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Sweat (Sweetbriar Lake #1)

Page 14

by Rebecca Jenshak


  ELLE FINISHED THE final touches of her makeup and checked the time. Claire and the photographer wouldn’t arrive for another fifteen minutes. The envelope with Clive’s offer peeked from the top of her purse. She picked it up and turned it over in her hands. She loved working for him and living near her parents again. She’d made wonderful new friends here. She even loved Sweetbriar. It was small — there was no mall, no big city events to attend — but she felt more at home here than she ever had at Phoenix. What the heck? Might as well open it now. Her hands shook a little as she read.

  She was still in her robe holding the letter when she heard Claire’s voice.

  “Knock, knock.” Claire’s steps echoed as she crossed the condo to Elle’s room. “Why aren’t you dressed? Gretchen will be here any minute.” Claire’s voice wavered, hinting at panic.

  Elle held out the papers with a still-shaky hand. “Clive offered me a job at his firm.”

  “Congratulations! Why do you look like you might throw up?” Claire ushered Elle out of the bedroom and to the couch.

  “Just read.” Elle stood and paced the room.

  “Looks pretty standard. What am I missing?”

  “He’s offered to make me a partner in three years, and he’s going to pay me almost triple what I make now,” she squeaked out. She was in shock. Or was it disbelief? Definitely disbelief. She knew this was by far the best offer she was going to receive. It was almost everything she wanted.

  “So… does that mean you’re staying?”

  Elle stopped pacing and looked at Claire, who was smiling at her like this was the best news ever. “This is not what I planned. I was only going to be here for a short time and then move to the city.”

  “Plans change. Life doesn’t go the way we expect it. Trust me. My life has been a roller coaster, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Claire reached out and squeezed her hand. “Now let’s get you in that dress so you can go schmooze with those fancy big-city lawyers.”

  Minutes later, Elle slowly turned in the white, fitted dress. Her long red curls cascaded down her back, emphasizing the bateau neck and low-cut back. She hardly recognized the smiling woman in the mirror. She felt pretty and classy, and Claire had done it. She’d helped her pick the perfect dress for tonight.

  “Oh, Elle. You look glamorous,” Claire said as she entered the living room.

  A young woman with a large camera, who Claire introduced as Gretchen, flitted around her, making sure every hair, every eyelash was perfectly in place. They helped her get into poses that felt relaxed and natural, considering they were having an impromptu photoshoot in her living room. It was too weird for Elle. She’d always shied away from having her picture taken, but tonight she pushed past all of her insecurities and enjoyed capturing this moment that she felt so beautiful and happy.

  Could she leave all this behind and start over again? She was starting to think perhaps she could have it all right here in Sweetbriar. Sure, she would be giving up the potential to work for a big practice and to live in the city, but she knew she’d be giving up a lot for that, too. Clive had offered her a partnership in half the time it would take at another firm. He was offering to pay her nearly double what she would start out with somewhere else. And she’d be giving up Clive. He was a great lawyer and mentor.

  “Love looks good on you,” Claire said as Gretchen packed up her equipment.

  “Love?” Sure, things with Ryan were intense, and she was enjoying their time together, but love?

  “Yes, love. You’re glowing, friend. Have fun tonight.” Claire hugged her carefully and headed out.

  Elle grabbed her small clutch with her lipstick and powder, her cell phone, Amanda’s keys, and took one last deep breath. It was show time.

  She was thankful for the Mercedes as she pulled up to the restaurant. The car fit right in among the other expensive cars parked in the garage and along the street. Her stomach was in knots as she looked around for any sign of Ryan or his Mustang. Did she love him? She’d been mulling it over in her head on the drive. How had she not realized sooner that she was falling for him? Maybe it was all the unfinished business with Brock, or her own self-doubt creeping back in. Could someone like Ryan love her back?

  The restaurant had been transformed for the event. A band was set up in the far corner opposite the bar. Tables had been arranged around the room with elegant flower-and-candle centerpieces. She headed to the lounge for a drink. A quick look around the room told her she was the first of her party to arrive. Elle’s phone buzzed.

  Ryan: On my way, sweetheart.

  Elle grinned and put her phone back in her purse. The bartender returned with her white wine as she heard an unwelcome voice beside her.

  “Elle. Wow! You look incredible.”

  She turned and looked into the light blue eyes she had once loved and dreamed of gazing into forever. They did nothing for her now, which was a relief and a bit sad, considering she’d planned this whole night around winning him back.

  “Hello, Brock.”

  He approached her slowly. “Can we talk? I need you to hear me out. Please?”

  Elle sighed, realizing Brock was making a grand gesture to win her back. It was exactly what she had wanted, but a month too late.

  “Not here. This isn’t the place. Call me tomorrow, and we can have coffee.” She offered a small smile and turned to walk away.

  Brock reached out and grabbed her hand to stop her. “Five minutes. Just come outside. Hear me out, and then I’ll leave.”

  Elle hesitated, but she was ready to have him out of her life for good so she could move on.

  Brock led her to the abandoned outside patio. They had decorated the deck with lights and a fire pit that was heating up the small area, but Elle felt chilled being out here with him.

  “Are you cold?” Brock moved forward and rubbed her arms with his hands.

  Elle stepped back, withdrawing from his touch.

  “Okay. Look, Elle. I know I screwed up. I lost myself a bit over the past year.” He pulled at his collar and let out a sigh. “I’m sorry. I know that doesn’t excuse what I did, but it’s true. What we had was real and good. I love you. I’ve never stopped loving you.”

  “THANKS. WE’LL BE OUT by ten o’clock,” Ryan said as he stepped out of the limo and looked at the restaurant ahead. He couldn’t wait to see Elle’s face when she saw the ridiculous limo he had rented for the night. Damn, the things he did to put a smile on her face. Ryan walked through the crowded restaurant, scanning for Elle. He recognized Julia at the bar. She made eye contact with him and waved him over. Reluctantly, he crossed the room until he stood beside her.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” Julia gave him a flirty touch on the arm.

  “Have you seen Elle?” Ryan moved his arm casually to remove her touch without being rude.

  “Elle?” Julia seemed surprised at him looking for her. “I saw her and Brock talking outside. Looks like her little revenge plan worked. I guess she has you to thank for that.” Julia grinned at him.

  Ryan looked from Julia to the patio, confused.

  Julia gave him a knowing look. “When she found out about the ball, she decided to use it as a chance to get him back. I hooked her up with you to get her looking fabulous and voilà! Good work, by the way. Elle looks sensational.”

  Ryan turned away from Julia, not wanting to believe what she’d said. It couldn’t be true. But just like Julia had said, Elle was on the patio, and she wasn’t alone. So that was the Brock of the five missed phone calls… Ryan could tell by their body language that the other man was vying for her. Fists clenched, Ryan marched toward them.

  THE HAIR ON the back of her neck stood up, sending goose bumps across her skin. She barely had time to appreciate how handsome he looked in his suit, before she locked into his fierce brown eyes, causing her to inhale sharply. He was angry. Oh no. She cut Brock off without notice and approached Ryan who stood frozen in the door of the patio.

  “You made it.” She kissed him quickly on the cheek and grabbed for his hand, pulling him into the room. “Ryan, this is Brock.” Elle tried a smile, unsure of what to make of the anger in his eyes.

  Turning abruptly, he yanked her with him, not stopping until they were in a quiet hallway adjacent to the bathrooms. “Is it true?” Ryan kept his voice low, but she could feel the hurt and anger.

  “I’m sorry. I know this looks bad. He just wanted to talk.”

  “Is it true, Elle?” Ryan moved closer to her, leaning in so close he could have kissed her but stopped and searched her eyes instead.

  “Is what true?” She was confused as to why he was so angry. She hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “Did you plan to get Brock back by showing up to this ball and making him jealous?” Ryan spat.

  She felt the color drain from her face. While that had been her plan in the beginning, it wasn’t what had happened.

  “You did all this for him?” Ryan growled, and his jaw clenched.

  She fought for the right words to explain. “No! I mean, yes, at first. It’s why I let Julia set up our first appointment. But everything changed after I met you. Please believe that.” Elle knew she sounded desperate, but she couldn’t believe this was all crashing down just as soon as it was starting.

  She tried to reach out and touch him, but Ryan shot her a menacing look and pulled away. Without another word, he stormed off.

  Elle tried to keep up with his pace as he practically ran across the restaurant to the exit. Damn this tight dress and these stilettos. She wanted to kick off her heels and run after him and make him understand. By the time Elle got outside, there was no sign of him. Luckily she had her purse with her. She would go to his apartment. He had to listen to her. He just had to. Elle pulled out her phone and dialed his number as she entered the parking garage.

  She was temporarily relieved when she heard footsteps behind her. Ryan. He’s come after me. A loud noise echoed through the garage, and then everything went black.


  RYAN HAD THE driver drop him off at the gym. He needed to get in the ring and burn off some of his anger. He couldn’t believe she had used him. And yet she had been very clear that she wasn’t staying in Sweetbriar. That it was only temporary. He had apparently only been needed as a stand-in to get Brock back. Ryan changed in his office and then found Chris and Jake in the ring.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere, man?” Chris gave Ryan a questioning look as he took off his headgear.

  “I need in,” Ryan said gruffly as he entered the ring.

  “Take my spot. I gotta get ready for work anyway.” Jake handed over his gear and climbed through the ropes.

  Ryan stalked Chris in the ring. It wasn’t his usual strategy, especially when going after a bigger, better opponent. He got in one good jab, but then Chris backed him into the ropes, taking advantage of his carelessness.

  “Ryan.” The urgent and desperate tone of Jake’s voice caused Ryan and Chris to stop immediately. Jake’s face was pale and stern. It wasn’t a look of good news.

  “What is it?”

  Jake hesitated, eyeing his friend.

  Ryan’s stomach dropped.

  “There’s been an incident at the restaurant. Elle’s on the way to the hospital.” Jake turned, keys in hand.

  “I’m coming with you,” Ryan said, already beside Jake, his gear tossed aside.

  Jake nodded and answered his phone that had started buzzing.

  Ryan’s head was spinning as he imagined all the worst-case scenarios of what might have happened. All his anger and all the reasons he was so mad at her seemed unimportant now. He should have heard her out. Elle wasn’t the type of person to knowingly hurt someone else.

  Jake hung up the phone and punched the gas, speeding off across town.

  “I’m dropping you off at the hospital and then heading to the scene.”

  “The scene? What the hell happened, Jake?”

  “They found Elle in the parking garage near her car. She’s been shot,” Jake said, not taking his eyes off the road in front of him.

  All the air rushed out of Ryan’s lungs. “Why would someone shoot Elle?”

  Crime wasn’t big in Sweetbriar, but a shooting was even rarer.

  “They aren’t sure yet. The shooter got away. The restaurant has security cameras, so they’re getting those now,” Jake said in his calm cop-voice.

  Ryan slammed his hand down on the dash. “Fuck!”

  “What the hell happened tonight? Why weren’t you there?”

  “I showed up, and she was talking to her ex-boyfriend. Julia told me Elle had planned to try and get him back. It’s why she joined the gym in the first place. She used me to make him jealous,” Ryan said.

  “Look, I don’t know Elle that well, but that doesn’t sound like her. She’s crazy about you. Everyone can see that. When you two are together, it’s like there’s no one else around,” Jake said.

  Ryan balled his hands into fists. This was all his fault. He should have been there. “I screwed up. I lost it when I saw her with another guy. Just the thought of her with someone else. I couldn’t handle it.”

  Jake pulled up to the emergency room door. “I’ll call you as soon as I know more.”

  Ryan stormed into the waiting room and headed for the receptionist desk. “Elle Hastings. I’m her boyfriend. Can you point me in her direction?”

  The girl behind the desk looked up and to the waiting room before looking at him.

  Ryan looked over to meet her gaze. Brock. He must have already given her the same line.

  “Family only, sir. I’m sorry.”

  Ryan confronted Brock. “What happened? Who shot Elle?”

  Brock stood, fire in his eyes. “How the hell should I know? She ran after you when you stormed out. I thought she left with you until I found her in the parking garage.” Brock closed his eyes and sat down. Whatever his feelings for the guy, Ryan knew the scene with Elle must have been hard for him to witness.

  “Have they told you anything yet?” Ryan asked more gently.

  “No. Her mom and dad are in Italy. I left a message for them to call,” Brock said flatly.

  Ryan sat hunched over in his chair, running his hands through his hair. This was all his fault. She had run after him. If he had been with her, this never would have happened. He would never forgive himself if she didn’t come out of this thing okay.

  The minutes seemed to crawl by in the waiting room. Claire, Tori, Chris, Clive, and Amanda had all shown up. They sat in mutual silence, taking turns flipping through magazines, getting coffee, or pacing the floor. Ryan found he couldn’t move from his spot or concentrate on anything. No one had tried to talk to him. Maybe they were all blaming him, too.

  ELLE’S EYES WERE heavy. She tried to open them, but the bright lights pierced her retinas and stabbed her brain. She tried to remember what she was doing. Where was she? Ryan… She was going to Ryan. People moved around her, but Elle couldn’t focus on any one sound or image.

  “Where’s Ryan?” she tried to ask. There was something in her throat, and it burned when she tried to speak. She was starting to get sleepy, the darkness threatening to drag her down. No, she had to find him…

  And then everything went black again.

  THE WAITING ROOM had quieted down. The typical Friday-night rush had come and gone. Ryan had taken little notice of it. The evening had progressed in slow motion, and hardly anything had registered. He sat with his head in his hands replaying the night, remembering how Elle looked in that amazing white dress, her red hair loose around her shoulders. She looked every bit the confident and beautiful woman he had come to love in the past month. He knew earlier today when he had accepted the deal to franchise Fit Club that nothing else mattered. He wanted to start his life with Elle, and he was willing to go wherever he had to for her. I love her.

  It had been nearly three hours since he’d arrived at the hospital, and every s
econd felt heavier.

  The doctor had scarcely walked out of the door before the entire group descended on her.

  “Elle is going to be fine. She’s stable. The bullet grazed her right side, and she hit her head when she fell. We cleaned and bandaged the wounds, but she has a concussion, so we’ll be keeping her overnight. We will run more tests first thing in the morning to see how she’s progressing.”

  “When can we see her?” Ryan asked impatiently

  “They are moving her to a room now. Give them about twenty minutes, and then you can go in. We ask that you keep visits brief and one person at a time in the room.” The doctor nodded and walked back through the emergency room double doors.

  ELLE WOKE TO a thundering headache and a searing pain in her side. For an awful moment, the feeling was so intense she couldn’t open her eyes and was sure she had lost use of them. As she was finally able to breathe through some of the discomfort and peek out of her lids, she took in the scene around her. Hideous floral curtains were shut, tightly covering the window so Elle couldn’t make out if it was day or night. The room was dark except for the light filtering in from the hallway, and a nurse was standing and typing on a small rolling computer beside the bed. In the opposite corner of the room, a tall form was sleeping in what appeared to be an uncomfortable armchair that wasn’t nearly big enough for him. Elle tried to remember what had happened. Pieces of the night seemed to have vanished. She remembered running after Ryan outside the restaurant, but nothing else could be brought to the surface.

  “Elle?” Ryan flew to the side of the bed in one long stride, an anxious expression on his face.

  She couldn’t seem to make her voice work yet, but she offered him a hand. Hopefully, he could forgive her for not telling him about Brock and the ball sooner.

  Ryan took her hand and his offered warmth made her tired again. She heard him talk with the nurse but could no longer understand what was being said as she slipped back into sleep.


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