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Forming the Company (Alpha World Book 2)

Page 20

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “I have my ways. Karen, this is Marian Crowley. If you would be so kind as to escort the lovely and single lady tonight?”

  “I would be delighted to,” Karen all but purred as she took the seat.

  As he was about to go back to his seat Alburet spotted Margret Wilson and her son on the edge of the crowd looking for open seats at a table. Chuckling, he bee lined over to them, “Mrs. Wilson, it is an honor to have you here.”

  “Thank you, Alburet. This is quite the feast it seems,” Margret answered. “I wish you a happy future to you and your bride. I have to say you’ve been quite generous and provided a nice boon to my business.”

  “You do excellent work. I do need to ask a favor of you, if that would be okay?”

  “What is it you need?” Margret inquired.

  “Actually, it is in regards to your son.” He turned to face her son, Dennis, “I wonder if you would like to be the gentleman to escort the young lady at the main table?”

  He looked at his mom, “Is that alright, mom?”

  Margret looked at the table where Emily sat at the end before she nodded. “I think it would be fine. If you want to, Dennis, go ahead.”

  “Sure, mister, I can be a gentleman,” Dennis responded as he brushed at his shirt as if to smooth it of wrinkles.

  “Well then, follow me,” Alburet nodded his thanks to Margret as he led Dennis over to Emily.

  “Emily,” Alburet said to get her attention. “I have brought a person to sit with you. Dennis Wilson, this is Emily Crowley. Dennis is the son of Margret Wilson, the tailor of Silken Needles. Emily is the youngest daughter of the Crowley family. The ladies in matching dresses are her sisters. Are you okay with him joining you, Emily?”

  Emily looked at Dennis, her eyes shy while she tried to act aloof, “I guess that would be okay.”

  “Dennis, if you would be so gallant as to sit and keep the lady company.”

  “Sure, mister,” Dennis said as he took the seat next to Emily. “So, what’s it like living at an inn?” Dennis asked, his curiosity obvious.

  Alburet went back to his seat as Emily launched into a detailed description of what her day was like. He took his seat and got a kiss on the cheek from Stacia, “Ya doin’ well, asthore, but the last two are goin’ be more difficult.”

  “I have an idea already for one of them, if he shows up. The one that is going to be more difficult is going to be a Paladin of the Dark Lord.” Alburet shook his head slightly as he wondered if he could pull off what he wanted to do. “I’ll do my best, but there is no way for me to know...” He paused and facepalmed, “I’ll be right back.” He gave her a quick kiss before getting up and heading over to Almira.

  Almira watched him approach, “What are you needing, Alburet?”

  “I wonder if you could tell me if there are any single male Paladins of the Dark Lord here that you know of. I am trying to perfectly match the sisters with what they desire, but not knowing the Dark Lord’s Paladins puts a crimp in my plan.”

  Chuckling softly, Almira winked, “Ah, trying to matchmake the best you can. How sweet of you. I’ve seen too many just pick people at random to fill those seats. I do know of one young man that meets your requirements.” She pointed to a dusky skinned young man who was very broad of shoulder, “Chris Eveningstar, a promising new Paladin.”

  Alburet took her hand and kissed the back of it which earned him a slight growl from Grimgar. He looked at Grimgar with a single raised brow before turning back to Almira, “My deep thanks, Almira. I shall depart before your guard attacks me.”

  Laughing, Almira waved him off as she patted Grimgar’s hand. She leaned over to whisper to Grimgar as her eyes tracked Alburet, who wasted no time heading for Chris. “Settle down you, he was just being polite.”

  “Excuse me,” Alburet said as he approached Chris, who was seated at a table with Captain Roberto. “I know I’m intruding and I apologize, but I am on a mission most urgent. I need a strong man who can shoulder a heavy burden, and I was told that you might be able to do so, Chris.”

  Chris sat up straighter, looking Alburet over, “What is it you need of me, sir?”

  Roberto chuckled, “You’re not interrupting much, he was asking if he could sign up for the guards with his vocation. We’d just settled the matter, and I must be getting back to the barracks. Good luck to you and your new wife.” He shook hands with the two men before heading out.

  Alburet turned back to Chris, “I’m sure you know the customs of your religion. As such, I hope you would be willing to take a seat at the head table. One of the young ladies would love to make your acquaintance.”

  Standing up, Chris towered over Alburet by a good foot, “Lead the way, sir.”

  Broad smile in place, Alburet led Chris back to the main table next to Deidre. “Deidre, may I introduce Chris Eveningstar, a Paladin of the Dark Lord. He has been kind enough to agree to become your chaperon for the evening, if he suits your fancy.”

  Deidre’s smile became blinding as she motioned Chris to the seat beside her, “Oh yes, he be perfect. Please sit, Chris, and tell me about ya self.”

  Alburet got out of the way, noting as he did Erin’s slight frown. He stopped next to her, leaning down to whisper. “I have someone lined up for you, Erin, but he has not made it here yet. Please bear with me and I will do my best to get you a chaperon that suits you.”

  Erin glanced at him, her face showing her sudden chagrin, “Sorry, it be just that ya got them all people so quickly that I was feelin’ a bit left out. Iffin ya can match me as well as ya have them, then I be willin’ to wait.”

  Alburet thanked her, returning to his seat and getting yet another kiss from Stacia, “It be good to see ya workin’ hard to make me sisters happy.”

  “I will do the best I can, but the last one might be a touch tricky. We shall see if the person I want to seat next to her shows up soon. The sun is about to set, so he should show up in the next hour.”

  “Ah, tha’ mean it be a guard tha’ works the daylight shift. I think ya are lookin’ at the wrong type of guy iffin tha’ be ya intent.”

  “Have faith, Kitten,” he replied as he patted her leg under the table.

  “Attention, please,” Alistern called out as he stood up and raised his glass. “It is time for me to give a message to the new couple.” The crowd settled down enough to hear him speak, “Today me eldest wed a two-souled. This be the first event of its kind, as far as we know. With tha’ comes a whole slew o’ questions about what differences there may be between them and us. The only thing tha’ I worry about, though, is tha’ he might run back to tha other world and leave me daughter behind.”

  Alistern turned to Alburet, “He does nay strike me as the kind to do tha’. He already had the chance when the two-souled left us for two weeks, but he came back and the first thin’ he did was run to her, to reassure her tha’ he still loved her and to apologize for bein’ away so long. He has proven tha’ he does love her in me eyes. As such, it be me great joy to welcome him into our family while he takes her into his. So, a toast to the first two-souled with enough heart to know his soul should reside here all the time.”

  Everyone raised their glasses and drank to the toast. Once everyone had drunk the toast, Alistern went on, “It be time now to show them how much we care by givin’ them gifts to ease their way into their new life. Me and me closest friends be goin’ first with this one. Grim, Stew and Almira, come on up. It be time to show Alburet what it means to be part of our family.”

  The trio came forward from their table to join Alistern and Lilith. “A dwellin’ of ya own be our gift to ya. It would be a little odd iffin ya kept stayin’ at the inn while bein’ married to me daughter.” As Alistern spoke Grimgar placed a key on the table. “The place be more than ample enough for ya both. It be big enough ya can use part of it for ya guild, as well. May the Dark Lord bless ya for years to come.” The quintet bowed to the couple when Alistern finished.

  Stacia gently tapped Alburet’s
foot with her own as a pause was evident. Alburet took the hint and replied to them, “This is a most generous gift from my new in-laws and their friends. We are honored to accept this. Our deepest thanks to you.” He formally bowed in his seat. A murmur went through the throng as others started to come forward to form a line.

  The group shifted aside and Ioaniss was next to step forward. “Today has been a day that I am sure will be remembered for years to come. A two-souled and one of our own Alpha Worlders wed in bliss, something unique indeed. I do not bring material items with me to bestow upon you, instead I will bestow the gift of knowledge. If, at any time, you need aid with history of this world you may call upon me to help you acquire such knowledge to my utmost ability.”

  Stacia bowed her head as she replied before Alburet, “Tha’ be a mighty boon, as ya time be a precious thin’, Sir Jones. We accept your generous gift in tha spirit it is given. Thank ya.”

  Ioaniss stepped aside with a broad smile, to be replaced by Vladimir. “A truly unique couple at this time. As a man who loves the truly unique and special, I will give you something in kind. I hereby declare as Head of the Royal Auction House that you will be granted a full year to attend any auctions in said house, even though you are not of the nobility.”

  The crowd seemed to explode with whispers at Vladimir’s announcement. Alburet, unsure of how to respond to this, gave Stacia a quick glance. Stacia smiled gently to Alburet before turning to Vladimir to accept his gift. “Tha’ be somethin’ very rare indeed, Sir Dracon. The gesture by itself is a gift tha’ will be remembered unto our late years. Iffin we ever do find ourselves with the ability to attend one of the auctions, we will be sure to do so.” Stacia bowed in her seat to him.

  Vladimir bowed back and stepped aside for the next person to come forward. The line went on for some time, each person giving the couple an item or the promise of an item to be delivered to them. Very quickly, the house they had acquired was to be filled with the needed things.

  Once the giving of gifts was done, an hour after the sun had set, the dancing would begin. As a group of people set up off to the side with instruments, Alburet noticed Wilbur Gilden in the group gathered around waiting to see the first dance. Excusing himself, Alburet headed for the guard, who was out of uniform. He had to step around people who were hanging extra magic lights to illuminate the graveyard even more, as well as another group setting out smooth interlocking wooden squares to make a dance floor.

  “Wilbur, I’m glad you could make it,” Alburet greeted the guard.

  Turning, Wilbur nodded, “I was interested to see what the event was like.”

  “I wonder if I can impose upon you for the evening?” Alburet asked after a moment of silence.

  “What is it you want?”

  “There is a maiden who has no escort for the party. As the dancing is about to start, she’s getting slightly depressed that no one is with her. Would you be willing to be her escort for the rest of the evening?”

  “My father always told me that every maiden should have a companion during an event. I will accept. Where can I find this maiden?”

  Smile broadening, Alburet lead Wilbur over to Erin. “Wilbur Gilden, of House Gilden, this is Erin Crowley. Erin this is Wilbur Gilden, son of Gilden House but also a proud guard of the city. He has agreed to be your escort for the evening, if that is acceptable to you.”

  Erin had looked uncertain until Alburet introduced them, then her smile had blossomed. “It be an honor sir, iffin ya would care to sit with me.”

  Wilbur had slowed as they had approached the table and seemed very uncertain of being at the main table. When Erin smiled at him though, his face softened. When she offered him the seat beside her he bowed deeply. “It is my pleasure and honor to be your escort tonight, Miss Crowley.”

  “Call me Erin please, sir, we be an informal family,” she replied as he sat, their gazes locked on each other.

  Alburet moved back over to Stacia, who was watching her sister with a smile of her own. “Tha’ looks like it worked out well, asthore. Ya have done well for me sisters.” She paused as the musicians played a few notes. “It be time.” She stood gracefully, taking his hand as they walked to the dancing floor, which was surrounded by the crowd.

  They walked to the center of the dance floor with all eyes on them. Alburet leaned in slightly to whisper to Stacia, “Is this supposed to be a certain dance?”

  “Nay, any dance will do,” Stacia whispered back as they reached the center of the floor.

  Feeling slightly relieved, Alburet smiled as he brought her in close, one hand up with the other on her hip. “Well then, my lady wife, let us begin shall we?”

  The band started to play a slow, elegant piece. His eyes locked with Stacia, Alburet led her in a simple flowing box in time with the simple rhythm. Eyes sparkling with happiness Stacia followed him flawlessly. About a minute into the dance Alburet began to change the steps just slightly to make the dance more intricate. Stacia flowed along with him as if she was gliding above the floor, never missing a beat. As the song came to an end he dipped her gracefully, kissing her gently as the last few notes hovered in the still air.

  The crowd erupted into cheers, whistles and applause as he brought her back to her feet. They thanked the crowd, then Alistern called for attention, “It be time for the money dances. Iffin ya wish to dance with the groom or bride then come to the main table. We be handin’ out numbers once ya donate coin. Everyone else is also allowed now to use the floor to dance with any other.”

  Alburet lead Stacia over to one side of the floor as they waited. His brows rose as he saw the queue form to take numbers to dance with them. “Well, looks like it is going to be a long night,” Alburet said quietly as he glanced at Stacia.

  “Aye, but it will help us establish our new home.” Her words were filled with love as she met his eyes. “It sounds so good, does it nay?”

  “Anywhere with you will always sound good, Kitten.” The band began to play again as a few couples made their way onto the floor. A man and woman each holding small slips with the number one on them came over to them. The first man up was Ioaniss, who bowed over Stacia’s hand, kissing the air just above it before leading her onto the floor. Alburet found Stella Rivenblood waiting for him, her hand extended. “Madam, it is my honor to dance with you tonight.” He led her onto the floor and danced with her, keeping his pace slow and measured in a simple box for her.

  During the dances, he did notice each of the sisters on the floor multiple times with their escorts, save Emily who seemed to be playing some kind of game with Dennis over at the main table. Losing track of time, Alburet wasn’t sure when he finally got a break from dancing but he did see that Stacia still with a line waiting for her hand. He stepped back to find Stewart there with a drink for him.

  “It will not be much longer,” Stewart told Alburet. “Tonight you will stay at the inn for the last time. We have arranged for all the gifts to be taken to your new residence and to have things set up. Tomorrow, after you both wake we will be going over to show you the place.”

  Sipping the beverage, pleased to discover it was a simple cider, Alburet nodded. “Sounds good to me,” he replied then noticed Karen walking towards him with paper in hand. “Looks like I have one or two more people to dance with, please excuse me.”

  Karen stopped just short of Alburet, “So, now that you’re married is it hands off?”

  “Yes, though I do thank you for the fun times we have had,” Alburet answered as he led her onto the floor. “Besides, I thought you had your sights set on Fluff at this point?”

  “I’m getting mixed signals from her,” Karen sighed softly as the dance began. “I mean, she’s cute as a Lunari, and she is definitely submissive by nature, which is perfect. Yet, she’s too reserved, if you know what I mean. She did mention something about Lilith helping her with her issues though, so maybe in time something will happen. Until then though, Marian seems more than willing to help me out with any itch
I might have. So, thank you for that.”

  Chuckling, Alburet shook his head, “Thank Deidre. She told me that Marian had mentioned she was interested in you. All I did was arrange matters when I saw the chance.”

  “I’ll do that later, she looks busy with that Paladin,” she motioned to Deidre, who was dancing with Chris.

  “Fair enough,” Alburet replied. The rest of the dance was in silence. When it ended, Fluffball was waiting for him. “Lady Fluffball, it will be an honor to lead you around the floor tonight.” He took her hand gently, leading her onto the floor.

  “I want to thank you,” Fluff said as they danced. “You’ve been very kind and helpful to me. You introduced me to Stacia, which led me to Lilith. She’s helping me a lot with my issues.”

  “I’m happy for you, Fluff,” Alburet replied as they moved across the floor amongst the other dancers. “I really hope that you’re able to overcome whatever is in your past. I’ll be here if you need to talk, okay?”


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