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V Games (The Vampire Games Trilogy Book 1)

Page 4

by Caroline Peckham

  Varick grimaced at the boy. “You know as well as I do that there is only so long I can go unfed without losing all rationale.”

  Ignus huffed a breath. “Well you shall have to wait a little longer!”

  I took a step backwards, my thoughts focused on the edge of the yacht and nothing else.

  I could do it. I could jump.

  The frigid air clung to my skin and I doubted the seawater would be any more welcoming. But I knew with every part of my being, that I didn't want to find out where this boat was heading.

  Unbidden thoughts sprang to mind of human traffickers. No one would look for a cold-blooded killer. No one would care. No one but Mum. I was on my own.

  My heels hit the barrier at the edge of the boat. I glanced over my shoulder, searching the dusky horizon. Stars speckled the navy sky, doming overhead in an endless expanse of darkness. A huge shape loomed perhaps fifty feet away, catching my eye. Land, I was certain. What else could it be?

  I could swim fifty feet, cold water or not. And anything was better than staying there with those two men. My gut twisted at the thought of leaving behind whoever was below deck. But my staying here would do them no good either.

  As I made the decision, my eyes locked with Varick's. I'm sure he noticed the determination in my expression so I didn't waste a second, diving into the pitch black depths beneath me.

  As I plunged into the sea, it felt more like hitting rocks than water. For the second time that night, the breath was forced from my lungs. It was more painful than I could have anticipated. I lost my senses, unsure which way was up, the ice-cold water making my body feel like lead.

  Somehow, I found the strength to kick my legs, to move my arms enough to reach the surface.

  As I breached the waterline, I swam for my life. Salt water stung my nose, slipping to the back of my throat and making me splutter.

  Impossibly strong arms surrounded me and I cried out, fighting them with everything I had. For a moment, I prayed it was a trick of the cold, the water making me feel trapped. But then I was dragged upwards, water streaming from my body as I sailed through the air, hanging like a rag doll in the arms of my captor.

  My feet slipped as they impact with the deck and Varick steadied me, holding my waist firmly against his hip. He eyed me with a keen interest, his tongue pressing into his cheek. Beautiful as his features were, the inhuman quality to them made him seem more beast-like than man.

  “Enough of this!” Ignus barked. “Put her back asleep.”

  I tried to retort, but my teeth were chattering too hard. My bones felt like they'd been dunked in ice. My heart rate was raising to a dangerous level.

  “She'll get hypothermia,” Varick snapped, his hands still clamped around my waist.

  Ignus rolled his eyes and their piercing blue caught the light of the moon. “Sort this out Varick. If she dies on this yacht, I'll make sure you don't get a single drop when we dock.”

  Varick swore between his teeth as Ignus stalked away, ducking into a cabin out of sight.

  His cold eyes found mine and I looked up, feeling as vulnerable as a lamb before a wolf. The grey inmate clothes I was wearing were sodden, hanging heavily from my shivering body.

  Varick looked straight into my eyes, his expression relaxing. “Do as I say, Selena.” His words were velvet-smooth, full of comfort and holding a warmth to them that nearly took the edge off the ice in my bones. I blinked heavily, shaking the feeling from my body.

  “Do as I say,” he repeated.

  I almost bought into it, my body responding to his strangely magnetic aura. My thoughts became swimmy and a voice in the back of my head coaxed me into the calm lull of the hypnotic feeling.

  I blinked again, fighting my way out of it. What was the matter with me? This man was my captor. Why was his voice so disarming in that moment?

  “N-no,” I managed through chattering teeth.

  His eyebrows arched in surprise. “Interesting...” he muttered. He reached into his long, dripping wet coat and produced a syringe.

  I stepped back at the sight of it, but he snatched my wrist, dragging me closer with ease. In a swift movement, he grabbed my hair, tugging my head back and placing the tip of the needle to my neck.

  “See you on Raskdød.” His tortured expression shifted into a grave smile, then he jammed his thumb down on the plunger.

  I clasped his wrist in vain, sinking to my knees as warmth trickled through my body, dragging me down into a dreamless sleep.


  All at once, the memories of my kidnap flooded me. I gasped awake, sitting bolt upright, my brain rattling inside my skull. A pounding headache accompanied the sensation and I groaned, shutting my eyes for a few seconds to centre myself.

  Where was I? This place was warm, dry...different. I was no longer on the yacht, I was certain.

  Opening my eyes, I found myself on a bed of hay, the needles prodding me sharply through my clothes. A soft, amber light filled the air and a haze of dust motes floated lazily over me. It reminded me of a stable, the walls wooden, a single door before me. I lunged toward it, but was immediately yanked backwards by a shackle bolted around my ankle.

  Glancing down, I frowned at the clothes I was wearing. A black gown was tethered onto my torso like a corset with swathes of satin hanging over my feet. Beneath them was a thick pair of woollen tights and heavy, army-style boots.

  My pulse rose.

  What was this?

  What was happening?

  I ran a hand into my hair – it was like silk. I grabbed a handful, dragging it beneath my nose. It was freshly washed, the scent of lavender clinging to me.

  I scrambled to my feet, walking to the end of my tether. If I leant forward far enough, I could reach the door. I counted the steps it took. One. Two. Three. Four.

  I banged my fist on the wood. “Hello?” I shouted.

  No answer.

  I gathered my thoughts, taking a slow, calming breath. I walked as far as possible in each direction, finding I could reach the left wall but not the right.

  Although this place was infinitely more welcoming than the yacht, I felt no less a prisoner. And something about the pressing silence was the most unnerving thing of all. I'd rather have been back in my prison cell with Cass, dreaming up ways to escape, plotting idle revenge on Kite.

  This wasn't happening. It couldn't be.

  “Hello?!” I screamed louder, my voice hoarse.


  “Cass?” I gasped in utter relief, falling to my knees, pressing my cheek to the hay to try and see under the door. There was a small crack but only wooden floorboards were visible beyond it.

  “Is that you?”

  “Yes...where are we?” Her voice was trembling and it was so unlike Cass that it made my blood turn to ice. If she was afraid, then I definitely should be. Nothing about this felt right.

  “I don't know. We were on a boat. Now we're here. I saw the inspector.”

  Cass inhaled sharply. She sounded close, perhaps in the room next to mine. I banged my fist on the wall I was able to reach. “Are you in here?”

  “Yes.” Her fist hammered back.

  I laid my palm flat against it, drawing comfort from her presence.

  “Thank god you're here,” I sighed, my shoulders dropping.

  “Can't say I feel the same,” she said dryly, sarcastic even now.

  I dropped back onto my heels, eyeing the space for anything I could use as a weapon.

  Footsteps sounded beyond my stable-like prison and I fell still, listening. My heart beat a frantic rhythm against my ribcage.

  “Selena?” Cass whispered, just loud enough for me to catch it.

  “What?” I questioned, not bothering to lower my voice. Whoever was out there already knew we were here. There was no point denying it.

  “I think we're in trouble.”

  My door swung open and I found myself gazing up at Varick, his eyes dropping onto me like two dark marbles. I despised feeling
small. My stepfather made me feel that way.

  My instincts kicked in and I sprang to my feet, raising my fists.

  Varick's mouth twisted up at the corners. “How many times are we going to go through this, Selena?”

  Why was it that every time he said my name, it felt like something intimate? Like he was running his tongue over my skin, tasting me. I shuddered at the memory of his mouth on my neck. What had he been going to do? Bite me? Perhaps he really was as screwed up as he seemed.

  I tightened my fists, planting my feet. I might have looked stupid, but I'd rather have taken a swing at this guy and failed, than not fight at all.

  He strolled towards me, offering me his cheek. “Free shot.”

  I raised my brows, shuffling forward so I was closer to him. But not too close.

  “Why?” I found my voice and the sound of a body shifted beyond the wall. Cass, no doubt listening to our every word. She was probably confused as hell by what she was hearing.

  “Because I clearly still have a point to make with you.” His eyes skimmed down to the dress I was wearing, dropping to my feet where the boots were concealed beneath the skirt. As he surveyed me, I tried not to show my fear, but my trembling hands must have given it away. When his gaze grew hungry, a surge of defiance took over me and I took him up on his offer.

  I swung my arm, smacking my knuckles against his proffered cheek. My bones crunched against his damn cheekbone like it was cut from glass. Pain rocketed up my arm and I clutched it to my chest, fighting back the scream of pain that was raking at my throat.

  “Ffff-” I bit down on my tongue.

  Varick threw back his head, barking a laugh. He reached for me and I stumbled back to escape. When his hands encircled my waist, I remembered to fight. Screaming and kicking, he lifted me as easily as if I were embracing him and bent down, yanking at the cuff around my ankle so it broke off. My mind could barely process the strength it must have taken for him to do such a thing.

  Keeping me over his shoulder, he walked me calmly from my cell. In comparison to him, I was an emotional wreck; a flightless bird being carried off to the chopping block. But I couldn't give up. Wherever this man was taking me, was nowhere I wanted to go.

  Determined not to give up, I twisted around and slashed my nails across Varick's face. With a gasp, I noticed not a single mark had been left on his skin. In fact, my nails were broken, shredded like I'd just used a razor blade as a nail file.

  “What...” I fell still in his arms, my body involuntarily beginning to tremble. “What are you?” I managed.

  Varick adjusted the slim, black bandanna in his long, unruly hair (the only thing I'd managed to disrupt in his appearance) and continued walking without a word.

  Cass's panicked cries carried to my ears and I clambered up Varick's rock-hard shoulders, gazing down the corridor of cobblestones. Rows of wooden doors lined the walls, the place lit by large bulbs hanging from the ceiling.

  “I'm okay!” I called in an attempt to comfort her and she fell silent.

  “I deserve an explanation,” I spat at Varick and was happy when saliva sprayed over his face. Maybe I couldn't hurt him, but I could certainly show him I wasn't yet ready to give up fighting.

  He ran a thumb down his cheek to wipe the trickle away, then placed it directly into his mouth. I gasped, leaning away from him in disgust.

  “I'm banking on you surviving, Selena. Those mongrels out in the field won't savour you. It'd be such a waste.” He eyed me thoughtfully as he headed toward a wide, metal door, then tucked me under one arm like a damn handbag.

  My heartbeat thundered in my ears. “Surviving what?”

  He smirked at me, but offered no further explanation as he shouldered through the door and dropped me to the floor.

  My knees crashed into stone, but the woollen tights beneath my dress saved the skin from splitting open. As I glanced up, I inhaled hard at the sight before me. More than twenty girls stood in a row, none much older than me by the looks of them; they were all dressed in floor-length gowns, ranging from crystal blue to shimmering gold. We were in a square tower, rising up toward a dark ceiling. High above, sat in several rows, were people in dark suits, each with a shining white mask over their face.

  The girls cowered before them, clutching each other's arms. But one amongst them caught my eye; a girl in a glittering blue gown, navy like the night sky. Her ebony hair was lifted into her usual ponytail and the single tear-drop tattoo sat beneath her eye. Kite looked fierce, ready to take on the whole world if that's what it would take to survive.

  Though it was hard to tell, I sensed the eyes behind the eerie, faceless masks watching me and quickly rose to my feet.

  A hard push to my spine reminded me of Varick's presence and I struggled to keep my balance as I moved to join the girls. He remained close, his breath cool on the bare skin of my shoulder. “Don't cause trouble.”

  I glared back at him, but my lower lip trembled, betraying my fear. The girl nearest to me with short blonde hair and a rounded nose shot me a warning look, so perhaps I had faked my confidence better than I'd realised.

  “Fetch the last,” a deep male voice rang down from the circle of people above. I tried to place the one speaking, but the crowd were statuesque.

  “As you wish,” Varick said simply, marching from the room in the direction we'd just come.

  “That one's from the new shipment,” a voice spoke and I recognised him as the boy from the yacht: Ignus. “Varick has his eye on her, father.”

  I spotted a mask turning to face Ignus and pinned my gaze on the two of them.

  “Is that so?” the man replied.

  Many of the crowd leaned forward in their chairs, peering down at me through the eyeholes in their masks. I felt naked before them and an icy feeling tracked down my spine.

  Varick returned, dragging Cass by the arm. She wore a dress of green velvet with silver buttons up the bust. She seemed paler than ever as Varick pushed her toward me. We moved to meet each other and I wrapped her in my arms, her body shaking in my hold.

  Cass pulled away, but kept her arm linked through mine which comforted me much more than she could ever have known. I glanced along the line of girls. Their faces were gaunt; red cuff marks and bruises lined their wrists. They'd certainly been here longer than Cass, Kite and I. Everything in their bodies spoke of prolonged mistreatment.

  “Why are we here?” I blurted, focusing my gaze on Ignus, hoping he remembered me. What good it would do, I had no idea. But it was better than focusing on the faceless masses around him.

  He stiffened in his seat, his fingers curling over the arms of his chair. “You are about to be part of an age-old tradition, Selena.”

  My name from his lips took me by surprise. I squinted up at him, instinctively stepping forward. A hand rested on my stomach, pressing me back with ease. Varick's dark eyes blazed at me in my periphery, but I kept my gaze on Ignus. Despite my fear, I knew I needed information, it was the only way I could start working on a plan to escape.

  Many of the girls shuffled into one another, muttering quietly, my question evidently sparking their own curiosity.

  “Silence!” Varick barked, stepping away from me. Some of the girls whimpered, huddling tighter together.

  I flinched, but remained rooted to the spot, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing me recoil. Cass moved closer to me so our shoulders rubbed, clearly trying to move as far away from Varick as she could.

  Ignus's father whispered something into his ear and I waited impatiently for my explanation. The onlookers made me uncomfortable and I bit my tongue on pressing them for answers. Luckily, I didn't have to as Kite spoke up.

  “We have a right to know! You've kidnapped us and now you expect us to participate in some tradition? Well you're wrong.” Kite pressed her shoulders back, looking as confident as if she were often kidnapped and laid out before an audience of creeps.

  A titter of male laughter sounded throughout the room and my blood ran ho
t. Kite, on the other hand, looked ready to murder them all.

  Varick shifted forward and I side-stepped to avoid him. As I moved, the clink of metal drew my attention to my ankle. Subtly hitching up my skirt, I discovered part of the shackle still remained intact, hanging from a piece of chain. It looked sharp. It could certainly do some damage.

  “What do you want from us?” a girl in turquoise called to the crowd, digging her nails into her arms.

  Varick's eyes appeared to measure every inch of her. He was surely assessing us, his gaze swinging from one girl to the next. My heart quickened as he focused on me. My fingers twitched as I thought of the weapon at my ankle. Somehow, he seemed to notice, his gaze following mine to the floor. All at once, he came at me, and simultaneously, I ducked down.

  Miraculously, I had the jagged piece of metal clamped in my hand within seconds. But Varick was already upon me. I acted on instinct alone. Lunging upwards, I twisted my arm and swung it towards Varick's neck, a scream of defiance ripping from my lungs.

  He caught my wrist just as the tip met his skin and a collective gasp sounded around the room, like air sucked through a vent. The sharp end of the metal pressed hard into his jugular, but not even a scratch appeared beneath it. I couldn't quite believe what I'd done and had the terrifying feeling that I'd just made things a whole lot worse for myself.

  Varick's grip was iron, squeezing so hard that the metal slipped from my hand, dropping to the floor with a clang that echoed into the silence for an eternity.

  “What did I say about trouble?” Varick snarled, so low that I was sure only I could hear.

  I was frozen in his deadly gaze, trying not to wince as his fingers crushed my wrist. I lost the battle, my eyes crinkling at the corners.

  “Better get used to pain, Grey.” There was no amusement in his expression this time.

  “Already am,” I breathed and his brow lifted a fraction. This man would not get the better of me. And neither would any of the other cowards hiding behind those masks.

  During our spat, the level of noise had risen around the room; the crowd above were now talking in low, excited voices and the girls were whispering in frantic tones.


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