Forming the Company (Alpha World Book 2)

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Forming the Company (Alpha World Book 2) Page 34

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Stacia sat forward, her eyes wide, “Unca Stew, be ya sure about tha’? It be one of the few things ya still have to remind ya of Flora.”

  A deep sadness filled Stewart, clearly visible to the others. “I need to move on Stacia, it has been over twenty years now. I still miss her every day and Tabitha has tried to help me, but I wasn’t ready before. Now though, now it might be time. No one before has combined three or more pieces of the set that I know of. Will you take the Crown of the Demon Lord?”

  Alburet didn’t reach for it right away. Instead he met Stewart’s eyes. “I am a little overwhelmed and confused Stewart. Why today? I am willing to accept the gift, but I have a feeling that you just came to this decision in the last two days.”

  Stewart set the crown on the table, leaning back in his seat and sipping his tea. “You care. Simply put, you have only shown care and compassion to those I care about and love. You are family for all intents and purposes now. You have leveraged a boon from the crown to make Summoners a little more accepted. My days of adventuring are over, long since now, so it is time to pass on the torch. This will hopefully help you, and in turn help Stacia.”

  The plain truth of Stewart’s words touched Alburet. “I will accept your gift then. Thank you for this priceless gift.” Alburet bowed in his seat, “I will wear it with honor.”

  Standing, Stewart put his cup down, “Good. I will be going now.” He gave Stacia a quick hug, exchanged a handshake with Alburet and was out the door a moment later.

  “Mayhap he will be able to find happiness now,” Stacia said from beside Alburet as they had both seen Stewart off.

  “That would be grand,” Alburet said as he put his arm around Stacia before they retreated inside.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  After retreating back inside the couple cuddled together on the sofa. Alburet eyed the plain circlet wondering if he should put it on or wait until after the patch. Stacia was also looking at the band of metal. Her mind recalled all the times she had seen Unca Stewart gazing at it with sadness in his eyes.

  “Could it be cursed?” Stacia whispered out loud without realizing it.

  “The crown?” Alburet queried.


  “You asked if something could be cursed, Kitten. I was wondering if you were talking about the crown.”

  “Aye,” she tightened her arms on him slightly. “I was thinkin’ about the sadness in his eyes every time he gazed at it, master. He received it when his lover died. He left it on the sands of the Dead Lands. Unca Grim picked it up and gave it back to him a year later. I was wonderin’ iffin it could be cursed, to take ya loved one from ya.”

  Shaking his head Alburet replied, “If that was the case Almira would have died already. It is obvious that Grimgar loves her, from the way his eyes light up when he looks at her.”

  “Oh, I had nay thought of tha’. Are ya goin’ to take the gift then master?”

  “I was considering whether to put it on now or wait until after I come back from my absence.”

  Stacia picked it up off the table, slipping from his lap to kneel by his feet. “May I crown you, me lord and master?”

  Alburet felt his pulse stir at her words but also felt his heart melt at her love. “Please, my darling Kitten.”

  Stacia rose gracefully to her feet holding the crown before her chest. “Bow ya head for me a touch please, master.”

  Alburet did as she requested and moment later he felt her gently place the Crown of the Demon Lord on his brow. A pop-up asked if he wished to equip and bind the item. He accepted it, lifting his gaze to Stacia who looked down at him. “It is done.” As the words left his mouth another pop-up appeared.

  Crown of the Demon Lord.

  Unique Scaling Item, Part of the Demon Lord set

  Armor 40 to head (up to 200 depending on level) stacks with Demon Skin

  Charisma 40 (up to 200 depending on level)

  Wisdom 40 (up to 200 depending on level)


  You and your party will be viewed as neutral to all unbound demons.

  Becomes Soul Bound when equipped

  Other parts of set:






  3 piece bonus: Race change and improved stats from armor

  6 piece bonus: ???

  A three-piece bonus has been rewarded.

  Armor of the Demon Lord.

  Two bonuses are now available to you.

  Chance at race change to Half-Blood Infernal: speak with any Infernal to start the quest chain.

  All bonuses from Demon Lord Set will now be doubled.

  Alburet blinked as he read the pop-up, “I can become a half-blood?”

  Stacia’s eyes got big, “How would tha’ even be?”

  “Good question,” Alburet replied, trying to make heads or tails out of the information he’d just gained. He recalled Victoria telling him the chance to change one’s race was in the game, she had mentioned a Vampire Lunari. “I guess I should ask somebody who might know.”

  “I summon Bob the Mighty,” Alburet said, his hand palm down next to him.

  Bob appeared amid the puff of smoke, “You called, master?”

  “I was told to ask any Infernal about a quest to change my race to half-blood.”

  Blinking, Bob paused with his head cocked to the side as if listening to something, his eyes glazing over as he did. He started speaking in a deep more resonant voice, “You should visit the sands of the Dead Lands in one week. There will be an Infernal waiting to take you to the place you need to go to.” When Bob finished speaking he shook his head, his eyes clearing. “Why did you summon me?”

  Stacia’s eyes got even wider if possible as she stared at Bob. Alburet barely registered it though as he frowned. “I asked about a quest and got my answer. Apparently, someone or thing spoke through you. I can honestly say I don’t like the idea of some being using you as its mouthpiece when you are bound to me.”

  Bob’s eyes went buggy, his mouth opening and closing for a second, “B…b… but…”

  “The Dark Lord,” Stacia said softly with reverence. “Only he can speak through an Infernal like tha’, master.”

  Whistling softly, Alburet’s own eyes got big. “So, a god of this world just gave me a quest?”

  Quest: Become a Half-Blood Infernal

  Visit the Dead Lands in one week to begin your transformation.

  Reward: Race change to Half-Blood Infernal

  “And there is my answer,” Alburet continued as he read the pop-up.

  Stacia trembled as she slowly reached out to touch Alburet. “Master? Are ya goin’ to accept the quest?”

  “Yeah, should be fun. Thanks Bob, you’re free to go.”

  Bob nodded once, “I can’t wait to tell Tiny.” Bob vanished, his face lit with awe.

  “Ya know tha’ ya standin’ in the city will fall, iffin ya do it,” Stacia told him as she embraced Alburet, as if afraid for him.

  “I’ll just work harder to raise their opinion of me then,” Alburet replied, returning the embrace.

  Reputation with Stormguard Guards has reached Respected.

  Reputation with all Stormguard factions has reached Friendly.

  Reputation with Gilden House has fallen to Hostile.

  “I think my reputation can take a hit,” Alburet said, after checking his reputation notifications that had been waiting for him. “It seems my asking to be viewed favorably by the city has happened. So even if I fall a little bit, I should still be viewed okay. Besides, it is time that someone helped improve the image of the Half-Blood Infernals in the city.”

  Stacia looked at Alburet with a mix of trepidation and wonder. “I love ya, master,” she whispered and kissed him fiercely.

  When they broke for air Alburet was about to pick Stacia up and carry her away when a knock came on the door. Sighing, Alburet shook his head, disengaging from Stacia to go see w
ho it was now.

  It turned out to be Rolland at the door, “Sorry for the intrusion. I was wondering if you’d care to grab lunch?”

  “Don’t normally get men walking up to invite me out,” Alburet replied with a straight face.

  Rolland shook his head, “You’re not my type. I like them beautiful and female, like my wife or yours. I just wanted to thank you, for giving my wife this job. She’s sent me a few messages since she got here. She’s doing what she loves to do again, which is talk with people. I thought lunch might be a gesture you could appreciate. Your wife is welcome to come as well.” Rolland gave Stacia a warm smile, “If you wish to, of course.”

  Stacia gave back a smile, “Iffin asthore wishes to go, then I will go as well.”

  “We should probably go, there are few other stops we need to make,” Alburet said taking Stacia’s arm. “When we get back we can return to the topic we were discussing.”

  Stacia bowed her head, her words carrying a hint of husk to them, “As ya wish, asthore.”

  Rolland paused, catching the hint from Stacia’s voice, “Err… did I come at a bad time? We can do lunch at some later date instead.”

  “No, everything is fine,” Alburet replied. “Anticipation is a good thing, after all. Where did you have in mind?”

  Hesitating a moment more, Rolland shrugged, “I know a small place just down the road from here that serves a very nice pasta. You don’t mind if I bring some back for Kim, do you?”

  “Feel free. We should bring some back for Erin as well,” Alburet told the mage.

  “Erin? As in me sister Erin?” Stacia asked.

  “Yup, she’s training under Kim. I figure having two receptionists is a good idea. This way they can have a day off as well as being able to handle assorted other tasks.”

  “Did Da’ give ya any trouble?”

  “Not really,” Alburet replied as they followed Rolland down the road. “He made an accusation about me trying to get all of his daughters, but your mother set him straight. Besides, this will let her have the chance to have a little freedom and a good chunk of coin.”

  “How much ya be payin’ her?”

  “Thirty gold for the year. Kim gets one hundred as she’s the more experienced. If Erin does well, we can give her a raise.”

  Stacia shook her head, “Ya be givin’ her more than many in the city earn in a year iffin they work for another.”

  “That might be true, Kitten, but as adventurers we can earn that money back easily enough. It will also give her a sense of worth and improve her odds of finding her own way in life.”

  Smiling, Stacia gave his arm a squeeze, “Ya do so much for me family, asthore.”

  “Here we are,” Rolland told them, “Giardino and Family.” The door emitted the same jingle as many other shops, thanks to the small bell mounted just above it. Smiling, Rolland called out to a hefty man in a white apron, “Giuseppe, I have brought new customers for you.”

  “Ah, new comers,” the man weaved his way through the small but full dining area with a smile firmly in place. “Welcome to my family’s place. We have a table right over here, follow me.” Giuseppe led them over to a table that could seat four and held the chair for Stacia. “It is always nice to see new faces,” his voice carried the hint of an Italian accent. “Today the food is a rigatoni alfredo with diced chicken.”

  “You serve a single dish during the day?” Alburet asked.

  “We serve one dish during lunch and a different one for dinner,” Giuseppe replied. “Would you care for wine with the meal or tea?”

  “A bottle of wine please, Giuseppe,” Rolland answered for the group. “We will also need two servings to go, Kim will bring the plates back to you tonight.”

  “Of course. I’ll be right back with the wine,” Giuseppe left the table.

  “Interesting way of doing food,” Alburet half chuckled, thinking that people would never stand for such a limited menu in the real world.

  “Wait until you try it.” A young lady about Stacia’s age with a golden tan brought over a bottle and three glasses. She opened the bottle, pouring a small bit into the glass before Rolland. He sipped the wine, seeming to swish it slightly before he nodded. With a smile the lady poured them each a glass and set the bottle next to Rolland, then departed.

  Alburet and Stacia each took a sip as the server departed. The wine was dry but with pronounced hints of fruit that lingered on the tongue. Alburet couldn’t place the fruit even as he tried to. Stacia let out a simple sigh, “This be a very good white.”

  Rolland nodded, “I agree. And here comes the food.”

  Giuseppe bustled to them with three plates on a tray. He set the plates before them along with forks. “Bon appetite,” he told them before he went off to greet the next customers.

  “Dig in,” Rolland matched action to word, taking a hearty bite.

  Stacia followed Rolland’s example, still a little uncertain of the food, clearly not used to pasta. As she tasted the first bite she made a pleased sound as she chewed. “This be fantastic,” she said a moment later. “It be so rich and creamy.”

  Alburet’s lips quirked up as he recalled her using those same words just last night. He had to agree though, the alfredo sauce was spot on, easily in the top three he had ever had. He nodded his agreement as he took another bite. As he finished that bite he took a sip of wine, blinking as the dry white helped clear the cream sauce easily while allowing the hints of fruit to enhance the flavor of the meal. “Oh, that is very well paired.”

  “The family has had this knack for the last two generations,” Rolland put in. “As you can see, they do good business here.”

  Alburet had to agree. As they ate, the tables stayed busy with only two or three going empty at a time in the twenty-table restaurant. As they finished up the meal Giuseppe brought them a basket. “The two meals be inside, along with a small container of tea. Kim is working, I take it which is why you are here to get food for her?”

  “Indeed,” Rolland nodded his head at Alburet. “He just hired her away from the portal guild.”

  Giuseppe eyed Alburet briefly before he gave a small bow of his head, “You must be the head of Alpha Company. I make that guess as many people are talking about you and you wear their emblem.”

  “Indeed, sir,” Alburet replied extending his hand. “It was a pleasure to eat here, thank you for the wonderful meal. I shall have to make it a habit of coming by.”

  Giuseppe grinned as he shook hands, “As it should be. If you could hire Kim away from the portal guild then you must be a good man.”

  “He be one of the best,” Stacia cut in, resting her hand on Alburet’s arm.

  “Obviously loved, as well,” Giuseppe laughed. “We look forward to seeing you again… Alburet, correct?”

  “That is my name, yes. This is my lovely wife, Stacia,” Alburet introduced her.

  “A beautiful name,” Giuseppe told her as he bowed over her hand. “Please come back any time. From an hour before noon to a few hours past sundown are the hours we are open. We change the meal two hours before sundown.”

  Rolland stood up, followed by the other two. “We should be getting these back to the women who need it. Stay well, Giuseppe. Give our love to the wife.” Rolland placed a few silver on the table before he led the other two out. “So, what did you think?” Rolland asked as they started back towards the guild hall.

  “Easily the top three pasta dishes I’ve eaten,” Alburet replied truthfully.

  “It was a very good meal. Never had noodles like tha’ before,” Stacia put in.

  “Glad to hear it. Before we left you mentioned needing to do other things. If you want to head off, I’ll drop the food off to the ladies.”

  “That works for me,” Alburet said. “Thanks again for the meal Rolland, and for letting me steal Kim away from the portal guild.”

  Shaking his head, Rolland chuckled, “A man never lets his wife do anything, she does and he accepts only.”

��Almost sounds like my father,” Alburet agreed. “He used to say, ‘What’s hers is hers and what’s mine is hers.”

  Laughing, Rolland bid them a good day as he kept going. Alburet and Stacia paused. “Now we need to get a bedroom set for your sister. I figure letting her stay in one of the spare rooms at the guild hall would be nice.”

  “It do be lackin’ a way to cook, but me thinks she will be fine and we can always give her some breakfast iffin we need to. It be a very kind thin’ to offer asthore, nay many jobs be letting’ a new employee stay free of charge.”

  “It will help her stand on her feet a bit more, instead of having to keep going back to the Inn,” Alburet explained. “It might also help her court Wilbur more effectively.”


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