes and makeup the world has ever seen!”

  Charlotte stood up. “And then Kgirl Talk, the number-one TV talk show all over the world!”

  “You mean number-two, after Oprah!” Katani scolded. Oprah was her idol and she would never want to dethrone the queen of all talk shows!

  Katani held out a hand for Charlotte and directed her friend over to the full-length mirror.

  “You look fierce,” she said, staring at Charlotte with pride. Her friend’s hair was down and curled just the slightest bit at the ends. Sparkly lilac eye shadow complemented her light pink nail polish. “You’re going to knock that boy dead.”

  “Thanks, Katani,” Charlotte told her, and gave her a quick hug. “I should take Marty out now.”

  “What about your outfit?” Katani asked.

  “Didn’t we decide I’d wear my favorite purple sweater?” The minute hand inched forward. It was almost four-fifteen! Avery would be there any minute.

  “Yes, but you’ve got to try it on!” Katani pointed toward the steps down to Charlotte’s room.

  “Okay…” Charlotte dashed down to her room, threw on the sw
eater, and sprinted back up to the Tower.

  “Perfect!” Katani gave the outfit two thumbs-up. “Not too dressy. Comfortable and sophisticated.”

  Charlotte gave a quick glance at the clock. “I usually take Marty out right away when I get home…”

  “Do you want me to come?” Katani asked.

  “Oh, no!” Charlotte said. “I mean, you’d get your nice shoes all muddy, and it’s really not a big deal. Thanks sooo much for your fashion wisdom! I’d be lost without you.” She threw her arms around Katani and gave her a big hug.

  “I’m always there for my BSG!” Katani gave Charlotte a funny look, wondering why she seemed so eager to get her out the door. It’s probably just nerves, Katani thought. “I have a lot of sewing to get done on my dress for Friday, anyway,” she said as Charlotte walked her down to the front door.

  “I’ve done all I can,” Katani announced as she waved good-bye. “Now it’s up to you to take control!” She didn’t notice a small figure sprinting down the street from the other direction.


  Sister Act

  Where’s the Kgirl running off to?” Avery asked as she dropped her backpack by the front door.

  “She had to go home and I needed to talk to you. This is very important. Let’s go upstairs.” Charlotte started up the stairs.

  “What’s going on, Char? It’s not more bad news about Marty, I hope,” Avery asked as she hurriedly scrambled after Charlotte.

  “No—it’s not that. Although the little guy is still not himself.” Charlotte sighed over her shoulder as she made her way up to her bedroom.

  “Whoa, that’s some makeup job, Char,” Avery said, getting a closer look at Charlotte’s face. “I hope you didn’t call me over to talk to me about that! I’m not wearing makeup to the dance, no matter what anyone says. I hate the way it feels on my skin,” she complained.

  Charlotte shook her head no and plopped down onto her bed. Marty was curled up in a pathetic doggy blob at the foot of the bed. He managed to give a small wag of his short little tail when he saw Avery.

  “Awww!” Avery knelt down and reached into her pocket. “Poor little dude. I stopped and bought you some treats.” She offered one to Marty, who snarfed it down as he whined pitifully.

  Avery dumped two pocketfuls of dog treats on the bed. “The little dude is a lot worse that I thought. You sure he’s okay?”

  Charlotte leaned over to scratch his belly. “I don’t know. It’s like he knows everything is going wrong.”

  Avery stared expectantly. “What’s going wrong? What are you trying to tell me?”

  “Your mom left my dad a phone message last night,” Charlotte said.

  Avery shrugged. “So?” She offered Marty another treat, which he promptly gobbled up despite his droopy state.

  “Geesh, Charlotte. I don’t think Marty has lost his appetite. He’s going after these treats like an alligator.” As if he understood what Avery was saying, the little dude rolled over on his side and stared at both girls with sad doggy eyes. The effect was so comical that both girls began a fit of giggling. With that, Marty jumped up and ran under Charlotte’s bed.

  “I think Marty needs a doggy shrink,” a stunned Avery remarked. “He’s never acted like that before.”

  “All three of us might need a shrink when I finish telling you about your mom and my dad.” Charlotte looked at Avery pointedly.

  “This sounds serious,” Avery said, a little frightened.

  “If you think your dad and my mom going on a date for dinner to Le Bistro Français at eight o’clock Friday night is serious, then it is! Super serious,” Charlotte added for emphasis.

  Avery’s eyes widened. “Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me your dad’s meeting my mom at that fancy restaurant?”

  “In a word, yes.” Charlotte took one of Avery’s dog treats, reached down, and fed it to a waiting Marty.

  Avery’s eyes grew even wider. “The one where it’s kind of dark and they have candles and guys walking around playing violins and stuff?”

  “That’s the one,” answered Charlotte as she flopped back on her pillow. “It was bad enough when we caught my dad and Lissie McMillan sharing a candlelit dinner on our trip to Montana…and it turned out they were just friends.”

  “Yeah, that was weird,” Avery agreed. “But this is even weirder. My mom and Mr. Ramsey,” she mumbled as she plopped down on the floor. She tried to coax a wounded Marty with more treats to come out from his hiding place.

  “What if my dad and your mom get married?” Charlotte put her hands over her face, trying to push away all the distressing thoughts that surfaced.

  “Wow!” Avery said, fiddling with a hair elastic that she found on the floor. “That would be so weird.”

  Charlotte looked at her, exasperated. “Is ‘weird’ all you can say?”

  Avery turned to look at her. Her mouth opened. Shut. Opened again. “They…they’re going…on a…a date,” Avery stuttered. “My mom’s dating your dad and she didn’t even tell me.”

  Charlotte sat up a little, resting on her elbows. Pushing away the thought that she might have to call Mrs. Madden “Mom.”

  “Yeah, my dad didn’t tell me, either. That really bothers me.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. I mean…not your dad…not telling me…my mom…” a very confused Avery rambled. “Gosh, this is so weird.”

  “If you say ‘weird’ one more time, I am going to put…makeup on you,” threatened Charlotte.

  “No way!” Avery yelled.

  Marty yelped quietly. “See, even Marty doesn’t like that idea!” Avery said, and fed him another treat. Marty sat up a little and delicately snatched two more treats from Avery’s hand.

  Charlotte folded her arms. “Well, I think we’ve established the fact that your mom and my dad going out is totally strange. The real question is: What are we going to do? I mean, do we tell them that we know?”

  Avery popped up, her eyes wide. “No way, dude! I’m not going to talk to my mom about this. I mean…she’s my mom! I can’t tell her who to go out with. Remember when I was visiting my dad in Colorado and he was dating Andie?”

  She looked up at Charlotte with a devilish grin, “At least you’re not Crazie Kazie.” Kazie was Andie’s daughter, and she and Avery were definitely not on the same page. Avery couldn’t imagine having to deal with Kazie as a sister! Avery jumped up, realizing something important. “Wait! If they get married, we’ll be related!”

  Charlotte sat up straight and gasped. “We’d be sisters!”

  Avery jumped up and threw her arms around Charlotte. “A sister! That would be so cool. Scott and Tim would love it too.”

  “Yeah!” Charlotte said, a grin spreading across her face, “I’ve always wanted a sister too. It’s kind of lonely being an only child. Never anyone to talk to, and no one to listen to you talk about all your problems. Hey! Maybe this won’t be so bad after all….”

  Avery pulled away from her. Her animated face suddenly grew serious—something Avery rarely was. “Wait a minute. We can’t tell the rest of the BSG yet. I mean, with Maeve’s parents getting a divorce and us not knowing everything.”

  Charlotte nodded. “I agree. Let’s make a pact. Hold your right hand up, palm facing me.”


  “Just do it, Avery,” Charlotte said with a serious tone to her voice.

  “Okay. Okay. Chill!” Avery raised her right hand, palm facing Charlotte. Then Charlotte raised her right hand and faced her.

  “Repeat after me,” said Charlotte. “I promise.”

  Avery made a face but repeated. “I promise.”

  “That I will not…”

  Avery rolled her eyes. Oaths were cheesy, but this was for a good cause. “That I will not…”

  “Reveal to anyone that our parents are dating,” said Charlotte.

  Avery echoed Charlotte’s words, and the two girls sat staring at Marty. He’d eaten the last of Avery’s treats and was lying on
his back, whining softly.

  “What would happen to Marty if my mom moved in?” Avery said, concerned. “She’s allergic.”

  Charlotte didn’t know what to say to that, but Marty did. He suddenly gave a huge doggy burp.

  “Eeew!” Charlotte held her nose. “I think we fed him too many treats!” She stood up and opened the door. “Speaking of treats, I’ve got a chocolate bar in my desk drawer up in the Tower. Want to go up?”

  The two of them climbed up the Tower stairs. And while Avery munched on her half of the caramel milk chocolate bar, Charlotte pulled up her e-mail at her writing desk.

  “Wait a sec, Ave. I have to e-mail Sophie. Then let’s take Marty to the park? Maybe all those treats gave him some energy.”

  Avery nodded, happy with her chocolate and a burping Marty.

  While Charlotte wrote, she rubbed the sleeve of her mom’s vintage denim jacket, the one Katani always said was so retro chic. From her desk she could see out the window toward the Boston Public Gardens and, beyond that, the Atlantic Ocean.

  She began typing as Avery lay on the floor next to Marty.

  To: Sophie

  From: Charlotte

  Subject: re: Dance

  Hey, Sophie. I have big news. Mon amie Katani talked me into it—I’m asking Nick to the dance. I’m meeting him 2morrow morning at his family’s bakery. Katani helped me curl my hair in the most adorable way. She says not too much makeup, though, and she gave me this sparkly eye shadow that you would love. I hope I don’t mess up!!! I’m so nervous, Sophie. What if he says no? Katani says it’s not possible, but I don’t know.

  Au revoir, Charlotte

  P.S. I think my dad is secretly dating my friend Avery’s mom. Strange, huh?

  P.P.S. Have you seen Orangina? If you ever catch a glimpse of that rascal cat, say bonjour from me! Marty’s still moping around. Avery and I are going to take him to the park, gtg! I miss u sooo much!!!

  A Doggy Shrink

  February wasn’t the greatest time of year in Amory Park, but the warm weather spell had all sorts of people out jogging, pushing strollers, or chatting on cell phones as they walked their dogs.


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