Forming the Company (Alpha World Book 2)

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Forming the Company (Alpha World Book 2) Page 33

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Rolland raised a brow at Alburet then nodded, taking Kim’s chair, “Five minutes.”

  Kim led Alburet off to the side away from the desk and waiting area, “So what is it?”

  “Alpha Company, my guild, finds itself in need of an experienced receptionist as of a couple of hours ago. I am praying you’d be interested in taking the job.” Alburet quickly blurted out, “We can pay you well for your work.”

  Kim blinked, obviously not expecting what he’d said, “Wait, you’re offering me a job working for your guild?”

  “Yes,” Alburet replied bluntly.

  Kim shook her head, “You can’t mean that. I make close to fifty gold a year working here.”

  “A hundred gold a year,” Alburet said bluntly and dug a hundred gold out of his coin purse. “Paid in advance, as I need you now.”

  Pursing her lips, Kim licked them then looked back at Rolland, “Give me a moment.”

  Alburet stayed where he was as Kim went back to talk to Rolland. He looked over at Alburet then back to Kim. He nodded, frowned as she talked, then nodded again. He got up and walked over to Alburet.

  “You are trying to hire Kim?” Rolland asked.

  “I need a receptionist who can handle difficult people. Kim is the best I’ve seen in the city, so yes, I am.”

  Rolland laughed, “I know you can afford the hundred gold a year as an adventurer. She has been upset with the guild since they introduced accounts. That ate into the tips we used to get and took away most of her fun talking to people. What hours will she be keeping and will you back her in a dispute?”

  “Daylight hours,” Alburet replied. “If need be we can see about hiring a second receptionist if I can find one. I will back her over anyone who comes in, I will even let her sign on with the guild if she wants.”

  “Don’t have any need for a portal mage, do you?” Rolland asked with a grin.

  “I don’t think we’re large enough for something like that right now, but if we get there I’ll look you up first.”

  “Be right back,” Rolland said, and headed back to Kim.

  The pair talked for a minute before Rolland took her seat. Kim came over with a big smile, “So I can join your guild?”

  Tapping his interface until a scroll appeared in his hand, Alburet held it out, “Just take that to city hall. You ready to go?”

  “I believe you said I would be paid in advance?” Kim replied.

  Alburet handed over the hundred gold, “Done.”

  Kim nodded, “I’ll be over to your guild house in a few minutes then. Just want to go drop this off at city hall first.”

  He agreed with her and asked a question, “Would you be amenable to training an assistant?”

  “Sure, they made me do that here,” Kim replied as they headed for the door.

  “One more question, what was with Rolland asking questions about you hiring on with us?”

  Kim paused on the street, “He’s my husband, so of course he wanted to make sure it wasn’t a scam of some kind.”

  “Makes sense. See you soon. Let me invite you to a party so you can find the place easier when you’re done.” He sent her the invite then waved goodbye before he jogged off to the Dead Man Inn.

  He made it there in a few minutes and went inside. The place was empty except for Alistern behind the bar. “Alistern, good to see you,” Alburet greeted him. “Question, which daughter of yours is the best at dealing with people and money?”

  The cloth he was using to polish a mug stopped as Alistern looked at Alburet. “What be ya thinkin’?” The words were calm but clipped.

  Rubbing his chin for a moment Alburet explained. “I want to hire one of them as a receptionist. She will be training under an experienced professional. She’ll be working the first few weeks the same hours as her trainer, until we can see if we need to adjust the hours. I can offer thirty gold a year in pay, with the chance at a raise if she does well.”

  Alistern put down the mug, shaking his head as he snorted. “Ya keep doin’ this kind of thin’. Ya thinkin’ of tryin’ to get all me daughters?”

  Facepalming, Alburet sighed, “No. I truly am asking if one of them would like to make good money and learn a trade is all.”

  Erin poked her head out of the kitchen, “Ya be serious?”

  “Yes,” Alburet turned to Erin who came out of the kitchen. “Honestly serious, thirty gold a year paid in advance.”

  Alistern put his hands flat on the bar, “Ya are tryin’ to take me daughters.”

  Lilith came out of the kitchen sighing, “Husband?”

  Looking over at Lilith, Alistern frowned, “It be a trick…”

  Alburet dropped thirty gold on the bar, his face calm, “No trick. I will swear any oath you want that I will not touch Erin in any way that is inappropriate.”

  Shaking her head, Lilith replied, “There is no need. Stacia told me that you are a monogamous sort. Which is too bad, all of my daughters could use a strong man in their life.”

  “Wilbur is a good man,” Alburet replied without thinking. “A little stubborn and prejudiced maybe, but still a good man.”

  Erin nodded, “He also be strong enough to defy his family.”

  Lilith looked at her daughter, her lips quirking up, “Oh, is that so?”

  Looking away Erin muttered, “We are talkin’.”

  Lilith set her hand on Alistern’s shoulder, “They all have to go their own ways, love. The other two will stay a bit longer, and Emily will be around for quite some time. Let Erin try to find her own way. We will be here if she needs to come back.”

  Seeming to deflate some, Alistern sighed, “It’s too soon.”

  Erin looked over at her mother and father, her eyes starting to glisten. “Iffin thin’s do nay work I will come right back, I promise. Let me try to find me own wings, Da’.”

  Looking at her with sad eyes, Alistern nodded once. He turned to Alburet, his face hardening. “She be in ya care. Iffin she gets hurt…”

  Nodding, Alburet agreed, “She will be safe, Alistern. My word.” He turned to Erin, “Go change your clothes, we need to be going.”

  Erin paused, “I do nay have other clothes.”

  Alburet took the coins from the bar and handed them to Erin. He then marked Silken Needles on her map, “Go there and get some clothes then meet me at the guild hall.” He handed her two more gold, “That is for your clothes. Also, take this to the city hall.” He handed her a scroll that would allow her to join the guild. “Now get moving. We have work to do.”

  Erin scampered out of the building, all three of the others watching her go. Lilith spoke up a moment later, “You are truly something different, Alburet. First you cause my eldest to fall in love with you, then you make her a succubus, giving her the dream she held dearest. Next you convince the crown to ease its restrictions on Infernals, and now you give my daughter more money than most people will see in a year.”

  Alburet could only shrug, “Coin for me is easy. As for Stacia, well she ensnared me just as much. I got to get going. We’ve already had so many people showing up at the guild house.”

  Alistern snorted, “Of course ya did. Ya got a royal charter added to ya guild. Not many adventurer guilds manage that, and ya be a two-souled guild to boot. Stewart left just before ya showed up, said he was goin’ to ya home.”

  “Gah, so busy today,” Alburet sighed. “I will see you again at some point. I wish you both a good day.” He used his Homestone, vanishing from the bar to appear before his home. A couple of carriages were outside. “Oh, goody more of them,” Alburet muttered. The crests on the carriages indicated noble houses, though he didn’t know which ones.

  He went to his home door first, pulling out the sign for it and wondered how to attach it. He pressed it to the door then accepted the pop-up asking if he wanted to attach it. When he moved his hand the sign stayed in place. He went to the other door, which was open. He glanced in to see Stacia talking to two well-dressed men. He gave her a brief nod bef
ore he attached the sign to the door, then joined her.

  “Why can’t the leader of this guild see us today?” The one standing a little forward of the other asked with clear contempt in his voice. “Are the two-souled going to have issues with meeting potential clients?”

  “No, I would think my guild won’t,” Alburet cut in, speaking from behind the duo. “I had things that needed to be done, still have things that need to be done in fact. What business do you have that is so urgent as to need my personal attention right now?”

  Both men turned to look at Alburet, with the speaker again taking the lead. “It has been said that you have information on the Forgotten Prison. We would like to obtain all the information you have on it?”

  Shaking his head Alburet replied, “Nope. Is there anything else?”

  “What do you mean no?” The noble asked incredulously. “Do you know who I am? I am Sir…”

  “You could be the Duke of Earl, I don’t care. I really hate it when people think they can pull the ‘know who I am’ card. Get out of my building and don’t come back.” Alburet kept the polite false smile in place even as he let his eyes go cold.

  The second noble gave a small bow of his head, “I apologize. Might I call upon you in the future?”

  Alburet gave a small nod, keeping his eyes on the first noble. “If you leave in the next minute, then yes.”

  The second man walked out of the room unhurriedly, pausing to hand a small card to Alburet. “My card, sir. Please, accept my apologies.” The first one balked, watching the other leave. “You might be able to convince him that you can order a nobleman about, but I know better.” The man puffed himself up haughtily.

  “Tiny, come to me,” Alburet said simply his finger pointing behind the noble, his eyes still fixed on the man before him.

  Tiny appeared with a small puff of smoke behind the nobleman. His rumbling voice causing the noble to start. “I have come, master.”

  “What in the name of the gods?” the noble said as he spun around then looked up at Tiny. “A Demon in the city? The guards will have you in chains for this.”

  “No, they won’t. The proclamation said I can summon my demon in self-defense. You are threatening me, so I brought out my protector. Now leave or get physically thrown from the building.” Alburet didn’t even attempt to mask his contempt of the man before him.

  “You will be hearing from the guards,” the noble said as he stepped quickly to the door. “Just you wait, I’ll be laughing when they put you in chains.” With that, he left.

  “Did you need me to protect you, master?” Tiny rumbled.

  “Nope, we’re good now. Thanks for the assist Tiny, you are free to go.” Alburet gave Tiny a thankful smile.

  “As you wish, master,” Tiny replied before he vanished. Alburet looked down at the card in his hand. The title Sir Cody Carter of House Carter was embossed across the face of it, along with an address.

  “They be nay the first in today like tha’,” Stacia said, getting to her feet. “Where be the help?”

  A knock came from the door, “So this is the place?” Kim half asked as she came inside. “It’s a bit lackluster, I can see why they’re giving you issues. If you want, I can arrange for some things that will help impress your guests. It will only cost a double handful of gold.”

  Sighing, Alburet put twenty gold on the desk and waved Kim over, “Come on over, Kim, and here’s the gold. Please do what you think needs to be done. Also, the trainee will be along in a bit. She had to get some clothes first. Can we leave you to this?”

  Kim took a seat as she pulled out her Mindstone, “This is what you are paying me for, sir. If anything dire happens, I will let you know.”

  The couple thanked her and quickly retreated to the house. Shutting the door behind them just as another carriage pulled up, Alburet sighed. “Holy fucking hell,” he sighed as he leaned against the door. “I did not expect anything like this.”

  “Master?” Stacia said, waiting for him to look at her. Once he did she continued, “Do we have the day to ourselves now?”

  No sooner had the words left her mouth than a knock came at the door. “I put up a fucking sign,” Alburet snarled before he opened the door to cuss out whoever it was. He stopped himself when he saw Grimgar, Almira and Stewart all standing there. “Hello to you all.”

  Stewart chuckled, “Having a lot of company today, are you?”

  “Ugh, way too many idiots,” Alburet replied, stepping out of the door and motioning the others in.

  “I’ll make some tea,” Stacia said, gliding over to the kitchen.

  “Nice dress Stacia, is that the one you wore to the castle?” Almira asked as she came in and took a seat.

  “Aye. As soon as I get the tea started I be goin’ to change, though,” Stacia said as she put the kettle on the stove. “Be back in a moment.”

  “The tailor ye use did a good job with tha’ dress,” Grimgar commented as Stacia left the room.

  “Her dress aside, we came for two reasons apparently,” Stewart said. “I ran into Grimgar and Almira just outside. They brought a decoration for you. I brought a gift of thanks. It seems doubly appropriate as Alistern messaged me about Erin’s new job.”

  “She’s going to be training under an experienced receptionist to help keep my guild from drowning in people.”

  “He did say that,” Stewart nodded. “I just wanted to make sure you’re not planning on trying to hire the other two also, right?” Stewart asked blandly, a smile on his face but his eyes focused intently on Alburet.

  “No plans at all. Hell, I didn’t plan to hire Erin before today.”

  “Aye, ye had no idea this was goin’ to blow up did ye?” Grimgar laughed.

  “Oh, shh,” Almira added as she tapped Grimgar on the head. “He’s having enough issues today. Besides, I think it’s wonderful that Alistern’s daughters are getting a chance to flourish outside of the Inn.”

  Stewart frowned slightly, “Maybe. Anyway, we should go look at what Grimgar brought you first, before I get to my bit.”

  Stacia came out of the room, “Unca Grim brought us somethin’?”

  “Yes, he brought something for your archway between the doors,” Almira added. “You do recall paying me to procure something I trust?”

  “That was some days ago, but yeah,” Alburet said, standing with the others as they headed for the door.

  Their visitors all stepped back against the inner wall so Alburet and Stacia could clearly see into the nook. A heater shield, bright and shiny steel with the guild emblem emblazoned on it sat canted in the nook.

  “That is amazing,” Alburet exclaimed softly as he stepped forward to get a closer look. He glanced behind it to see that instead of straps there was a rod of metal extending from the shield that disappeared into the wall. “Huh? How the hell?”

  “Aich, it be fine lad. We was thinkin’ of doin’ it with our own emblem back in the day, so the wall was ready for this. Now it is considered part of the structure, only the owner can remove it.” Grimgar stood there proudly, “I hope me work is good enough for ye.”

  “Of course it is, Unca Grim,” Stacia said, giving the dwarf a hug.

  “Then I have completed my quest,” Almira beamed slightly. “I do think it is a perfect fit.”

  “Thank you both very much,” Alburet said giving Almira a quick hug and slapping Grimgar on the shoulder.

  “We be glad to help out. The signs on the doors be a good idea as well,” Grimgar chuckled. “Me be sure, the first few were nay sure what to do, when the door was nay answered.”

  Stacia growled slightly, “They interrupted breakfast.”

  Almira laughed, shaking her head she nudged Grimgar, “We should be getting back to our shops. I do hope the next few days don’t see any more interrupted meals.” She tossed Stacia a wink as she left.

  Stewart shook his head, “I think I hear the kettle.”

  Stacia raced inside, as the kettle was indeed whistling. Alburet us
hered Stewart back inside as Stacia got the kettle and cups ready for tea. Once they all had tea and were seated, Stewart spoke up. “It really is a nice decoration. However, it did distract me from the real reason I came today. Seeing as how you have only done right for my goddaughters, I felt it was okay to gift you an item.”

  Alburet went to speak but Stewart cut him off, “Wait, let me finish please. The item I am going to give to you has been kept as a reminder of great loss to me. Seeing all the girls finally moving on has nudged me to try moving on myself. It is time to let the past go, for good. Seeing as you already have two pieces of the set it seems fitting to give you this.” Stewart held out a circlet of a strangely hued red metal.


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