Forming the Company (Alpha World Book 2)

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Forming the Company (Alpha World Book 2) Page 32

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Stacia’s options included mostly control abilities. First was one that would confuse all enemies in an area, making them attack random targets with a chance of the effect breaking each time they were hit. Next was an ability that made a creature view her and her party as allies instead of enemies for two minutes, but with a ten-minute cooldown. The next ability was different in that it healed a target by taking life from the succubus, with a five-minute cooldown. Lastly was an ability to help with the healing ability, a life drain attack. The drain attack would siphon five percent of the target’s life and mana to the succubus, but also had a five-minute cooldown.

  Mulling over his options, Alburet glanced at Stewart, who was watching him with an amused smile. “Lots of good choices here with the minion upgrades.”

  “Yes, indeed,” Stewart replied as he put his feet up on the desk. “It is the choice that takes the most time. You’ll get the chance to upgrade a minion at each ability level for a while. So, it’s not the end of the world, but pick wisely.”

  Alburet didn’t take long, selecting an ability for Stacia. Ally would cause her target to view her and her group as its ally, turning on its friends to help her. “I think Stacia needs an upgrade. I might have done differently, but it seems I’m part of a group now so I don’t need the Destroyer abilities as badly right now.”

  Stewart stood up, nodding as Alburet touched the book confirming his choice. “Good pick. But why not get the area spell for your imp?”

  “That was my next option, but we rarely engage more than two at a time that aren’t under control by Stacia and her double. So, it wouldn’t be nearly as effective as a better control spell that turns my foes into my allies.”

  “That spell can be removed. You do realize that, I hope.”

  Alburet nodded, “I’m sure it can. That’s kind of true of the Daze though, as well. An interrupt or stun on Stacia breaks the effect. With all that said, I chose what I did. Next time I will more than likely take something for Bob or Tiny. Though the heal and drain abilities for Stacia look really nice.”

  Stewart laughed, “Now you begin to see one of the issues facing our kind. Not only are those options available next time, but also another ability plus the ones you’ve set aside before. A lot of people look down on our class as one that isn’t as useful as others. Truth of the matter is we’re more a jack-of-all trades than they could hope to be. We can’t tank, but our Destroyer can, at least for a bit. We can’t do the raw damage of others, like Elementalists, but between our own spells and our Imp we do okay. We also bring control into the equation with our Succubus, not many classes even have that option. Add in the ability to Copy a minion, plus the ability to upgrade them and we’re suited for filling any gap that needs it.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. When I chose this class, I was thinking I would end up alone more often than I have. Even if I had, I could still progress just fine thanks to my minions. However, as a part of a team I can enhance my friends and help fill any role we need at the time.”

  “Are you going out hunting again tomorrow?” Stewart asked with a thoughtful expression on his face.

  “Probably not,” Alburet replied, “none of my two-souled friends will be around. The bridge between our worlds is due to come down again for a day. When it comes back up, a number of the two-souled will be like me. They’ll be here full time for a month, not coming and going as they used to. That’s requiring them to make concessions on the other world, which is taking them a few days. I was thinking of staying in the city and enjoying the married life.”

  “Would you mind me coming by tomorrow?”

  “Feel free. We’ll probably sleep late though, so please try to make it in the afternoon.”

  “I will do so. I wish you a goodnight then, Alburet,” Stewart said, shaking hands with Alburet. “Oh, and thank you. You have done right with Stacia, she’s been happier than I can ever remember her being since she met you.”

  “Truthfully, she’s made me just as happy,” Alburet replied, then used the portal in the room to teleport to the graveyard outside the inn. As he stood there for a moment he wondered if Stacia would be done soon. He sent her a message telling her he was headed home, but to take her time and enjoy the massage.

  He had just pulled a pot of tea off the stove when Stacia walked in the door. “Faster than I thought you would be, Kitten.”

  “I be eager to curl up with ya, master,” she crossed the room as he set down the pot and hugged him. “Ya make me happy.”

  “You make me happy as well, my darling Kitten,” Alburet told her as he breathed in the scent of vanilla oil that had been spread on her skin. “Shall we have some tea then retire for the night?”

  “We can do that, but me thinkin’ be tha’ sleep will be a bit off yet,” Stacia said, letting him go to pour their tea.

  “With you, I do not doubt that,” Alburet laughed, accepting the cup from her before she sat down in his lap with a cup of her own.


  Human Summoner

  Level 20

  Strength: 25 (20)

  Agility: 25 (20)

  Constitution: 30

  Intelligence: 75 (45)

  Wisdom: 115 (60)

  Charisma: 35

  Health: 1300

  Mana: 2150


  Demon Skin-Rank 2

  Demonic Retribution- Rank 2

  Summon Least Imp

  Fire Blast- Rank 2

  Sap Strength- Rank 2

  Demonic Haze- Rank 2

  Summon Lesser Destroyer

  Demonic Vitality- Rank 2

  Fire Burst

  Summon Lesser Succubus


  Personal Spells

  Flame Weapon


  Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Ally)

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Waking the next day to the smell of coffee, Alburet opened his eyes to see Stacia standing next to the bed with a tray in her hands. “Morning, Kitten,” he said as he rubbed his eyes clear of the gunk out of them.

  “Mornin’, master,” Stacia replied, smiling as she watched him get into a sitting position on the bed. She laid the tray across his lap, the wooden legs on either side helping stabilize it. “It be just a bit of frumenty this mornin’. Also, a cup of coffee for ya as well.” She went around the bed getting onto it beside him laying on her side watching him with a smile.

  “Aren’t you going to eat?”

  “Already had some,” she replied with a grin. “Ya slept like a rock. Figured the coffee might rouse ya out of ya slumber, and I was right at tha’.”

  Chuckling, he shook his head before he took a bite of the food. As he swallowed he put the spoon down, “Frumenty you called it? It’s wheat, with a bit of milk, sugar and cinnamon?”

  “Aye, master. It be a traditional mornin’ food. I was wantin’ to see iffin ya would like it. Most of the two-souled all be wantin’ eggs and meat for breakfast at the inn when they even stopped to eat.”

  “On the other world, we have something similar to this called oatmeal. It’s made of oats, and normally has stuff added to it like berries, honey or other stuff. This is different. Good, but different.” He went back to eating, enjoying each bite of this different food. When he finished, he turned to his coffee, “Did you have anything in mind for today, Kitten?”

  “I did nay, but we can always just stay in,” Stacia replied.

  Glancing down Alburet caught her eyes, which were smoldering with desire. “I think I know what it is you want. I will note that Stewart is coming along sometime this afternoon. Otherwise I’m sure I can give you what it is you want.”

  Letting out a pleased sound Stacia slid over to him, nuzzling his neck. “Ya can indeed, master, be rough and…”

  She cut off as a knock came at the door. Her indignant look pulled a muffled laugh from Alburet. “Better go see who it is, Kitten.”

  Grumbling, Stacia got out of bed, stalking towards the front room. A
lburet set the tray aside and got out of bed himself. He’d just finished getting dressed when Stacia came back to the room. “The sign be here, he be wantin’ to know which side to put it on,” Stacia told him, still clearly disgruntled at being interrupted.

  “Left of the archway facing it from the outside,” Alburet replied. He looked at his armor, but left it off. He wasn’t going to need it today. He followed her as she went back to the front. Stepping outside, he saw it was late morning with the sun well up. In front of the house was a distinguished looking gentleman with black hair gone grey at the temples.

  Stacia relayed Alburet’s instructions just as Alburet came out around the corner of the archway. Alburet nodded to the man amiably, “Morning.”

  “Ah, so you are the man who commissioned my work,” master crafter Smith said, offering a hand to shake. “It was nice working on your sign. I wish I had known it was for someone sponsored by the crown, though.”

  “Huh?” Alburet said, then sighed. “Sorry, I just woke up a few minutes ago. What do you mean sponsored by the crown?”

  “The message went around this morning,” Smith said. “’Alpha Company is granted recognition and chartered by the Crown.’ That’s what the message said, along with a bit about Summoners now being able to Summon their minions to protect themselves, and allowing them to summon Infernals freely inside the Dead Man Inn and the Alpha Company guild hall.”

  “I didn’t know Sir Jones was going to have that done today. Those were the boons I asked for, though,” Alburet replied.

  “So, you’re a Summoner then?” Smith asked curiously.

  “Yes, is that an issue?”

  “Not with me. I’ve done the signs for Alistern for years. Many still think you lot steal babies or something stupid. I know you’re all normal folks, good or bad just like every other class.”

  “Refreshing to hear you say that. I’ve been sneered at a few times for my vocation.”

  “Bah, all this is beside the point. Shall we get this sign set up?” Smith asked as he rubbed his hands.

  “Sure, but where is the sign?” Alburet asked, looking around for a cart.

  Laughing, Smith pulled a small three-inch square from his belt pouch. “Right here.” He walked to the left side of the arch. He set the square on the ground then stepped back. A moment later a sign appeared with the shaft sunk into the ground. The guild emblem was clear and perfect, the sign looking fresh and new. “There you are, sir. Is that what you wanted?”

  Nodding, Alburet replied, “That is indeed what I was looking for, and apparently right when I needed it as well.” Alburet held out a gold coin, “My thanks, sir, for your wonderful work.”

  Chuckling, Smith took the coin, “A pleasure. The sign will last for a year before it will break. Next time you can get a longer lasting sign if you use different wood. I wish you well and good luck. You’re going to need it in the next few days I’m sure.” With a grin he walked off, waving over his shoulder.

  Alburet arched a brow after the departing man, wondering what he could mean. He went back inside to find Stacia cleaning dishes in the kitchen. “The sign is up if you want to get a look at it, Kitten.”

  “In a moment,” Stacia said as she set aside the clean dishes. “So, as I was sayin’ before…” Another knock came at the door, causing her eye to twitch. She answered the door, barely suppressing a scowl. “Can I help ya?”

  “Is this the guild hall for Alpha Company?” a polished baritone voice asked.

  “The guild hall be the door behind ya, but no one be in there at the moment. What is it ya be needin’?”

  “I’m sorry to intrude, madam, it was not my intent. My master wishes to meet with Alpha Company. If none of them are available I shall so inform him.”

  Alburet went over to stand behind Stacia, “I’m Alburet, the guild leader of Alpha Company. What can I do for you?”

  The butler in his black and white uniform eyed Alburet critically for a moment, then handed over an envelope. “My master wished this to be passed along to you, sir. My master instructed that it only be delivered to a senior member of Alpha Company.”

  “I see,” Alburet took the letter then handed it directly to Stacia. “Thank you for delivering your message. I will attend to it when I have time, or did he require you to await an answer?”

  The butler bowed a fraction of an inch, “No, sir, that is all. Good day.” He turned precisely on his heel and left with a smooth stride.

  “I do nay like the way this looks to be goin’,” Stacia muttered as she held the envelope back to Alburet.

  “Why? It’s just a letter, nothing to worry about.” Just as Alburet finished another knock sounded at the door. Alburet sighed before he answered it, to find a well-dressed woman standing there. “Can I help you, miss?”

  Looking Alburet over, the woman seemed a little disappointed. “Is this the guild hall for Alpha Company?”

  Alburet let out a silent sigh before he put on a professional smile. “The guild hall is the door behind you, but no one is there at the moment.”

  “A pity, but if they can’t have clear signs showing which door is theirs you are going to have a busy day I think. Do you know if anyone will be in today?”

  “I believe the guild leader mentioned being busy today, but I’m sure he will be back tomorrow,” Alburet hoped she would leave soon.

  The woman let out a disappointed tsk, “How upsetting. Ah well, a guild run by two-souled, it was bound to be this way.” She turned to leave just as another person stepped into the archway to look at both doors.

  Alburet spoke up quickly, “They aren’t in today.”

  The newcomer nodded then followed after the woman. Alburet quickly shut the door, turning to Stacia. “I am sorry Kitten, but it looks like today is going to be busy. I need to get two signs made up and fast, as well as finding someone to play receptionist. Can you dress up and go next door, leave the door open and deal with this until I get back? I promise to make it up to you.”

  Stacia frowned as he started speaking. When he finished she locked eyes with him. “Anything I be wantin’?”

  Alburet nodded after a moment, hoping she wouldn’t take it too far, “It will be the least I can do to make it up to you.”

  Stacia beamed at him before she sprinted for the bedroom. She came back out a moment later in her fancy dress. “See ya soon then, master,” she gave him a kiss in passing as she left the house, shutting the door behind her.

  “I will be paying for this later,” Alburet sighed once, shaking his head ruefully.

  He got his gear together and headed out himself, his first stop was going to be the sign shop. He arrived a few minutes later, having jogged all the way there. Stepping into the shop, he found the owner behind the counter. Smith grinned as Alburet approached.

  “Here for a private residence sign and one stating your guild name or emblem to hang on the respective doors?” Smith asked.

  Alburet gave a chagrined nod, “Yes. It seems I didn’t fully understand what was to come.”

  Laughing, Smith put the two signs on the counter, “Thought you might be coming by for them. One gold for both, if you don’t mind.”

  Alburet looked over the signs. The one for the guild house displayed the emblem along with the words ‘Alpha Company Guild House’. He put two gold on the counter, “Next time I would appreciate it if you would give me a hint ahead of time.”

  Grinning, Smith shook his head, “It isn’t often I get to see something like this. But you’ve been decent about it, taken the joke in stride, so next time I will.”

  Alburet took the two signs and headed back out. Once he was on the street he stopped to think. Where could he even find a quality receptionist that would work for him? He chewed his lip as he considered seeing if one of Stacia’s sisters wanted the job. As he started for the inn he smiled and changed course as another possibility occurred to him. It took a while, even at a jog but he soon found himself outside the portal guild.

  He ent
ered the building. Kim was sitting behind the desk, obviously bored. He walked up to the desk with a huge smile on his face. “Kim, just the person I wanted to see.”

  Kim looked up and gave him a smile in return, “What can I do for you, Alburet?”

  “Actually, it’s horrible form for me to do this, but needs must. Do you have a minute to spare off the clock, like on a break?” Alburet asked.

  Kim raised a brow at him for a moment. She pushed a button on the desk and Rolland came down the stairs a minute later. Rolland nodded to Alburet, before he turned to Kim, “What’s up?”

  “I need a five-minute break,” Kim replied. She led Rolland’s eyes to Alburet, who stood there with a fixed grin on his face.


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