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Altered: A Beyond the Brothel Walls Novel

Page 17

by Ryans, Rae Z.

  I skipped to the next page, but it seemed mundane in comparison. Curiosity gained the better of me, and I skimmed backward, reaching the day we actually met.

  Broke up with Ned today and met someone new. The meeting didn’t go over so well, but I’m trying to find him. So far, all I have is a first name: Dorian.

  I read on, scanning through the pages over the following months. Each day, during his free time, Cain had searched for me in Halifax and the outskirts. My heart tightened at the gesture and thoughtfulness of his actions. I had headed to the Wilderness with Fauna to forget him.

  “I never gave-up. Pathetic, right?” Cain said, and I slammed the journal shut. He forced a smile. “Now, you found me.”

  “Tomas said you were missing.” The words sounded wrong, and they weren’t the ones I wished to say.

  “I’m not, so you can leave now.” His biceps flexed before crisscrossing over his chest.


  “No?” Cain raised a brow.

  I placed the book on the nightstand. “You’re coming with me.”

  “Not a chance in Hell, sweets.”

  “Feisty.” I leaped on him, fast, offering Cain no time to react. My hands smoothed over his rough face, and his stare burned through me, but he didn’t push me away either. “Please, don’t fight me on this, babe.”

  No response. He lifted his hands in the air and refused to touch me. His reaction stung, squeezing my heart in a vice grip.

  Someone pounded on the door, but as Cain opened his mouth, my own silenced him. I wiggled my tongue against his and groaned at the fiery flavor invading my senses. My hands rubbed over his chest, beneath his sweater, searching for the heat I lacked.

  He bit my tongue.

  “Ouch.” I drew away, but pinned his shoulders to the wall. “Be nice, babe.”

  Cain whisper yelled, “No, you don’t get to come in here and play hero. Screw you, Dorian, I can take care of myself.” He puffed out his bottom lip, and I wanted to lick and nibble the tender surface. Cain sidestepped me, gaze skirting his surroundings, readying to flee.

  “Like hell you can.” But I followed him. The pounding continued, and I pushed past him.

  Cain reached for me, but I eased from his grip. “Dorian.”

  Voices echoed from the hall, and the sweet, little, old Jan raised hers’ the loudest. “I told you to leave.”

  Spying through the privacy hole, I caught the backs of two men dressed in leather jackets, green slacks below. My fingers pointed and snapped at Cain to move away. As quietly as possible, I opened the door and slipped into the hallway.

  “Can I help you, gentlemen?” Both spun around at my voice, and my shoulder eased against the doorframe.

  “We’re looking for someone.” The taller man cocked his head.

  My eyes rolled, and I shifted my weight against the frame, crossing my legs and folding my arms over my chest. If they were armed, they would think twice before drawing on me—hopefully—bullets still hurt like the dickens. My thoughts remained on mundane events, but they were with Garland. Idiots might as well wave a red flag while they were at it. What moron walked into enemy territory and didn’t wear a disguise?

  “Is she seventy-five?”

  “Nah, it‘s a he.” The taller man smacked the shorter man. “Ow, what you do that for?” he said to his friend. “You look like him sorta, but he’s got different hair and eyes. You’re too tanned.”

  “Maybe it’s a disguise, dummy.” The shorter man rolled his shoulders into a stiffened shrug. “How we know you’re not the man?”

  I re-crossed my legs “Leave the lady alone, and we’ll sort this out…like gentlemen.”

  They turned and apologized to Jan. “Sorry, ma’am.”

  I blinked. Their type didn’t seem capable of manners. I scratched my neck and rechecked my surroundings. I wasn’t the apologizing type, but my future included graveling at a certain someone’s feet. My fingers drummed while we stared at one another. “Now, who are you looking for?”

  “Cain Westcott.”

  Only every ounce of self-control stopped me from killing them on the spot. I asked, “Why?”

  “What’s it to you?” The men exchanged glances, and the taller one messed with his coat’s lapel.

  I blew on my fingers. “Depends.”

  “On?” He stepped forward but stopped.

  “Your answer…Maybe I’m looking for him? Why else would I be in his apartment?” Demons were too easy to mess with, and I couldn’t help myself. I inched back inside and said, “Think about it.”

  I spied through the peephole again. The men were arguing in hushed tones. The taller man wanted to kick down the door and kill me. I would pay to see him try.

  Cain’s hand touched my back. My hand wrapped around to caress his fingers. Cold metal greeted me. Where did he get the ring? Had he moved on already? No, stop thinking like that and pay attention.

  My heart thundered, each second passing, but there was no way in Hell or Heaven those men would lay a finger on him. Unsure how his mind reading worked, my thoughts instructed him to pack a bag. He could not stay here if men were looking for him. Cain didn’t budge. The feel of his skin, his warm hand touching me, I had missed all of him.

  “Missed you too, sweets.”

  Heat warmed my cheeks, but I shook Cain from my mind and concentrated on the men outside the door. His strong arms engulfed me, squeezing me tightly from behind, and Cain’s head rested on my back. Concentration was futile. Nothing had ever felt so damned right, even in the wrongest of moments.

  The shorter man knocked, and I shooed Cain away.

  Cain grasped my hands and tugged me from the door. “No,” he mouthed.

  I nodded and wrestled from his grasp. The security hole showed the men had left, and Cain slid the security chain over.

  “Why did you come?” he asked, grasping my backside and squeezing.

  A groan left my lips, and my ass pushed into his palms.

  Cain whispered, “Did you miss my cock that much? Hmm?” His hand skirted to my dick and massaged the tented hard on. “Sure looks like you did.”

  “Cain,” I swallowed hard, “I came to talk.” Words choked in my throat as he stroked me through my jeans.

  He whispered, “Talk huh? Didn’t take you for the type,” and spun me around.

  “Watch the guns.” Man had a point. Talking and sharing wasn’t my game. Kumbaya and feelings suited others, but with Cain, I wanted to try and desired more than sex, even though it, too, was phenomenal.

  He slipped his hands into the gap of my jeans and slid around front. “Sweets, you blow my mind sometimes with your thoughts.” Cain adjusted my cock and rubbed his groin against my ass. “But I need you.”

  “Really? Now?” I blinked through the peephole, and a strange sensation rolled over my skin and prickled each hair. My holsters and belt unbuckled themselves; jeans unzipped themselves.

  He yanked down my pants and grasped my cock. Slowly Cain pumped me with both his hands.

  I glanced over my shoulder. “Oh, fuck.”

  Cain winked and twirled his finger in a circle; my garments plopped to the floor.

  “Now turn,” he ordered.

  My back pressed against the cold door, the chill causing me to shiver. I glanced to the floor, sweeping my gaze everywhere but him. “So…”

  Cain cupped my face, guiding my chin until I looked at him. “Why are you really here, Dorian?”

  ”For you.”

  “Me?” His watery, sleep-deprived, butterscotch eyes spilled over. “You really came for me?”

  “C’mere, babe.” I nodded and parted my dry lips. He was my everything. Heat radiated from him and penetrated my bones. I didn’t want to be without him, ever. So much more I wanted to say to him, but the words didn’t arrive.

  Cain inched closer, and I grasped his t-shirt, hauling despite the threads groaning in protest. Nose to nose, we stood, embracing. I tilted to the left; he slanted to the right. Shocks registe
red and the air between us electrified. My parched mouth parted. His bottom lip trembled, and he swallowed hard. Our foreheads touched.

  Our lips brushed, and my tongue teased along his thick bottom lip. Sparks flew behind my half-lidded eyes, and a moan ripped through me. His teasing flavor drowned me in fiery heat. Fuck sex, you are all I need.

  Gasping, his hands seized my hair, hauling my head closer, as if I could have been any closer. Cain’s tongue slipped into my mouth, stirring my groin into overdrive.

  A knock vibrated through my shoulders.

  “Don’t,” he said, breaking away. Cain kissed my neck, trailing a path down my t-shirt covered chest, his rough fingertips sliding beneath the fabric. Kneeling, he stared into my eyes, and my cockhead disappeared through his lips.

  “Fuck.” Hot lava ripped through me, surging into my gut, as my head slammed against the door. One full week without him in my life and I would not last long. My cods tightened, rising and aching.

  His hand glided over my shaft, and he shifted his mouth between my legs. My fingers curled into his hair, nails digging into his scalp, as wet warmth encompassed me.

  “Stop,” I hissed, and didn’t mean the word, not really. “Fucking tease.”

  Laughter rocked through him and each tremor squeezed my sensitive sack. Cain kissed and licked his way along my shaft to my tip. I shuddered, clinging to a sliver of sanity; my toes curled and my hips gently rocked. He stared at me with smiling, mischievous-filled eyes.

  The pounding restarted. “Yo man, you in there? What the verdict?”

  I grunted and bit my lip. Cain swallowed my dick, his nose rubbing my pubic bone.

  “There’s a bounty on his head. We’ll give you a cut if you help us out.”

  “Uh-huh. One...” My head slammed against the door again, eyes pinching shut. “Babe, fuck, I’m going to...” Gritting my teeth, I was holding out for as long as possible, but my body quaked, my cock pulsing ropes down his sweet throat.

  They banged again. “What the hell, man?”

  “In… a min…” I rested, catching my breath and allowing my heart rate to settle, against the front door. “Minute.”

  After swallowing every drop, Cain rose and wiped his grinning mouth. The light brown fuzz covering his cheeks appeared red, his face heated. “Sweets,” he mouthed. “Don’t.”

  “You’re going to get yourself hurt.” I kissed him, squeezing his cheeks. “Let me get rid of them, then I’ll take care of you.”

  I righted my clothes. Damn, he might figure out a way to get himself killed with that mouth alone. No way would I ever give that up. But I had done so once before and came here expecting to do so again. I sighed inwardly but grinned outward.

  Cain disappeared around the corner. I cracked the door and glanced through the chain lock. The same men waited.

  “About time man.”

  Metal clicked against my head, and a chuckle escaped my mouth.

  “Let us in.”

  I chewed my lip and pretended to think, staring at the ceiling. “How about I don’t?”

  “You’s got a gun to your head, and you tellin’ me no?” the short one asked. “Man, who the hell are you?”

  “Let me show you.” My head tilted, ducking beneath the chain, and I squeezed through the opening, my body dropping its facade. Neither man noticed my skin melting into nothing but bone, as I didn’t alter my face, but it allowed me to slip through the tiny opening.

  “Show me what?” Tall man stepped closer with his fist curled.

  I chuckled and whispered, “Falcatae.”

  Both men stepped backward, exchanging a quick glance; but when nothing happened, they lunged. Metal slid and rustled behind me. I ducked and the door creaked, opening. Cain stepped out and shoved me to the right, knocking me to the ground.

  Purple fireballs danced in his open palms. With a flick of his wrists, both volleyed toward the demons, hitting their chests. Igniting in violet flames, their screams faded and their fire blackened bodies eroded into piles of ash.

  “Told you I could take care of myself,” he mumbled, grasped my t-shirt’s collar, and dragged me inside the door. “Your scythe failed?” He dropped me and slammed the door. He stormed into the living room, the locks all clicking into place with a wave of his hand. Cain swiped a bottle from the coffee table, sipped his water, and acted normal, as if he hadn’t murdered two demons in the hallway, or moved the locks with his mind.

  My forehead pinched. They were lower level demons, but still demons.

  “You know, I didn’t call it right on purpose. Wanted to see them try to kick my ass.” I smirked and leaned up on my arms. “You’re the only one who’s ever succeeded.”

  He raised his eyebrow, a glint flaring in his eyes. With a shrug, he sipped his water again.

  “You still can’t stay here,” I said.

  Cain plopped on his sofa. “Watch me.”

  “You can’t be serious, babe.” I jumped to my feet. There had to be a compromise. I sat next to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders. For a second, I thought about straddling his lap, but thought better of it. “Fine, then, but I’m staying too.”

  “Why do you care? I don’t understand you, Dorian.”

  Because he’d mattered when no one else had.

  Cain asked, “But—why?”

  I had no answer. More so, I wasn’t ready to tell him in words. As soon as he was safe, I would leave him in peace, if he wanted me to, but I could not walk away on my own again. That was love, right?

  “Obsessions and promises fuel me, but what drives you?” he asked.

  Thrill and justice would have been my answer, but he drove me. The job mattered, not the client, not until him. A long miserable week had passed, and I hadn’t the strength to accomplish any task. I should have.

  Cain reached over and curled his fingers around mine. “I want you in my life.” A sweet sound sighed from his pouty lips. “Dorian, you stay, or you leave now and never look back.” Cain’s eyes flashed red, but they quickly reverted to golden brown.

  I winced at the truth flickering before my own eyes. The Seven families all had offspring with amber eyes, not all Elioud, only them.

  “What will happen when the next secret is unleashed? I’m not sticking around for you to split when shit gets tough, and it will only get tougher. I’m full of ‘em, sweets.”

  Only one way I could think of to solve this. “Fine. Let’s air the dirty laundry now and end the secrets.”

  “I know your secrets.” He snorted and shook his head.

  “The ones I’ve thought about, yes, but I have secrets too.”

  Cain gestured me to begin and drank his water.

  “I slept with a woman by accident once. Your turn.”




  Water squirted from my mouth and burned my nose, spraying over my coffee table and myself. I coughed and wiped my face with the back of my hand. I ignored the stinging in my nose, but plastered an unmistakable grin on my face. “How exactly do you sleep with a woman by accident?”

  Dorian slapped my back, and I coughed again, shaking the drowned sensation from my head without making a fool of myself.

  “This I’ve got to hear, sweets.” The story intrigued me, but what ran through my mind sang a different tune. Dorian returned for me. Maybe I had been wrong. On some level, God listened, and love could become mine. If Dorian allowed me a chance, why couldn’t I afford him the same and try?

  He glanced away and blushed. “Yeah, because telling you the first time worked out so well.”

  I wrung the water from my clothes.

  “Go change.”

  He watched me, and the hairs rose over my arms. The sweet taste of him swam in my mouth again. My couch groaned as I hopped to my feet. My fantasy had played out, and if he left, at least the man who birthed the desire within me had fulfilled it. I walked to my bedroom, down the hall from the living room, shaking my head.

  Upon entering m
y room, I paused by my bed and glanced over my shoulder to find Dorian framing the doorway. His emerald green gaze smoldered, and he ran it along the length of my body. But his mind wasn’t patient, not like his stoic composure, and my lips pulled into another grin, that time over his internal battle.

  “What?” His inky lashes fluttered.

  I wiggled the wet jeans down my thighs, revealing the damp underwear clinging to my skin in all the right places. At least I hoped as much. His pink tongue slid across his bottom lip. Blood pumped harder through my body, thickening my length. From the moment I had strode in and found him on my bed, more than need surged through my veins.

  But what do I call it when I need another’s presence, touch, and taste more than air? Is that love?

  My eyelids lowered. Denial was useless, but I had to know more than lust blossomed between us. We could be more than casual lovers, fucking whenever the mood demanded. My lashes flickered. Heat colored my skin. More than desire simmered inside of me, clutching and searing claws into my heart.

  Despite his role in our hellish world and his unlockable secrets, I still love the idea of Dorian, but is this more than love for him?

  What was more than love? No word existed in my world.

  My finger crooked, and a smile played at his lips. Heavy steps brought him within my grasp, and I reached my palm toward his rough cheek. The contrast amazed me as much as the growth attracted me. Thick, kissable lips parted, and pressing the digit against his mouth, my finger shushed him.

  Standing there, half-exposed and gazing into his endless eyes, my heart hammered, squeezing so tight it might burst. The world around me filtered out until his thoughts alone ransacked my mind. A man torn between worlds trembled. No, not a man, but an Angel worthy of both love and light, yet he believed he’d deserved neither.

  “Cain?” Like a breathless whisper, my name rolled off his tongue.

  I shushed him again, seeking whatever tidbit he hid from prying listeners. His mind constricted, now revealing nothing.

  Hot breath bristled my ear, and he said, “You can ask me what I’m thinking, babe.” Crimson colored his cheeks. Dorian had learned new tricks.


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